Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 735: Defeat Hangzhou City (center)


In the Song Army's formation, all the soldiers and horses of each team were making emergency maneuvers. Although they were far less elite than the Shandong Army, at this critical moment of life and death, they all worked hard and lined up in formation. It is hoped that the current decline will be stopped with a defensive military formation. ,

Of course, there were also many individuals who stood there in disbelief and became a burden to other teams, causing many generals to shout and tell them to move to the rear and free up the front to form formations as quickly as possible. The most obvious of these are the soldiers of the Wu army who have just surrendered.

They had just joined the army and had never practiced with the Song army. Naturally, they didn't know where they should be when they were about to form a military formation. As a result, these 10,000 people were continuously arranged back and moved toward the grain security team at the rear.

Just when they continued to retreat and were dragged behind the army, several loud arrows shot into the sky from the top of the Hangzhou city in front. Even though the two sides were far apart, these people could still faintly hear the sharp whistle in the sky, and at this moment, many Wu Jun soldiers had strange looks on their faces, no longer as before. The anxious and confused look was replaced by a fearless and fierce expression.

The expressions of the surrendered generals like Fang Baibai also changed slightly, but they did not do much. They just continued to move back with their troops, taking the opportunity to get really close to the thousands of grain trucks and grain trucks parked side by side. Danqian. With only a few eye contact, these people all understood it, their hands tightened on their weapons, and their eyes were locked on the vehicle load filled with food.

Military rations are the top priority of the army, and they are tightly defended even in wartime. At this time, there are more than 5,000 soldiers and horses guarding the area. Seeing these soldiers coming closer, someone shouted loudly: "This is a place where food is stored, and the idlers are waiting for you to retreat quickly!" Following this warning, a group of archers raised their bows and arrows and took aim. The defense is still quite tight.

"General, we were also driven back by the generals in front of us. We really don't know where we are going..." Fang Baibai took a few steps forward with a look of grievance and confusion, while giving a weak explanation.

Those soldiers could only warn again: "No matter where you go, you can't get close to this place. Get back quickly!"

"But..." Fang Bainian and others took a few steps forward, as if to explain their difficulties to them. But just when the soldiers guarding the grain were still thinking about how to reject their rhetoric, a sudden change occurred -

Wu Junjiangjun, who looked aggrieved and confused just now, suddenly transformed from a pitiful little white rabbit into a big bad wolf. At the same time that the word "yes" was spoken, Fang Baiwen raised his body, and the knife in his hand turned into a cold light, slashing out diagonally, directly to the neck of the general closest to him.

The general couldn't even react as the sharp blade stabbed into his neck, and his big head flew into the air. This came so suddenly that all the soldiers of the Song Army were stunned in panic. They really didn't expect that Wu Junjiang, who had always been honest, would suddenly do something like this.

And in this moment, more surrendering troops followed closely, completely ignoring the dense crowd in front of them.

Hemp's arrows all screamed, and they fit in to kill them. The weapons in their hands were used for offense but not defense, and they went straight to greet the Song army's vital points.

It wasn't until the screams continued to sound that the food protection team woke up from a dream. While they screamed, people were already firing arrows one after another. At the time of landing, many of the surrender troops who rushed forward were indeed hit by arrows, but this did not affect these Wu soldiers who had risked everything. They didn't dodge the arrows they faced, they just charged straight at them. Even if their bodies were pierced by the arrows, the movements of their hands did not show any slowness, and they still aimed at a Song soldier. Just chop it down! Life for life!

The distance between the two sides was so close that the archers had no time to set up a second arrow. The enemy had already rushed towards them brandishing swords and guns. In addition, most of them were still in shock, and their movements were even more sluggish. Faced with the fierce and sudden attack, they naturally fell down in an instant. They didn't even have time to form a decent defensive formation, and they were already rushed by the enemy. After the team dispersed, a completely one-sided massacre began.

"They are pretending to surrender. These rebels are all deceiving us and pretending to surrender!" Some people kept shouting in shock and anger. However, it was too late to realize this at this time, and their cries could not even be heard very far, because the troops in front were concentrating on gathering into formation to deal with the incoming waves of killings. The main force of Wu Army. And when their cries rang out, the elite Wu troops who had torn off their disguises rushed towards them ferociously. As they waved their swords and guns, they continued to kill the Song soldiers. This team of several thousand people quickly reached the edge of collapse. .

Although the team protecting the food supply were elite in the army, they had never been prepared to encounter a fierce attack by the Wu army at this time. Especially when the ones who attacked them were the surrendered troops who were supposed to obey orders honestly, the gap was even greater. Make them unable to accept and react in time. Therefore, from the very beginning of the battle, this raid was destined to have only one outcome, which was to end in a complete victory for the Wu army.

Fang Baibai's sword was like a mad tiger, constantly slashing at the enemies on the way forward. His face and body were splattered with the enemy's blood. His whole person was like a mad devil, but his eyes were as cold as snow. Every time a sword is struck, there will be a shout in the mouth: "Lao He, I can't help you! Lao He, let the blood of these Song soldiers come to commemorate you!"

Long before the Song army went south again and launched a full-scale attack on many cities south of Wu State's Huzhou, the Wu State court had already formulated such a plan to risk death and mix the elite soldiers into the Song army in the name of surrendering the army. A strategy of counterattack at critical moments. And Fang Baibai is a crucial part of it.

As a brother of Fang La, although he cannot compare with Fang Shifo's bravery, he is deeply trusted and his martial arts skills are also extraordinary. But it is by no means easy to win the trust of the Song army, so the incident in Lin'an City happened. He gained the recognition of the enemy army at the cost of rebelling in front of the battle and killing his colleague He Guangchang. A person whom the army despises or even ignores.

What he was carrying was beyond the imagination of many people. The guilt, anger, and unwillingness in his heart were weighing heavily on him like a heavy burden. Until this moment, when he saw the agreed signal ringing from the top of Hangzhou City, he felt as if he had never left. in nightmare

Suddenly he woke up and let go of his hands and feet completely.

At this time, Fang Baibai could only think of one thing, to kill all the Song troops in front of him and use their blood to wash away his sins and shame. For this reason, he no longer even had the slightest defense, he just kept attacking and attacking again. But it was this man who was so courageous and invincible that he suppressed all the enemy troops in front of him, so that they did not dare to confront him head-on. Whenever they saw him coming to kill, the Song army soldiers would be defeated. While escaping, he actually killed dozens of people by himself, making him the first to reach the Song army's food and grass.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly came back to his senses. Without much hesitation, he took out the fire stick that he had always kept on him. When the wind blew, sparks suddenly rose, and then he put it among the sacks filled with grain. superior.

At this time, the weather was dry, and the grain was in its driest state. When it was touched by fire, it immediately burst into flames. The raging flames swallowed up an entire cart of grain in an instant, and then spread to the sides and burned to other places. Grain truck.

The others had also arrived in front of the grain truck at this time, and then they stopped chasing the scattered enemy troops. They took out their fire starters and started to move towards the grain.

The tens of thousands of stones of grain here began to crackle and burn under the continuous ignition of these Wu Jun internal personnel, and the billowing smoke and the fire began to spread and rise. In addition, there was a strong wind blowing at this time, which further helped the fire spread. The fire completely swallowed up this large amount of food and grass in an instant.

As a result, the soldiers who were guarding the food became even more frightened. They no longer had the courage to resist. They turned around and fled for their lives.

At this moment, the Song Army, which had just listed a defensive formation in front, and was able to withstand the Wu Army's offensive, suddenly realized that such a big mess had occurred behind them. Everyone was stunned and stunned: "How could it be like this..."

Even several generals were stunned and couldn't react for a long time, and then they shouted crazily: "Go to the back to find out where the rebels came from behind us..."

The order had not yet been executed, but some soldiers had already stumbled over to report: "General, something bad has happened. The surrendered troops have caused chaos. They have set fire to our rear supplies of food and grass, and all the supplies have been burned..."

"What!" This sentence was like a thunderbolt, instantly knocking out the three generals. At this time, they had no idea how to deal with this complicated and tragic situation. After Zhang Gun stayed for a while, he became furious and shouted loudly: "How unreasonable! We treated him with sincerity, but we were taken advantage of by thieves! Come on, everyone, follow me back to save food and grass... "

But his order was already too late, because at this moment, another loud horn sound sounded from the front. Under the leadership of the excited Fang Shifo, the Wu army once again formed a powerful offensive and kept charging over.

This time, although the Song army had formed a defensive formation, the hearts of the entire army were completely confused. Food is the bottom line and guarantee for an army to fight. Once the food is destroyed, it means that everyone will be starved. Who will go all out to fight the enemy to the death

The balance of the war has completely tilted at this moment, and the outcome has been decided!