Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 803: An unexpected gain


Thousands of years apart, the accounting methods must be very different, but they remain the same. In the final analysis, they are still just numerical records, and the accounting methods in the Song Dynasty were far less complicated than those of later generations, so even if Sun Tu didn't understand accounting, he still couldn't. You can still sort out the clues from these seemingly complicated ledgers and quickly capture the problems.

And as he opened his mouth, Shopkeeper Xin, who was already trembling with fear in front of him, was even more shaken. He smiled stiffly and said: "General... General, where do you start with this?"

"Why, do you have to point me out to find out the problem?" Sun Tu put the account book on the case casually and said with a half-smile: "You remember it clearly. In the past two years, the figures for the import and export of grain and rice are often the same for half a year. It's huge, but as winter approaches, this number suddenly shrinks to less than 30% of the usual number. Why is this?"

While he was talking, Sun Tu stood up and walked slowly to Shopkeeper Xin. There was a big height difference between the two of them. He looked at each other almost condescendingly and said in a serious tone: "If it is other shops, there may be another peak season or off season. But the grain and rice business is different. Who can live without eating?"

Just this question left Shopkeeper Xin dumbfounded and unable to come up with a suitable reason. As for the officials in Kaifeng Mansion, they looked at Sun Tu with surprised eyes. They really couldn't understand what he was leading. How is it that generals who fight in battles are so familiar with things in these accounts, and can know everything about them after just looking at them for a while

But Sun Tu's words were not finished yet. I heard him continue: "There is another point that is quite strange. I found that the price of your import and export of grain and rice in the past two years has also been very different. The purchase price of rice the year before last was 800 yuan. , but last year it became 600 yuan, what’s the point of this?”

Listening to Sun Tu revealing the flaws one by one, shopkeeper Xin was finally completely panicked. His knees softened and he knelt down with a plop: "General Sun, please forgive me. I'm a kid. I'm just following orders." My boss asked me to settle these accounts, but I have never benefited from anything like this. General Sun Mingjian..." As he spoke, he kowtowed his head.

This actually shocked Sun Tu. He didn't expect that he would scare people like this when he pointed out the flaws, because this matter was actually not a big deal, it was just a problem with the grain store itself. But when his eyes glanced at the solemn faces of the Kaifeng officials nearby, he realized that the matter seemed to be really serious.

The key to this problem lies in food, because it is the guarantee of a country's peace, and the Song Dynasty paid special attention to this because it did not have a large area of land in the north, so it developed the food derivative of wine. They pay special attention to it and impose heavy taxes. They can only be sold with the permission of the government.

Even wine is like this, and the sale of grain is naturally more valued by the government. Especially in Tokyo, a metropolis with a population of one million, the supply of grain is the basis for stability. Regardless of whether it is a good year or a disaster year, the imperial court will control the relevant grain prices. This is an iron law that the grain shop owners must follow. Anyone who violates it will be a serious crime.

But these are all things on the surface, but in private, various methods are emerging in endlessly. Now, the court is turning a blind eye, as long as they are not caught

Handle, just pretend it's okay. But things are different now. Sun Tu has already seen from the account book in his hand that there is a big problem with the price of grain in and out of this grain store. In the past two years, this number has actually fluctuated by two hundred pence per stone. This is already a huge problem. As long as If you report this, everyone including Shopkeeper Xin will be charged with a serious crime!

Naturally, Sun Tu, a soldier, didn't know much about matters related to people's livelihood, but the people in Kaifeng Mansion knew it very well, so they were so cautious at this time, and Shopkeeper Xin was even more frightened out of his mind. He originally thought that his accounting methods were clever enough, and that allocating the relevant figures to each month was inconspicuous, but who would have thought that Sun Tu would see through the problem just by looking at it like this, and now the crime would be completely laid on his head. .

Although Sun Tu didn't know what was going on, it didn't stop him from asking: "Whether you are guilty or not depends on your attitude in confessing next. Tell me, why is there such a big deviation? What exactly did your grain store do?" Human deeds?”

This is what the other officials want to know most, so they all stare at Shopkeeper Xin to see how he will reply. Shopkeeper Xin no longer had the courage to hide anything this time, so he could only tell the truth: "To tell you the truth, I just take care of the business in the store and keep accounts. Our store can really make money." I have no way to get involved in the business. Even the year before, I didn't know about this."

Sun Tu did not interrupt his self-explanation, but looked at him with a faint look, waiting for him to get to the point. Xu was frightened by Sun Tu's coercion, and the man added: "Actually, the price at which we sell grain has always been within the government's regulations, and we dare not deviate in the slightest. But this is just on the surface. Behind the scenes, we sell grain at a high price." I sold a batch of grain to the Gu Family Trading Company, which was more than twice the market price... "

"Is there such a thing? Then why did the Gu family business raise the price of food so high? Is it to make good friends with your master?" Sun Tu asked curiously.

"This is impossible." An official next to him couldn't help but interjected: "Gu's Trading Company is one of the largest merchants in Tokyo. Even those of us in Kaifeng Mansion will not fawn over, so how can they deliberately make friends with Yan Ziliang?" What about the Imperial Guard officers who don’t have much real power?”

Sun Tu nodded and looked at Shopkeeper Xin again. But this person shook his head timidly: "I really don't know about this little one. But because the price of grain and rice imports and other items must be recorded in accounts, and they are subject to random inspections by the government, so my boss ordered me to balance the accounts. After two years, I haven’t seen any problems... "

Sun Tu nodded and looked at the people in Kaifeng Mansion. This matter was actually their responsibility, but they were fooled so easily. I wonder what they thought. After feeling Sun Tu's gaze, these people also blushed a little, but at this time they could only pretend not to know, and asked with a straight face: "What a tricky person, since I knew your boss had a problem, why didn't you report it earlier?" official."

"Young man, I don't dare..." Shopkeeper Xin immediately trembled and quickly excused himself: "My boss has an official status, and the Gu family business is more powerful. How can a little person like me offend him?" ?”

Unexpectedly, his decision to close the store to prevent the Yan family from escaping would lead to such an incident. This made Sun Tu quickly change his mind. He looked at the people in Kaifeng Mansion and said, "Guys, I wonder if you have any thoughts on this?" What

Ideas? "

"This..." Several people looked at each other, but they were a little embarrassed.

If this was a problem they discovered on their own, the most they could do was trace it to the Yan family and then hastily close the case. They would never dare to actually reach out to the Gu family firm. The Gu family is really powerful, and they have more backers in the court. Not to mention them, even Zhou Fuyin may not be able to handle it.

But now, with Sun Tu by his side, the situation is completely different. If he and others want to make a big deal out of a big deal but he doesn't want to, they may involve themselves and the entire Kaifeng Mansion. This is something they can't bear. consequences. Moreover, based on Sun Tu's impulsive behavior of flipping the table, as long as he really wants to investigate, no one can stop him.

Seeing that they were still hesitating, Sun Tu couldn't wait any longer: "Everyone, judging from your reactions just now, we can tell that the food price matter is of great importance, and since the Gu family business has done this, there must be some shameful deeds. If they are willing to collect grain at a high price, they must have a way to sell it at a higher price. This is a threat to Tokyo and even the Song Dynasty. This matter must be investigated. Do you think I am telling the truth?"

"What Marquis Yue said is..." After several people looked at each other, they could only nod helplessly.

"And now that this matter has been exposed, I think with the Gu family's hands and eyes, maybe they will know everything after today, and then try to cover up their crimes so that we can find nothing. Do you think this is ridiculous? Does it make sense?"

Several people nodded again. This is common sense. Once anyone knows that such a big thing has happened, they will definitely try their best to cover up their faults, or at least minimize their guilt. Sun Tu continued at the moment they nodded: "In this case, I believe that this matter can no longer be delayed. We should immediately surround the relevant shops of Gu's Trading Company and search them, and obtain all the incriminating evidence before reporting it." Court. Everyone, this is a good opportunity to make great achievements. Are you willing to go with me?"

After saying this, everyone was instantly dumbfounded. This plot is going in the wrong direction. Aren’t we dealing with the Yan family’s matter? Why is it getting involved with the Gu family business? And it's so urgent that you don't give anyone any chance to prepare or ask your boss

"Marquis Yue, are you too impatient? After all, the Gu family..."

"Just because they have backers in the court, they can't wait any longer, otherwise the matter will be more difficult to solve. The right way is to have quick soldiers. Since there is a problem, you should face him immediately!" Sun Tu almost shouted. Ollie gave it and immediately walked out.

Several people wanted to stop him, but they didn't know where to start. In addition to being a little panicked, they were also a little excited. This might really be an opportunity to make a contribution. Thinking in their hearts, they followed him out unknowingly.

These people didn't know that the reason why Sun Tu made such a seemingly reckless decision was actually to completely muddy the waters and add more charges to the Yan family. Only in this way could the general grain embezzlement case be escalated into a big problem. To the point where those stakeholders are afraid to stretch their claws anymore.

And just when Sun Tu hurriedly led people towards the Gu family trading company, which was not too far away, Zhang He finally arrived. After learning where he was going, the capable subordinate in front of Gao Qiu was also a little confused: "This guy What do you want to do? Are you unwilling to give up without making things worse?"