Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 900: Return this arrow to you! (Fifth update)


The Song Army was at the front of the cavalry team pursuing the Liao Army. Wang Guanzheng took the lead and sprinted with all his strength. The spear in his hand was stabbed out with the momentum of the galloping horse, hitting the back of a Liao Army cavalry in front of him who fell behind.

In his shrill scream, the spear passed through his body with almost no obstruction. At the same time, as Wang Guan's arms struggled to lift him up, such a big man was lifted straight up from his horse, and then It hit the ground with a bang, blood spattered instantly, and he died tragically on the spot.

However, as a frontier general who had been fighting with the Liao army for many years and had no idea how many enemy soldiers were killed under his command, Wang Guan had no reaction at all. After killing the person and dismounting him, his eyes had moved to another target ahead, intending to assassinate him again. This is a rare opportunity to chase down the defeated Liao army. Naturally, this time it is necessary to kill them quickly.

But just when he urged his horse to speed up again, he caught a glimpse of a flash of cold light in front of him from the corner of his eye. This made his heart suddenly tremble. The spear he was about to thrust out was already returned in time. Shou, placed it across his chest, and then blocked it forward. It happened to collide with the cold light, and it turned out to be a powerful arrow. The force of this arrow was so great that even if it was blocked, it still had enough power to strike. It actually made Wang Guan's head tingle and his expression changed again.

This time it was indeed extremely dangerous. If he hadn't noticed the cold light in front of him and taken up his defense in time, this powerful and heavy arrow might have penetrated his neck. This immediately made Wang Guan wary, and he hurriedly looked towards where the arrows were coming from. Then he saw the hundreds of Liao soldiers who were fleeing in a panic suddenly turned around, and a rain of arrows burst out from their hands!

And this was not the most terrifying thing. What frightened him the most was that at this moment, three powerful arrows passed through the gap between the enemy and our cavalry in front and flew straight towards him. He was about to react and block, but it was too late. The spear in his hand shook and he knocked down one of the arrows. The other two arrows hit his face and heart almost at the same time!

Wang Guan only had time to let out a scream before he tipped off his horse. Just as the surrounding Song soldiers were about to rescue them, hundreds of sharp arrows were about to fly through the air, completely covering the pursuing leading cavalry. They screamed one after another and fell off their horses. The momentum of the Song army's pursuit was reduced.

This hail of arrows caught the pursuers by surprise, and more than a hundred people in the lead fell down together with their leader, Wang Guan. It also frightened the soldiers and horses behind. After all, chasing the enemy who had no resistance and fighting the enemy who had already put all their efforts into fighting were completely different things. After a big victory, the Song army naturally cherished their lives even more.

This pause of the Song army actually made the Liao army even more courageous. Without Xiao Yanping's urging again, the hundreds of fine cavalry roared and charged in the opposite direction. At the same time, they kept firing their bows and arrows, carrying their anger with each sharp arrow, and reflected it towards the Song army. With a few hundred troops, the Song army of about 2,000 was beaten so hard that it began to retreat, and it was almost impossible to parry.

"I have known for a long time that the Song people are afraid of fighting. I was just frightened by their momentum. In fact, it is nothing more than that!" You Liao general laughed wildly. After shooting all the arrows he carried, he raised his sword and charged again. , actually planning to turn defeat into victory in one fell swoop and kill the pursuers!

At this moment, Xiao Yanping from behind shouted: "Don't delay any more, let's go!" Although he killed a Song general with a flurry of arrows and improved the battle situation, he was actually very clear in his heart.

Chu, now that the defeat has been achieved, it cannot be reversed by killing hundreds of Song troops now. Once the Song army came to their senses and pressed forward again, they still had no choice but to flee for their lives. Therefore, it is better to distance Song Jun as soon as possible while he is hesitant to move forward, so that he can be more sure of escaping.

Following this order, most of the Liao troops quickly turned around and wanted to catch up with their comrades in front. Only a hundred or so bold and bold soldiers rushed forward regardless, without even hearing Xiao Yanping's order. . This made him very angry, and just when he was about to shout louder, there was already a Song army over there, tearing apart his own formation like cutting waves, and rushed forward. The first general was wearing bright armor, holding an ax and riding a horse with thunderous momentum. He actually pounced straight in front of those Liao troops.

Just by looking at its momentum, Xiao Yanping was able to conclude that this was a fierce general of the Song Army, and he immediately opened his bow again to shoot down the incoming general. But at this time, the opponent had already crashed into the Liao army's formation, and his speed was extremely fast, giving him no chance to take aim calmly.

Equally fast was the long ax that was already dancing in his hand. Not only was this ax fast enough, it was also extremely powerful. As it circled and danced, it chopped off the heads of several Liao soldiers in front of him. In the end, he charged forward and struck with the ax like a demon. When he came out, he instantly cut the Liao general who had just charged and killed him in half, including his men and his horses!

Just this rush to kill instantly turned the tide of the battle back. When those Liao soldiers saw how brave this man was, they instantly lost their courage and did not dare to stay any longer. They quickly returned to their horses and fled. At this time, the Song army from the rear rushed over again and engulfed these reckless Liao troops.

Xiao Yanping felt that his heart was bleeding. These were all the elites under his command. They were directly annihilated by this group of Song troops without even being able to block a single encounter. His eyes were deep, and he wanted to retaliate with sharp arrows, but when he thought about his situation, he quickly gave up the idea: "Let's go! Back away!" While the two sides were still some distance apart, it was true that they had to escape quickly.

This time, no Liao soldiers dared to risk going back, so they immediately continued to flee with him. However, the situation is still not optimistic, because at this time, the Song army that had just divided its forces to outflank was finally in place. Not only those who were lagging behind to block the pursuers, but also the Liao army who were running in front were also suffering from the Song army's fierce attack. , casualties continue to increase, but the road ahead looks far away.

Seeing how embarrassed the Liao army was being pursued, Sun Tu and other warriors who had been fighting for a long time also cheered up and continued to pursue them hard. Sun Tu, in particular, did not dare to relax at all. He followed closely behind Qin Gan, who was already covered in blood, swinging his spear, and unhorsed two more enemies who fell in front of him.

It was Qin Gan who had rushed out at that critical moment. Even Sun Tu was shocked by his ferocious killing method. He really didn't expect that there was such a fierce person among the Song army. It took one person and one ax to turn the tide of the battle. This ability is no longer inferior to that of Lin Chong and other generals.

In fact, this is the reality in the Song army. Maybe the Song army is not as good at fighting as the Liao and Jin Dynasties, but there are still many heroes among the nearly one million troops and hundreds of thousands of border troops. Qin Gan is just one of them. In the end, the reason why the Song Dynasty ended up like that was because it was the fault of the temples, not the army.

With a fierce general like Qin Gan leading his army in pursuit, and fighting a one-sided battle with the masses chasing the few, the Song army was naturally brave. Even if the enemy ran very fast, they still held on tight.

, and chased him out for no less than thirty miles in one breath.

Along the way, some of the Liao army fell behind and were killed, and some were outflanked and intercepted. The number continued to decrease. By the time it got dark, there were only less than a thousand people left out of the five thousand. But they still didn't give up, and were still racing as hard as they could. Therefore, when it comes to riding skills, the Liao people are still much better than the Song army, so at this time, there is still a little hope of escape. On the other hand, the Song Army only had about two thousand cavalry left to chase them, and the large troops behind them had no idea where they were left.

"Take the valley road over there!" After being on the run for most of the day, everyone in the Liao army was so tired that they could hardly breathe. The horses under their crotches trembled from time to time, and some suddenly fell down. Even if it is a good horse and a BMW, it can no longer hold up at this time.

Xiao Yanping's mind was still clear, and he immediately found a narrow valley that was more suitable for escape. At the same time, he was thinking that he might be able to send someone to set up an ambush here to stop the Song army's pursuit. But before he could put his idea into practice, the sound of killing started again, and the Song army was chasing them again like maggots attached to their bones. The leader was the axe-wielding Song general.

This man had killed dozens of Liao soldiers and generals along the way, and he had already made them fearful. As soon as they saw him, everyone said nothing, turned around and urged their horses to run deeper into the valley again. Xiao Yanping also sighed and wanted to turn around and run away. Originally, he wanted to repeat his old trick and lead the rearguard to fight in person. But now it seems that his subordinates have no fighting spirit and can only continue to flee.

During his hesitation and delay, he once again narrowed the distance between the two sides, and also allowed Sun Tu, who was almost parallel to Qin Gan, to see this formidable enemy from a distance. Although they were separated by hundreds of steps and it was still night, Sun Tu's eyes were like torches, but he still recognized Xiao Yanping among these Liao soldiers at a glance.

For a time, new and old hatreds welled up in his heart, and coupled with his intention to annihilate all the Liao people, Sun Tu suddenly shouted loudly, took a divine arm bow that had been prepared from his horse, and headed towards the target. Aim at:

"Xiao Yanping, do you still remember that arrow outside Youzhou City a few years ago? Today, I will return it to you!" As soon as the roar started, the bowstring exploded like a thunderbolt, and a sharp arrow shot out, like a shooting star. In the month, he flew to attack the Liao general in front.

Xiao Yanping, who was waiting to accelerate his horse, suddenly froze when he heard the roar. There was also a look of surprise on his face. No wonder he felt a familiar strange feeling when he fought with Sun Tu. It turned out that he was actually the Song Dynasty man who was shot down the river by his arrow that day. He is not dead

But this thought was quickly replaced by deep fear, because at this time, there was the sharp sound of arrows flying through the air. At this time, Xiao Yanping was already weak. He was about to turn around and block with his sword, but he was already a beat behind.

With a pop, a sharp arrow penetrated his back, causing him to scream, his body slumped, and he fell heavily on the horse's back. At the same time, the guards beside him were frightened and turned pale: "General... the general is injured!"

Who would have thought that the Song Army could accurately shoot an arrow into the back of its own general from five hundred steps away!

At this moment, the Liao army collapsed completely, while the Song army chasing behind them rushed towards them like a wave amid cheers...


Today’s fifth update. . . . Five updates, fifteen thousand, please vote again. . . . . ,

Also, continue tomorrow. . . .