Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 776: The two heroes capture Fang La


Seeing the two people suddenly rushing into the cave, Fang Fei immediately exclaimed: "Fourth brother, be careful..." But after all, he is just a weak scholar. Even if he wants to escort them, he has no such ability. Also quite hesitant and slow.

Fang La, on the other hand, suddenly felt a shiver in his heart and suddenly a sharp light flashed in his eyes. Not only did he not dodge and flinch, but he shouted low and charged forward with his knife. In such a desperate situation, he finally felt that he was not afraid of anything and could fight the world with only a pair of fists. Since the enemies were already at hand, it was time to fight!

After rushing into the cave, Lu Da and Wu Song glanced at the situation in the cave and carefully checked the clothes of Fang La and the other two. They quickly made a judgment in their hearts that this should be their ultimate goal. When they saw Fang La coming forward to fight, the two of them were not surprised but overjoyed. They also shouted and rushed forward together. Their Zen staffs were swept across and their swords were drawn out diagonally to attack the incoming man. However, this seemingly ferocious attack still had some force left in it. After all, their goal was to capture the thief alive.

Looking at the Zen staff that was sweeping towards him with the sound of whining wind, Fang La suddenly stepped on the ground with both feet. He quickly jumped up and easily dodged away. At the same time, the knife in his hand also swept out diagonally, and he followed closely. Wu Song's swords came and hit each other. With a clanging sound, the three swords intersected, and then he pressed down boldly. He actually had the intention of suppressing Wu Song in the first confrontation.

Although he did have reservations, the opponent's fierce and continuous sword force still caught Wu Song off guard, causing him to be unable to use the subsequent moves. He could only hurriedly step back and draw the sword. In order to stabilize the body shape first. Fang La also landed smoothly at this moment, and took advantage of the situation to retract his sword and come out again, but he struck at Luda who was close in front of him, but the Zen staff could not be fully withdrawn.

He actually suppressed Lu Da and Wu Song, two masters and fierce generals who were among the best in the Shandong Army, with one against two despite being suddenly attacked. Even though he was not angry, Luda could only stagger and dodge when he saw the knife coming. However, at the same time, as he flipped his wrist, the Zen staff turned back like a dragon and stabbed the opponent's jaw from below. Once it hit, Hit, this one blow can beat Fang La's head to pieces.

But Fang La had no fear at all, and had no intention of dodge. He actually put the knife away and blocked it at the angle of the Zen staff, and then collided with it heavily, making another clang.

Then, a scene that surprised Ruda even more occurred. Although his martial arts skills are not the best in the army. For example, Lin Chong, Dong Ping, Shi Wengong and others can defeat him within dozens of moves, but they do not dare to underestimate him because his strength is unparalleled. In the whole army, others can only defeat him with clever tricks and timing. Can. As a result, today, in this cave, Fang La, who was the ultimate target, did not lose at all in the most direct contest of strength. No, he even had the upper hand.

While the swords and sticks were intersecting, the two of them were already fighting at the same time. Then in a moment, Ruda felt a strong force coming, making it difficult for him to hold his hands. He could only watch helplessly as the Zen stick was being used by others. It was pushed to the side, and at the same time, the knife also slashed down quickly. Fortunately, his reaction is quite fast enough. Once

Realizing that the situation was not good, he hurriedly dodged to the side and escaped the fatal knife blow, but his shoulder was still carried by the wind of the knife and a piece of flesh was cut off.

Before he could recover from the shock, Fang La roared again, held the knife in both hands, and then curled the blade to slash across, not giving the enemy any chance to breathe. The powerful murderous intention swept through, so that Ruda did not dare to take the fight forcefully, and could only retreat again. At the same time, he complained in his heart. In such a cramped environment, it would be really dangerous if he was completely passive.

Fortunately, there was also a clear shout from the side, and two cold rays slashed Fang La's head, neck and waist from the side again. However, Wu Song finally attacked again and resolved the imminent danger, so that Fang La could only give up the pursuit temporarily. Block the fatal attack first.

Unlike Luda's Zen staff attack which was completely open and closed, Wu Song's sword moves were more varied and clever. Especially after seeing the power of the opponent and no longer daring to relax, he used all his skills. His sword moves were dense and meticulous, leaving no flaws. At the same time, relying on the advantage of the double sword, he always Attack the opponent's two key points separately, hoping to find flaws.

But this time Wu Song also miscalculated. His fierce and fast attack was completely blocked by Fang La's sword. His sword seemed to have grown, but his moves were also as sophisticated and changeable. Not only could he easily protect his whole body, but also when Wu Song's stormy sword moves were exhausted and there was a slight lag, he could be used again. Launch a counterattack.

With two clanging sounds, the long knife actually smashed open the two knives guarding the way forward, then swung straight towards Wu Song's throat and stabbed him. He was so frightened that he quickly took two steps back, then turned his left hand to save himself. But at this moment, Fang La's move changed again. The stab that seemed to leave no room for anything suddenly changed in an instant, from stabbing to slashing, and the target was Wu Song. He had already used the move with his old left shoulder. !

This change of move was too sudden, completely beyond Wu Song's expectation. But at the same time, it was so logical, as if he was originally going to strike at Wu Song's left shoulder from the beginning, leaving him with no time to change his moves to save himself. And if he was hit this time, Wu Song would probably have to break an arm.

Fortunately, there was Luda beside him, and he could see the ruthlessness of this move at a glance. He immediately struck with his staff, and the horizontal staff blocked the attack in time. With a harsh earthquake, he felt his jaw go numb, his Zen staff almost flew out, and he even took two steps back to the side, feeling really embarrassed. But fortunately, Wu Song was saved. After the latter's face turned pale, he shouted loudly again. Taking advantage of Fang La's old tricks, he decisively stabbed the opponent's lower abdomen with the knife in his right hand, no longer caring about himself at all. Safety is at stake.

After seeing this, Luda already understood his intention, and he shouted loudly. He jumped up, holding the staff in both hands, and used the most direct and straightforward move to split Huashan. He hit Fang La on the top of his head, but his middle door was completely exposed.

The two of them have cooperated to kill enemies for many years and have formed a tacit understanding. They can know each other's next intention with just one movement without using words or even eye contact. Wu Song was already trying his best, and Luda had no hesitation. The two of them fully planned to fight for the chance of being seriously injured.

It’s time to press down on the wax.

And this time, he really pinched Fang La's seven inches. After all, he was no longer the fierce man who could kill with blood and pin his own head on his waistband a few years ago. Over the past few years, as his territory continued to expand, his status continued to improve, and the number of people available to him continued to increase, Fang La gradually no longer had to go to the battlefield.

In the past few years, the closest thing to the battlefield was the drum beating at the top of Hangzhou City that day. Although his divine power and martial arts are still there, his determination and desperate spirit have long been worn away by time. Before, he could suppress the two of them with his courage and martial arts, but now, when the two of them cooperated and fought to the death, he finally felt fear in his heart. He could have fought again, but he hesitated and then Already retreated.

And just like Luda's judgment before, in this kind of environment, in front of such similar opponents, once you get timid and retreat, it will be difficult to stand up. As soon as he retreated, Lu Da and Wu Song stepped forward, waving their Zen staffs and slashing with both swords. They attacked Fang La continuously like a wave, forcing him to parry and retreat. He was forced to retreat step by step. Entering the final corner.

"Fourth brother..." Although Fang Fei didn't know martial arts, he could still see the problem in this situation. He immediately screamed, gritted his teeth at the same time, held up his decorative sword, and wanted to step forward to help. . Even if he just goes up to die, as long as he can get even a glimmer of a chance for Fang La, that's enough.

"Don't come over..." Fang La panicked. He knew very well what would happen if Fang Fei came over. He yelled urgently, but this caused a flaw in his movements. Wu Song's knife had already hit his chest and his clothes were torn apart. , blood flowed out, and he groaned.

Fang Fei rushed over anyway. He was already prepared to die, and stabbed Wu Song randomly with his long sword. This time, he obviously chose the wrong target. If he was attacking Ruda, he would have swept it down or killed him with a stick. However, when the sword hit Wu Song, A strange idea came to his mind -

His steps changed slightly, his body turned slightly, and he had already easily dodged Fang Fei's aimless sword. Then the sword in his left hand was drawn on the back of the sword. While he was staggering and unable to keep his body, he quickly flew up and kicked Fang Fei directly in the direction where Fang La drew the sword.

This was completely beyond Fang La's expectation, and he quickly retracted his move while exclaiming. Once this knife is really struck, Fang Fei will die. But as a result, his already passive situation became even worse, and flaws were exposed on his side.

What Wu Song wanted was this opportunity. The knife in his hand flew out like a sword, hit the target with a pop, and nailed it to the cave wall with a ding. Ruda had also followed up with an attack with his staff, and hit Fang La on the waist with a bang, causing him to be thrown up sideways, screaming and blood spurting from his mouth and nose, and then he hit Fang La hard on the cave wall, and then he hit Fang La again. Landed like a sack. Just these two blows had severely damaged Fang La.

Before he and Fang Fei could react, Wu Song's second knife fell down and lay across his throat: "Don't move, or your head will be moved!"

At this point, Fang La was captured, and the battle outside seemed to be coming to an end...