Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1094: A Different Imperial Examination (Part 2)


Many people had doubts on their faces, even entangled and confused. They wanted to ask Sun Tu loudly - Is this the end? In today's palace examination, apart from writing such a policy essay, is there no other opportunity to show off their talents

It’s okay to cancel poetry, lyrics, and other poems, but it’s really hard for them to accept that even the examinations on classics and history books have been cancelled. Is this still an imperial examination? You must know that in the past, everyone has been concentrating on reading classic articles that spoke for the saints. Isn’t it possible that the things learned in these ten years of hard work are not used today

If it weren't for the fact that he was now in the palace, facing the high-ranking, powerful and intimidating Captain Sun, I'm afraid someone would jump up and raise questions at this moment. But even if no one said anything, the tangled look on everyone's faces could not be concealed.

Sun Tu looked at the candidates with a smile, pretended not to see his strange expression, and continued: "In addition, this palace examination can use ancient Chinese and colloquial styles of composition, and you will not be awarded because of a certain style of writing. Greater preferential treatment, so all candidates are asked to show their strengths and submit an essay that satisfies everyone."

After a pause, he said again: "Okay, it's almost time, let's get started. You can compose today before Xu Shi, so I won't waste your time." After he finished speaking, he There were guards and others who distributed copies of the Four Treasures of the Study to each candidate's desk. In addition, there is a food box, which contains all the food, drinks, and fruits used by the officials of the DPRK and the Central Government on a daily basis, which can be regarded as a kind of preferential treatment for the candidates.

It's just that the vast majority of candidates no longer have the heart to pay attention to these details. They can feel that Sun Tu is determined and will not change it just because of changes in their expressions. Stop taking the exam? That is even more unrealistic. Don't say they don't have such courage. Even if they do, in the examination room of this palace examination, they are so close to success. Who would be willing to let go of such a great opportunity

Even the most confident candidates would not dare to say that they can pass the Jinshi exam in this subject, and that they can take the next subject again, and their results will definitely be better than this year. You must know that the imperial examination status of the Song Dynasty is not lifelong. After this time, you will have to retake the provincial examination for the next subject. What's more, maybe the next imperial examination will be like this again

So in the end, after struggling for a while, these candidates finally stopped thinking about these difficulties. Instead, they focused on the test questions themselves and began to formulate articles. They thought about how to write a beautifully worded article that would satisfy Sun Taiwei and the court officials. A satisfactory article is coming.

While others were still struggling with that series of issues, Cai Qi had already started to conceive of his article in high spirits. He was one of the very few candidates who was excited by Sun Tu's introduction. Whether he didn't have to write in ancient Chinese or this topic was very to his liking.

As a small official in a small county in Zhuji, he still has access to many official documents and newspapers related to the imperial court on weekdays, and he often uses this to make some of his own judgments. Perhaps these things were not worth putting in the court, and they were not adopted by the county magistrate, but he still enjoyed them and wrote several articles at home.

When he arrived at the examination room today, Cai Qi felt that this was a complete expression.

With the opportunity of seeing something in his mind, coupled with his own obsession with arithmetic, he might be able to write an article that will make people's eyes shine.

At that moment, he no longer hesitated. He laid out paper and polished ink, imagining ideas and writing at the same time. It was clear and coherent, and the writing flew away. It’s just that as the article continues to deepen, more arithmetic needs to be used, and at this moment there is no arithmetic around, the only way is to calculate by pinching fingers, which naturally slows down his writing of the article. speed. But these data are what he values the most, so no matter how difficult it is, Cai Qi does not relax at all, he just keeps immersing himself in calculation and writing.

Compared with him, the other candidates who were a beat behind him before moved much faster. Since these people can enter the palace examination stage, their talents and learning are naturally extremely high. Even if they are not good at writing policy questions, it is not difficult for them. As long as they have what they have in mind, they can write a piece of rhetoric from the pen. Beautiful, catchy and beautiful article.

During this period, Sun Tu also walked around the examination room casually, and then went outside with some officials. He first handled the official business at hand, and then chatted with Tong Mu and others: "You guys said How many talents can the imperial court select from today’s imperial examination?”

"It's hard to say this. I heard that all the truly outstanding soldiers in Jiangnan this year have been exhausted, and the ones who can come are just trying to make up the numbers, so it's not easy to select some useful talents." An official said with a not so good look on his face. .

His words naturally meant that he was complaining about Sun Tu's previous decision, but it was not a big mistake, because over the years, Jiangnan was indeed the land of culture and culture in the Song Dynasty, and the candidates from there were the most successful in every imperial examination.

After hearing this, Sun Tu just smiled and didn't bother much. Instead, he looked at Tong Mu: "What do you think?"

"It's very difficult." Tong Mu also shook his head: "Civil and martial arts are incomprehensible, and the questions you asked are too general. They are not something that these candidates who only read the books of sages and don't ask other people can understand, let alone let them I have come up with an idea to write a satisfactory article. Although your requirements are not high, it is difficult to achieve it if you just say something meaningful and make sense."

Sun Tu shook his head and said: "I don't think there is any need to be so pessimistic. There are so many talented people in the world. Since there are people who only know how to sing the wind and the moon or study hard, there are naturally people who know practical things. I don't believe there is no such candidate in the palace today. .”

After another pause, he said seriously: "In addition, the rules for the palace examination that I suddenly decided today are also preparations for the future. The method of selecting officials through the imperial examination in the Song Dynasty should also change. We can't just rely on good articles. It’s up to you to decide what’s wrong, but you should learn from the strengths of others.”

"How do you say this?" Tong Mu suddenly became interested and asked. The other officials looked awkward and wanted to say something, but finally endured it.

Sun Tu didn't pay attention to the strange looks of others, and expressed his idea: "What is the purpose of taking official positions through the imperial examination? It is to recruit talented people for the court, not to find literary giants and poets. So in my opinion, writing an article is of course Important, but not necessary. As for the Ming Jing Ke examination, which only tests the familiarity with those classics and history books, it is even more unnecessary.

“Now what the court and officials at all levels want is to be able to implement

If you are a good person, you should examine this point when recruiting scholars. For example, the Ministry of Personnel asked them to write essays based on their promotion of officials and the overall situation of the government; the Ministry of Punishments asked them to write essays on the topic of judging cases; as for the Ministry of Households, it was even simpler. If they could not even do arithmetic, If you don't, you won't be qualified to join the household department. In addition, you must have a certain understanding of the income of the Song Dynasty, taxes in various places, etc. All of these are the most correct and direct way to select scholars through the imperial examination. I don't know, everyone. What do you think? "

After listening to his long speech, even Tong Mu was a little stunned and didn't know how to express it for a long time. In the end, I could only sigh: "Sun Taiwei is indeed far-sighted and far-sighted, beyond what we can match. But this way, the imperial examination will be very different from the past."

"Yes, but it is more suitable for finding the best talents. Today's science is just the beginning. I have decided to spend ten or twenty years to change everything." Sun Tu said again leisurely.

Time passed quickly, and the sky slowly became dark. Thick candles were lit in the side hall where the examination room was located, and small candles were lit on each candidate's desk to illuminate them as they continued. composition. During this period, many candidates had finished writing their essays, submitted them and left the palace.

Seeing this, Sun Tu stopped chatting and returned to the examination room, casually reading through the candidates' articles. If nothing else is said about these candidates, this stroke of writing is quite beautiful. When it falls on the paper, it looks like the printing of later generations without any deviation. The words are regular and can penetrate the back of the paper. This alone is not what Sun Tu can do. arrive.

But after Sun Tu read the contents, his brows slowly wrinkled. There are almost no meaningful articles in the imagination. Each article is full of empty talk and praises. They just blindly praise how powerful the Song Dynasty is today and how invincible the heavenly soldiers of the Song Dynasty are. This Northern Expedition is inevitable. Can achieve victory and so on.

It would be fine if only one or two people wrote like this. Sun Tu would just listen to flattery, which would be interesting. But when the dozens of articles at hand actually contained such content, he couldn't accept it. If it were just an article like this, no matter how beautiful the diction was, how accurate the allusions were, and how powerful the momentum was, it would not be worth mentioning at all.

What's even more troublesome for him is that when the time comes, he will have to select the best three from these dozens of articles to determine the second and third overall picks. This is really ridiculous.

Feeling depressed, Sun Tu didn't want to stay in the palace anymore, so he went out and walked around again before returning. Then I was a little surprised to find that the entire examination room was empty, with only one person still writing an article with his head down. Moreover, the way this person writes is quite strange. From time to time he stops writing and curls his fingers, as if he is calculating something.

And because he was the only one left in the examination room, he felt even more flustered. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he looked really embarrassed.

At this time, the small candle on his desk was almost burning out. The flames flickered, making his heart sink again. He quickly reached out to protect the light, for fear that it would suddenly go out. At this moment, footsteps came together, a long candle was delivered, and a majestic yet gentle voice followed: "Don't be anxious, there is still time, write slowly."