Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 761: The war is suspended for a while, and an undercurrent will arise


Zhang Heng left.

Just two days after he killed Jiang Shihu with his own hands to avenge his brother, although his arm injury had not yet healed, he still said goodbye to Sun Tu. The injuries on his body and some unspeakable emotions in his heart made him finally choose to part ways with his former brothers.

In fact, Sun Tu had already foreseen this. Everyone has his own ambitions. These people who came down from Liangshanbo are actually used to being free and loose. It is really too difficult for them to stay in the army and have to obey orders and act in everything. Because of brotherly loyalty, I felt that the battle in Jiangnan was dangerous, so I stayed in the army and did my best to shed blood for the army. And now, when the overall situation is decided, it is time for them to retire after their achievements.

So when Zhang Heng directly proposed to say goodbye, Song Jiang and others tried to persuade them to stay, but Sun Tu agreed after being silent. Not only did he not accuse them of fleeing in battle, but he also specifically ordered someone to take them. Some gold and silver came as gifts, which can be regarded as a thank you or an explanation.

Also leaving at the same time were Li Jun and the Tong brothers. This was really a big blow to Song Jiang, because these brothers were all his confidants. But there is no way. In the past, whether it was Li Jun or Zhang Heng, so in the final analysis, it was because of Zhang Shun that he was the leader. But now that Zhang Shun has died under the Yongjin Gate, they naturally have no one left to stay in the army. A reason to work hard. As for the Tong brothers, they have been following Li Jun for many years, not to mention of course.

Seeing that no one could be left behind, Song Jiang could only accept all this and personally sent them out for more than ten miles and said goodbye in tears. Sun Tu just reminded them not to go back to their old business and do the banditry without capital. , otherwise the swordsmen will meet one day.

In response, Li Jun smiled casually: "After all this, I still don't understand that being a thief is not a long-term solution. So this time I plan to take these brothers out to sea, maybe I can do something good. Woolen cloth."

Li Jun, Zhang Heng and others all left, but Sun Tu led his army to station in Hangzhou City. He did not take advantage of the victory to advance westward to kill all the rebels who fled to Wuzhou as many people suspected.

He had his own reasons for making such a decision. One of them was that the weather was getting colder and the depth of winter was coming, which was really not conducive for the army to continue fighting. Although he often played in winter in the past and had several beautiful victories, he only took risks when there was no other better option. Now that the overall situation is under control, there is really no need to let the soldiers suffer like this anymore.

The second is that they have been fighting continuously in the past six months. Both the Shandong Army and other Xiang armies are actually exhausted and really need a good rest. Since the enemies in Wuzhou can't escape, why not stop the army temporarily and rest in Hangzhou for a while

Third, Hangzhou really needed someone to stabilize the situation after the war. Whether it was to appease the people or rebuild the city, it was inseparable from the official and military garrison. Moreover, being able to contribute to this matter will win the hearts of the people and will be of great benefit to Sun Tu's future plans, so naturally he will be even less likely to let it go easily.

The fourth, and also very important point, is that Sun Tu is waiting for the reaction from other places in Jiangnan. Just like when I stopped in Suzhou and waited for civil strife in various places in Jiangnan,

Now he is also waiting for the formation and reaction of other small places. He believes that those places no longer need to send troops to quell the chaos.

The facts were just as he expected and predicted. With the destruction of Hangzhou, the last bit of persistence and luck in various places in the south of the Yangtze River disappeared. Immediately, gentry in many places began to revolt, killing those who were still loyal to Wu. Officials eradicated them and then returned to the court.

In just one month, after entering the twelfth lunar month, Jiangnan, except for some state capitals near Wuzhou, had sent people to Hangzhou to plead guilty and surrender. At this time, Sun Tu only needs to send an official and bring a few people over to take back all the power of the state capital. The so-called Wu Kingdom had actually ceased to exist in name only by this time, leaving only the small area of Wuzhou and losing a lot of powerful help. Even if Fang La had the ability, he might not be able to make a comeback.

The north wind is howling and the snow is flying. The city of Wuzhou was completely shrouded in a thick layer of haze, and the same haze also enveloped the hearts of all the kings and ministers of the Wu Kingdom in the city.

Although they were able to escape from the defeat in Hangzhou, all the courtiers felt no joy at all, but only greater fear. Because now, even if they don't have much foresight, they still know that their time will not be too long. The person who felt this most clearly was, of course, Prime Minister Fang Fei.

Not only did he feel the deep despair from the military and civilian officials in the city, he also felt the same thoughts from Fang La. Depression, worry, anger, unwillingness... all kinds of emotions made Fang La suffer a lot. At this time, he looked bleak. He was more than ten years older than when he was in Hangzhou, and he was much more haggard.

The loss of Hangzhou and the deaths of close officials such as Pang Wanchun, Jiang Shihu, etc., were such a heavy blow to him that he had to pessimistically conclude that his death was not far away.

For this reason, Fang Fei often went to comfort and enlighten him, and it was no different today. After walking with Fang La for a while in the yard where snow kept falling, he brought up the old story again: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much. Things are not at the end of the road yet. We still have the possibility of a comeback."

"Old man, please stop comforting me with these words. Don't I know that this game is no longer viable? Although the Song Army has not come over yet, as long as the spring warms up next year, then Sun He will definitely come with his army on the way. When the time comes, how can I, the city of Wuzhou, be able to stop him? Even Hangzhou..." The continuous defeats have reduced Fang La, who was high-spirited at first, to the point where he has no confidence at all. , even the title has changed. He is no longer called the lonely Taoist widow, nor is he called Fang Fei or the Prime Minister Ai Qing anymore. He is back to the original title of brother.

Fang Fei was silent for a moment, and then he changed his title and said: "Brother Wu, what you are saying is that it is indeed impossible for us to re-establish the country, but there is still hope to hold on to the Wuzhou area. Can you Don't forget that just to the east, we still have the natural danger of Wulong Ridge. Why did Pang Wanchun desperately rescue us back then? Wasn't it because he knew that even if Hangzhou was lost, he would still be able to fight? As long as we hold on to Wulong Ridge, Wuzhou cannot be lost. As long as Wuzhou is safe, we will still be able to fight."

"Although Wulong Ridge has a dangerous terrain, it is easy to defend

It's difficult to attack, but... Sun Tu is an experienced soldier, and all his soldiers are good at fighting. Can we really stop him? "At this time, Fang La had completely lost his confidence and was full of hesitation.

This question really made Fang Fei a little confused as to how to persuade him, because he had also experienced the horrors of Sun Tu and the Shandong Army many times. During the battle at Changshu, he had thought that Sun Tu would be defeated, but what he was waiting for was the news of the fall of Suzhou. Later, I thought Hangzhou would be able to hold on, but what happened? He thought that Pang Wanchun would definitely be able to draw a tie with Sun Tu. After all, he was the number one person in the Wu army, but unexpectedly, news of his death came in the end... One by one, they all explained to him a truth. This Sun Tu The road is invincible, no matter how difficult the situation is, it cannot withstand the direction of his troops.

Fang La looked at his embarrassed look and smiled miserably: "So, if you want to save the lives of our brothers, the best way is to kill me and then send my head to Hangzhou. In this case, for the sake of your atonement, Sun Tu may be able to spare your lives... "

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!" Fang Fei was really anxious after saying this. He immediately knelt down and changed his title: "Even if I die, I will never do such an unfaithful and unjust thing. Come on, I believe others won't do this! We haven't reached the real desperate situation yet, there are still opportunities. Wulong Ridge can definitely be defended, and that Sun Tu... That Sun Tu may not really be able to hold on until the beginning of next spring. Your Majesty But don’t forget what Military Advisor Jiang said back then. This person has long been tabooed by the Song Dynasty court. How could those traitorous ministers let him go and let him achieve such great achievements?"

These words really made Fang La's expression change. He still quite agreed with what Jiang Shihu said at the beginning. Because he knew very well what kind of character the Song Dynasty court was now, how jealous those treacherous officials were, and the strength and attitude Sun Tu showed in these days had already touched the bottom line of those people. If he really calmed down the overall situation in Jiangnan, it would be hard for these people to attack him again due to his great achievements. The best way for them now is to change their generals before victory has come and replace Sun Tu with someone else!

"Your Majesty, I think this matter has great potential. As long as we block it for a while and send people to Bianjing immediately to lobby for smoothing things over, the situation will turn around. As long as those people believe that we will surrender to the Song Dynasty if Sun Tu is replaced. If they can take this great contribution, those people will definitely be moved and will definitely try to recall Sun Tu back." Seizing such an opportunity, Fang Fei naturally would not let it go, so he hurriedly called himself All his thoughts were revealed.

Fang La frowned and remained silent. After a while, he said: "But will Sun Tu really be so obedient? He is very courageous. He even dares to kill Zhu Meng."

"In the final analysis, he is just a minister after all, and if this is the case, once the Song Dynasty cuts off its food and grass supply, it will only be more beneficial to us!"

"Then try again?" Fang La finally said after hesitating for a while. After all, he still didn't want to die like this. But for them, the most critical thing now is that Wulong Ridge can be defended, at least next spring, they must defend against Sun Tu's massive attack.

But can it really be accomplished by just relying on that natural hazard