Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 744: Waterways can destroy cities


Hearing this, Sun Tu's eyebrows suddenly raised, and he realized that he and his subordinates had really ignored this key point! Song Jiang continued to explain: "General, although the city wall of Hangzhou is strong and towering and extremely difficult to break, its waterways have huge flaws. The moats surrounding the four cities are drawn from the Qiantang River, and the Qiantang River passes through the city. Even if the rebels are heavily fortified, they still can't cover everything. As long as we can attack from underwater, it won't be difficult to capture one!"

Obviously before proposing this strategy to Sun Tu, Song Jiang had already conducted careful deliberation with the brothers below, so this time it hit the mark, and it made Sun Tu's face even more joyful, and he couldn't help but sigh: " Brother Gongming has come up with a good strategy this time, which can just solve the current difficulties of our army! Yes, attacking the city by land has proven to be impossible, so let's try it by water. And all of this depends on the original All the Liangshan brothers!"

Song Jiang immediately clasped his fists and responded: "We brothers should work hard and do our best to defeat this city for the general!"

When Sun Tu saw this, he smiled with satisfaction again. In fact, he also saw that this was probably a strategy planned by Song Jiang and other Liangshan brothers in order to be proud of the Shandong Army. After all, there was some selfishness hidden in it.

It is said that since the Liangshan people were pacified in Shandong, except for a few people, the others have not performed very well in the Shandong army. This has also led to their poor status and reputation in the army. There was no way around this. After all, their original identity as thieves was against the veterans of the Shandong Army. It was not easy to gain the recognition or even respect of these people.

The Shandong Army has always been full of talents, and the strength of the Liangshan heroes was also greatly damaged by Sun Tu's previous actions. Whether they died in battle or were poached by Sun Tu long ago, they really had something to offer in the end anyway. There are really not many leaders left who are capable, and most of them are still good at water combat.

But the battles that followed were mostly land battles, and water heroes like Zhang Liang and San Ruan had almost no use, which made it even more difficult for them to show off and disappear from everyone. Fortunately, Song Jiang and Wu Yong were still there to advise Sun Tu, otherwise the heroes of Liangshanbo would have no sense of existence except for causing trouble before.

Now that he finally had a great opportunity to make a contribution, Song Jiang naturally had to work hard for it. As for his little idea, Sun Tu didn't criticize him. Instead, he wanted to give him a push. He immediately ordered the generals to be summoned to discuss attacking Hangzhou by water.

The generals were already troubled by Hangzhou's defense. Now that they learned about this opportunity, they naturally rushed to be the first, eager to seize the opportunity to make great achievements in their own hands. In this regard, Sun Tu had already made up his mind. He did not assign the opportunity to the old man of the Shandong Army just because of the distance between them. Instead, he actually handed over this important matter to the original water war leaders in Liangshanbo.

Of course, others are not without opportunities to make meritorious deeds. If you want to break the city by water, you also need the cooperation and cover of the land army. It is best to attract the enemy's attention to the land route, thereby creating a good environment for the successful break-through of the city by water. conditions of.

So next, this group of people worked out a fairly careful strategy in the tent until around midnight

, the final conclusion was reached, and this time, Liang Shanshui and Zhu Xiong became the natural protagonists.


"Dong dong dong dong dong..."


Another early morning came with the sound of drums and trumpets, and when the golden light of the sun appeared on the horizon, the Song army once again deployed their formation and launched a fierce attack on the city of Hangzhou. This time, the Song Army had given up its attack on the Wulin Gate, the main gate of Hangzhou, and instead launched a fierce attack on the smaller Wangjiang Gate located in the southeast.

Because the Song army always attacked Wulin Gate some time ago, this made the defenders in the Wangjiang Gate area much weaker. Once they were attacked by tens of thousands of troops, the defenders really couldn't stand it anymore and quickly asked for help from the city.

When Pang Wanchun, who was in charge of the city's defense, heard the news, he quickly frowned: "Why did they suddenly change the direction of the attack? The terrain outside Wangjiang Gate is so narrow that it is not conducive to the deployment of the army at all. Tens of thousands of soldiers If Ma Quan goes to attack the city, it will only be a waste of troops. What is Sun Tu thinking?"

"Perhaps they thought it was useless to attack the main entrance of my martial arts world, so they chose another one?" the subordinates beside them explained casually.

But Pang Wanchun disagreed: "Sun Tu would never act recklessly on such a major matter. He must have hidden reasons for doing so. In this way, the 10,000 soldiers and horses prepared in the city were quickly mobilized to support Wangjiang Gate, and other people were asked to do so. All the sects are also careful not to fall into the Song Army's conspiracy!" After a pause, he still felt a little uneasy. After all, he had suffered losses under Sun Tu several times before, and he was really afraid of what conspiracy the other party would use. Then he said: "I'd better go to Wangjiangmen and take a look in person, but I can't let him fool me again!"

The decision was made, Pang Wanchun set off immediately without further delay and headed straight for Wangjiangmen. When he came to the bottom of the city wall under the escort of some personal guards, fierce fighting was going on above and below the city gate, and there was even the sound of cars crashing and bombarding the city gate.

Of course, at this time, all the gates of Hangzhou City were blocked by large rocks. Whether it was a collision with a car or a wood, the bombardment on the gates would not damage the gates at all, but it would only look a little scary in terms of momentum. From this arrangement alone, Pang Wanchun could tell that the Song army really spent a lot of effort on attacking Wangjiang Gate this time.

After climbing to the top of the city and looking down, Pang Wanchun confirmed his judgment. I saw a dense crowd of tens of thousands of people outside the city wall, rushing towards this side one after another. Many ladders were pushed by the soldiers and rushed to the top of the city. Then countless people climbed directly to the city. The offensive was like a stormy wave crashing on the shore. One wave after another.

Even during this period, arrows were raining down from the top of the city, and boiling oil and water kept pouring down as if they were free, causing countless Song troops who were advancing to climb the city to scream and fall to the ground, and the footsteps of others did not stop. Still shouting, fighting and charging fiercely, as if he was determined to knock down Wangjiangmen today, no matter how high the price was.

However, their desperate killing method was quite effective, because the defense force at the top of the city was still lacking, so many people were able to climb onto the top of the city. But that's all, because Wu Jun had already made corresponding preparations. These Song troops had just entered the city and had no feet.

As they stood firm, countless arrows were already coming towards them, knocking them over on the spot.

Soon after, the tens of thousands of reinforcements who had been ordered finally arrived at the city and quickly went to the city to support them. After having enough manpower to garrison, Wangjiangmen's defense became more stable, so that every attack by the Song army was like water hitting the cliff. Apart from being smashed to pieces, it was unable to cause any threatening damage to the city.

But even so, the Song Army's offensive continued unabated. For a whole day, they invested nearly 40,000 troops to storm the section of the city wall where Wangjiang Gate was located. They conducted no fewer than seven consecutive siege charges. This was equivalent to the Song Army's More than half of the troops were devoted to this siege, and they had a desperate attitude.

It wasn't until the top of the city used a newly delivered crossbow to shoot off the large banner three miles away that directed the army to attack the city, causing a chaos in the rear of the Song army, that this tragic siege finally stopped temporarily. , but the Song army did not retreat as the fighting stopped as before, but actually set up camp only three miles away from the city, apparently planning to attack Wangjiangmen again tomorrow.

Seeing this, the defenders at the top of the city were all worried. Yu Dahai, the guard of this gate, even came to Pang Wanchun and said: "Pang Commander, our soldiers are exhausted from today's battle. If the Song army attacks Wangjiang Gate again tomorrow, The soldiers are afraid that it will be difficult to hold on any longer, so why not mobilize other troops to help defend?"

As soon as these words came out, many soldiers around looked at them expectantly. Everyone had really fought hard in today's battle, and they were really afraid that the city gate would be lost, and they were in urgent need of fresh troops to help.

Pang Wanchun was silent for a while, staring thoughtfully at the Song Army camp outside the city that had settled down. He couldn't understand the performance of the Song Army today. How could they suddenly attack the city of Hangzhou desperately again? Is there any secret hidden in this

After a while, he nodded and said: "Don't worry, tomorrow the Japanese commander will mobilize troops and horses near other city gates to come to support. But you should also know that our more than ten city gates in Hangzhou are all important There is a shortage of people everywhere, so I can't mobilize too many troops." This is his difficulty now. Although the number of troops in the city is still greater than that of the Song army outside the city, they have to divide up and garrison more than ten troops at each gate. The army and horses are all thinly divided, and some must be left to guard the palace and provide mobile support. After all, the defense of each city is really stretched...

Thinking of this, Pang Wanchun's heart suddenly moved, and a strange thought came to his mind: "The Song army attacked Wangjiang Gate so contrary to common sense, really just to break through this gate, no matter how high the price was, what if? It was reasonable that the Song court suddenly sent envoys to force them to break the city as soon as possible, but judging from the situation in the past few days, it seems that no such person has entered the Song camp. Then why did Sun Tu do this? Waiting for the ridiculous decision to come, what evil intentions are hidden behind it

"What is so special about my Wangjiangmen that makes him so desperate? The only thing that is different here is that it is next to the Qiantang River... Qiantang River... water..." Suddenly, Pang Wanchun's eyes flashed, and he had caught it. What was the key? His eyes fell heavily on the slowly flowing moat. He felt that he had grasped Sun Tu's sinister intentions!