Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 781: First time attending court


If someone on the other side of the city gate had not secretly made arrangements to tell the people beside him about his identity, there would not have been a cheer when he first entered the city gate, and then his situation might be much more difficult than it is now. Maybe someone would hinder and delay the meeting with the emperor, leaving him alone in this post for a long time.

This judgment had actually been made by Sun Tu as early as after he moved into Guanyi. He just felt that things were a bit unbelievable. After all, he had almost no backing in Beijing. Who would risk offending Gao Qiu and other powerful ministers? Is it human risk to help this one

And now, the answer has finally emerged - it's Ya'er's newly recognized relative, and it's people from the Di family of Zhuanhou of Gemen who are secretly using the force. And based on the popularity of this family in the Forbidden Army, it's obviously easy to achieve this level. Things, maybe the city gate over there is under the control of a certain uncle.

Of course, this is not enough to have a big impact on Sun Tu's mind. Although it is indeed a great thing for Ya'er to find his relatives from many years ago, he is not shameless enough to even think about seeking such a relationship. , let alone use Ya'er to achieve his goals. What really stirred his heart was the identity behind the Di family - Di Yong, the Marquis of Gemen, who was Ya'er's biological father. But a generation earlier, the name of Di Yong's father and Ya'er's grandfather was... But his head was enough to make Sun Tu admire him—Di Qing!

Ya'er was actually the granddaughter of Di Qing, the Wuquxing who really shined out from among the numerous Wenquxings since the founding of the Song Dynasty. General, Di Qing and Di Hanchen! The great general Di Qing who single-handedly put down the Nong Zhigao rebellion in the southwest and then went west to fight against Xia, thus starting the line of the Western Army!

In later generations, there are always people who say that the Northern Song Dynasty had no generals and the Southern Song Dynasty had no prime ministers. In Sun Tu's opinion, this was completely nonsense. It was not that there were no powerful generals in the Northern Song Dynasty. It was just because the power of the civil servants was so strong that the generals were completely suppressed. But even so, there are still many famous generals who have emerged throughout the ages. Even if we don't mention Pan Mei and others who followed Zhao Kuangyin in founding the country, the loyalty of the Yang family alone will not allow the predecessors to be the most beautiful, not to mention that there is Di Qing in the mid-term.

However, in the overall environment of the Song Dynasty, where culture was promoted and military was suppressed, even a famous general like Di Qing who had made great military exploits could not get ahead in the end, and finally died in depression due to various suppressions. Sun Tu, who already considered himself a member of the Song generals, was very dissatisfied with this, so he needed to do his best to change it, but this did not affect his admiration for Di Qing.

So when he learned that Ya'er actually had such an identity, he was quite surprised. At that moment, Sun Tu reached out and gently wiped away the few tears still on Ya'er's face: "Silly girl, why are you crying so hard? This is a great thing, and it should be celebrated happily. .”

"Yes!" Ya'er nodded vigorously, but then glanced at Sun Tu timidly: "Third brother, from now on you and I..." She was actually a little worried that because of her change in identity, her third brother would have a negative opinion of her. Attitudes have also changed.

"What are you thinking about? In the eyes of Third Brother, you will always be the Ya'er who used to take care of me, the most obedient, gentle, and...

It’s my favorite little wife Ya’er. Even if you are the emperor's daughter or a princess, my feelings for you will not change at all. "Sun Tu stared at Ya'er's big eyes seriously and spoke soft words of love, but Ya'er's pretty face suddenly showed joy and shyness, and the previous worries disappeared.

Just when the two of them were loving each other, looking at each other again, and seemed to want to make further moves, another drum beat came from the distance, but it was already the fourth watch. This made Ya'er groan again without realizing it: "I've been delayed for a long time, third brother, I..." She looked at Sun Tu with embarrassment. She wanted to accompany her husband, but she had already been with him when she came here. The people agreed.

Sun Tu leaned over, kissed her gently on her red lips, put the jade pendant back into Ya'er's lapel, and then helped her off the bed: "We can't make things difficult for others, let alone We are still your family. We have already met today, and there will be more time to spend time together in the future. You can go back first."

"Yes!" Ya'er responded softly. Even though she was reluctant to give up, she could only endure it for the time being. Accompanied by Sun Tu, she left the courtyard, then left the hotel in the dark, and then got into a hotel. A carriage without any markings hurried away.

Sun Tu stood in the dark, watching Ya'er leave, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief. Immediately, a strange light flashed in his eyes again. I originally thought that I would go deep into the enemy's position alone when I returned to Bianjing this time, but now it seems that something has changed. Even though he had never thought of taking advantage of the Di family's prestige in the military, judging from the attitude shown by one of his uncles from the beginning, things were already very complicated.

Everything, just wait and see how things develop...


Although there was such an extra episode, the development of things did not change much after all. As expected, the imperial court temporarily ignored him in Guanyi as Sun Tu expected. For this reason, they did not even care that a serious criminal like Fang La was still detained in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

It dragged on for a full month and a half, and even the Mid-Autumn Festival had passed. On the 23rd, someone finally sent a message, saying that he wanted to see Xianjie at the court meeting two days later. After all, they were not bold enough to completely wipe out such a great achievement, nor did they dare to leave Sun Tu in the hotel without being able to escape.

Early in the morning, Sun Tu put on the military attache's court uniform that he had already prepared. He set off from Guanyi on horseback and quickly joined the ranks of officials along the long street. He then walked along the long imperial road to the palace. And go.

This was Sun Tu's first time attending a court meeting after traveling to the Song Dynasty, so everything seemed particularly fresh to his eyes - for example, along the way, in addition to the officials who went to court, there were actually quite a lot of people, and they So I chose to go out at this time to do official business, selling breakfast to the officials who were rushing to go to court.

This is a situation that Sun Tu cannot understand in any case, because based on his understanding of ancient times, officials should not be high-ranking, and going to court is an extremely solemn matter. How can it be like the people of later generations working and going to school? Why don't you buy some rebels and eat them along the way? But the facts are all before our eyes.


In fact, except for a few high-ranking officials who have servants who will prepare breakfast for them, other officials are really indispensable for folk breakfast. What made Sun Tu even more unbelievable was what happened later. When he followed the flow of people to the palace, he saw an astonishing scene. On both sides of the street not far from the palace, there were actually countless breakfast stalls. Officials in purple and green official uniforms were just like ordinary people visiting the market, choosing and buying breakfast that suited their own tastes. Some of them grabbed pastries and ate them, while others sat down and ate in the small stalls. People were eating wontons and other soups at the small table. It was really lively, but it didn't look like what it should be like before a court meeting or in front of the palace.

Can you imagine the scene where adults will buy breakfast on the spot in front of the Forbidden City in Beijing a few hundred years from now? Can you imagine that before a certain congress has begun, there are people constantly biting sesame seed cakes and drinking bean juice in front of a certain general hall? And all of this was actually displayed in front of Sun Tu's eyes, making him once again feel the relaxed atmosphere of the Song Dynasty that was very different from other dynasties. Compared with such astonishing sightings, the situation of the large number of officials who could only come on foot to attend the court meeting, and many of them were still wearing purple official robes, was not worthy of Sun Tu's surprise anymore.

The Song Dynasty may be wealthy enough, and the salaries of officials are far higher than those of the Ming and Qing dynasties in later generations, but in terms of pomp and circumstance, ordinary officials at this time are really not as good as those of later generations. Especially after entering the braided court, if any official goes out without riding a sedan or riding a horse, he will be included in the book if someone sees him, let alone such a grand court meeting.

But such a relaxed atmosphere only ends here. When the sky gradually lights up and the sun peeks out from under the clouds in the east, the sound of bells and drums in the palace also starts. The officials quickly finish off their breakfasts, and then They lined up neatly in front of the palace gate and waited quietly.

During this period, everyone stood upright with their hands tied. Not only did they not hear a single cough, they even stood in an extremely upright posture, not daring to slack off in the slightest. And all this is because there are officials from the Yushitai watching from the side. They are the people who are the best at finding fault. As long as an official makes any mistakes during this period, they will be directly impeached and fined. Punishment will befall the unlucky guy.

Although Sun Tu said that today was his first time to attend a court meeting, he would not really make any mistakes as he was well prepared. Especially since he has been in the army for many years, he has long developed the habit of standing like a pine tree and sitting like a clock. This ability of waiting quietly with the team is of course inherent to him.

After waiting for a while, the palace door finally opened, and then the ministers entered the palace slowly and in orderly and majestic steps. What they were going to was not the Daqing Hall, the main hall of the palace, but the Wende Hall on the west side. The former would only be used during major gatherings such as the Winter Solstice. Just by glancing at the square there, Sun Tu saw that It was known that the place could accommodate thousands of ministers, but today there were only about 400 people attending the court meeting, which was obviously a small number.

After passing the Daqing Palace Square, pass through a horizontal gate, and then there is the Wende Gate. After passing through this palace gate, there are two hundred-step corridors behind, leading directly to the Wende Palace. At this time, hundreds of officials also Fen Wenwu stopped in front of the two pavilion doors...