Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 764: Replaced by Zhang Shuye who picked peaches



As winter turns to spring, the gentle February spring breeze is like a paintbrush or scissors, making Jiangnan a vibrant and green place.

After several months of reconstruction and repair, the city of Hangzhou has truly emerged from the haze of the previous war. Although it has not yet returned to its old appearance, the lively and peaceful appearance has long since disappeared from the rush and confusion after the previous war and fire. Uneasy, the people finally returned to their original lives.

Of course, everyone is still worried. After all, the remnants of Fang La in Wuzhou have not yet been wiped out, and no one can guarantee when they will come back. Fortunately, General Sun has been leading the army here, and the officers and soldiers have been practicing every day since the new year without any slack. This makes everyone full of confidence that this bandit chaos can be put down as soon as possible, and they also look forward to the whole territory of Jiangnan. There will be a time of peace, where we will no longer suffer from military disasters, and we will no longer have corrupt officials exploiting us.

At least on these two points, General Sun can definitely satisfy everyone. The officers and soldiers under him are strong enough and mighty, and considering that even the Wu army relying on Hangzhou City is no match for him, it proves that he can bring peace to the place. As for allowing the people to live and work in peace and contentment without being exploited, General Sun has done a better job. In the past few months, except for the taxes and food that he should pay on the surface, he has never extended a hand to the people.

This is so rare that many people even feel like they are in a dream and cannot believe it. You must know that no matter how honest the officials at this time were, they would collect various miscellaneous taxes from the people in addition to the regular taxes, and the amount collected by the latter far exceeded the regular taxes. This has been recognized by everyone. , so many people were forced to go to a dead end because of this.

But this time, General Sun did not ask for a penny more from ordinary people. This alone was enough for many people to worship him and regard him as a highly upright official. Not to mention that he could truly protect the safety of all people. It's safe.

However, people will inevitably be worried. Can such a good official, who has been rare in a century, really stay here in Hangzhou for a long time? Moreover, he is a military general after all, and maybe the court will send some important person over again. By then, will everyone still be able to live such a safe and prosperous life? In addition, what happens after the Wuzhou Rebellion is settled? I'm afraid General Sun will have to leave with his troops. So what should everyone do in the future

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. When the people have lived such a good life and become accustomed to such a good life, they certainly do not want to go back to the past. Of course, they also hope that General Sun can always guard Hangzhou, guard Jiangnan, and guard the big guys. . Because of this, many people don't even care about whether they can march into Wuzhou. They just hope that everything can go on like this without any changes.

But obviously, it is impossible for some people to fulfill the wishes of the people. On the last day of February, a team of thousands of people appeared in front of the city of Hangzhou. Just from the imposing manner of their clothes, you could tell that they were coming. They were high-ranking officials in the imperial court. The two men in front of them, wearing brocade robes and having extraordinary bearings, made the ordinary people around them feel a lot of pressure.

When the news of the victory over Hangzhou was sent to the imperial court, three

Months later, people were finally sent over there, and their intentions seemed quite unkind. When this team marched through the door and along the street, heading towards the government office where Sun Tu was located, he who was among them had already learned the news earlier.

In fact, Sun Tu, who was thousands of miles away, already knew about this before the other party set out from Bianliang, Tokyo. Just after the year, the imperial court finally made a decision to send another direct bachelor of Longtuge. Zhang Shuye came to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Jiangnan army to suppress the rebellion. At the same time, there was also a supervisor named Xuan Cangyong.

In fact, to this day, Sun Tu, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, has no real name. He is only recognized as the commander-in-chief by tens of thousands of officers and soldiers relying on his own skills and abilities. However, he has no actual position. His current official position is still just that. Jingdong Road is under the jurisdiction of soldiers and horses. Therefore, fundamentally speaking, there is no problem at all when the imperial court sends such a person to perform his duties.

But judging from the facts, what the court did was extremely unreasonable. It was clearly picking ripe peaches. You know, the previous tough battles were all fought by Sun Tu's troops. Now even Hangzhou is in his hands, and the rebels have been forced to only Wuzhou to defend, and they can be destroyed with a backhand. He won them and achieved great success. But at this moment, the imperial court suddenly sent someone to be the coach. In this way, once the chaos in Jiangnan was calmed down, all the credit would be given to him. How could this make people feel convinced

So after learning about this, Sun Tu didn't even say anything. The soldiers below couldn't hold it back one by one and started shouting endlessly, expressing their grievances for General Sun. Even Xu Shen and Ren Shifan had strong opinions on this, and often complained in front of Sun Tu in private. Then, when the incident spread to the people for some reason, the people became even more uneasy and said anything.

Sun Tu, on the other hand, just smiled indifferently after learning about the court's arrangement and said: "This is what it should be. We just have to do our duty and don't think too much about other things." It seemed that it was completely Didn't take it too seriously.

Only a few close confidants, such as Zhu Wulin Chongzhe, could understand Sun Tu's true thoughts. He obviously didn't take the coach and military supervisor seriously at all. Thinking about it, he even dared to kill a figure like Zhu Meng who could dominate the sky in Jiangnan, let alone two commanders and supervisors who had no foundation at all in Jiangnan. Moreover, everyone had heard that this The new head coach Zhang Shuye is a civil servant, so that's not worth mentioning.

Sun Tu had heard of Zhang Shuye to some extent, no matter in his past or present life. How should I put it, from a certain perspective, it was Sun Tu who took the credit from him. Because in history, it was Zhang Shuye who was a civil servant who really put down the Song Jiang Rebellion. He was also considered one of the few powerful officials in the late Northern Song Dynasty who still had some ability.

He thought that Zhang Shuye would have no chance to stand out after taking away his credit, but the result was beyond Sun Tu's expectation. Zhang Shuye actually continued to defeat thieves elsewhere, and was quickly dismissed by the court. After being promoted, he has now become a high-ranking official, ranking high in the court.

Naturally, he is quite capable. As a civil servant, he was able to lead the already rotten local army to successfully quell the rebellion one after another, which shows his superb ability and military skills. But just look at him and Sun Tu

Compared with his achievements, it is obviously far from enough, but now Sun Tu is still just a soldier, while Zhang Shuye is already a direct bachelor of Longtuge, ranking high among ministers. From this point of view, in addition to the huge difference in the status of civil and military officials in the court, I am afraid it is also related to the strong backers behind him.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that the imperial court sent Zhang Shuye to the south of the Yangtze River when he was just waiting to pick peaches, thinking of using him to overpower Sun Tu, or even replace him. Therefore, he himself was hostile to Sun Tu. Even though he had a pretty good reputation in history, he had never been classified as a lackey of the Six Thieves. In Sun Tu's eyes, he was also an enemy who must be eliminated.

Jiangnan is the top priority for Sun Tu's future development and growth, and the credit for quelling the chaos this time cannot be given away, so he had already made corresponding preparations before the other party arrived. As for the understatement, it was just a pretense.

Of course, even if the situation really becomes a fire and water situation, at least it is impossible for Sun Tu to really fall out with them today, otherwise things will be too ugly. But there are some things that he alone cannot have the final say on.

When someone else came in to report, Zhang Shuye and the others had already arrived at the yamen gate. Sun Tu straightened his clothes and walked out smoothly, followed by Yue Fei and Tang Feng.

After more than a year of experience, especially after the battles on the battlefield, Yue Fei looked calmer than before, but he was a little more confused and entangled in his heart. As the closest confidant to Sun Tu, he is very aware of some of Sun Tu's thoughts and actions, and some things are obviously very different from the idea of loyalty to the emperor that he agrees with. This makes the young Yue Pengju feel a little confused recently, and what he wants to say. , but I don’t know where to start.

Sun Tu had actually taken his thoughts into consideration early on. But he never actually mentioned this matter to Yue Fei, because he knew very well that people like Yue Fei could not change their existing ideas just by talking about it. Only through facts one by one could he truly understand something. Something, change some minds.

Sun Tu did not follow the current rules in the officialdom and rush to the yamen gate to greet him. In fact, if he really followed the rules, he would have made preparations in advance to greet his two superiors at the city gate. After all, in terms of status, they were both better than He was so much taller. But he just waited in the atrium. When he saw two officials with extraordinary bearings approaching, he took a step forward, bowed his lower body and said: "I don't know that the two superior officials came suddenly, and the inferior officer Sun Tu missed the meeting from a distance. I hope you can forgive me." When he said this, his eyes glanced at the faces of the two of them intentionally or unintentionally.

The one who was a little ahead was Zhang Shuye. When he heard this, he just smiled gently: "General Sun, you are serious. I know that you have great responsibilities and complicated affairs, so you can avoid all these red tapes." The supervisor behind him, Xuan Cangyong, darkened his face slightly and snorted, obviously feeling unhappy when they met.

Sun Tu, however, just ignored him and made a gesture of invitation: "In that case, please come in and sit down to talk." After saying that, he led his two superiors into the front room as a master. In the lobby, he then made another unexpected move. Without any polite hesitation, he still sat on the chief seat of the boss!