Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1100: Looking for Traces and Discussing the Ancients (2) Xieyue Qianyao


"Explore the ancient relics of the past dynasties and discuss the vicissitudes of history. Hello everyone, welcome to the new season of "Tracing and Discussing the Ancients". I am the host Xiao Cai.

“In this season’s Tracking and Discussing the Ancients, we will not only visit and excavate the original sites of various historical sites, but also go to major museums across the country to lead everyone to experience up close the beauty of hundreds and thousands of years of antiques, as well as the treasures hidden deep here. The touching stories behind each antique.

"Today we are going to the National Museum in the capital. What antiques with deep historical charm we will see here. Please follow my steps to reveal their faces little by little."

As the opening remarks were finished, the scene quickly switched to the National Museum in an antique environment. After a long shot showed the faces of each collection of the largest museum in the country, the camera finally focused on several paintings hidden in glass. Inside the cabinet, the beautiful paintings and calligraphy appeared, and then the camera quickly focused, not only showing the pictures and fonts in the clearest form, but also showing a close-up of the label on the glass cabinet - Yue. Zhao Ji's calligraphy and painting.

After a few seconds, the screen returned to the host. At this time, there was a man in his fifties with semi-thin hair and gold-rimmed glasses beside him: "This man next to me must be someone who pays close attention to me all the time." Audiences of our program will definitely recognize him at first sight. Yes, he is Professor Mei Cirenmei, a scholar of Song and Liao history. Professor Mei, please say hello to the audience and netizens first."

"Hello, viewers, I am Mei Ciren. I am very happy to meet you all again." Mei Ciren is also a regular guest on this show, so he behaved quite casually, smiling and talking, and waving at the same time. Take action.

"The antiquities we are going to appreciate and discuss today are these ancient paintings. Moreover, this was what Professor Mei suggested to the column team before. But do I know if these paintings have any special significance?"

"Then I'm going to test you, Xiao Cai. Do you know who the author of these paintings and calligraphy is, Zhao Ji?"

"Is Zhao Ji from Yue? Haha, although I am not a person who specializes in studying history, I still know about the last emperor of the Song Dynasty. But why is it not written about Song and Zhao Ji here, but Yue?"

"It seems that you are still very familiar with the history of the Song, Liao and subsequent Yue dynasties. As for why you write it like this, it is naturally because these works were written by Zhao Ji after he was deprived of the emperor's position and became Song Xiangong of the Yue Kingdom. Painted, so from a historical perspective, we can no longer use Zhao Ji of the Song Dynasty to make an introduction, which the museum staff has done very carefully."

"So that's the case. This can be regarded as an increase of knowledge."

"There is also a little trick I can teach you here on how to identify Zhao Ji's authentic works. After all, the calligraphy and painting market has been a hot spot in the collection industry in recent years. Great ancient calligraphers and painters like Zhao Ji once had the status of emperors, so What's even more incredible is his later flower-and-bird and thin gold calligraphy. We can pay attention to the signature and seal at the bottom. If the inscription above is "One World", it must be fake. Because that was when he was still on the throne of the emperor. In the later period, people could only use the seals of "Xian" or "Chen Ji". This was always confused by people before, so many fake calligraphy and paintings could be identified."

"I see. It seems that one day I will have five million to buy his paintings and calligraphy, and I will be able to use them." Xiao Cai said with a smile.

Said, causing Mei Ciren to laugh at the same time.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Next, let's ask Professor Mei to tell us the historical stories behind these ancient paintings."

"Okay." After Mei Ciren nodded, the camera cut again, but he had already taken out several paintings and calligraphy from the cabinet, and he also put on white gloves in his hands. He kept pointing at those paintings and calligraphy, and slowly elaborated on their artistic value. After a while, he commented: "It can be said that these paintings and calligraphy from Zhao Ji's later period are all top-notch national treasures. From these paintings and calligraphy, we can see that his artistic attainments had reached the pinnacle at that time.

"And it is said that Zhao Ji's artistic talent is not limited to calligraphy and painting. He has made significant contributions to stone carving, forest garden construction, and even rhythmic dance. Up to now, there are still several ancient dances passed down from him. . If I only use one artist to evaluate him, it would be an existence that is enough to shine on future generations and that countless future generations can only dream of."

"But obviously, he is not just an artist." Xiao Cai said in a timely manner.

"Yes, he was not just an artist. In the early and middle period, he was the emperor of a country and the highest decision-maker of the entire country. It can even be said that the emperor is his serious profession, and the artist can only be an individual. Hobby. But he put more energy into his hobbies. As for his job as emperor, he took it very seriously. Therefore, no matter how much attainment he had in art, at least in history, he would always Being marked with the mark of a foolish king, and this mark will only be much greater than the title of artist, truly infamy will last forever.”

"Yes, that's why he was coerced by his ministers to abdicate the throne when the Song Dynasty clearly had no foreign enemies, and he lived a life of house arrest and claustrophobia from then on." Xiao Cai also said with deep approval.

"Yes, but it was precisely because of such ups and downs in life that Zhao Ji made a new breakthrough in art, just like Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, who was a prisoner because of the destruction of his country and his family. He wrote many famous poems that have been popular among people and have been passed down for thousands of years.

"In today's era, this is naturally worthy of our appreciation. However, if we lived in the era when they ruled and were the people under their rule, we would never want to have such a king, because of this The king will only bring endless suffering to the people of the world. Not all ancient people can be as lucky as the people of the Song Dynasty. Not only did they escape foreign invasion, but they also encountered two consecutive dynasty changes without much bloodshed. "

"Professor Mei should be talking about the two abdication initiated by Yue Taizu Sun Tu, right?"

Mei Ciren nodded and smiled: "Yes, as long as we talk about the late Song Dynasty, it is impossible to bypass Sun Tu. Although he was a minister of the Song Dynasty, he did not muddle along like the others. Through his continuous efforts, not only did he He saved this country and saved millions of people around the world."

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all. In fact, many of us who have studied this period of history have done similar deductions. If a hero like Sun Tu had not appeared, what would have been the direction of the history of the Song Dynasty? As a result, everyone came to a conclusion, In the end, the Liao Kingdom in the north and the Jin people further north may send troops to invade the south. In that case, the Song Dynasty, which has always valued culture over military affairs, will not be able to defend their country. The best result is to retreat.

To the south, they relied on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River to block the cavalry of the northern nomads. But as a result, countless people in the north will suffer... "

The host thought about it carefully and couldn't help but nod: "Maybe Professor Mei, you are right, but after all, history has no assumptions, and now there is always the emergence of Sun Tu. However, there is one thing that I, and the majority of netizens and viewers, cannot understand. , that is, Sun Tu clearly had control of the court at the end of the Song Dynasty. Just like Cao Cao in the late Han Dynasty and the Sima family in the late Cao Wei Dynasty, he could have deposed the emperor and replaced him himself, so why did he have to go to Chai Zhou first? Then how many more years will it take for him to become emperor and establish the Yue Dynasty?"

"This is where Sun Tu is better than Cao Pi, Sima Yan and his like. Let me ask you, what is your first impression when you mention these two people?"

"Uh, usurping the throne? A hero?"

"Well, these two words themselves mean that they are not good people in everyone's mind, and this is still the value of the 21st century. We have never said that loyalty to the emperor is a necessary good moral for a person. And It was completely different in ancient times. People at that time, whether they were scholars or old farmers in the country who couldn't even read Chinese characters, they all had the simplest values, that is, they could distinguish between loyal and traitorous people, good and bad. People like Cao Pi and Sima Yan usurped themselves Anyone who holds the throne of a monarch will be despised by everyone. That's why Cao Wei was quickly usurped by the Sima family a few decades later, and the Jin Dynasty founded by the Sima family had been in constant civil strife for a long time. The most chaotic era in China's five thousand years. The root of all this lies in their incorrect position, which gave future generations the opportunity to follow suit."

"Is this the so-called upper beam that is out of alignment and the lower beam that is crooked?"

"That's about it. But Sun Tu is different. It can be said that until today, the evaluation of him in history has always been quite positive. Of course, this is not only because the Yue Dynasty he established was indeed long enough for future generations to In addition to being able to praise him more, the way he gets his position is also a very important reason."

"Is it because he first established Chai Xun as the Zhou Rang Emperor?"

"Yes, although to people now, it seems that what he did was really unnecessary. It was all about grabbing the throne anyway, but it was completely different at that time. The buffering period of these two years has allowed his reputation to reach its peak again. At the same time, Sun Tu was a minister of the Song Dynasty before, so if he replaced Zhao Ji, he would be a rebellious minister. But in the late Zhou Dynasty, it was completely different, because he had secured the throne for the emperor of that Zhou Dynasty, and he had always been in the court. He makes decisions on all matters, big or small. Although he is not the emperor, he is almost the same as the emperor, so the two parties have no status as monarch and minister. This makes it natural for him to accept the abdication of Emperor Zhou Rang in the future. No one I will object again."

"I see. From this point of view, this Sun Tu is not only a famous general in history, but also a politician."

"Of course. As the founder of the Yue Dynasty, if Sun Tu is not a politician, who else can bear this title? Moreover, his political wisdom is not only reflected in seizing the throne, but also in As for the various measures taken after the founding of the country..." As he spoke, Professor Mei's glasses flashed with light, as if he had thought of something.


The last day of this month is also the last day of this book. Finally, please vote. Do you have any? Everyone, I want any votes. . . .