Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 808: There was an uproar


The sun sets in the west and the moon rises in the east. The lanterns in Tokyo City begin to light up, and the light and shadow dim.

The office in front of the palace, which should have been dismissed early, was brightly lit today, and all officials, big and small, were present. Even if they had no official business to attend to, they were still here pretending to do what they were doing. But at another time, Except for a few officials on duty, it has become empty. The reason is that Taiwei Gao Qiu is still in the Yamen today, which makes his subordinates not dare to leave at will.

The officials below did not know that Lieutenant Gao had no intention of paying attention to them at this time. As the news came back one by one, he felt a little confused and his brows furrowed deeper and deeper: "First, we surrounded the Yan family's store. Then it was the Gu Family Trading Company, and now he has gone to the Xicheng Warehouse area. What on earth does Sun Tu want to do?" His uneasiness became even heavier.

Following a burst of footsteps, a close aide passed back important news: "Lieutenant, the Marquis of Yue suddenly led people to stop the Gu family's convoy leaving the city outside Kaiyuan Gate, and found a large amount of prohibited items from it. ! Also, he has now sent a message to the Tiger Army, saying that he will surround the entire Gu family's house and not let anyone leave."

Hearing this, Gao Qiu subconsciously slapped the case with his palm: "He's so brave! He actually dared to attack the Gu family directly!" This thing sounds really unreasonable, even if Sun Tu returns to Tokyo Not long after, he had little experience in making connections in the officialdom, but just by looking at the Gu family's ability to make such a big deal, one could tell that the other party had a big backer behind him. Isn't he afraid of getting himself into trouble

Of course, it would be a good thing for Gao Qiu if Sun Tu was defeated by the forces behind the Gu family, but Gao Qiu was worried that he would also be implicated. After all, Sun Tu was now under his command, and anyone would take it for granted that all of this was under his command, Captain Gao. As far as he knew, behind the Gu family was a high-ranking official in Yushitai, and behind him was Liang Shicheng, who was deeply trusted by the emperor!

Even if Liang Shicheng is ignored, the Yushitai alone is enough to give people a headache. Those crows are the most noisy. Once you are really entangled with them, even if you are favored like Gao Qiu, you will be in constant trouble.

"This guy is really a master of causing trouble. He has caused such a big trouble just a few days after he took office." Gao Qiu became more and more angry. He really wanted to remove all Sun Tu's official positions, but this It's not realistic after all. After calming down for a while, he thought about something again. Sun Tu was by no means a fool who didn't know how to advance or retreat. If he dared to do such a thing in Tokyo, he must rely on someone. What could it be

After a moment, he asked solemnly: "Do you know what those forbidden things are?"

"Our people are far away, so we haven't found out yet. It should be something that is prohibited from being sold privately, such as salt or wine." This person didn't know the inside story and guessed casually.

Gao Qiu shook his head in denial: "Impossible. With the Gu family's wealth, these things can be sold through regular channels, and there is no need to take such risks. The profits from these things are not as high as those of spices and other huge profits."

When he said this, he saw another subordinate approaching in a hurry. This one's face became much more solemn, and even a little panicked: "Lieutenant, there is confirmed news from Kaiyuanmen. He was detained by Sun Tu." of

The Gu family's caravan actually concealed a large number of crossbows and wound medicine, which seemed to be transported to our border with the Song Dynasty... In addition, Sun Tu had already led people to escort these things and headed directly to the Gu family. "

"What..." Even though he was somewhat prepared, after hearing this, Captain Gao was still shocked and stood up suddenly, "They are so brave!" What happened now is shocking. It's really a big deal, and no matter who it is, it will be difficult to cover up the matter!

The Song Dynasty had developed commerce, but it also stipulated that many commodities could only be sold exclusively, such as wine, salt, iron, and even tea... However, although these items were prohibited from being smuggled, people would still sell them secretly in private, as long as If these businessmen can manage the relevant people in the government, they can make the government turn a blind eye to this and gain a lot of benefits.

However, crossbows and wound medicine are definitely prohibited items that are completely untouchable. Not to mention ordinary merchants selling them, even if an official dares to hide more than three or five crossbows in his home, as long as he is reported and found out, he will be accused of conspiracy, and even if he does not die, he will be issued with three thousand crossbows. Here, this life is completely over.

And for ordinary people, the situation is even more serious. If they are implicated in this, the entire family may be destroyed overnight. Especially when it is found that these things are to be transported to the border and sold to the enemy country, it is a serious crime of collaborating with the enemy, and it is not an exaggeration to exterminate the three tribes.

Even an important minister like Gao Qiu, who was deeply favored by the Holy Spirit, did not dare to have anything to do with such a sensitive matter. This made his expression become extremely serious and his breathing became heavy: "Where did this news from Sun Tu come from? , where did he have the courage to announce such a thing directly to the public? How could he, a small minister in front of the palace, such as Yuhou, intervene in this matter? He was not afraid of this huge wave, so he first Have you been swallowed up by yourself?"

Not long after this series of thoughts arose in his mind, he suddenly changed his mind again: "No, Sun Tu is not that reckless person. He must have some back-up plan. Maybe everything has been arranged. Could it be that he wants to take advantage of this?" Do you want to deal with me? No, I must not give him this opportunity. I must completely distance myself from this matter!" Gao Qiu has been able to hold the position of Taiwei for many years because of this method of seeking good fortune and avoiding harm. Now He no longer wanted to use this matter to deal with Sun Tu, so it was better to withdraw himself first. If he wanted to deal with Sun Tu, there would be many opportunities in the future.

With his decision made, he walked straight out of the public hall and casually ordered: "Starting from tomorrow, I will be sick in love, and everything has nothing to do with me. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand in this humble position." He was surrounded by confidants, so how could he still not understand what he was thinking? How could Ren Sun Tu be tossing around outside? Anyway, it had nothing to do with their former chief, especially Lieutenant Gao. This fact is too dangerous, and the credit may not be visible yet. On the contrary, it is a trap, but it is full of dangers. Let Sun Tu make trouble on his own.

Almost at the same time as Gao Qiu, Cai Jing, who had returned home and was eating on time, also knew about the incident that happened in front of Kaiyuanmen. Compared with Gao Qiu's panic, Taishi Cai seemed quite calm and calm. Even the piece of tofu he just picked up was not damaged at all. Only the wrinkles on his old face moved slightly, and then he laughed again. : "Since someone

If you want to make waves in Tokyo, make the waves bigger. Those people behind the Gu family have gained a lot of benefits in the past few years, and it's time to pay the price. Don’t we have some disciples who can’t find good jobs? Now is the opportunity. If we drive these people away, won’t the positions be freed up? "

Taishi Cai has been able to stand tall in the court for many years because of his clever methods. When this storm suddenly broke out, many people saw danger, but he saw an opportunity, an excellent opportunity for his followers to further control all the powers in the DPRK and China!

"Go ahead and let the people in the Yushitai start writing. Some people have been occupying the position for many years. It's time to move out and let more capable young people take the seat." Cai Jing waved his hand casually.

"Grand Master, where are the Gu family and Sun Tu?" There are many officials outside waiting to obey orders.

"Let them make trouble. The bigger the storm, the better. Even if some water splashes at our feet, it doesn't matter. He who cleans himself will clean himself up." Cai Jing finished casually and then slowly put in a piece of tofu that was already slightly cold. in the mouth.

Of course, not all officials can be like Cai Jing, who can watch the fire from afar and take advantage of the fire, nor can they withdraw to protect themselves like Gao Qiu. Many people became extremely panicked when they learned the news later, because Gu's Trading Company was inextricably linked to too many officials, and now they were in danger of a disaster. Once a big prison broke out, There are so many people involved.

What makes people even more troublesome is that it is already late at night. Although there is no curfew in Tokyo, if you go out to join forces at this time, you will definitely attract attention. At that time, you will become a target, making the situation more and more dangerous. In the end, most people could only choose to wait for the news at home. Only a few people began to run around to find solutions, but everyone was in danger, but there was nothing they could do...

Of course, who in Tokyo is most afraid of this matter is the family-oriented people. When I learned this series of news, it was already the end of the first chapter, and Gu Youzhi, the head of the Gu family at the time, was still thinking about how to find connections to deal with Sun Tu tomorrow.

Because not long ago, the news that Sun Tu led people to surround the main office of his trading company and went to the warehouse to cause trouble was just returned by his servants. Mr. Gu, who had recently handed over the shopping mall affairs to his son because of his old age and frailty, was very angry. He felt that Sun Tu and other soldiers were bold, but he was also dissatisfied that his son was weak and could be bullied. He even planned to personally do it tomorrow. I'm going to find some backers to take action.

As a result, just after he understood what he said, such more terrifying news came, which completely shocked the old man: "How is this possible? My Gu family has always been a business owner, how could they be selling bow and crossbow injuries?" Drugs and other prohibited substances!" But as soon as he said these words, he suddenly realized that the company's profits have been increasing recently. Last year alone, the profits were nearly 70% more than in previous years. At the time, he thought this was a sign that his son was stronger than himself. , but now it seems that he may have engaged in smuggling and collaborating with the enemy behind the scenes.

At this moment, the old man was completely stunned, and a deep despair quickly spread in his heart.

At the same time, another family member ran to report in panic: "The master is not good, there are a large number of forbidden troops outside and suddenly surrounded our house..." What was supposed to come finally came.