Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 691: Capture Suzhou (Part 1)


As night falls, it’s time for the lights to come on.

But Suzhou City, an important town in the south of the Yangtze River that should have been brightly lit, is now completely shrouded in darkness. Except for a few places that are illuminated by lanterns and torches, only a few rays of light shine through the cracks in the doors of the well-off people. If they didn't know where they were, no one would have dared to believe that they were actually in Suzhou, one of the richest cities in the south of the Yangtze River.

Since Pang Wanchun garrisoned Suzhou and used this place as an important front line against the enemy, he has issued several strict orders, the most severe of which is the curfew. People are not allowed to go out privately at night, but those who violate the order can be killed on the spot as long as they are caught by the night watch army, and their property will be confiscated for collaborating with the enemy. This can be regarded as the most severe criminal law in Wu State.

It was precisely because of such harsh punishments that the people in Suzhou who were quite dissatisfied suddenly did not dare to speak out anymore, and the whole of Suzhou quickly fell into silence at night. Not to mention ordinary people, even those restaurants, brothels and other places now dare not light up lights at night.

But for some people, darkness may be a good thing, because such an environment is more conducive to acting quietly.

Three hundred elite Qingzhou troops were divided into three teams that night, and each launched an operation to occupy Suzhou City. They took advantage of the cover of night to quickly march through the deserted streets and alleys, rushing towards their respective goals. And go.

The goal of Shi Qian's journey was the granary located in the southeast of the city. What they want to do this time is naturally not to seize and control the entire granary, but to set a fire in it and completely burn it down.

The soldiers and horses went ahead without moving the food and grass. Naturally, Sun Tu and the others knew what the logistical supply of food and grass meant to the Wu army. As long as they burned the food stored in the city, they would deal a fatal blow to the enemy. And Shi Qian is a veteran in this field. Under his leadership, a team of about a hundred people easily avoided three groups of night patrols and arrived quietly. The defense was not tight, and only about a dozen people were still guarding the door. near the granary.

Shi Qian's eyes shone with excitement. Ever since he joined the army and followed Sun Tu, he had not done the sneaky things he did in the past for a long time. Today's setting fire to the food obviously made him find some of his original feelings. With just a wave of his hand, he led the people up secretly.

The guards in front of the door were not strict at this time. Some were chatting against the wall, or wandering around. They never thought that there would be such a blind guy who would dare to make plans for military rations. So until they saw someone appearing in front of them, they were still in a daze. After a while, they exclaimed: "Who is it?"

But how could these elite scout battalions let go of such an opportunity? In just one step, more than thirty people rushed towards them. Cold light flashed in their hands, killing these people as they approached. In just a short moment, more than ten guards were all killed, and before they could even issue a warning, Too much noise coming.

At the same time, Shi Qian, who had not killed anyone, had already ducked to the base of the outer wall of the warehouse, which was more than three feet high. He only jumped up, and then kicked and pressed the wall with his hands and feet. He was already like an ape. He climbed up to the top of the city lightly, and when he blinked again, he had landed safely inside the warehouse.

The scouts under his command were amazed at this skill. To be honest, they had not seen their commander perform for many years.

Exhibiting such wonderful light-weight skills. While they were sighing, the warehouse door in front of them had been opened. Shi Qian smiled and waved his hand, gesturing for everyone to follow him inside.

What happened next was even simpler. Although there were still more than a dozen guards left in the warehouse, they were not suddenly awakened from their sleep until a knife was placed on their necks. Before they even had time to beg for mercy, these people all had their throats cut and died. The screams of these people before they died could not even be heard through the door.

While getting rid of all the guards in the warehouse, some people also entered each granary separately, and then discovered a strange thing. When they exited, many people looked shocked. Shi Qian, who was presiding over the overall situation outside, couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"General, more than half of the more than 20 warehouses here are completely empty. Even if there is food in it, less than 30% of it is. We have estimated that the food here combined is enough for a hundred thousand troops. It lasted for more than ten days."

After hearing this, Shi Qian was stunned, and then he laughed: "No wonder that man named Pang sent someone to persuade us to surrender, and he retreated ten miles obediently. It turned out to be because his logistics was about to be unable to keep up. But they are using this to scare us."

"Then you still set fire?"

"Let it go, why not let it go? They must also want to use these warehouses to fool their troops. As long as this fire is burned, the rebel army will immediately fall apart, and our siege of Changshu will naturally be lifted!" Shi Qian did not hesitate. said.

Everyone immediately accepted the order and quickly got busy. They carried a lot of food outside, spread it everywhere, and then poured it with the oil they brought with them - this was provided by the Su family. As a big local businessman, the Su family also ran an oil store. , but it came in handy at this time.

After everything was arranged, they quickly exited the gate. As Shi Qian accurately threw the burning fire stick in his hand onto one of the pools of oil, the line of fire quickly spread, and in the blink of an eye, the warehouses in front of him were ignited. , and eventually the entire granary was consumed by fire.

In just a short cup of tea, the fire had completely risen, turning the dark night sky above into a bright red, and quickly alarmed the soldiers and civilians in the city. Then, the screams and the sound of gongs and drums quickly became louder, and the nearby troops on night watch also rushed over in a hurry.

However, before they arrived, the soldiers of the scout battalion who had finished all this had already disappeared into the darkness and had already rushed to the previously agreed upon location.


Xu Fan was awakened by the shouting outside. He was quite annoyed at first and shouted: "Come here! Who is causing trouble in the city? Do you know that there is a curfew in Suzhou now?"

But there was no response from outside, and when he got up to put on his clothes and opened the door to scold him again, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. He was not shocked by the red light shining directly into the raging flames outside, but by the corpses and blood on the ground outside the door. Dozens of guards at his residence had already laid their bodies outside. No wonder no one answered when he called out.

It was only then that someone in the corridor not far ahead said leisurely: "General Xu is so leisurely. Such a big thing happened in the city, and you can still lie down. It's really embarrassing.

I was deeply impressed. "

"You... who are you..." Xu Fan, whose face turned pale with fright, subconsciously touched his waist, but found nothing. His sword was still in the room.

Before he could make any move to return to his room, the people on the porch pounced on him like cheetahs. With Xu Fan's martial arts skills, he couldn't even see the opponent's moves clearly. He was already kneeled on his lower abdomen. His whole body was arched up like a prawn, and he screamed in pain. At the same time, his heart sank to the bottom. Because he immediately saw dozens more guys emerging from the darkness holding bloody blades. Obviously, everything outside was their fault, and there was no one left alive in this mansion except himself.

"Xu Fan was originally just a minor official in the Suzhou garrison, but he was reused because he defected to Fang La's rebel army early. He was even entrusted with the important task of Pang Wanchun and stayed in Suzhou City during his expedition." The person in front of him said with a smile. His origin and current identity: "Hand over the military seal and I will spare your life. Otherwise, they will be your role models. I will count to three, one!"

Without any nonsense, Xu Fan was handed a fatal choice directly. And his reaction at this time was actually very quick, and he hurriedly shouted: "I'll give it to you, the thing is in the room..." Nothing is more important than his own life. The reason why he rebelled and joined the rebel army that day was because he knew that his life would be in danger if he offended his superiors, so he simply made a desperate move.

After taking the seal from Xu Fan, Sun Tufang showed a satisfied smile. At the same time, he looked at the fire in the southeast and said with a smile: "Shi Qian and the others moved very quickly, and they actually completed the task one step earlier than us. Now only Luda and Wu Song are left!"

Destroying army rations, controlling leaders, and attacking military camps were the three important steps Sun Tu took to completely disrupt Suzhou. Now that the first two steps have been successful, only the last and most critical step remains.

And soon, a huge sound erupted from the southwest corner. It was the sound of soldiers and horses fighting. It was obvious that two groups of people were confronting each other head-on this late at night.

Although there were still 3,000 defenders in the city, and although Wu Song and the others only brought about 150 people before heading towards the military camp, Sun Tu did not show the slightest worry after hearing that the battle broke out, and seemed so confident. , this made Xu Fan stupid.

Sun Tu was naturally confident. Thinking back then, he could lead 300 men straight into the camp of thousands of troops. Now Wu Song and the others would naturally be able to defeat more with less and completely defeat the rebel army of several thousand. .

Facts also proved that his judgment was quite accurate. When the sky was dimming, someone came to report the news. All the defenders in the city were defeated, and only a few enemies took advantage of the chaos to open the city and escape...

The reason why the victory was so easy was not only that the elite of the Qingzhou Army's scout battalion were really capable of fighting, but also the enemy's weakness was also the key. Naturally, the soldiers and horses left behind in Suzhou could not be the elite of Wu's army. In addition, the fire in the granary caused the army's morale to be in chaos, and the group was leaderless. They suddenly encountered a surprise attack of thousands of troops, which they could only parry for a while before completely collapsing and scattering...

Then, a result that shocked many people came out. Sun Tu actually easily disrupted the entire Suzhou City with only three hundred people. Even in a sense, he has replaced Pang Wanchun and gained control of this city!