Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 893: Various means to achieve success (Part 2)


Although many years have passed, some things cannot be forgotten. After all, that arrow almost took Sun Tu's life. It can be said that it was the closest he came to death in his two lives.

When Sun Tu followed Tong Guanbei to enable the Liao Kingdom to obtain the extremely critical border defense map, he was also involved in a rebellion in Youzhou City. At that time, in order to allow Tong Guan and others to escape smoothly, he did not hesitate to use his body as bait to lure the Liao army to pursue him. However, when he was about to escape, he was shot by an arrow from behind by the man named Xiao Yanping and fell into the rolling In the river. If he hadn't been rescued by Huangfu Duan and other businessmen later, I'm afraid he would have died in that scene.

I don't know if it was fate. Today, when Sun Tu once again wanted to use his body as a bait to lure out the Liao army, the person who appeared in front of him was this person again! He had always remembered this wolf-fang arrow, and now that he looked carefully down the mountain, he could vaguely recognize the appearance of the man. Xiao Yanping's appearance has changed slightly after many years, but his cold and sharp temperament has not changed, and has even become more terrifying.

There was only one thing that Sun Tu couldn't understand. He remembered clearly that Xiao Yanping was a member of the Liao rebels that day. How come he was not liquidated by the Liao court, and could he even continue to lead the army? He didn't know what happened after he was shot into the water, and he didn't know that Xiao Yanping actually had a real identity. He was an important chess piece arranged by Yelu Dashi. Tong Guan did not tell him the truth about the incident afterwards.

But no matter what, the two sides are hostile. Either you die or I die, there is no doubt about this. After Sun Tu knew how exquisite and domineering his shooting skills were, he did not dare to slack off at all. While holding the knife tightly in his hand, he shouted loudly: "Stop! The enemy is aiming to consume our arrows and energy." , don’t fall into their tricks!”

After all, the Huben army was a new recruit who had never fought a bloody battle with a strong enemy. They were frightened by the fierce attack of the Liao people. They actually fired several rounds of arrows in one go, but they hardly caused any casualties to the enemy. It wasn't until Sun Tu shouted to dissuade them that they slowly understood and stopped talking. However, they were quite wise and did not relax completely. The arrows were still on the strings, and their attention continued to stay on the unmoving enemies below to see what they would do next.

Xiao Yanping looked up with a sneer. The Song Army's round of arrows was quite powerful. They actually shot two to three thousand arrows at once. If these cavalry had not controlled the distance, they would have caused a lot of casualties to themselves. . The reaction of the opponent's general was also quick enough. After only three rounds of arrows, he realized something was wrong and decisively called a stop. Originally, he wanted to waste more time.

But this is still a big gain. Consuming the Song Army's arrows is only one aspect, finding the flaws is the key. At that moment, he pointed his sword and shouted: "Lean over from the right side and shoot arrows to stop the enemy! Quick!"

Following his order, the Liao cavalry, which had been waiting for a long time, quickly turned their horses and all swarmed in this direction. While sprinting, they all opened their bows and fired arrows towards the mountain top one by one.

The location of the hilltop on that side is lower than elsewhere, and there are also fewer archers. This is the weak point of this defensive formation. Xiao Yanping actually found the flaw through only one feint attack, then seized on this point and led his army to launch a fierce surprise attack.


In the past, because of the high and low terrain, the Song army did not have to be too wary of the Liao army's arrows, but now, the situation is a little different. The Liao cavalry's shooting skills are better than those of these Tiger and Ben army soldiers, coupled with the inertia brought by sprinting , one arrow after another kept flying up the mountain, and the Song army was shot so hard that they fell on their backs and screamed. However, they were suppressed by them, and they were able to keep getting closer to the mountain.

Among them, Xiao Yanping once again took the lead. He held the bow in front of him with both hands and quickly moved it, shooting powerful arrows upwards. Each shot could hit an enemy, and he himself was almost rushing to the foot of the mountain.

This naturally gave the Liao army endless encouragement. They all roared and roared, pressing up like huge waves, as if they were going to submerge and swallow up the entire mountain.

When seeing this scene, not to mention the officers and soldiers of the Huben Army, even Sun Tu felt a lot of pressure. This is the truly powerful enemy, far stronger than the bandits, bandits, and rioters that I have dealt with before. But he also has a character that gets stronger when he encounters force. At this time, his eyes were shining, and he decisively ordered: "Let go of the stone!"

Since we occupy a high place, we naturally have to make full use of this advantage. It is not enough to just use bows and crossbows to defeat the enemy. We must also use falling rocks, which are best used when defending a city! After climbing up the hill before dark yesterday, he had ordered people to collect all the nearby rocks. Some of them were hidden behind, and some were placed on the edge of the mountain, and were briefly blocked by ropes and vines.

Now following his order, the soldiers here immediately took action. With arrows in hand, some threw rocks down, while others slashed at the vine ropes with knives. During the bang sound, the already shaky stones trembled for a while, and then fell with a roar accompanied by the rustling sound of sand and stones.

This time, the Liao army was really surprised. In a moment of shock, rocks from the mountain were rolling down on them. The soldiers and horses at the front were knocked to the ground. Even Xiao Yanping, who was driving his horse to avoid two stones in front of him, was so frightened that he quickly reined in his horse and dodged to the side. . At this moment, he had quickly realized that this so-called weak point was specially arranged by the Song Army in order to draw him closer and cause large-scale destruction with rocks.

But he still underestimated Sun Tu's plan after all, because just when the Liao troops were retreating, he had already given the order again on the mountain: "Fire arrows! Cao Yan, use your divine arm bow to greet them!" Cao Yan was the one! The leader of the army guarding the left side of the hill.

Without any hesitation, after Cao Yan agreed loudly, he decisively picked up a divine arm bow with his own hands and shot towards the back of the fleeing enemy. The other soldiers also moved at the same time. Three hundred divine arm bows were activated at the same time, and the arrows roared towards the enemy.

For hundreds of years during the Song Dynasty, they fought against the Liao and Xia people. They relied on, first, solid city defenses at checkpoints, and second, sophisticated crossbows that were far superior to those of the enemy. Among them, the most outstanding one is the divine arm bow that is currently used to shoot enemies.

This divine arm bow is called a bow, but it is actually a crossbow. But it is sharper and more accurate than ordinary crossbows, and its range is about twice that of ordinary crossbows. However, it is much easier to draw and draw the string than ordinary crossbows. Of course, it takes a lot of strength to open the God's Arm Bow. Without the help of tools, you need the strength to open a three-stone crossbow, so it is called the God's Arm Bow.

In fact, the Liao army had previously stationed

The position has already fallen within the range of the God's Arm Bow. But Sun Tu had been holding back because he knew that attacking at that time might not cause much damage to the enemy. After all, the enemy had plenty of time to dodge and retreat. But now, when the enemy is pushed back by stones and only wants to escape, it is impossible to guard against the God's Arm Bow with a longer range.

The facts were also calculated by him again. The Liao soldiers who tried their best to ride their horses to escape thought they were safe after leaping two hundred steps away, so they subconsciously reined in their horses and began to think about how to counterattack. But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from behind, and they had no time to react. The sudden arrow had penetrated their backs, penetrated their bodies, and pinned them to the back of the horse.

All of a sudden, there were screams again and again, and people and horses fell down continuously. In just a moment, more than two hundred people were hit by arrows, either dead or injured. Judging from the situation that only 300 divine arm bows were shot, this burst of shooting was really a perfect shot, which immediately made the Song army's morale, which had been low, suddenly rise again, and they cheered again and again.

The Liao soldiers who were fleeing were so frightened that they didn't dare to stop at all. They rushed forward like flying, and rushed straight out two or three miles away. They stopped just now, but they were still full of panic and lingering fear in their hearts. Even Xiao Yanping's face became extremely ugly, because he was also hit by a stone in the back. Fortunately, his armor was strong enough, so he didn't suffer any injuries...

Sun Tu on the mountain put down his bow and arrow with some regret at this time. Originally, he had already set his sights on Xiao Yanping, but the other person was too shrewd and his riding skills were high enough. He kept changing directions while riding his horse to escape, which made him unsure of what to do. In the end, he could only watch this. Strong enemies escape from range.

But now, there is one more question before Sun Tu. After this defeat, will these Liao people continue to stay here? At the foot of the mountain in front of them, no fewer than five hundred Liao soldiers had fallen. This was a huge casualty for the Liao army, which only had 5,000 people. Once Xiao Yanping knew that he could not achieve an overwhelming victory against the Song Army and was worried that more reinforcements from the Song Army would come, he decisively gave up the evacuation, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Because he knew very well that even if he achieved this small victory, the Tiger Army under his command was still not a frontal enemy of the enemy, and would never be able to rush down the mountain to pursue and fight.

As for the reinforcements at Yanmen Pass, they will have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest...

Many people in the Liao army also had the idea of evacuating, but when they proposed this idea, they were flatly rejected by Xiao Yanping: "Although we encounter setbacks, we, the Khitan warriors, will not let us escape. I said However, I am sure to defeat this Song army!"

"But General..." A subordinate was worried and wanted to persuade him again, but was stopped by his look: "Since we can't attack by force, we can also learn to attack the city to deal with them. Isn't there a large area over there? Linzi, just build a few catapults and it will be enough to defeat them!"

All the subordinates were stunned, this would take a lot of time. But after seeing their leader's determined look, they could only obey in a low voice. Little did they know that Xiao Yanping's goal was clearer this time. Not only did he want to kill all the Song army, but more importantly, he wanted to seize those divine arm bows.

If these weapons of the Song Army could fall into his own hands, they would be even more powerful and could play a key role in this war...