Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 838: Thunder in winter stirs up evil spirits (Part 1)


On the third day of November in the fifth year of Xuanhe in the Song Dynasty, it is appropriate to offer sacrifices and seek medical treatment; it is taboo to travel and meet friends.

Since nightfall yesterday, a strong north wind has been blowing into Bianjing City, causing the temperature to drop sharply and the feeling of winter to come. In the middle of the night, the first winter snow of the year fell on the capital of the Song Dynasty. Although it was not very big, it had already turned the roofs of the city white, and a thin layer of ice and snow had accumulated on the streets.

Such an environment makes the city of Tokyo no longer as lively as before, and the number of pedestrians on the streets is only 20 to 30% of what it used to be. Most people are hiding in their homes to avoid the wind and snow. As a result, some people will naturally have no chance to take advantage of them. They can only drink wine in the lair and curse a few words, saying that God will not reward this thief.

Hearing the vulgar curses in the front hall, a well-dressed man who had just come out came over with a fierce face and said: "You all behave yourself, doing nothing will only be good for you, don't You always talk dirty. If that man comes later and you are not happy, I will probably skin you!"

Originally, a few people in the hall were enjoying themselves unscrupulously while drinking, but when they heard this, the master, who was fearless in heaven and earth, immediately stopped talking and said with a smile: "What the boss said is that the younger ones are a little mischievous. Hey, who is coming over today? But today’s wind and snow... "

"Didn't we just get some good stuff in the past two days? That man has already promised to come and have a taste. He can come around noon. What does this little snow mean? Just prepare and serve well. Well, your benefits will be indispensable when the time comes." The leader chuckled.

"Okay then, let's go get ready." After saying that, several people got up and walked back excitedly. This is a large house with three courtyards. It is considered a good place in Tokyo that only rich people can afford to live. But who would have expected that the people living here are not kind-hearted people, but a group of lazy and vicious people. , a street thug who does many evil things.

They walked quickly and arrived in front of one of the locked rooms in a blink of an eye. After a few clicks to untie the thick iron chain and open the door, they revealed the whole thing inside - there were only a few pieces of furniture in this room. In the room, there were five or six young women in their twenties sitting or leaning on them. They were all dressed as married women, and all of them were pretty and pretty. After they found that the door was opened, they were all exposed. He looked frightened and screamed, I really felt pity for him when he saw him.

"You guys, come out with me and tidy up yourselves." One of the men stood in front of the door, waved to them, and shouted in an unquestionable tone.

"This strong man, please let us go. We will repay you even if we work like cows or horses." None of the women moved, and one of them even begged tremblingly.

But what he got in exchange was a burst of sneers: "Are you dreaming? Now that we have fallen into the hands of our brothers, how can we let you go? But you are also lucky. As long as you do what we want, if you make people happy , in this life I will be able to wear gold and silver, eat and drink well, and have endless blessings! Come out quickly, or our brothers will do it directly!" Seeing the women just cowering in the corner, not moving, The men finally got annoyed and immediately stepped into the room and pulled out one of the women with their hands.

Suddenly, the room was full of crying and shouting again, but these women were weak, no match for these men. They were quickly pulled out of the door, and then they were driven into a room not far away where there was a constant flow of heat. After leaving the house, they were surprised to find that a bathhouse had been installed there.

"Take off your clothes quickly, wash yourself, and put on these clothes." The man ordered again, and then threatened: "If you don't do it, let our brothers help you take off your clothes and wash yourself."

At this time, the girls still didn't know what was waiting for them, and they were so frightened that their faces turned pale. But under the coercion of the other party, they were completely unable to resist. They had no choice but to hide in the corner, crying, undressing and undressing, and then hurriedly entered the bath.

This morning pool is really good. It is much more upscale than ordinary people. Not only is the place spacious enough, but the water in the pool is heated by underground fires. It is really comfortable to immerse your body in the water. But how could those women enjoy this unprecedented treatment at this time? They were all so frightened that they didn't know what to do.

"Wash quickly, don't wait too long to make that man wait! Mom, even I want to have a taste of such benefits..." The man outside kept urging, his words full of yearning. But he knew what his status was. Not to mention enjoying these beauties, he couldn't even enter this house to take a hot bath. But as long as you feel comfortable serving that man, there are a lot of benefits, and it's not a loss at all.

Time flies by and it’s almost noon in a blink of an eye. Several women had also been cleaned, put on colorful clothes and were taken to the more spacious, elegant and warm room in the backyard, just waiting for the arrival of the distinguished guest.

But someone came earlier than him. Several officers from Kaifeng Mansion suddenly appeared in front of the door of the house and banged on the door: "Is there anyone inside? Come out and answer the question. Kaifeng Mansion has something to ask."

After beating him for a while, someone opened the door and responded, it was the leader. He looked at them with an unhappy look on his face: "What's wrong with you in Kaifeng Mansion? We are a legitimate family here..."

"I didn't say you were unfair, but there have been a few theft cases around here recently. I wanted to ask you if there is anything unusual?" The official asked casually, with a businesslike look.

"No." This person answered quite simply: "I have never heard anything happening here. You can ask elsewhere. Also, this is the foreign residence of Mr. Fang of the Criminal Department. Don't keep causing trouble... "As he said that, he tried to close the door with force.

But at this moment, a hand pressed on the door faster than him, and a majestic voice sounded: "Really, the foreign residence of my official from the Criminal Department should be carefully investigated. Let me go in and search!" At some point, dozens of criminal soldiers armed with swords and guns appeared next to them, and the leading official pushed the courtyard door completely open with just one push.

The man really didn't expect that the people from Kaifeng Mansion were just a cover, and that someone from the Criminal Department was going to rush in, and his expression suddenly changed. As soon as his heart moved, he shouted loudly: "Quickly, there are soldiers coming..." But before he could say anything, a sheathed sword was already fiercely greeted.

The blow hit him in the face, causing him to scream and fall on his back. But the soldiers of the Criminal Department no longer had any suspicion at this time, and they strode straight into the courtyard.

However, his loud shout still alerted more than a dozen men inside, and they all rushed out of the front hall with various weapons in their hands. After seeing the specific number of officers and soldiers, they were stunned for a moment, then shouted, turned around and jumped back. Although they looked fierce and domineering in front of those women, when they really encountered a strong enemy, they didn't even have the courage to resist.

Seeing this, the officers and soldiers became determined and even started to shout loudly and chased after them. Some guys were knocked down when they ran too slowly, and they couldn't get away no matter how hard they struggled. A few of them were fast enough to rush to the backyard, turned around, climbed up the not-so-high wall, jumped down, and then stumbled straight to the street outside.

Seeing this, the officers and soldiers also hurriedly shouted to stop, and then chased after him. However, when it comes to chasing and escaping abilities, there is obviously a certain gap between them and these guys. Although they captured two or three more people, they still let three of them rush out of the street.

"No need to chase, let's search this courtyard first." Following the official's order, the officers and soldiers did not continue to take people, but quickly separated and searched everywhere skillfully. And after this search, the results quickly emerged. Not only the women who were still shivering in the big house in the backyard, not knowing what fate would happen to them, but when they entered the other rooms in the courtyard, they also found a dozen boys and girls who were starving, cold and speechless. These men and soldiers were very angry: "These damn kidnappers should be killed to eliminate harm to the people!"

The leading official from the Ministry of Punishment had doubts at first, but now, after seeing these poor people who had been rescued, his face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said: "It's really damned. It seems that Wei Shilang said It’s true, this ghost Fanlou really caused a lot of trouble, they must be uprooted!”

At this time, one of the women said timidly: "This official, I heard they said that a distinguished guest would be coming today, and I don't know if he has arrived..."

"This is happening. Cheng Guang, take people to guard outside right now. If you encounter anyone suspicious, capture them on the spot!"

The head of the Criminal Department whose name was called hurriedly agreed and hurried out with a dozen of his subordinates. When he came to the alley, he happened to see a carriage speeding down the long street. He hurriedly chased it, but in the end he failed to catch up with the vehicle pulled by two horses. He only saw a figure from behind. A carriage with extremely exquisite workmanship and luxury would only be owned by wealthy families.

"Who is this person, and what is his relationship with those guys from Guifanlou?" Cheng Guang stopped helplessly and watched the other person disappear quickly, but his heart was full of doubts.

And in the carriage that was going away, one person was gnashing his teeth: "Fortunately, I reacted in time, otherwise I would have fallen into the hands of the tolerance officer. How did those bastards do things? They actually showed their flaws. Also, what happened to Kaifeng Mansion and the Ministry of Punishment? Will you find this hiding place?"

It was just after noon and the snow had not stopped. A nest of Wuyou Cave in Tokyo was quickly breached by the government, but this was just the beginning of this thunderstorm...