Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 860: The face of politicians (Part 2)


Although Sun Tu had a smile on his face, the intimidating aura on his body did not diminish at all, which made everyone in the hall tremble with fear. Only Gao Qiu could stand up to him, and the others evaded their gazes with guilty conscience, not daring to Got some contact with it.

The people around the prince may be thick-skinned, but they still lack courage and character. They will inevitably feel timid when facing a master like Sun Tu who has no chance of losing lives and is very sharp. He ignored Gao Qiu's naked threats, but looked at the others and said: "I took a big risk to capture the key criminal, and the physical evidence I obtained is not for you to use to make deals with others. If you don't have the courage, You can return it to me, and I will explain everything to the court in person! Don't forget, it is clearly written on it, there are hundreds of bloody murders, and hundreds of souls who died tragically and unjustly are related! "

These solemn words immediately sent a chill down everyone's spine, but soon they hardened their hearts again. A few hundred lives might be a lot, but compared to their future, it was nothing. Ren Shu mustered up the courage at this time and replied: "Sun Tu, this matter is actually all your fault. If you hadn't caused many troubles before, causing His Highness the Crown Prince to fall into today's crisis, why would we have bothered Are you thinking of changing your mind to Lieutenant Gao

"Those hundreds of human lives are a pity, but they are nothing compared to the prince's safety! We all consider the overall situation, how can you, a warrior, understand it? If you let go now, we will be fine too , the prince may be able to accept your love, but if you dare to mess around again, you will become the prince's enemy, you have to think about what the consequences will be!"

Ren Shu, who knew that his status was not enough, immediately moved the prince out to scare people. But Gao Qiu was no longer in a hurry to speak. This was exactly what he wanted to see. If Sun Tu had a conflict with the prince, it would save him a lot of trouble.

When Renshu opened his mouth, the others became bolder, and someone else shouted harshly: "Sun Tu, you are just a warrior. You have no right to interfere with the affairs of the DPRK, let alone treat me." Since the thing has been handed over to us, it is up to us to make the decision. If you are not convinced, you can sue the court, but you don’t have any evidence in hand. It’s probably impossible for people to believe what you say. So. I advise you to stop, otherwise you will only get yourself involved!"

"Sun Tu, we are also looking for the overall situation. You are not a decent person. As long as you go back and think about it, you will know which is more serious. It is true that those people were killed, but the Wuyou Cave thief who really killed them Didn't you catch all the bandits in one fell swoop and die in the waterway below? Now that the matter is over, why do you cling to the past?"

Either soft or hard, threatening or reasonable, these people each spoke, saying what they thought was correct, trying to persuade Sun Tu to agree with his point of view. What they didn't know was that after listening to their theories, Sun Tu's contempt became even stronger. These guys use the most serious tone to speak the most crooked truths, and use the so-called righteousness to flaunt their actions. It is really embarrassing.

What's even more frightening is that these people have always been regarded as ministers of humerus by Prince Zhao Heng, who will be the pillars of the entire Song Dynasty after he succeeds to the throne.

Liang Zhicai, just from this point of view, we can know what the future of the Song Dynasty will be like. Even if the Jin people did not invade and wipe out the history of the Northern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop, if these foolish kings and mediocre ministers were allowed to control the government, the world would definitely be in chaos!

At this moment, Sun Toulian had no interest in arguing with them anymore. As the saying goes, you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep, that's right in front of you. There was anger in his heart, and he even wanted to kill everyone in front of him immediately. He also believed that he had the strength. After all, there were dozens of cronies behind him. Even if Gao Qiu's guards arrived, they could not stop him from doing it. But he was long past the age of acting on impulse, and he knew the consequences of acting like this, and he had family members to protect, so of course he couldn't really take risks.

And Sun Tu also saw that they did not bring the evidence with them, so even if they took action, they would not be able to snatch the things back, so there was no need to completely break up. So in the end, he could only look at everyone in the hall deeply: "I will always remember this, and I hope you won't regret it in the future!"

To be honest, the emperors and ministers of the Great Song Dynasty had not disappointed him once or twice. Today, they are somewhat used to such results. I only regret that I didn't think more deeply before, otherwise I wouldn't have ended up with such a powerful and difficult result.

Just when Sun Tu turned around and was about to leave, more than a dozen burly soldiers rushed over, but it was Gao Qiu's bodyguard who finally learned the news and came to escort him. Seeing this, Gao Duo, who was still cowering at the door of the small hall next to him in fear, stood up and said, "You are Sun Tu, I remember you!"

This shout made Sun Tu, who was about to leave, pause in his steps, and then his eyes fell on the other party, with even a little doubt in his eyes. Although many years ago, he had enmity with Gao Yanei because of Lin Chong, and even the grudge between him and Gao Qiu arose because of this. But this was his first official meeting with this famous playboy in Tokyo.

Seeing his doubts, Gao Duo puffed up his chest and said with a proud smile: "I am the Gao Duo you have always wanted to accuse! I know why you are biting me, isn't it because of that little girl named Zhou Xiuwan? Is it about the girl? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. A few months ago, I got tired of playing with her, played with her to death, and then threw her out. Now she may be eaten even to the bones by wild dogs or something. None left.

"Hahaha, who told her to have that kind of relationship with you? Who told you to spoil my good deeds back then? This is just a small lesson. So what if you know this, what can you do to me? ?Now that even the so-called evidence is no longer in your hands, what can you do to me? Also, you should know very well what my taste is like. I heard that you have two beauties at home. You let them both. Once they're clean, maybe when I get interested, I'll go find them and have some fun!"

Recently, Gao Yanei not only suffered a fright, but also suffered a lot of frustration. He didn't go out for almost half a month. This made him not only angry, but also full of resentment towards Sun Tu. Originally, when he saw the other party appearing with murderous intent, he was timid, but then, he saw that he was unable to do anything against his father.

After he left in despair, he obviously became bolder, and he thought about saying a few words, but he said something bad.

After hearing this, Sun Tu's expression changed again, from the livid look just now to a slight twist, and he stared at the other person's face with narrowed eyes: "Are you really saying that I don't dare to kill you?"

"Quick, protect the yamen!" The guards reacted quickly and immediately stepped forward to stand between Sun Tu and Gao Duo. Although the latter's heart was beating wildly, he still said stubbornly: "There are so many people watching here, you don't have the guts to attack me!"

"Sun Tu, you are just a few ignorant people, not to mention my son. Even if an ordinary official kills someone by mistake, the court will not punish him severely. At most, he will be demoted a few levels and fined for several years. But if you If you dare to be reckless here, you will assassinate an important official of the imperial court. Even if you have made great achievements, it will be difficult to redeem it. Not only you, but also your family will be implicated. You have to think about it." Gao Qiuye. He screamed anxiously, losing the calmness he had when he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai just now.

Lieutenant Gao also felt a little bitter. His son was too troublesome. Today, he was asked to call a few friends to come and watch just to reassure him. It was also a small compensation for grounding him for half a month. But he was lucky enough to come out and provoke Sun Tu even though he had nothing to do. If Sun Tu was really angered and started to attack without hesitation, the consequences would be too serious.

But after his son had said what he said, Gao Qiu couldn't rebuke him in front of these people, so he could only warn Sun Tu, hoping that he could scare him with his words.

Sun Tu had already taken a step toward Gao Duo, but after hearing Gao Qiu's words behind him, his movements stopped. Gao Duo had just touched his biggest enemy - his family. He really wanted to kill him with a knife and avoid future troubles. But Gao Qiu also reminded him that it was not the time to act recklessly, otherwise he would not be able to bear the consequences. After all, he is no longer alone. He has a wife and young children to take care of, and it is no longer possible to truly achieve gratification.

At the same time, one of Gao Qiu's words also reminded him that there is really no need to confront some things head-on now. He is just a playboy and there is always a way to deal with it.

His temperament was different. Sun Tu quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, breathed out slowly, and looked back at Gao Qiu: "What Gao Taiwei said is that subordinates should not be so reckless. Since you guys The decision has been made, and I will not stand in the way." After that, he strode away without any nostalgia.

It wasn't until they saw him leading people out of the yard and quickly disappearing into the darkness ahead that Gao Qiu and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that they had spoken very forcefully just now, but in fact they were really afraid that Sun Tu, a warrior, would attack regardless. Even if Sun Tu would be severely punished afterwards, their lives would still be lost.

Gao Duo was more courageous, and seemed to want to say something for the occasion, but after meeting his father's fierce eyes, he could only retreat to the small hall obediently. After scaring off his son at a glance, Gao Qiu was still a little uneasy. He always felt that Sun Tu's departure seemed to be a hidden mystery, and there was danger hovering above his head. But if I think about it carefully, I can't find any clues...