Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 750: Sound east and strike west again


The exciting sound of fighting in front of Yongjin Gate, the billowing smoke and the sky-high flames produced after the ship was set alight had already conveyed the tense fighting situation here to the armies of both sides inside and outside Hangzhou. Pang Wanchun, who was still guarding Wangjiang Gate, even After receiving relevant military reports, I learned that at least I was still firmly in control of the situation, and that the Song army suffered heavy casualties after entering the road.

This made him curl up the corner of his mouth. He looked at the sun that was gradually setting in the west and muttered softly: "Sun Tu, there's nothing you can do this time, right? I really thought that I, Pang Wanchun, could be so easily manipulated by you. Yes, you want to destroy Hangzhou with this little trick of attacking from east to west?"

But even so, he did not dare to relax at all, and still kept shouting to get the soldiers to brace themselves to deal with another wave of attacks by the Song Army. After all, compared to the Yongjin Gate, the situation here looked different. It's even more dangerous.

In fact, this is also the case. Regardless of whether they have made up their mind to attack the east or the west, the Song army's offensive against Wangjiangmen today is much more fierce than ever before. The soldiers really risked their lives and fought one after another, completely ignoring the city. Arrows as dense as rain rushed forward in waves. Looking at this posture, it seemed that they really wanted to finish the battle.

But after experiencing the baptism of offensive and defensive battles these days, the Wu army officers and soldiers have also made great progress. Their actions in defending the city have become more proficient and reasonable, and their cooperation with each other has become more exquisite. In addition, they have learned that Another good news came from the Yongjin Gate. It was said that not only a powerful Song general was killed, but also the enemy ship was completely trapped, so that the city gate was no longer in trouble, which further aroused the morale of the troops and fought harder. Worked hard.

However, what the soldiers below didn't know was that there was still something in this victory report that Pang Wanchun deliberately hid. He would not reveal the news that Yongjinmen garrison general Yuan Kai rashly went into battle but died on the spot. Yes, morale can be boosted at this time. As long as we fight until dark, victory will be ours!

"Sun Tu, you are about to know this bad news, but I don't know what choice you will make and when to retreat..." Seeing that the Song army was blocked and retreated after another round of offensive, leaving only two to three hundred corpses. Finally, after Pang Wanchun exhaled a breath of turbid air, he subconsciously looked at the Song Army's center outside the city, guessing how this powerful enemy would react.

Just as he had guessed, some soldiers had already rushed into the center of the army in a panic and reported the news of the tragic defeat in front of Yongjin Gate. When he mentioned that there were over a thousand casualties in this water battle, and even Zhang Shun was plotted by the enemy and died tragically on the Qiantang River, the faces of all the generals present suddenly changed, and Song Jiang's face turned pale, and his body swayed again and again. If Wu Yong hadn't helped him in time, he would have fallen over after hearing the bad news.

Although everyone in Liangshan calls themselves brothers and seems to be one family, in fact there are many differences between close relatives and distant relatives. For Song Jiang, Zhang Shun is definitely one of the most trustworthy close relatives who are better than flesh and blood, and only Li Kui, Dai Zong and Hua Rong can compare with him. Moreover, Zhang Shun has saved Song Jiang many times in the past few years, and even put him through life and death many times. This is a life-or-death friendship. But now, Zhang Shun suddenly died...

"It was me who harmed him. I shouldn't have come up with such an idea and let him take the risk to attack Jinmen. It's all my fault..." Da Lai

Under this, tears rolled down Song Jiang's eyes, which made many generals who turned out to be Liangshan brothers feel miserable, and the atmosphere in the army became even more gloomy.

Sun Tu regained his composure at this time, and immediately shouted: "Song Jiang, you don't have to blame yourself. I am really to blame for this. But now that it has happened, we can no longer blame others. What we have to do now , only to destroy the city and kill the enemy, I, Zhang Shun and the others will take revenge!" As he spoke, he raised his voice a little higher and ordered: "Pass my order, attack the city gate again, and don't give the rebels any chance to breathe. !”

"General, think twice..." Zhu Wu became a little anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly tried to dissuade him: "Today our fierce attack on Wangjiangmen has suffered successive setbacks. The morale of the soldiers below has been low. It is getting dark now. If we continue to force the attack on the city, it will only increase casualties." , it’s better to leave it until tomorrow…”

"No, we must attack again now to buy some more time for the brothers who have broken the city!" Sun Tu had a firm gaze this time and shouted loudly without wavering.

And his words immediately received responses from many generals. Luda and Wu Song even took a step forward and said loudly: "General, we have not been in the camp since we arrived in Hangzhou. Leave it to us this time. .”

Seeing the two people eager to try, Sun Tu shook his head: "It's not the time for you to take action now, but you can make preparations." Then his eyes fell on Huang Xin, Yang Lin, Bao Xu and other Liangshan brothers. On the body: "If you are determined to avenge your dead brothers, then lead your troops and attack again."

"I'll die if I don't do it!" These people had already suppressed their energy and immediately shouted loudly and hurried away.

Then, as the drums sounded again, another group of Song troops rushed straight through Xiangwangjiang Gate and started another offensive and defensive battle with the defenders on the city.

But Pang Wanchun seemed extremely indifferent to this: "It seems that Sun Tu already knew that his plan failed, and he became a little angry. This is better. As long as they can secure the city gate today, with their consumption, they will definitely relax their vigilance at night. It’s time for our Wu army to counterattack!”

Under the steady command of him and his generals as always, although the Song army's offensive was more fierce than before, it still could not really pose a threat to the city gate. Even if a few Liangshan brothers bravely attacked the city without fear of death, they could not win a piece of land. Instead, they lost the lives of many brothers. It is really not worth the gain...

Today's Wangjiang Gate in Hangzhou City is like a millstone of flesh and blood, which is constantly devouring the lives of the Song Army soldiers through battle after battle. Today alone, the Song Army has paid no less than 2,000 casualties, and this is still happening in the near future. Including the casualties in front of Yongjin Gate, otherwise this number will only be even more shocking.

If a third party sees this scene and learns of this terrifying figure, he will definitely think that Sun Tu is crazy, because judging from the current battle situation, the result is already obvious. No matter how many troops he invests, this will not happen. It is impossible to capture the most fortified city in the south of the Yangtze River today.

Pang Wanchun could understand, but he was more certain that he would win this battle! Moreover, this battle in Hangzhou may completely reverse the direction of the battle to quell the chaos in Jiangnan. Perhaps tomorrow, the Wu army will turn from defense to offense, drive back the Song army, and retake the northern cities.

Just when he began to focus on the future, thinking about how to take back those cities one by one, and even go one step further to capture Jinling, so that the Wu army could occupy the entire area south of the Yangtze River, someone around him suddenly exclaimed: "That... that is What? There's a fire... There's a fire over at Qingbo Gate..."

"What!" Pang Wanchun was so surprised that he hurriedly turned his head and looked in the direction of Qingbo Gate. At the same time, there were other soldiers on the city wall who made this move. Everyone had their mouths wide open, their faces, and their eyes. They were all filled with panic and uneasiness, as well as deep questions. Why did the Qingbo Gate, which was supposed to be far away from the war, actually catch fire

And just a moment later, Pang Wanchun's face, which was still filled with pride, immediately twisted with panic, and then he shouted loudly: "Quick, send people to help Qingbo Gate quickly, there must be no mistakes there... Ning Heng, take all your troops and go there right now!"

When Ning Heng's name was called, he hurriedly agreed and hurried down to the city. The look of annoyance on Pang Wanchun's face became heavier, and he murmured: "I was wrong, I still fell into Sun Tu's plan. It turns out that His real goal has never been Yongjinmen, and the war there is just a cover for him. What he wants to capture has always been Qingbomen!"

In fact, it was not just him. Even Jiang Shihu, who was considered to have a perfect plan, miscalculated this time. He was also deceived by the appearance in front of him, thinking that although the Song Army would attack Shuimen, they would definitely choose to attack with a large ship that was easier to attack. The Yongjin Gate has been abandoned, but the Qingbo Gate, which can only be passed by a small number of boats, has been thrown aside.

It was precisely because they thought they had seen through Sun Tu's intentions that they transferred a large number of naval troops from Qingbo Gate and other four water gates to Yongjin Gate this time, otherwise they would not have been able to achieve such a great victory. But in this way, the biggest problem has been exposed. There are only a few hundred defenders at Qingbo Gate. Once attacked, the whole gate will be taken away.

At this time, the battle report from the front had not yet been sent, and Pang Wanchun felt that he had become an ant on the hot pot. After walking back and forth for a while in great anxiety, he wanted to send more manpower to support. But just before he issued this order, a whine of horns sounded again from the Song Army formation, and then the Song Army, one to two thousand strong, rushed forward like tigers.

Although the Song army attacking this time was much smaller than before, the momentum they displayed was stronger than the Song army attacking the city all day today. It was a kind of contempt for everything, determined to win, like a hunter rushing towards his prey. of powerful aura.

And the reason why it gives people this intimidating feeling is because the team that launched the siege after dark is the most elite team of the Shandong Army's elite Qingzhou Army, trapped in the camp! With Wu Song's double sword in hand and Luda's Zen staff across his chest, the two of them were like leading lions leading a pack of lions to hunt. They crossed the moat that had long been filled in and shrunk with great agility and speed, and rushed towards the city wall.

By this time, Sun Tu had already used his last trump card in his hand. Behind them, there were a large number of Song troops ready to attack, and another army, led by Dong Ping, rushed towards Qingbo Gate...

All the plans have been successful. It's time to bear fruit and harvest the fruits of victory!