Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 848: Kill them all (Part 1)


Being able to be kept by Zhao Ping's side, the men guarding this key lair are naturally the most skilled and fierce among the Wuyou Cave thieves, and several of them are desperadoes who have taken several lives. Once attacked at this time, Under the orders of the second master, they all fought bravely without any hesitation.

However, what these people faced were not ordinary government servants, or even ordinary officers and soldiers, but a group of elite Qingzhou troops who had followed Sun Tu in the north and south for many years and fought through blood and fire. The cooperation among these ten people has been endless. Without any communication using words or eyes, they can already form a formation in accordance with the environment in front of them, attack at extremely fast speeds, and separate the desperadoes in front of them. Kill without any casualties.

This is the gap in strength between the two sides, which is not only reflected in martial arts and methods, but also in their character and coordination skills in killing enemies. These bandits may be able to fight with ordinary officers and soldiers undefeated, but compared with the real army, they are far inferior. They were quickly crushed and killed, and the soldiers followed them walking on the enemy's blood and corpses. Li Chuang.

When they came to the backyard, they saw their general standing in front of a half-opened room in a daze. They also saw the leader of the thief lying in a pool of blood in front of him, and a man who was saved from falling by his support in time. Man. I saw that this man had old and new scars on his body, his breathing was rapid and disordered, and he was looking at Sun Tu excitedly. Although his mouth was open, he couldn't say anything for a while.

It wasn't until Sun Tu said: "Senior Brother Zhou Xiong, why are you here...", the guards who were still on guard and wanted to step forward to protect the general stopped and looked at this person with the same doubts. Some of them followed suit. Opening the half-open door to the room, he saw three corpses lying scattered inside.

"What on earth is going on?" This was the doubt in the hearts of the soldiers, and it was also the first thing Sun Tu asked after helping Zhou Xiong steady.

The incident just now was so sudden that Sun Tu was caught off guard. He was indeed on guard. If the person in the room teamed up with Zhao Ping to carry out a sneak attack, he would naturally be able to respond in time and protect himself. However, this knife actually killed the unsuspecting Zhao Ping, and when the door opened and it was revealed that the perpetrator was Zhou Xiong, whom he had been searching for his whereabouts, he was still shocked. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and helped the other person in time before he fell. Then he saw clearly the three dead people in the room. This also made the doubts in his heart even heavier. In the end, naturally he could only ask Zhou Xiong.

"They killed my uncle, and Wan'er and I fell into their hands. They wanted to get the essence of my uncle's martial arts over the years from me, so they didn't kill me, they just kept interrogating me. I finally found an opportunity just now, Kill them in a sneak attack..." After saying these words, Zhou Xiong suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood, his body went limp, and he passed out directly in Sun Tu's arms.

Sun Tu supported him hard, and his expression changed several times. Although he only said a few words, he still understood all the meaning that the other party wanted to express - Zhou Tong was indeed killed by these guys, and their purpose was actually It fell on the essence of martial arts learned by the master in his life. And more importantly, not only Zhou Xiong, but also Zhou Xiuwan fell into their hands! Now that Zhou Xiong was rescued by himself after being tortured, what about Zhou Xiuwan

Of course, there are more mysteries that are difficult for Sun Tu to figure out. For example, since the people in Wuyou Cave killed their master and robbed him,

You two, then why do you still try to create a fake Zhou Xiong to confuse the public? Isn't this unnecessary? Another example is why they left him in such an important lair, and he broke free from the restraints to counterattack. Even if this was due to the sudden attack by his own troops, it was by no means the whole story.

Unfortunately, these questions could only be answered by Zhou Xiong, who was already unconscious. Just looking at the terrible scars on his body, one could tell that he had indeed suffered a lot during this period. Even moments before his arrival, he had Being tortured.

Of course, the most important thing now is not that. The key is that the four people who fell inside and outside the house must be the leaders of the Wuyou Cave bandits. Now that they are all dead suddenly, I can't ask them about the person who protected them. The identity of the backer, the real mastermind behind the scenes. And in this case, it would be difficult for him to explain to the prince anymore. After all, the other party still wanted to use this matter to take advantage of a certain traitor in the court and defeat him.

Sun Tu's confused thoughts made Sun Tu frown hard, and then he decisively ordered: "Carefully search the inside and outside of this courtyard without any negligence!" Then he helped Zhou Xiong into the house, and first put him on a seat. His eyes carefully looked at the several corpses in the house.

The clothes of these three people are quite ordinary, they look like ordinary businessmen, but if you look carefully at their wrists and palms, you can see some clues. Their right hands all looked thicker than their left hands, and there were calluses and wear on the mouth and palm of the right palm. They were obviously marks left by being used to using swords and other weapons. This was not a trait that ordinary businessmen could have.

Looking at their bodies, they showed injuries to their throats and hearts. They were obviously killed by Zhou Xiong's sudden attack. Some clues can be seen from their frightened and distorted faces before they died. There were also some bloody torture instruments placed in the room, and in the corner there was a bloody rope that had obviously been broken, which confirmed what Zhou Xiong just said.

From everything here alone, Sun Tu could deduce an extremely thrilling scene - Zhou Xiong, who was originally undergoing torture here, somehow managed to break free of the ropes that bound him, and at this time, it happened that he was leading people to the Entering the store, after attracting Zhao Ping out, he distracted the attention of these people. Therefore, Zhou Xiong, who was in a desperate situation, seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and suddenly grabbed the knife, stabbing the three unsuspecting people to death in one go. Then, when Zhao Ping fled in front of the door in a hurry, he mustered up his last strength, succeeded in a sneak attack, and killed the opponent instantly... All of this can even be further proved by the empty scabbard on one of the men's waist.

Thinking of this, even Sun Tu couldn't help but sweat for Zhou Xiong, and at the same time praised his quick reaction. You must know that the situation he was in just now was quite dangerous. If he made a mistake, he would be the one who died.

At the same time, there are a large number of accounts, letters, and other items in this room, and I don’t know if they are of any use. But since Sun Tu and the others have wiped out all the thieves here, they naturally have to take away all the things. Maybe they can find the clues they want.

At this time, a person outside suddenly shouted: "There is smoke over there."

When Sun Tu heard this, his expression changed, and he quickly turned around and looked outside. Sure enough, he saw several blue-black smoke pillars heading straight into the darkening sky. If it had been a little longer at night, he might not have been able to see anything. And a moment later, these smoke pillars suddenly and slowly dissipated, which made him determined: "It's begun! This time, let's see where you can hide!"

Everything has been followed

Sun Tu's ideas and arrangements are unfolding, and we are not far away from wiping out these bandits who have harmed the people of Tokyo for many years!


The streets and lanes of Tokyo have long been shrouded in the winter night. Without the scenery of the city that never sleeps in the past, the whole city looks drowsy. And this is still the surface of the exposed Tokyo city. As for the other Tokyo city hidden deep underground, it is now even more pitch black, and you can't see your fingers.

The drainage ditches that crisscrossed and spread like spider webs under the entire city were dark even in the daytime. They had to rely on the light coming from the openings of the ditches above to make the people in them see the direction clearly. But now, the inside was plunged into complete darkness, which made the fish that slipped through the hole that escaped into it in a hurry seemed quite uncomfortable. They could only move forward in the dark and keep walking deeper.

Fortunately, they have not forgotten what they experienced over the years, so even though they have been going smoothly in the past few years, they still continue to send people to familiarize themselves with the conditions of the waterway below, so even if they are traveling in the dark, they can still navigate this complicated situation. After finding the correct direction and road in the maze-like ditch, groups of people gathered and moved towards their final destination.

As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows, so be prepared. These people know that they have committed serious crimes in daily life, and they are also worried that they will be liquidated by the government one day, so they have prepared an escape route for themselves. Not only do more people come down to get familiar with this life-saving place, but every few months they also put in some hidden essentials, such as drinking water, food, and other daily items.

But now, all these usual preparations came in handy. After everyone waded forward in the dark for a long time, they finally arrived at an open place where the water was stagnant. It is much shallower than elsewhere, and several water tank stone piers have been specially placed.

One of the leaders stepped forward based on feeling and fumbled to open an oilcloth bag on a certain stone pier. Sure enough, he took out tinder, flint, flint and other fire starters, and also took out a candle from the side. , and the fire was lit in a few strokes.

It wasn't until the candlelight lit up and illuminated a small area of darkness in front of them that the panic in these people's hearts receded slightly, but everyone's faces were already full of uneasiness.

"What is going on? Why did the government suddenly attack us, but we didn't even receive the slightest hint of it beforehand."

"Yes, and every one of our hiding places is extremely secretive. It is impossible for the government to grasp all of them. How did they take down all the strongholds at once?" The person who spoke took the candle and swept it in front of everyone one by one. The light He recognized that many of them belonged to various directions in the capital. They were not affiliated with each other. How could they be exposed at the same time

"This reminds me of what happened that year. At that time, I fled here with my boss, but the government actually poured water from the Bian River directly into it. That day..." A man in his forties said here, They couldn't help but shuddered. Even though it had been many years, he still felt chills all over and fear when he thought about what happened back then.

"You can rest assured. It's winter now. No matter how capable the government is, they won't be able to repeat their old tricks. We are absolutely safe here." The leader said with confidence.

But at this moment, an uneasy voice came from behind: "What is this smell? Is it smoke?" After his reminder, many people also smelled a pungent smell slowly passing by. Fang Lai…