Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1088: Killing people also requires killing one’s heart (Part 1)


The originally empty Prison Prison was once again filled to the brim with prisoners in just one day. The last time the Heavenly Prison, which has hundreds of cells, was so overcrowded was two years ago. And just like two years ago, many high-ranking officials and their families were thrown into prison this time. What’s more, the Heavenly Prison was so overcrowded. The Prime Minister and the Tutor were also imprisoned in the Zihao Room and the Dizihao Room. This caused many jailers to start to mutter in their hearts. Is there a conflict between these two high-ranking officials recently? How come such high-ranking officials are always being thrown in? Are you waiting to die in jail

Prime Minister Li Gang and Taifu Song Jiang were each assigned a single cell because of their distinguished status. But the treatment of other prisoners was much worse. More than ten people were crammed into almost every cell, including officials from the DPRK and the Central Government, as well as family members of many officials.

In such an environment, they had already guessed what kind of outcome would await them. Almost everyone was crying as if they were mourning for a concubine, and from time to time there would be wailing sounds, which was really unsettling and unbearable.

At this point, even those who firmly supported Li Gang and their plans had completely regretted it. Especially after seeing all their family members arrested and imprisoned to suffer, these officials who were implicated were even more unbearable and began to Continuously insulting Li Gang and Song Jiang was very harmful, and he even regretted his original choice.

In the beginning, only a few people dared to curse like this. After the next day, the cold, damp and smelly environment in the cell finally brought out the evil side in many people's hearts, and the number of people who cursed continued to increase. All kinds of emphatic words from all over the world fermented and stirred up in this closed environment like the bursts of stench, and they were all transmitted into the two cells at the end, making the two masterminds' faces become increasingly ugly.

Only then did Li Gang realize how stupid his decision was. He actually tried to win over these seemingly loyal and fearless guys, but in fact of low character, to join him in killing national traitors and protecting the country. This also made him feel a little more regretful and guilty, especially towards Song Jiang who was silent in front of him.

After enduring for a long time, he finally said: "Taifu Song, if you are angry, you can also scold me. It is true that I have simplified things and dragged you into the water, causing you to be unable to be a good high-ranking official of the imperial court. , but now he is a prisoner on death row awaiting punishment."

Song Jiang, who had a face as old as an ancient well, didn't sigh softly until he finished speaking for a while: "No wonder Prime Minister Li, Song Jiang ended up like this because he wanted to make ends meet for both public and private matters. I think I, Song Jiang, have been taught by my father since I was a child. Be a person who is both loyal and filial, and upright. But if you think about it carefully, in the early years, you were useless and could only work in the county government. Later, you even went astray and ended up in Liangshan. I thought that this would be the case in this life. , I can only bring shame to my ancestors, but in the end God has been kind to me, and I finally have the opportunity to serve my country.

"In those few years, I, Song Jiang, finally performed my best and served the country. Unexpectedly, I finally discovered that the person I had been working for turned out to be a more unworthy existence than Cai Jing, Gao Qiu and others. Those treacherous sycophants also used power for personal gain and committed corruption. He just took bribes, but Sun Tu was a truly ambitious man. He could treat the king as a puppet and regard the world as his own. His ambition was as great as that of Cao Cao and Wang Mang!

"Even if you, Prime Minister Li, don't ask me to fight against these traitors, I, Song Jiang, will still think about eliminating harm for the country.

So I don’t blame you, I can only blame the unfairness of heaven for us to end up in failure. After all, I underestimated the thief Sun Tu, but I didn’t expect that he would see through my plan early on and take advantage of it... "

After saying this, Li Gang also sighed. In fact, in this change of circumstances, he could be considered to have experienced the horror of Sun Tu. Just look at the generals who suddenly defected. Their deep thoughts and ruthless methods are beyond what I and others can deal with.

He was only halfway through sighing when he was interrupted by a faint voice from the front: "I didn't expect that Song Gongming has always regarded me as an enemy. It's really sad."

This made Li Gang and Song Jiang suddenly shaken. When they squinted carefully, they discovered that there were several figures standing in the dark prison corridor at this moment. The person who spoke first was the biggest winner. They That damn national traitor Sun Tu you’re talking about!

It was also because the two of them were disturbed by their own minds that they didn't notice that the place had become quiet at some point, and no one started yelling or cursing. This was of course because everyone discovered that Sun Tu had brought people and did not dare to be presumptuous. At this time, he was in the darkness, and it was hard to see the expression on his face. Only his eyes were shining with a strange light, staring at Song Jiang: "I think I have done my best to you, by my side." Among the many brothers, you, Song Jiang, have the highest status, even higher than Tong Mu. But not only do you not know how to repay me, but you join forces with people with ulterior motives to kill me. Is this what you, Song Jiang, mean by loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness?"

Being glared at by Sun Tuna, Song Jiang felt a chill rising from his back. But soon, he suppressed this emotion and looked back at Sun Tu without any hesitation: "Since you have heard it all, why bother to ask more questions? There is no conflict between you and me. , it’s natural for me to be your enemy.”

"Okay, what a good Han thief." Sun Tu sighed softly, took two more steps forward, and showed the same expressionless face. Obviously, Song Jiang's answer did not make him angry: "Say To be honest, I haven't been able to understand a simple truth until now. Why can't you understand it? What is the most important thing in this country? Is it the useless fool who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun in the palace, or the people all over the world? Common people?"

"Insolent, Sun Tu, how dare you comment on the emperor like this, you..." Li Gang suddenly changed his color and shouted angrily, but before he was halfway out of his words, Sun Tu shouted back: "Am I wrong? Zhao Ji has succeeded him since How many things have you done to benefit the country and the people since you took office? On the contrary, for decades, you have continuously increased taxes, re-employed traitors such as Cai Jing and Gao Qiu, and even listened to slander and created a trick that made the people of Jiangnan miserable and forced the Fangla Rebellion. Tsunalai... All these things are what a wise king should do. Is it wrong to say that he is a foolish king?"

These words made Li Gang's heart beat violently, but he couldn't come up with a retort. He could only say after taking a deep breath: "Even so, it is not a reason for you to slander the king with your ministers. This is a serious crime of bullying the king! "

"Deceiving the emperor?" Sun Tu curled his lips and said disdainfully: "I've done it all, am I still afraid of saying it?"

" really admitted that you have evil intentions and are a traitor to the country!" Song Jiang also immediately seized the opportunity and shouted: "That's why I will fight against you at all costs. This is the nature of a courtier."

Well, you have no right to accuse! "

"That's why I said you are really stupid, because until today, you still only put your so-called loyalty to one person, instead of being loyal to the entire country and nation." Sun Tu sighed, shook his head and said, "The people are the most precious. , the country is the second best, and the king is the least important. The ancient saints have already made it very clear, but you still don’t know how to adapt to it. No wonder you have ended up like today.

"For me, the king or the court is just a prerequisite to ensure that the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment. If they can't even do this, then they are not worth my maintenance and there is no need to exist. I I am only loyal to this idea in my heart. I just want to seek some benefits for the people of the world and do something within my ability for the prosperity of the Han people. Do you know that without me, Sun Tu, the Jin army would have been destroyed a few years ago? We have entered Tokyo, the Song Dynasty has long since perished, and the so-called emperor in your mouth will become a plaything captive in the hands of the barbarians. And what I have done is to save countless people and this country and nation!"

"This is nonsense!" The two shouted loudly in unison. Even at this time, they still could not accept Sun Tu's strange theory.

Sun Tu didn't mean to blame them, he just smiled and shook his head. What he said was clearly the truth and the direction shown by the original history, but now no one would believe it. Who told the Jin people that they had beaten them so badly two or three years ago that they could only huddle in a corner of the northeast? In fact, even in the original history, before the Jin people really attacked Tokyo, no one in the world would believe that the seemingly prosperous and powerful Song Dynasty would be destroyed by an inconspicuous small tribe.

Looking at the stubborn two people, Sun Tu stopped trying to persuade them. He just calmed down and said: "Song Jiang, I came here today just to tell you the fact that your loyalty is completely wrong. The court has decided I will punish you by decapitating the city and annihilating the three tribes!"

When these words came out of Sun Tu's mouth, everyone in the prison was stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears. No matter how prepared they were, those people never imagined that they would end up like this, let alone accept such a miserable ending. If Sun Tu hadn't still been here, I'm afraid these people's insults to Li Gang would have been a hundred times stronger and more vicious than before.

Even Song Jiang and Li Gang were completely stunned at this time. Destroying the three tribes means that the parents, wives and tribesmen with whom he has the closest relationship will be implicated and die. There are too many people implicated. Perhaps Song Jiang is just a little lucky that he has not married a wife yet, but he has less trouble with other members of his clan.

But whenever he thought that his parents' tombs would also be implicated, as well as his brother Song Qing in Yuncheng, he felt pain again and fell into a trance. As for Li Gang, the situation is worse than him. He has five sons in court and in his hometown. They have not benefited from him in the slightest, but now they are going to die because of this, and his deceased wife's family...

Seeing the performance of the two of them and listening to the crying of those around him, Sun Tu finally felt better. The purpose of his coming here is not only to kill everyone, but also to kill people and kill their hearts. He just wants to make these enemies regret their original decision, so that even if they die, they will never have peace!