Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 846: It's time to finish


The atmosphere in the hall became solemn and depressing, and everyone's eyes were focused on Sun Tu. They wanted to loudly rebuke Sun Tu for his treason and his treachery. He actually dared to threaten the current prince. Is there any distinction between the emperor and his ministers? However, when facing his eyes with a hint of mockery and indifference, they could not say anything after all. This man was much more courageous than they thought, and any words they said would be of no use!

In fact, what they didn't know was that there was also worry hidden behind Sun Tu's calm and determined expression. He was also afraid that things would fall apart in the end. Because he wants to capture the leaders of the Wuyou Cave bandits alive even more than Zhao Heng. They also contain clues and answers to the murder of their master and the whereabouts of Zhou Xiong. Once these guys escape, it will be very difficult to find the truth. It's extremely difficult.

However, Sun Tu's tough attitude just now has completely confused the monarchs and ministers in front of them, and also caused them to completely ignore some things that are on the surface. At this time, they only focus on one point, should they make a compromise? And all this is actually not decided by them, but only by the thought of Prince Zhao Heng.

Zhao Heng knew very well that this was his best opportunity in these years. He really didn't know how long he would have to wait if he missed today, before he could get hold of those treacherous and powerful officials. And by then, can he still be the prince? A sense of urgency has hit his heart, and although he is angry with Sun Tu's attitude and threats, he has to give in and cooperate with him.

After all, he still had some authority, and his many years as a prince had made him accustomed to forbearance, so soon, Zhao Heng smiled again on his face: "The Marquis of Yue is really dedicated to eliminating harm for the people. From this point of view, it makes Gu Gu feel a little ashamed of himself. Yes." With the change in title, the distance between the two people quickly widened. Originally, he really had the intention of bringing Sun Tu to his side and becoming a powerful helper, but now it has long since dissipated.

Sun Tu, however, just pretended not to know, looked at him and said, "It seems that the prince has changed his mind?"

"What you just said is good. We must do our best to eliminate evil. How can we make reservations just because of concerns? Then follow your wishes, Marquis Yue, and take this opportunity to kill all the thieves who have escaped underground. How about eradicating it and letting you decide everything?"

"Your Highness is wise, that's what it should be. Please give me a warrant or certificate, and I will arrange for the three yamen to clean up the bandits underground and prevent them from escaping!" Sun Tu agreed immediately and proposed meet their own requirements. At this time, he already knew very well that whether it was the Criminal Department or the Street Department, the people in charge there only acted according to the prince's wishes, so he had to get his token first.

Zhao Heng was annoyed in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face. He nodded to the old man and said, "Sir, please write a warrant and let the Marquis of Yue handle it. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first." Waiting for news." At this time, he was no longer interested in knowing what would happen next, because everything had deviated from his original plan.

The old man stared at Sun Tu with great dissatisfaction for a moment, and finally took a pen and paper and wrote a warrant for Sun Tu, and used a small seal with a four-clawed dragon pattern - the five-clawed golden dragon represents the emperor, and the four-clawed golden dragon represents the emperor. The claw dragon can only be used by royal heirs like the prince, which is enough to illustrate the identity of the owner of the warrant.

Sun Tu took the warrant and read the contents carefully before smiling and clasping his fists

: "In this case, everyone just wait for the good news." After saying that, without any delay, he quickly turned and left, leaving only the monarchs and ministers in the hall with dark faces, but they were helpless.

When he got down to the second floor, Qin Hui and Di Yingyang quickly stood up and looked over: "Master Hou..." Although the argument upstairs has not been transmitted, we can know what happened just from the fact that someone just sent a message and did not come down for a long time. It's not that small, so it's impossible for the two of them to eat and drink calmly on the second floor.

Sun Tu smiled at them, nodded and said: "The matter is done, let's go back and finish the rest. It's time to finish." He has been causing trouble to Tokyo for many years, and has allowed many officials to take advantage of their helpless things. Uprooting the bandits in Youdong seems to be just a trivial matter that can be accomplished by Sun Tu!

When the three of them walked out of Li's restaurant, not far behind, many subordinates were already standing and waiting. Since the news was passed on, these personal guards have not returned to Fangju again, because they know that as long as they are in the den of thieves, If the results of the discovery of a large number of corpses are reported, the general will definitely take action to eliminate the harm as soon as possible.

Seeing these twenty or so trusted subordinates, a smile appeared on Sun Tu's lips: "The enemy is right ahead. Do you dare to follow me?"

"We will follow the general to the death, and we will fight to the death!" These people answered loudly almost at the same time, and the voices spread far away, straight into the restaurant, and moved many people inside. This momentum was really too strong, a hundred people It’s hard to compare.

"Then let's go!" Sun Tu said, handing the warrant to Di Yingyang: "You and Huizhi will go to see the people from the Criminal Department and the Street Department now, and ask them to act according to my plan. Tell them , This is also what His Highness the Crown Prince means, let them not have any worries!"

Di Yingyang only glanced at the contents of the warrant, and his spirits perked up. He immediately agreed loudly, got on his horse together with Qin Hui, who looked equally excited, and hurried away. In front of the restaurant window, Di Huchen saw this scene, which made his heart skip a beat. Lao Jiu had dragged himself and the entire Di family into it by making such a fuss.

For a moment, he regretted letting Lao Jiu deliberately get close to Sun Tu. After all, what this brother-in-law had done was too big. But immediately, Di Huchen accepted all this, and he didn't look back. Until now, he could only hope that Sun Tu could make it happen. As for the prince, let’s leave it to the future.

While he was stunned, the rapid sound of horse hooves sounded, and then quickly went away, but Sun Tu had already led his people straight to Chaoyang Gate. It was getting late, so we couldn't delay it any longer!


The commercial development of the Song Dynasty was not only reflected in the large number of various merchants and shops, and the dazzling variety of goods, but also in the trade routes in various places and the related industries derived from the convenience of merchants' travel. For example, water and land routes connecting the north, south, and east are spread across the country like a spider web, making it extremely convenient to transport goods to and from various places. In addition to some firms that are both merchants and transporters, there are also specialized The carriages and horses that transport goods or guests to designated places are also extremely prosperous.

Although it was a thousand years ago, the road transportation system in the Song Dynasty was quite complete, and almost every county had a private carriage and horse dealership. Not only can people easily hire vehicles, donkeys and horses for long journeys here, but also

It provides excellent accommodation for people traveling far away, and is sometimes more convenient than official inns.

As the absolute center of domestic politics, culture and commerce in the Song Dynasty, Tokyo had a large number of horse and carriage shops. Just near the city gates in the east, there were seven or eight carriage and horse shops of various sizes. Ping'an Carriage and Horse Racing Shop located in front of Chaoyang Gate is one of them, and its business on weekdays is also quite good.

But no one would have thought that this carriage house, where customers come and go constantly, hides a huge and ulterior secret. And Zhao Ping, the shopkeeper of the carriage shop who has always been smiling and charming, actually has another hidden identity that makes people frightened and angry - the second head of Wuyou Cave.

Under Zhao Ping's management, no less than five hundred abducted children and women have been sent out of Tokyo unnoticed over the years and then resold to other parties, bringing them extremely considerable profits. In fact, his method is quite ordinary. He just sets up a mezzanine in the car transporting goods out of Beijing and hides people in it, so that he can avoid being searched by officers and soldiers and send them out easily. Because like the Gu Family Trading Company back then, he had already sorted out all the connections among the gate guards here at Chaoyang Gate, so no one would find out who was responsible for his family's fleet.

He has been doing this kind of thing for many years and has become very familiar with it, and has never been noticed by anyone. This makes Zhao Ping think that he can continue to work peacefully in the future until one day he makes enough money to quit and live a good life as a rich man.

But today, for some reason, he has been feeling uneasy since the morning. Although it is obvious that there will be no more related transactions due to the weather in the past few days, looking at the gloomy weather outside, the nervousness in his heart is constantly increasing. It seemed like something terrible was about to happen.

"Isn't this the so-called saying in the world that the older you get, the less courageous you become? Is it time for me to stop and take care of myself?" After sending out a few cronies but not getting any response from other people in the city, Zhao Ping became increasingly nervous and laughed at himself. After that, I decided to talk to the boss to see if there was any emergency plan.

Speaking of which, he really admired the leader. Even though he was much younger than him, he was far superior to him in terms of character and means. In particular, his ability to catch up with those noble people through some opportunities that others could not see, and to help his brothers quickly rise from the bottom, is far beyond his ability.

Today's Wuyoudong is already different from those little thieves who were just fighting around like rats crossing the street. The brothers can live in an alley with a good environment and take care of each other. Not only are they not afraid of official inquiries, but they are protected by them. , in the final analysis, all this is due to the good leadership of the master.

The only thing that he couldn't understand was that the head master was too cautious. Except for himself and a few others, the other brothers didn't know his true identity. They only knew that there was a master who was the real backbone of the brothers in Wuyou Cave.

In the past few days, the boss suddenly moved into the yard behind the carriage house, and he didn't know what kind of clever plan he was planning. But that's okay. Now that I feel that I have a problem, I just want to ask him for more details.

Just when Zhao Ping came to the house where the boss lived and wanted to knock on the door, there was a sudden shout outside, and then there was another bang. It was the sound of the front door of the store being cracked by a heavy object...