Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1098: The End of Zhao and Song Dynasties (Part 1) Gongshenbao


Once something that has not yet come true has been confirmed by countless people and is often mentioned, the day may come true not far away.

Today, such a thing is happening in various places in the Song Dynasty. From high-ranking officials to low-ranking traders and pawns, countless people are talking about whether Taiwei Sun, who has already monopolized power and has a great reputation, will take that step. Replace that fatuous king Zhao Ji.

In the beginning, such statements only appeared in private situations, and no one dared to say them in public. However, as time went by, especially after entering November and December, when the Northern Expedition was victorious, the Liao and Xia wars caused great damage to the vitality of both sides, and the news spread that the Song Dynasty had truly controlled a large area of land and cities in the Liao Kingdom. Once the argument is made it can no longer be contained.

Things are better here in Tokyo. Once you leave the capital, you can always hear some people talking loudly, whether in the streets or in taverns, using various facts and history to deduce that Taiwei Sun will definitely be here. Within these two years, the emperor was deposed and he established himself, thus completely replacing the Song Dynasty.

What is particularly surprising is that when this statement became popular, the people of the world did not have the slightest objection. Perhaps some conservative so-called loyal ministers would privately scold Sun Tu for his wolfish ambitions, but the vast majority of people behaved happily. Seeing the success, it seems to them that Sun Tu proclaiming himself emperor is a natural thing, and it will only bring benefits but no harm to everyone.

This cannot but be said to be the tragedy of Zhao Ji and the Song Dynasty court, because by this time, even the general public no longer stood with them. But in the final analysis, this is the bitter wine brewed by Zhao Ji himself. His greed, selfishness, and wanton behavior have made the people of the Song Dynasty suffer a lot in the past few years, and they have long been desperate and alienated from him. Therefore, when a better candidate appears, everyone is naturally more willing to let Sun Tu, a good official who serves the country and the people, be the leader of the world.

When this trend began to spread within the imperial court, many officials became interested. After entering the twelfth lunar month, some officials were communicating with each other privately, planning to find an opportunity to persuade Sun Tu to join. Some even began to have their thoughts on Prime Minister Tong Mu, hoping that he would take the lead in persuading him to join.

In this regard, Tong Mu, who was Sun Tu's strongest ally, did not nod. Instead, he seemed to stay out of the matter. Could it be that he wanted to avoid suspicion? Or is it that Sun Tu wants to be Cao Cao and doesn't want to bear the bad reputation of someone who uses his subordinates to usurp the throne

But that's not right. The reason why Cao Cao did not take the final step was because there were still two powerful enemies in the world at that time, Dongwu and Xishu. He was afraid that once he usurped the throne, he would give those two sides the opportunity to The excuse was to join forces and send troops, so I chose to endure it.

But the overall situation of the world now is completely different from that of the late Han Dynasty. Under the leadership of Sun Taiwei, the Song Dynasty was unprecedentedly powerful. Even foreign enemies such as Liao, Jin and Xixia had lost their threat and could only linger on the sidelines. What else did he have? What about those who are worried? He is not the kind of person who really values reputation above all else. Nowadays, what is the popular trend? Why not just go with the flow and replace the Zhao family

When all kinds of speculations were endless, the time came again on the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month, which was the last day of the court meeting this year.

In the early morning, countless officials gathered in the palace and entered the Daqing Palace in neat lines to meet the emperor.

Since then, Zhao Ji has been under house arrest in the palace by Sun Tu.

After almost no real power, the twice-monthly court meetings were no longer held by batches of officials with different identities as in the past. Instead, all officials in the capital gathered together in one hall, and then each spent half of the month. All major issues that need to be dealt with are revealed.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is just a formality. It just allows the emperor Zhao Ji to show his face in front of the ministers. As for the decision-making power, he has no decision-making power at all. All military and political affairs had been handled by the Political Hall and the Privy Council long ago. At this moment, he was just making arrangements, even worse than the puppet.

When the ministers were paying homage, Zhao Ji, who was sitting high on the throne, felt a little confused and strange in his eyes. After looking at everything in the hall for a long time, he waved his hands and said, "You are free from all courtesy. Today there are What do you want to report?"

This kind of thing has happened more than ten or twenty times this year, and the ministers are familiar with it. At that moment, an official came out of the ministers' class and expressed some of his ideas in public, and then the ministers discussed it and decided what to do. Make the final decision.

It seemed that everything in this court meeting was the same as in the past. The only thing that was a little strange was that the emperor above seemed a little strange. He was always distracted. Sometimes he needed to be shouted out several times by his ministers before he came back to his senses, and then he looked like a puppet on strings. He nodded: "If what you say is true, then just act accordingly."

This kind of performance naturally makes people feel a little weird, but when they think about Zhao Ji's situation in the past few years, everyone feels relieved. Whoever it was, if he had been such a puppet emperor who couldn't do anything, he would have felt frustrated and powerless, and would have lost his mind.

Everyone thought the same way until the meeting was about to end. But in the end, just when everyone thought that this year's grand meeting was over, Zhao Ji finally spoke: "My dear friends, please leave soon. I... I also have something to announce."

"Huh?" The courtiers were stunned, and then many of them turned their attention to Sun Tu and Tong Mu - the emperor suddenly made such a move, won't you two stop him

As a result, Sun Tu and the two people really didn't react at all. They didn't even blink their eyes and still stood quietly in front of them. In this way, others finally understood. I am afraid that the two of them were behind the emperor's actions. If this is the case, this matter may be...

Just as everyone was looking at Zhao Ji in astonishment and nervousness, he had already stood up and said: "Since I took the throne, I have done many wrong things, which has made the people of our Song Dynasty suffer, the people's livelihood is in decline, and the national power is declining, so much so that I was almost killed. The invasion by foreign enemies such as the Liao and Jin Dynasties caused great disasters to thousands of people. All these things are my fault, and I feel ashamed and regretful.

"Thanks to God, I, the Han descendant, have great ministers like Sun Tutong Mu and countless soldiers fighting in front to turn the tide before it falls and help the building from falling. Only then can the world of Song Dynasty be saved and let The people can live and work in peace and contentment.

"However, even so, it cannot eliminate the various mistakes I have committed as a human king, especially the mistakes I made by trusting Cai Jing, Gao Qiu and other treacherous villains. Even if it is recorded in the history of Qing Dynasty, I will be laughed at by everyone in the world. , I am really ashamed to be the king of the world. I have failed the ancestors of heaven and earth, I have no face to the ministers and the people, and I am incapable of making the Song Dynasty a step further. Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to abdicate and let the virtuous and talented people For you…”

Listening to Zhao Ji slowly explain his decision to give up the position of emperor.

Even though the ministers had been well prepared, everyone was still shocked. In an instant, the entire Daqing Hall fell into absolute silence. Everyone's expressions changed, and they didn't know how to react. How many people should react? The person's body was trembling constantly, as if he had suddenly become shaken by a cold or fever.

No one expected that such a big event would happen so suddenly, and the emperor directly announced that he was going to abdicate without even a brief discussion with his ministers. After a while, many people turned their attention to Sun Tu again. Some had smiles on their faces, some had complicated expressions, and some could not hide their sorrow and anger. Is this the end

Zhao Ji was not in good spirits. After saying that he was about to give up his seat, his throat tightened. He did not fully say who he would give up his seat to in the end, and there was deep sadness in his eyes. As the king of a country, he finally had to take the initiative to abdicate. For him, this was not only a complete loss of power, but also the greatest insult since ancient times. He really deserves to be the ancestors of the Zhao family. …

The sad look on the emperor's face stirred up the mood of all the ministers. Even those who were happy to see Sun Tu replace Zhao Ji as emperor now felt sad instead of happy at all. After all, the status of king and minister for many years is not so easy to give up, even if this king really does not have the behavior and appearance of a wise king.

As for those officials who were still loyal to Zhao and Song, they were even more sad and angry. Finally, after a period of silence, one person suddenly stood up, looked directly at Sun Tu and shouted: "Sun Taiwei, you are so brave, you are really going to force His Majesty." Will I give up the throne to you? Do you know what this kind of behavior means? This is treason, and it will be spurned by the world and despised by all people in the world. Since ancient times, there has never been a usurper who can win the beauty. Ming, as a human minister, do you really want to do such a treasonous act?"

When this person talked about being excited, his beard and hair stood out, and his fingers kept pointing towards Sun Tu, without any sign of fear at all. When everyone saw this, they didn't feel much respect, but thinking about it, maybe in the court now, he was the only veteran minister of several dynasties who dared to directly rebuke the powerful Sun Taiwei. Because he was Zhang Jian, the Minister of Rites, a veteran minister who was about the same age as Cai Jing and had survived three dynasties.

Faced with such accusations and even insults, Sun Tu seemed quite calm and showed no signs of anger. He just said: "Zhang Shangshu, why did you say this? I have never said that I would usurp the throne of the emperor. You said that Isn’t it too casual?”

"Isn't it true that Your Majesty was forced to abdicate the throne by you, and this throne belongs to you alone?" Zhang Jianhan said loudly with a cold face.

"Zhang Laoshangshu, you are too impatient. You accuse me of being your enemy before you understand the matter. It is not like your past behavior." Sun Tu still shook his head and said calmly: "Listen to what your Majesty said. Yes, it’s too late to make any judgment in the end.”

At this time, everyone including Zhang Jian showed an even weirder look, and then they all looked at Zhao Ji. If the throne had not been given to Sun Tu, who else could it have been given to? There used to be a prince, but wasn't he later deposed? Could there be other better candidates? But even if it happened, would Sun Tu allow such a thing to happen


The penultimate day after the book ends. . . . So please vote again. . . .