Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 797: Trouble keeps coming


Sun Tu, who was so majestic in the military camp and respected by everyone, encountered obstacles one after another in the official circles of the capital and became a ball that was constantly kicked around.

For three days, Sun Tu visited the yamen of the Dianqian Department, the Military Department, the Household Department, and the Transportation Department, hoping to solve the shortage of food and pay for Huben's army as soon as possible. But as a result, the officials in these yamen started to practice pure Tai Chi one after another, and continued to shirk the relevant responsibilities. As a result, he walked around, but in the end he gained nothing at all. Even these few It's unclear where the money and food went when he was supposed to join the army.

In fact, Sun Tu had expected this result. After all, he wanted to seize the benefits from relevant interest groups that they had already devoured, so it was understandable that he would be perfunctory. But in his imagination, as long as he really makes his attitude clear, it will inevitably make people feel uneasy. Even if he cannot give a satisfactory explanation, the relevant money and food can always be allocated as soon as possible. After all, it is only a few thousand soldiers and two years. It's just a shortage, compared to what they lost due to greed, it's just a drop in the bucket. Those who can always tell the difference between the importance and the severity.

Indeed, despite the fact that the annual rations and salaries for the officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army were the highest among all the officers and soldiers, it was actually not too high when put into the expenses of the Song Dynasty court, especially when there was only one army of Huben Army. It's inconspicuous, and the money and food of about 100,000 yuan are not enough to send a birthday gift. If Sun Tu hadn't been worried about being impeached, he could have made up for the money and food himself.

But it happened that Sun Tu, a Yuehou who was now well-known in the capital, failed to handle such a small matter of money and food. This was really embarrassing for him. It wasn't until he had a conversation with Di Yingyang about this matter that he realized that he had indeed oversimplified the matter. After all, the capital city was different from Shandong and Jiangnan. Some things, although small, had extremely wide implications and could really affect the whole body. .

Di Yingyang, who had been training with the army for four or five days, was much darker and thinner than before, but he was in good spirits. Even when he sat across from Sun Tu and drank tea, his body was... He was upright and upright, obviously a habit he had developed in camp.

"Sanlang, the training method you implemented in our Tiger Army is indeed very effective. In just a few days, the appearance of the brothers has been completely different. No wonder you can train an army that is almost always victorious in just a few years." With the arrival of our elite troops, if this method can be implemented among the officers and soldiers of our Song Dynasty, it will surely greatly enhance the power of our Song Dynasty." At this time, Di Yingyang admired Sun Tu even more and took a sip of tea. Afterwards, there was another burst of praise.

Sun Tu smiled casually: "Brother Ninth is ridiculous. It's just a small way to train soldiers. The most important thing is to make the soldiers trust me and obey my orders. As of now, it is still very difficult to achieve this." It’s not easy, at least now I’m getting more and more desperate.” After a pause, he explained how he had hit a wall in the past few days.

After hearing what he said, Di Yingyang also frowned deeply: "So you didn't actually negotiate the matter with the relevant yamen and promised that everyone would make up for the money and food? This is really a bit tricky. . Sanlang, you don’t know. This matter may not seem big, but the water is extremely deep, so it’s not easy to deal with.”

"how do I say this?"

Di Yingyangchiu

He hesitated for a moment and said: "It seems that Sanlang, you must have been in the army for many years and are unfamiliar with things in the officialdom. Those officials have a lot of tricks and think much further than us warriors. Don't look at it as a trivial matter like a hundred thousand guan of money and food. It seems that as long as they leak some from the cracks of their fingers, they can make up for what we are missing. But in fact, it is not that simple at all. If they really do this, it means Admit that we did covet military rations before. By then, even if we don’t cause trouble for them, the crows at Yushitai will take notice and join in on their troubles."

Sun Tu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then he realized that he had indeed oversimplified things. As Di Yingyang said, after being in the army for a long time, he had become accustomed to solving problems straightforwardly and could not explain things deeply. Take a closer look.

And Di Yingyang's words are not finished yet: "This is only one level, and more importantly, once this side is opened, I am afraid that more people will use the same excuse to ask for military rations and wages. If what I expected is true, in fact, Beijing Except for the Fourth Army of the Central Forbidden Army, all other armies have more or less been deducted and owed money and food. If calculated in this way, the number is extremely huge. No yamen can afford it, let alone the corruption charges attached to it. Yes. If they really open up an opening for our Tiger Army, things will only be more difficult later on, so they will never give you face, even if they know that you are not an easy person to deal with. "

After a few words, he finally answered all the questions, and Sun Tu's face became even more gloomy: "So it seems that it is almost impossible to recover money and food through formal channels?"

Di Yingyang nodded, and then said with concern: "Sanlang, don't make any trouble on impulse. This is the capital after all, and it is under the emperor's feet. Once trouble really breaks out, no one can handle it."

"Don't worry, I have a family now, so I can't do anything random. But since they really refuse to give me any face, maybe I should retaliate and let them suffer some hardships. The Transportation Department and the Household Department Well, since they are so fat, there will naturally be a lot of loopholes for me to catch!"

In fact, Di Yingyang is not a peaceful master. He just gave a casual advice just now. Now after hearing this, he suddenly became interested: "Sanlang, what do you want to do? Why don't you say it, so that I can join you?" Total it up.”

"No, Ninth Brother, you'd better not get involved in this matter. That way, even if something goes wrong, it won't affect your Di family." Sun Tu shook his head. Then he coughed dryly: "Tomorrow I will go to the front office of the palace again to see what Gao Qiu's attitude is. If I continue to deal with it, I might be able to trick him!" As he said that, a sparkle flashed in his eyes. , anyone who is familiar with him knows that Sun Tu is going to do something big again.


Early the next morning, Sun Tu came to the front office of the palace again. This was his third time here in a few days. Even the guard in front of the door was completely familiar with him. He bowed and let him go without checking the token or anything. He entered.

Without any hesitation, Sun Tu went to the main hall to see Gao Qiu again. At this time, Gao Qiu had just arrived at the Yamen. When he heard that Sun Tu was asking to see him again, he just sneered and had someone pass him to him: " You came thousands of miles away

It just so happens that I am looking for you for something. "

"Huh?" Sun Tu was stunned, but still asked: "I wonder what the Lieutenant has to say?"

"You, you acted too recklessly. As soon as you arrived at the Huben Army, you killed people indiscriminately and hung their heads in front of the barracks. Now it has become known all over the city. Just yesterday, that The wife, children, and children of the man who was killed ran to Kaifeng Mansion to beat drums and complain. It was a matter of human life, and Kaifeng Mansion did not dare to hide it, so they came to see me again, hoping that I could handle it properly. Originally, if this matter was only in the army, I would not The official can still help you cover up the past, but you acted too casually, and you actually made such a fuss. Many people even came to the Yushitai to impeach you. I'm afraid even His Majesty will know about it by now. So. You can only go to Kaifeng Mansion to answer this matter yourself, even I can't protect you!"

After saying this, Gao Qiu glanced at Sun Tu secretly, wanting to see what his reaction would be after hearing about such trouble. But Sun Tu disappointed him. He didn't show any panic at all. He was just stunned for a moment before lowering his head and clasping his fists: "It's because Meng Lang did something too much for his humble position, but it made the Taiwei bother. I will go to Kaifeng Mansion now." Explain this matter and never embarrass the Taiwei."

Gao Qiu looked at him in disappointment and surprise for a moment, then nodded: "In that case, you can go. But don't worry, you are Yan Ziliang's boss after all. The military rules say that if he makes a mistake, he should be punished. When I arrive, I will always speak up for you."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Sun Tu clasped his fists again, and then mentioned the purpose of his visit: "However, the matters at hand are indeed difficult to deal with. If the shortage of money and food is not in place, the brothers below may not be willing to do it. Practice hard, I have also been to the Household Transfer Department and other yamen, but they always pass the blame to each other, I don’t know the captain... "

"Qianli, the stakes in this matter are not small, and even I can't interfere easily. In fact, if you are patient, this matter is not difficult to solve. I just wait until next year when the money and food are allocated, I will talk to them and let them Just make up for it with money and food, how about it?" Gao Qiu's answer was watertight, but it was no different from a refusal. By next year, even the day lily would be cold for Sun Tu.

Sun Tu was not surprised by this, and Gao Qiu's reaction had already been expected. Sun Tu smiled helplessly, and then said softly: "In that case, I have nothing to say, but this official has nothing to do with me, right?"

What did he mean, what did he want to do? Gao Qiu seemed to have caught something, but he was a little unsure for a moment, so he could only nod his head: "The disbursement of military rations and wages is a matter of the Ministry of Revenue and has nothing to do with my former secretary."

"That's good, I'll resign." Sun Tu saluted again, and then withdrew so easily.

Watching Sun Tu leave, Gao Qiu's uneasy feeling became more intense. This guy acted without scruples. He had done many earth-shattering things in Jiangnan, Shandong before. Could it be that he really wanted to do it in Tokyo? Is there something big going on

At this moment, Gao Qiu almost wanted to call him back. But then he thought about Sun Tu's trouble at this time, and if he made another big noise, he might be able to kill himself, so he kept silent.