Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 752: The city of Hangzhou was destroyed


When two armies are fighting, even if it is a siege, the outcome will not only be determined by their respective strengths, but also by the use of strategies and tactics, as well as the level of morale of the troops. After the offensive and defensive attacks in front of Wangjiang Gate for several days before, the morale of Song and Wu was quite similar, but now the situation has changed.

Suddenly learning that Qingbo Gate had been lost, it was a huge blow to the Wu army soldiers. Everyone had a pessimistic thought in their hearts. Even if they risked their lives to fight off the enemy's attacks one after another, Hangzhou But he still couldn't hold on anymore. When the enemy came from behind, without the protection of the city wall, he would no longer be a match for those fierce and skilled Song troops.

When this idea spread among the sergeants, they became somewhat powerless against the new wave of Song troops. Not even Pang Wanchun could change this problem in an instant, unless Emperor Fang La, who was the backbone of everyone, appeared again and Beating the drums to cheer up might even be able to turn the situation around. However, Fang La was no longer in Hangzhou at this time, and most of the soldiers were still kept in the dark.

Compared with the timidity of the Wu army, the Song army that launched the offensive this time was particularly fierce. Under the leadership of Wu Song and Lu Da, the elites trapped in the camp were like wild beasts emerging from the forest. In just a short time, they were gone. The ladder was put up on the top of the city again, and the soldiers climbed up to the city like agile apes. During this period, although there were still constant arrows and stones from above, they failed to pose too many obstacles to these skilled guys. Although there were casualties, they did not hurt their bones.

Soon, Wu Song was the first to emerge from below. With a sweep of the knife in his left hand above his head, he swept away the spears that were stabbing him. At the same time, he exerted a little force on his toes, and he jumped straight up. He was half a man tall, but he landed directly on the top of the city wall. He also swung the knife in his right hand and struck the nearest man on the chest. The man screamed and fell to the ground. He was really standing on the top of the city wall. heel.

"Quickly, beat him down!" The soldiers of the Wu army on the side saw that the situation was not good, and immediately shouted loudly, waving their weapons and coming to kill him. They knew very well what would happen if the Song army actually occupied the top of the city, which would cause the entire city wall to be broken through, or even fall completely.

At that moment, more than a dozen people were frantically fighting over him, and a flurry of arrows were fired directly at Wu Song, vowing to force him down the city. But how could Wu Song make it happen? He was seen standing with his feet at the top of the wall that was only two palms wide. Although his body kept moving to avoid the oncoming weapons, his lower body remained as motionless as if it were nailed. And with both hands, he used two knives to protect his whole body like wheels. It was really impenetrable to needles and water, and actually blocked all the weapons that were attacking him.

Just as he was clinging to the top of the city, attracting fierce attacks from many enemies, someone quickly emerged from below, and several soldiers trapped in the camp finally climbed up. As soon as they saw that Wu Song was trapped in a tight siege, they revealed their weapons without saying a word and charged forward with the roar of the tiger.

A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest. The same goes for the defense line at the top of the city here. After Wu Song opened a gap and had to dispatch more people to knock it down, more flaws were exposed, allowing the Song Army soldiers to continuously come up from below.

. First there were one or two, and then a dozen or so. When the number of enemy troops reached dozens, and they actually occupied a small section of the city wall, and were able to support their comrades below, many people knew that this time was really dangerous.

Especially when Luda, who was being dragged behind due to his heavy body, jumped down from the top of the city with a single stride, waving the equally heavy Zen staff like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep, killing many enemies and making them retreat and dodge, this Wangjiangmen I really can't hold on anymore.

All this sounds complicated, but actually it only takes a short time. From the time when the Wu army was in a state of confusion, they had to face the fierce attack of the Song army's elite, to now the city was completely lost, and a continuous stream of enemies continued to attack the city, with only a cup of tea in between. It was so fast that Pang Wanchun couldn't even come up with a countermeasure. The only thing he could do was to keep shouting and cheering, asking the soldiers to rush over and prevent the enemy from spreading. But the effect was obviously not optimistic. At the city wall, The gap has been expanding, and now a section of six to seven feet is under the control of the Song army. Three ladders can be set up here to allow more Song troops to go up to the city to help in the battle.

Pang Wanchun had actually tried his best. Just now he had charged personally, but was blocked by Luda, who was extremely powerful and was best at charging in chaotic battles. And once he, the general, goes to fight with the enemy general, the result will be that the morale of the army becomes even more chaotic. At this moment, everyone does not know what to do, and they can only rush forward without a clue, and then they are defeated by the stronger Song army. A wave of pushback.

On the other hand, the officers and soldiers of the Song Army had already deliberately cultivated the cooperation between small teams during the training. Now they were at the top of the city like a fish in water. They could spontaneously cooperate and attack forward without Lu Da and Wu Song bothering to direct them. , forcing the enemy to retreat continuously.

At this time, the Song army under the city was already excited. Seeing that the city was about to be defeated, everyone was naturally excited and everyone rushed to be the first. Even the three armies of the Jingnan and Huaibei armies, which had suffered huge losses here in Hangzhou before and lost their troops and generals, have already asked for a fight and want to fight again this time.

In response to this, Sun Tu naturally did not disappoint everyone. He immediately pointed his gun forward and shouted on his horse: "Today is the day to capture Hangzhou! The whole army will attack!" Everything continued to develop as planned. One of the most fortified cities in Jiangnan is about to be destroyed!

In fact, the plan to seize the gate at Qingbo Gate was not the key to his real attempt to break the city. The real key was at Wangjiang Gate. After all, this was where the main force of the Song Army was located. And as soon as there is fear within the enemy army, as long as they show a slight flaw, it will be time for him to command the entire army and rely on his own powerful combat power to break through Hangzhou!

"Kill!" Following Sun Tu's order, tens of thousands of Song troops rushed forward, shouting like tigers and wolves who had escaped from prison. Following the footsteps of the trapped camp, they passed through the frame in an endless stream. The ladder climbs straight up. Not only in this section of the city wall that has been occupied, but also in other sections of the city wall, there are also aerial ladders that are quickly set up by the soldiers. Dozens of aerial ladders are connected with thousands of soldiers attached to them. Suddenly there is an overwhelming feeling that can bring down the enemy. The city wall was completely torn down.

Not only that, the banging sound at the city gate below also became more and more intense, causing the sand and stones in the hole in the city wall to fall, and the huge stone and heavy objects sealed at the city gate began to shake. Past

Then moved.

This all-round, three-dimensional attack immediately made Wu Jun even more panicked. Their counterattacks became increasingly weak. No matter how much Pang Wanchun screamed, it was still to no avail. Some people had already begun to sneak towards the city. Obviously, some people already thought that Hangzhou was about to be lost and began to think about escaping.

Once this fear of war spread, Wu Jun's resistance plummeted, and he quickly retreated to the top of the city after being killed, completely losing control of the city walls and gates.

It wasn't until all this happened that Pang Wanchun reluctantly accepted the reality that he was defeated like a mountain, and he could never turn things around by himself. Even though he is the God of War in the Wu army and has always won the hearts of the soldiers, but at this time, even though he shouted his throat out, he could not make the soldiers rush back without hesitation to fight with those who were already killing like crazy, covered in blood and looked particularly terrifying. The soldiers of the Song Army fought to the death.

At this moment, in addition to despair, he even felt a little lucky. Fortunately, Military Advisor Jiang was well prepared and His Majesty had been sent away from Hangzhou early. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult for Your Majesty to leave safely now that the Song army had entered the city. But then, he was shocked again. His Majesty was the only one who left. Many important officials in the court were still in the city, such as Prime Minister Fang and Military Advisor Jiang.

Keeping the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood... This was a thought that he quickly turned around in his mind. Without any further entanglement, he quickly gave up the unrealistic idea of retaking the city wall like everyone else, and ordered loudly, After gathering a group of military horses, he galloped towards the city. We must escort these important figures out of the city before the Song army actually captures Hangzhou!

Even after reaching this point, Pang Wanchun still did not lose heart. He believed that since His Majesty could raise troops in Wuzhou and lay such a large foundation in a few years, if Hangzhou was lost today, as long as they brought people back, they could still make a comeback and make a comeback. Compared with the gains and losses of a city or a place, those central and court officials, pillar figures like Prime Minister Fang are the most critical!

When Pang Wanchun made up his mind and rushed towards the city with a force of 3,000 soldiers and horses, with bursts of cheers, the flag of the Song Army had been planted on the top of the city of Hangzhou. Later, with the joint efforts of both inside and outside, the Wangjiang Gate that had blocked them for a long time finally opened with a bang.

Hangzhou City finally opened its channels completely, and no one could stop the Song army from entering and occupying the city.

Sun Tu exhaled a breath, feeling happy but also a little regretful. After all, he could not personally lead the troops to rush into the city, so that he could experience the joy of breaking into the city with his own hands. But there is nothing that can be done about it. As the commander-in-chief of an army, he can no longer always take the lead as before, especially in such fierce offensive and defensive battles. Even if he wants to, the soldiers around him are also It was impossible for him to take such a risk again.

After quickly calming down, Sun Tucai kicked the horse in the belly, took the remaining ten or twenty thousand people, and drove into Hangzhou with his head held high.

On October 29, the fourth year of Xuanhe in the Song Dynasty, after more than a month of offensive and defensive battles, Hangzhou City, the capital of the puppet Wu Kingdom, was finally captured by Sun Tu's army. This seems to mean that the war going south to quell the chaos is about to come to an end...