Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 899: The situation of the battle has suddenly changed


After two days of hard fighting and being in a desperate situation, the Song army still did not let the beacon fire on the hill go out. Even though almost the entire army had rushed down, there was still a thick black column of smoke rising straight into the sky, which could be clearly seen even by people dozens of miles away.

And this is the reason why Sun Tu and the others were able to survive in a desperate situation - the Yanmen Pass direction did not send troops after seeing the smoke, but the Song army coming from the other way south discovered this anomaly and rushed decisively and quickly. Qin Gan's troops were previously ordered to find and annihilate the Liao army in the rear!

In fact, as early as this morning, Qin Gan and the others had already seen the smoke and quickly concluded that a fierce battle was taking place there. But even so, they did not rush forward in a hurry. After all, the battle situation there was unknown, and the specific strength of the enemy's troops was also a mystery. To prevent any mistakes, it was more important to maintain a steady pressure. As a general in the army who has been fighting for many years, Qin Gan has long developed the good habit of making plans before taking action, and thinking about defeat before winning.

When they discovered the fierce fighting in the mountains over there, the Liao soldiers who had been ordered to guard and warn finally saw the Song army along the way. This frightened them so much that without saying a word, more than ten people hurriedly galloped back to warn them.

It was only at this time that Qin Gan stopped hiding his whereabouts. As soon as the order was given, two thousand cavalry rushed forward to pursue, and the remaining 18,000 infantry followed closely behind, pressing in in a big way. After confirming that the number of enemies in front of him was only a few thousand, he decisively ordered to divide his troops to outflank them, hoping to encircle and annihilate the entire Liao army in one fell swoop.

As a result, as the cavalry continued to fire arrows, most of the Liao scouts in front were killed or injured. Only two or three cavalry were able to escape safely and shouted such terrible news in the morning. Before these Liao troops could recover from the shock, loud shouts of death and footsteps came like thunder, and the rear was immediately attacked by the Song cavalry.

Originally, their rear was completely empty, and almost all their troops had been transferred to the front to deal with the Huben Army. When they were attacked again, the defense line collapsed instantly, and the Song Dynasty cavalry attacked and killed the central army. Fortunately, Xiao Yanping was fighting with Sun Tu at the front, otherwise he might have just explained it like this.

But at this time, he couldn't care less about being lucky, because as the 20,000 Song troops came overwhelmingly from three sides, he instantly understood one thing - his family was in a doomed situation.

Yes, the Liao army was more than a step ahead of the Song army in terms of overall combat strength, but that was when all factors were equal. But now, whether it is physical strength, or military determination, they are not even a little bit behind this new Song Army. It was not just the Tigers and the Ben troops who fought hard in the past two days. The Liao army was also exhausted and was at the end of its tether. Although they could still hold down the Tiger and Ben troops, as soon as the Song army's reinforcements arrived, their fighting spirit was instantly wiped out. Even the most elite army was made of flesh and blood and had its own limits and fears.

Xiao Yanping made the clearest judgment in an instant, and immediately let out a roar. He no longer thought about attacking Sun Tu, who was trapped in a tight siege, and suddenly retreated to the side. With his eyes wandering, he had found an ownerless horse. Horse. At that moment, he stood up, mounted his horse neatly, shook the reins, and shouted loudly: "The Song army is powerful, withdraw!"

Now, no matter how reluctant they are, they can only accept the fact that they failed. Of

All the previous thoughts were in vain. Not to mention eating this Song army, even trying to seize sharp weapons like the Divine Arm Bow from them has become a delusion. It is serious to escape from the siege and preserve our strength.

Sun Tu was about to make a final fight. Seeing this change, he was refreshed. He immediately shot out his sword like the wind, whistling and slashing away the two enemies who rushed in front of him. Then he shouted in his mouth: "How dare you wait until the end is in front of you?" Fight or not!" With a violent roar, he advanced instead of retreating and rushed forward again. But those Liao soldiers were so frightened that their expressions changed. They immediately stopped caring about whether he was bluffing, turned around, and followed Xiao Yanping, who was already galloping to the side.

Behind them, Sun Tu only took two steps, then suddenly stopped, and then he hit the ground with his knife and started breathing heavily. In fact, he was indeed unable to fight anymore. The continuous bloody battles, massive wounds and blood loss had brought his physical strength to the limit, and he was almost unsteady even standing. He had just killed the enemy with two swords, and had used all his skills to suppress the enemy. If another enemy came to attack him, I am afraid he would really die before dawn.

Fortunately, the Liao army had lost their courage, and he was indeed afraid of killing them. Under this situation, no one dared to take the risk, which finally gave him a chance to breathe.

And this time, it was not only the hundred or ten Liao soldiers who were fighting against Sun Tu who were affected. The main force of the Liao army in the front, who had already secured victory and planned to eat the entire Song army in one fell swoop, was also shocked to hear something serious after hearing the roar from the rear. Not good. When they looked back, they saw tens of thousands of Song troops coming like a wave and about to surround them.

This time, they were frightened out of their wits, especially after they found out that the general had retreated first. They no longer hesitated at all, and did not bother to attack the defeated soldiers of the Huben Army. They quickly turned around and followed closely. Just retreat to the right. Their choice is the same as that of their own generals. They cannot risk their lives just to kill the enemy.

But how could the Song army, which was charging towards them, allow this Liao army to escape easily? There were constant shouts and shouts, some split up to intercept, some shot random arrows, or some made noises to chase... The 20,000-strong army had been divided into several parts, and they were fierce. The land and the Liao army launched a new round of fighting, chasing death and chasing north!

At this juncture, the Liao army once again showed their wolf nature and ruthlessness. One of them turned around decisively and fought to the death with the Song army that was pursuing them, thus buying time for their comrades in front to escape. However, the Song army came well prepared this time, and their strength was several times theirs. The effect of outflanking and pursuing in three directions was even more immediate. Even though the Liao army was mostly cavalry, most of them were still surrounded, and were then defeated by the Song army. A little bit of suppression and devouring.

Moreover, the support army was not the only one pursuing at this time. The officers and soldiers of the Huben Army who had recovered their senses also launched a counterattack. In a head-to-head confrontation, they were not as good as the Liao soldiers, but now that they were pursuing them one-sidedly, these soldiers couldn't take advantage of them more, and they also put another pressure on the Liao army.

Qin Gan rode his horse and rushed to Sun Tu. His eyes only touched his and his heart was shocked. Although Sun Tu was covered in injuries at this time and couldn't even stand still, the aura that towered like a mountain and was as sharp as a blade still put a lot of pressure on him, causing him to subconsciously ask: " May I ask your Excellency?"

"Marquis of Yue, Sun Tu."

Just four words made Qin Gan and the surrounding soldiers stand in awe. In the past ten years, or even fifty years, Sun Tu can be regarded as the leader of the Song Dynasty.

The biggest legend in the military. Although he never killed enemies at the border, his deeds have been widely known to the world, and he has long been regarded as an idol by countless soldiers. Because he was the only one who dared to fight back when faced with strong oppression from civil servants, and many civil servants were disgraced and even killed. This is something that many generals want to do but dare not do.

And today, they saw another side of Sun Tu. Even though they were far apart before, they still saw his performance of fighting hard against dozens of people and never retreating, becoming more and more courageous as he fought. This kind of person is the real God of War, and what everyone thinks a soldier of the Song Dynasty should look like!

"It turns out that General Sun is in front of him, and the last general is Qin Gan." Qin Gan hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted.

After this moment of rest, Sun Tu finally regained some strength, waved his hand and said: "There is no need to be polite, it is important to kill the enemy first. I am waiting here to fight hard for this moment!"

Hearing this, Qin Gan suddenly had doubts in his heart, but this was not a good time to talk in depth, so he suppressed his doubts for the time being and said loudly: "What the general said is, wait until I lead the army to pursue Liao Dog." , avenge our Song Dynasty soldiers!"

"Are there any horses left? I'll go with you!" Sun Tu suddenly asked.

Of course there are horses. As Sun Tu asked, someone quickly dismounted and gave up their mounts. Sun Tu did not hesitate, and immediately stood up. With a shake of the reins, he followed the soldiers and horses and turned towards the direction of the Liao army's retreat.

At this time, the Liao army's situation was even worse. The Song army's pursuit on three sides and the tactics of shrinking pockets were constantly harvesting the lives of the soldiers who fell to the rear. Although they fought hard to fight to the death, they were unable to fight against the powerful enemy army. They could only watch Pao Ze fall from his horse and die, and use the lives of these people to buy some time. What's even more frightening is that they also found that the speed of their own horses has begun to decrease, and even these great horses from the Liao Dynasty can no longer hold up.

"General, what should I do?" Zhe Baili had already been wounded several times and was covered in blood, but he still followed Xiao Yanping and asked loudly.

Xiao Yanping's eyes were full of grief, anger, helplessness, and regret. If he had known this would be the result, he shouldn't have been greedy for merit in this battle. But who would have thought that a Song army of nearly 20,000 would suddenly appear here. He had thought before that it would be good to have 10,000 reinforcements arrive. Now that there are twice as many enemies, they naturally have no choice but to run for their lives, but now, they seem to be unable to even escape.

"Fight! The Song army is afraid of death. As long as they are given enough kills, they will not dare to pursue again! Gather all the archers and follow me back!" Seeing that he would die if he continued to escape, Xiao Yanping suddenly felt his heart change. Heng, made this bold decision.

As he and Zhe Baili shouted repeatedly, the fleeing Liao army suddenly began to change their formations. Hundreds of cavalrymen who were skilled in archery deliberately slowed down, with their bows and arrows ready. At the same time, they kept looking back to observe the position of the Song army that was pursuing them.

Just after discovering that the enemy was within range, Xiao Yanping suddenly tightened the reins, controlled the war horse Herod to hiss, and at the same time raised his front hooves, he turned around. And while taking advantage of this twist, the other person also turned over, bent his bow, pulled the string and shot out the arrow, all in one go.

The arrow shoots out like a shooting star and goes straight to the target -


The fourth update, there will be another one tonight, please vote! ! !