Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 807: Amazing discovery


Each mule cart is filled with various items, including silk cloth, spices, and even small handles made of bamboo and wood. They look very ordinary and are generally transported and sold by caravans. Common things.

But if you really want to find a problem, there are still some. For example, those silk cloths are particularly strange among the goods shipped out of Tokyo, because there is no other state or county in the world that can sell them at a higher price than in Bianjing. The price of cloth is so high, how can any businessman do such a loss-making business

Of course, this alone is far from enough for Sun Tu to do such a big thing. As long as he leads his troops to gallop through the city, intercepts people with great fanfare, and searches the goods of the caravan that has left the city, as long as the Gu family Getting to the bottom of it would be enough for him to drink a pot. What's more, he also severely offended the officials of Yushitai, and his brothers hurt people. This matter is even more unlikely to be a good thing - as long as he can't find any decent evidence and clues.

At this moment, a subordinate was carefully unloading the goods from one of the mule carts, and was surprised to see that there was a mezzanine underneath. This made him scream out in surprise. While speaking, he took a knife and pried the mezzanine cover hard. After a click, the things on the lower layer were completely exposed - they were wrapped in oil paper one by one. The squares look like bricks, but there is a pungent smell coming out, which is so familiar to these people who have just come off the battlefield: "It's wound medicine..."

After hearing this, Sun Tu's eyebrows suddenly raised, and the boss Li in front of him was even more shocked. Without any hesitation, he suddenly stretched out his figure and jumped straight forward with one arrow step - At this point, the secret has been revealed, so we can only escape first.

But just as he started to move, a figure that was faster than him suddenly blocked the way forward, and before he could make the next change, a black shadow swept across with a strange whine. Then, with a bang, it hit his chest. Boss Li's lucky body was staggered and fell sideways. It was only then that he saw clearly that the person blocking his way was the Forbidden Army general. The sword at his waist was already in his hand, but it was not unsheathed. If he had really unsheathed his sword and struck him with one blow, I'm afraid he would have been cut in two by this sword.

Even though the sword was unsheathed, it was still so powerful that it broke his ribs and caused him to fall heavily to the ground due to his imbalance. Then several spears came at once and were directly pressed against his throat. and chest, making him dare not move any more. And this time, everyone inside and outside the city gate was suppressed, including the censor who was patrolling the city in a menacing manner just now!

Although Jiang Heng, as a censor, was not familiar with military affairs, he still knew some common sense. For example, although wound medicine could be purchased in various medical clinics and pharmacies, the Song Dynasty court actually had control over it, and private individuals were not allowed to buy and sell in large quantities without permission. of. Because this thing is also an important strategic material. No matter which country's soldiers are injured, they need medicine to treat wounds. As the most developed country in all aspects, the Song Dynasty naturally had the best medicine for wounds, not to mention the imperial court. Maybe they were allowed to flow out to Liaoxia and other enemy countries.

And now, twenty or thirty kilograms of wound medicine was found in the mezzanine of this mule cart alone, and the suspect who is the owner still feels guilty.

If you want to escape, doesn’t this mean that the problem is huge? This made Jiang Heng regret greatly. If he had known that such a result would happen, he should not have come forward before, but now he was involved.

For a moment, Jiang Heng even had the idea of leaving away, but when he moved slightly, Sun Tu's voice came: "This censor, please bear witness for us. In addition, , what was your intention when you tried to obstruct our investigation just now?"

The problem has been found out. How could Jiang Heng still dare to be as arrogant as before? He immediately changed his face and said with a smile: "The Marquis of Yue is really good at it, and I admire him. It was just a misunderstanding before, but now it seems that the Marquis of Yue is really good at it." You did the right thing, there is indeed a lot here, not only this car, but also other cars must contain many prohibited items. If the Marquis of Yue really wants the official to testify, the official will definitely not refuse!"

In just a moment, he had woken up. At this time, he could only work hard to make friends with Sun Tu and cooperate with him to ensure his own safety, at least not to be accused of being an accomplice by him. Being able to serve as an official in Tokyo for several years, even if he is young, even if he is a censor who always prides himself on being upright, he is extremely slippery and smart.

Sun Tu smiled at him, nodded again, and then said: "Continue searching, I will check every car carefully, and there must be no omissions!"

At this time, the sun has set to the west and the light has dimmed, but more and more people are gathering at the city gate. Although everyone does not dare to get closer, they still look at it from a distance with curiosity and discuss at the same time. One after another. This has a lot to do with the famous Gu Family Trading Company. For the Forbidden Army to find such items that are strictly prohibited from being sold, there must be great fun to be had next.

But the real fun was yet to come. After dismantling several cars but only finding the same wound medicine, suddenly in front of a car with only half a load of silk, a soldier who opened the mezzanine loudly exclaimed. Get up: "General, here is the crossbow..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt their hearts skip a beat, and even Sun Tu's expression changed. He hurried over in two steps, and when he reached out again, he picked up an exquisitely crafted one. When a crossbow several feet long came, his eyes flashed and he looked at the controlled Boss Li again. Today's situation was really beyond my expectation. I thought it was just ordinary smuggling, but now it seems that the matter is much more serious than I thought!

There were even more exclamations all around, and many people were so frightened that they turned around and left, not daring to watch the excitement anymore, because this matter was too big for them to watch.

With the discovery of the crossbow, the matter has indeed reached an extremely serious stage. This is no longer smuggling, but collaboration with the enemy. Because only the enemy could take aim at the most proud crossbow of the Song Dynasty!

For hundreds of years, the Song Dynasty promoted culture and suppressed military power, which led to a lack of military armament. There were not even many famous generals. But even so, after so many years, when facing the rising and powerful enemies such as Liao Xia, the Song Dynasty at least did not suffer heavy losses in many wars, but why

In addition to sufficient money and food, and the many forts built for many years to defend, the more important thing is that the Song Dynasty continued to develop and research long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows, and quickly used them in wars. It can be said that nowadays

In this world, the most advanced innovation in crossbows is the Song Dynasty. The crossbows of the Song Dynasty are the most powerful weapons on the battlefield. Just like some powerful countries in later generations, new research has created some powerful missiles or Like an airplane.

For this reason, the Song Dynasty gathered skilled craftsmen from all over the world over the years and established a crossbow academy in Tokyo to continuously improve and develop powerful crossbows. At the same time, in order to compete with the Song people, Liao Xia sent spies into the Song Dynasty many times, trying to steal bows and crossbows by various means, in order to imitate them or come up with countermeasures.

Over the past decades, the Three Kingdoms have fought countless overt and covert battles over this issue, and the thrilling battles among them are needless to say, and the Imperial City Division has contributed a lot in these battles, and many warriors have lost their lives as a result... Not only Sun Tu knows these things, but even ordinary people People have heard a lot about it.

And now, the enemy-defending weapon that belongs to our Song Dynasty is being sent out of Tokyo in such a grand manner. This has a great impact on everyone, and even Sun Tu's face has become extremely solemn. Crossbows, especially crossbow machines, were banned among the people, let alone bought, sold and transported. But now, the Gu Family Trading Company was bold enough to transport many crossbows out of the country. This matter involved so many aspects that even he felt frightened.

First, where does the stuff come from? Is it the army, Gongnuyuan, or other yamen

Secondly, who is so bold as to sell such an important thing? And who is this Boss Li who dares to do this

Thirdly, how involved is the Gu family firm in this matter? Was it the order from his backer, so they had to do it? Or do they not know the truth and just treat it as a transportation transaction for some medicine

Finally, it was clear that what I wanted to check before was just food, so why did it become these more sensitive things? Where are things going to be shipped? How many prohibited items have they transported to other places before

... Too many questions came one after another, making Sun Tu's head feel dizzy. But soon, he calmed down again, and this was the best result for him. Aren't you afraid that things will get worse now? Is there any greater gain than discovering these crossbows? At this time, I am afraid that Cai Jingdu will no longer be able to cover up the matter. After all, the matter is too big and there are too many people who know about it. After all, he will not be able to truly cover up the matter with one hand.

While Sun Tu was thinking, the search by his soldiers continued. Amidst the continuous bangs, the mezzanines of the mule carts were opened one by one, revealing the things hidden inside. Five of the carts contained crossbows. , together, there are more than a hundred pieces, which makes people tremble with fear.

Jiang Heng was completely dumbfounded. How could he, a small seventh-grade censor, dare to do this

It's involved, but it's even harder to leave now.

At this moment, Sun Tu suddenly thought of something, turned his head hurriedly, and said to a subordinate: "You will pass my order right now and have the brothers in the camp dispatch immediately, surround the Gu family, and take all the relevant people." Don't let anyone go. Go quickly!" The matter will spread soon. Even at night, such a big event cannot be kept secret for too long. Maybe the Gu family will have to flee for their lives, and with his family's many years of management , it’s not too difficult to really escape!