Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1089: To kill someone is to punish your heart (Part 2)


Of course, the heart-killing doesn't stop there. Because Sun Tu knew very well that with their character, just threatening the life and death of their family members was not enough to completely break them down, and they had to take drastic measures. So after Song and Jiang calmed down a little, he said: "There is another point that I think you must not be able to understand until now, that is why you were defeated so completely, and how did I do it?" I am fully aware of all your actions and arranged them calmly."

Sure enough, after hearing this, the expressions of the two people changed again, and their breathing tightened. Especially Song Jiang, who asked hoarsely: "How on earth did you do this?" He asked himself He was careful enough, but Sun Tu had completely grasped him early on, and even laid a trap early.

Sun Tuxiao looked at Li Gang in the other cell: "It seems that you two haven't told each other in detail how you failed and were captured, otherwise I think you should have guessed the answer."

Song Jiang was stunned. He really hadn't discussed this with Li Gang in detail. After all, he was already in prison, so why bother talking about these sad things again? Li Gang also suddenly understood something at this moment, and immediately exclaimed: "It was those brothers who you said could be completely trusted who suddenly switched sides in front of the battle and attacked and killed General Guan Sheng. This led to my defeat and capture. …”

"What?" Song Jiang was dumbfounded. He threw himself forward, grabbed the thick wooden bars of the cell with both hands, and stared at Sun Tu: "You actually... actually bribed them early in the morning?"

Sun Tu still looked calm and calm: "Is this difficult? Meng Kang, Bao Xu and others were indeed your sworn brothers in Liangshanbo back then, but I want to ask you, do you really understand them? Are you treating them as brothers who can be trusted with life and death? You actually expect them to work hard for you. Do you think that just a few words from you can make them depend on each other for life and death, and even risk the lives of your family, wife and children? Wake up. , you can’t even stand up for yourself, why should you let them risk your life for your ambition?”

Song Jiang was dumbfounded by these words, but he couldn't even utter a word of rebuttal. Because what Sun Tu said was indeed reasonable. Meng Kang, Bao Xu and other old brothers in Liangshan did not have a close relationship with them, and he had no idea what their demands were now. It's just because he needs the help of people with military power this time, and they happen to be brothers at the time, and they are not in high positions now, so he takes it for granted that Akatsuki can make them work for him by moving them with affection. Used... But now it seems that I have kept things simple.

Sun Tu's words continued: "I know why you would put your idea on their heads, because in your opinion they will not be satisfied with their current official status. After all, they also accompanied me in the north and south campaigns and established the imperial court. They have made a lot of achievements, but in the end they mostly just hung out and received a modest salary in the military camp. This is obviously inconsistent with any of the great ambitions you have talked about in the past. So you have determined that they can be The object of attraction.

"But have you ever thought about it? In fact, the vast majority of people in this world do not have great ambitions. All they want is to live a stable life and have a serious business that can make their family worry-free about food and clothing. And This is definitely not a problem for Meng Kang and others today. They even have official positions.

At least he is a respected veteran in the military camp.

"Now, you actually let them raise their heads to rebel against you. It's a shame you can think of it! People like them are destined to be ordinary officials. They can't do it and don't want to be big shots. In this case, they are doing well. Isn’t it good to live the life you are living now? Why should I put my head in my belt and take risks with you? This is the biggest mistake you have ever made!”

Song Jiang's already ugly face was now as pale as paper, and his body began to weaken and tremble. Finally, he slowly fell down and sat down. His whole body seemed to have been drained of energy. Yes, I was full of ambitions, but I obviously underestimated other people's desire to live a stable life. In this way, I made a fatal mistake from the beginning. It's ridiculous that I was full of hope for this before, but now that I think about it, it's really wishful thinking and just talk on paper.

Even Li Gang fell into self-doubt at this moment. This was the case with Song Jiang, but what about the person he was looking for? Is what he sees as the right path really that important to others? The answer actually appeared in the curses of the prisoners around him.

Sun Tu smiled. He could see that this blow truly defeated their last hold on: "So you have taken the wrong path from the beginning, and it is natural that you should lose like this."

"No, there is still a problem with this matter..." Song Jiang suddenly thought of something else: "How do you know that I have not met them in person?"

"Why, haven't you figured it out yet? They are not the only ones who are unwilling to risk the whole family being killed with you to rebel. Whoever you ask to contact them is the one who betrayed you."

"Wu... use..." Song Jiang almost trembled and called out the name of the person he trusted the most. His eyes were full of disbelief, and he immediately shouted: "This is impossible! Military Commander Wu has always had a close friendship with me. We It's been a life-and-death friendship for decades, how could could he betray me like this?"

"So I said you still don't understand those brothers too well, or maybe because of your status, you have begun to distance yourself from the brothers in the past... No, let me tell you, in fact, Song Jiang has never really regarded them as brothers. You have been brothers, but you have been acting and pretending to be a righteous big brother. In fact, you have always been a selfish villain at heart, using every means to take advantage of others and seeking more benefits for yourself!" When Sun Tu said these words, he thought of the Song Jiang he knew.

That timely rain Song Gongming, on the surface, seemed to be really generous, anxious for justice, and even willing to take risks for his brothers. But in fact, all this was just a way for him to gain a reputation in the world. Whether before or after he went up the mountain, he never really regarded himself as a person in the world. He only wanted to improve himself in the officialdom. .

That's why he accepted the recruitment against all odds when Liangshan was at its peak, and then exchanged the blood and lives of countless sworn brothers for his bright future. It's a pity that his structure is too small and his status is too low. He has no strength at all in the court. With all the brothers dead and scattered, once his useful value is exhausted, there is only a dead end. .

And now, although many things have changed, even his identity is completely different.

The same, but his character has not changed at all. He is still the selfish person who only cares about himself and does not care about others!

Song Jiang listened blankly and wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to refute. Sun Tu did not give him another such opportunity and continued: "Even Wu Yong, who you keep claiming to be your confidant, I'm afraid you don't know him very well. You don't even know that he remarried two years ago. And he gave birth to a son last year. You don’t even know how he regards this old son as the apple of his eye and loves him in every possible way. Because you can’t understand that these things that are just a burden to you are very important to you. How important it is to others!

"Unlike you, they have no wife, no children, no worries, so they can do whatever they want boldly and boldly. They need to consider the consequences. Even a wise man like Wu Yong cannot follow this common sense. The Chinese Super League broke out. So from the moment you approached Wu Yong and told him everything, you were doomed to fail, because he would never risk rebellion for the sake of his wife and children.

"On the contrary, after he learned about your plot, he told me early. If I hadn't wanted to see what tricks you could play, I'm afraid there wouldn't have been this chaos today."

This is the most desperate thing. It turns out that he has failed from the beginning. It turns out that everything about him has been controlled by Sun Tu for a long time. It's ridiculous that I'm still dreaming about the glory after it's done. Looking back now, it's so ironic.

Song Jiang almost collapsed to the ground, but he couldn't help but ask: "Since you knew our plan early on, why did you wait until the end and let us launch it..."

"Because I want to completely dig out and eliminate those unstable factors in the imperial court. If I had taken you and Li Gang down early, not only would it be difficult to explain to the world, but it would also leave many hidden dangers. Those who are dissatisfied with me, How can people who are hostile to me jump out again once they see you defeated? So this time I will use your conspiracy to attract them all, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

"After this, no one in the court dares to be my enemy. Speaking of which, I really want to remember you for your merits. That's why I will ask Your Majesty to issue an order to destroy you and other three clans, and put your Beheading and abandoning the market can be regarded as fulfilling your wish to let His Majesty make the decision."

At this point, Li Gang and Song Jiang were truly desperate. It turned out that they had been manipulated by Sun Tu. It turned out that the victory they thought they had was just an illusion created by Sun Tu to eliminate the opponents in the DPRK. So from the beginning to the end, , I don’t have even the slightest chance of winning.

The so-called killing of the heart is nothing more than this, which makes them even want to die. However, now that he is in prison, he cannot even commit suicide.

Finally, Sun Tu added another sentence: "There is one more thing I want to thank you for. If it weren't for you, how could I have dug out the biggest enemy that has been hidden for many years? Di Huchen, he was really hidden too deeply. Two years have passed, and no one from the Imperial City Department has been able to find any clues or evidence about him."

By coincidence, when Sun Tu walked out of the prison, he happened to catch a glimpse of Di Yingyang, who was waiting there anxiously. He immediately understood the purpose of his wife's brother-in-law's visit, and the smile on his face quickly dissipated.