Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 903: Spy Du Jianjun? (Third update)


Yanmen Pass is called Guansai, but its shape is not much different from that of a small city. The only difference is that the walls are taller and thicker than those in other cities, and the residents inside are mainly frontier soldiers. Especially after all the common people staying here were arranged outside the south gate for safety reasons, there are even fewer sights of ordinary people in this pass.

Nowadays, except for those who have responsibilities and need to guard the wall, all the soldiers in the pass have heard the news and ran to the streets to see the development of the situation. It is really so rare today that it is difficult for people to even hear about it.

Just a few hours ago, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers suddenly entered the pass from the north. Although these soldiers looked exhausted after the war, the murderous spirit they exuded was still All the soldiers guarding the pass were suppressed. Especially when someone recognized the talented Yue Marquis Sun Tu, who had been away from Yanmen Pass for a few days, and his troops, everyone quickly understood why they came back.

Sure enough, when the garrison general Tian Boyuan hurried down to greet him and speak, he was captured without saying a word. Then there was a series of questions and answers without knowing the specifics. Although General Tian was not tied up and convicted in the end, just looking at the devastated look on his face, one knew that he had been completely suppressed by Sun Tu, and he no longer dared to resist at all.

Everyone can actually understand this, because both General Tian and Supervisor Du did what they did before was too unreasonable. They had obviously agreed to send troops to rescue, but when the real thing came, they actually came up with reasons to hold back. Just looking at the blood and injuries on the soldiers who returned, everyone can imagine what a terrible battle they encountered.

Justice is in the heart of the people, even if these soldiers speak softly, they still look down upon the actions of their own generals in private. It's just that they are subordinates after all, so they only dare to be angry but dare not speak out. But now, Ren Zhengzheng has brought more soldiers and horses back to settle accounts. What this means is naturally very clear.

What everyone is more interested in is how Yuehou will deal with the relevant people. You must know that the real mastermind of this matter was Supervisor Du. Many people watched and spread the news about what happened at that time. If he hadn't strongly opposed it and used power to suppress it, General Tian would have brought people out to rescue him. .

Sun Tu did not disappoint everyone's curiosity. Sure enough, after General Hotan's questions and answers, he led people straight to Du Jianjun's residence. And as soon as he got there, he knocked down all the guards guarding the door, and then broke in, treating that person's official status as nothing. When everything in front of the door spread again, everyone was even more interested in what would happen next, so they called many people in Guanzhong to invite their friends, and almost everyone in front of the Du Supervisor Army's door was Even the wide streets were blocked with water.

After a while, an even more amazing scene appeared - Du Jianjun, who used to be aloof and aloof, was actually pushed out of the house with his face covered in blood and his body covered in dust, looking extremely embarrassed. And when he was unable to lift his legs because he was tied up, and was a little slow when crossing the high threshold of his house, he was pushed hard from behind, which made him fall down like a vicious dog grabbing shit. On the ground, I really lost my face.

When this scene was vividly presented in front of all the soldiers, the soldiers

There were even bursts of laughter and shouts. They were already very dissatisfied with this bossy and self-righteous civil servant, but now they finally saw him making a fool of himself and suffering, and they all felt a sense of satisfaction that a great revenge had been avenged. Anyway, thousands of people are laughing now. The law does not punish the public, and they are not afraid of being held accountable afterwards.

But the civilian officials and scribes in the military all turned pale at this moment, and they felt as if they were feeling the same, and the rabbit was dying and the fox was sad. They really didn't expect that a big shot like Du Jianjun would end up in such a situation. But when their eyes fell on the young man behind who looked like a sharp knife unsheathed, they all remained silent, and no one dared to step forward to speak to rescue him. For these people, protecting yourself is the smartest choice.

Although Sun Tu was filled with murderous thoughts, his mind remained calm. When he walked to the door, he was also observing the reactions of everyone outside, and after seeing this scene, he was already determined. If you have your own military spirit, what else do you have to worry about

Du Changguo finally struggled to get up from the ground. Just as he was about to say something, someone pushed him in the back: "Walk faster!" He staggered forward again, and some encouraging words were also heard. He went back feeling depressed.

In this way, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Du Changguo was pushed and dragged to the intersection ahead. There, Qin Gan was waiting with people. When he saw this situation, he grinned uneasily. In fact, until now, he had not figured out how Sun Tu planned to deal with this culprit.

As a veteran of the border army, Qin Gan was actually used to such things. Not to mention the military supervisors like Du Changguo who hold absolute power, even some low-status lieutenants in the army often do things that send their enemies to the enemy's knife but do nothing to save them. .

Those who do such things are usually those with higher status, so even if someone pursues the matter afterwards, they will most likely find a reason to cover it up, and at most they will only be demoted and fined. But today, Sun Tu made a big fuss after returning to Yanmen Pass, which made him somewhat confused as to how the other party would end up.

"Bang..." With a muffled sound, Du Changguo fell to the street not far from Qin Gan. There were soldiers guarding the gate all around, and many people couldn't help but cheer. And just when Du Jianjun was struggling to get up again, a big foot stepped over hard, and with a pop, his half-bowed body was pushed back to the ground.

This completely insulting move immediately silenced everyone present, and then everyone focused their attention on the person above, who was Sun Tu! His face was so gloomy that it could drip water, and he ignored the moans and groans of the people below him, and only said loudly: "Brothers Paoze, I think you all already know what happened in Yanmen Pass recently. The Liao invaders attempted to cut off our army's food route on the front line. In order to defeat this conspiracy, I not only captured the spies in Yanmen Pass, but also teamed up with the garrison general Tian Boyuan to set up a trap using our tiger troops as bait and the elite soldiers in the pass as a net. , a strategy to wipe out the Liao army in one fell swoop.

"But what's the result? My five thousand soldiers have been fighting for many days regardless of themselves, but the waiting reinforcements have not arrived, almost putting us on the road to death. If General Qin Gan hadn't arrived in time with the army, the consequences would have been disastrous. But even so, our Hu Ben army suffered heavy casualties, with nearly five thousand casualties.

Half, and all this is not only because of the fierceness of the Liao army, but also because of the gift of certain people! "As he said that, he used all his strength to kick Du Changguo hard, causing him to groan miserably again.

At this time, he knew that the situation was critical, so he didn't care about the embarrassing situation he was being trampled on, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Sun Tu, are you going to blame all the crimes on me? I Having said that, I am also considering the overall situation. Yanmen Pass is related to the safety of the Central Plains. How can we just randomly dispatch the soldiers guarding the pass? If you are not convinced, you can report it to the court and Tong Shuai to see what their conclusion is... "

"Report to the court? I can't wait, and those dead soldiers can't wait!" Sun Tu immediately shouted loudly, interrupting the other party: "What's more, why don't I understand your thoughts? You are just You want to implement the delaying strategy so that your accomplices can save you. How can I, Sun Tu, do as you wish?"

"Complicit? What kind of conspiracy?" This question was not only shared by Duchangguo, but also by the surrounding officers and soldiers.

"Why, do you still want to pretend to be stupid and hide it from the world now? I can make it clear to you that your identity as a spy of the Liao people has been seen through by me a long time ago. I would have doubted you that day, if it weren't for you , how could those Liao spies enter our Yanmen Pass smoothly, and how could those who passed on the news succeed in succession? I only hate that you hide the deepest, so I have always kept you safe. But unexpectedly, after I saw through the conspiracy, you didn't even You are willing to give up and come up with such a trick to harm our soldiers of the Song Dynasty. You really deserve death!"

"Boom..." After hearing these words, the scene exploded instantly.

Everyone looked at Du Changguo on the ground in disbelief, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that Sun Tu's words really made sense. As he accused, all Liao spies are really inseparable from this supervisor, and his subsequent actions against the Huben army confirmed his criminal method of betraying the frontline troops. He was not a Liao spy. Who else could it be

Du Changguo was immediately frightened to the extreme. He quickly struggled and shouted sharply: "Sun Tu, you are spitting blood, you are making a false accusation! I am an official who was born as a Jinshi in the Song Dynasty, how could I ... How could he be a Liao spy..." He knew very well what would happen to him if he was found guilty of this crime. Then it would not be him alone, but the whole family!

The imperial court of the Song Dynasty has always been kind to scholar-bureaucrats. As long as they are officials with a Jinshi background, no matter how big a mistake they make, the court will forgive them, at least their lives will not be in danger. Especially Du Changguo's behavior of scheming military generals is not even considered a fault among the civil servants.

That's why he clamored for Sun Tu to report this to the court. He had plenty of ways to excuse himself.

But now, once he really lets himself become a spy of the Liao Kingdom, even the backers in the DPRK and China will not be able to rescue him again. The gap between the two was so great that it was naturally impossible for Du Changguo to admit such a serious crime.

Qin Gan frowned slightly: "This Sun Tu is really ruthless. He really kills everyone without leaving any room! Can he really be identified as a spy of the Liao Kingdom just based on this one-sided statement?"


The third update. . . . . Please vote please vote. . . .