Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 713: Big mistake


On April 22, the offensive and defensive battle outside Chongde City was in full swing.

Under the urging of Fang Shifo, tens of thousands of Wu troops launched fierce offensives against this small county town again and again. Battering rams, ladders, hooks... various siege equipment were carried forward by countless soldiers. Even though arrows rained down from the top of the city, and people kept falling after being struck by arrows, they could not slow down their movements for a moment. As soon as the person carrying the ladder fell down, someone quickly took over and rushed forward even faster.

The reason why this army was so desperate was naturally due to the encouragement of Fang Shifo. Because not long ago, Fang Shifo, as the commander-in-chief of an army, personally charged forward with a sword and killed them on the top of the city. However, he was finally pushed back by the defenders. He suffered several wounds on his body and almost lost one of his arms. It was only the personal guards who accompanied him who fought desperately that dragged him down from the city.

But even though he was seriously injured, Fang Shifo had no intention of flinching. After only being bandaged briefly, he ran to the front line again. Thanks to the efforts of several generals to stop him, he was finally prevented from taking the risk of killing him again. But this was enough. The next attack on Chongde was much more fierce than any other in the past half month. The defenders at the top of the city were about to be unable to hold on.

When Fang Shifo saw this, he roared loudly: "Come forward and kill anyone who dares to take a step back! If the city is breached today, I will allow you to grab it freely, and the sword will not be sealed for two days!"

When these words were shouted out, all the soldiers immediately roared forward as if they had been pumped with blood. The ladder had just been set up on the top of the city. Before they could climb it, countless people quickly climbed up the ladder. Even though many people screamed and fell after being hit by arrows and rocks during this period, it could not slow down the upward movement of others. In just one meal, the western city head was directly captured.

Soon after this scene happened, the morale of the defenders dropped rapidly. Immediately, the south gate was directly smashed by a siege ram. Thousands of Wu troops howled and howled like hungry beasts and rushed in. Going in, they started a more brutal close-quarters hand-to-hand combat with the city's defenders.

The defenders here in Chongde were all inspired by some scholars to rebel half a month ago. The current defender is also a famous general in the Wu army, named Wang Mingchen. Before, he led his army to hold off the Wu army's fierce attack for more than ten days and thought he would be able to hold on until the end. Unexpectedly, in just half a day, the situation changed drastically. Both sides of the city were lost one after another, and it was about to collapse completely.

"What should I do..." At this moment, Wang Chen was completely confused. He muttered in a low voice, but saw many generals looking at him blankly, so everyone's eyes were full of fear.

"General, before the city is completely destroyed, let's open the city and surrender." Finally, a close adviser put forward his opinion: "After all, we were once ministers of the Wu Kingdom, and all the soldiers were also from the Wu Kingdom. Now, We are facing a formidable enemy, and the imperial court will definitely not kill them all!"

Wang Chen, who had run out of ideas, nodded without thinking too much: "Okay, I'll do as you say. I also have some friendship with that Fang Shifo, so I'm sure he won't be merciless!" Anyway, it is inevitable that the city will be destroyed, so just leave yourself a way to survive.

At that moment, he loudly ordered all the soldiers to drop their weapons.

, and raised a white flag, and then asked people to open the east gate and north gate, announcing that Chongde would no longer cling to it...

When the order was passed, the defenders who had no intention of resisting moved quickly. The gates on both sides of the city that had been captured abandoned their weapons one after another. The gates on the other two sides also opened their doors. Thousands of defenders laid down their weapons and opened the city to surrender. Seeing this, Wu Jun, who originally wanted to fight, finally stopped, but his weapons were still aimed at these former comrades, for fear that they would go back on their words. At the same time, they sent people out of the city to report the news.

In fact, there is no need to send anyone to report the news, because the changes in the city have been fully seen by Fang Shifo standing at a high place. But not only did he not feel any joy after breaking the city, but his face was gloomy and even a little ferocious. He immediately urged his horse to lead the army and approached the city gate.

Wang Chen was quite self-aware. Since he admitted defeat and surrendered, he would no longer take advantage of the enemy. Not only did he personally lead people out of the city to surrender, but he also had people symbolically tie his hands behind his back and welcome them out of the city with a look of regret on his face. He had already planned some excuses in his mind, saying that he was bewitched by others to do such a rebellious act. Now he regretted it so much that he only wanted to die, but he asked General Fang to see that friendship on that day could leave his soldiers a way to live.

Of course this is just an act, because in Wang Chen's view, he has already led everyone to surrender. Fang Shifo can't kill everyone anymore and commit suicide, right? He felt quite confident, so he walked quickly. After a while, he met Fang Shifo who came to the city gate.

"General Fang, Wang Chen, the guilty general, came to die. I was confused for a moment and was manipulated by others..." Wang Chen just started, his knees were still bent, planning to wait for the other party to surrender. Fang Shifo in front of him Suddenly a fierce look appeared in his eyes, and he shouted in a low voice: "Rebels should be punished!" Then he suddenly charged forward on horseback, swinging the steel whip in his hand with a whistling sound.

Wang Chen's martial arts skills were far inferior to Fang Shifo's. In addition, he tied his hands behind his back, which made his movements even more sluggish. When the steel whip struck, he didn't even have time to dodge and screamed. , Tianling Gai was hit hard by a whip.

There was only a pop sound, and Wang Chen's head was smashed like a watermelon. Red and white ones scattered in all directions, splashing on many people around him, making countless people scream in surprise, and some of them splashed on Fang Shi. Buddha's face. But he didn't care at all. Another steel whip in his hand was quickly swung out, and he beat a stunned surrender general on the side until his brains burst. Then he roared: "Kill me." Just them! After entering the city, don’t seal the sword for two days!”

This last sentence finally released the evil thoughts in the hearts of all the soldiers. Without any further hesitation, all the Wu army officers and soldiers brandished their swords and guns, transformed into beasts and demons, and attacked these former robes. Suddenly, screams echoed through the sky!

The officers and soldiers of the Wu army were already filled with anger because of the actions of these traitors, and with the heavy casualties over the past month and a half, they were filled with hatred. Before, they were worried because the other party suddenly opened the city to surrender, but with the order from their own general, they no longer had any worries.

The killing begins from here. First, the unsuspecting defenders at the gate of the city, who had even laid down their weapons, were quickly swallowed up and slaughtered. The subsequent massacre went straight into the county town, and the cries and killings were intertwined.

scattered throughout the space.

Sometimes there is only one thing separating humans and beasts, and that is reason. And when some people deliberately suppress their own reason completely, horrific atrocities will occur, and countless innocent people will become sacrifices for them to vent their murderous thoughts.

This is an indiscriminate robbery and massacre. The soldiers and civilians in the city, regardless of age or gender, will only die if they are seen by others. Perhaps those young and pretty women could survive temporarily, but what awaited them was even more terrifying, a miserable experience like endless hell.

There are only tens of thousands of people in the small Chongde City, so Fang Shifo's statement of not sealing the sword for two days is obviously a bit too much. In just one day and night, there are almost no living people in the city. Wealth, food, and everything else were all looted. Many soldiers were carrying large and small packages, which were taken from people's homes. Almost everyone was stained with blood, but they were all satisfied.

This massacre gave them the best outlet for their anger and bestiality. Now they were extremely grateful to Fang Shifo, and the morale of the entire army had reached its peak. At this time, if Fang Shifo ordered them to attack the next city again, these people would definitely kill them screaming without any hesitation.

But the price paid for all this is too great. The entire Chongde County has turned into a dead city, with corpses and unextinguished embers everywhere, and the dried blood dyed the streets and alleys of the county red...

When Qin Chi hurried over, what he saw was such a hell-like scene on earth, which made his eyes go black and he almost fainted. It wasn't until a long time later that he looked at Fang Shifo, who came after hearing the news, pointed at him and said: "General Fang, you... you are so confused! You have made a big mistake, how could you... how could you do this? What are you waiting for?" The greatly stimulated Qin Shilang was no longer as eloquent as before at this moment, and he couldn't even speak clearly, so he just scolded loudly and bitterly.

"Secretary Qin, what are you talking about? The Chongde army and the people rebelled against our country of Wu. Since I have been ordered by Your Majesty to quell the rebellion, I should make them pay a high price. The purpose of slaughtering a city today is to make other countries Let's see what happens to the city and make them dare not rebel against our country Wu again!" Fang Shifo was very angry when he heard this and immediately glared back.

"General Fang, after all, they are our subjects of the Wu Kingdom. Even if they are at fault, they are only some of them. How can you kill everyone without asking? In this way, not only will you not be able to make other rebels fear , on the contrary, it will arouse their hatred. From now on, other cities will have to defend to the end and will not be able to surrender again. Did you know that just two days ago, Qian Maocai in Huzhou suddenly led his army to rebel? , some other states and cities are also about to move, and you actually..." As he said that, Qin Chi let out a long sigh. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Qian Maocai, he is so brave. I will lead the army to capture Huzhou right now!" Fang Shifo was furious and shouted loudly.

At this time, he still didn't know how wrong the decision he had made for temporary pleasure was, and how serious the consequences would be. Anyway, now that the big mistake has been made, the entire Wu court will have to taste the bitter consequences!