Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 905: Heading north again (fifth update!)


This sudden scene instantly condensed the jubilant atmosphere at the scene. No one had thought that Tian Boyuan would actually commit suicide by committing suicide. Some subordinates who were familiar with his character found this fact unbelievable. His general had always been steady and rational, so how could he commit suicide

Only a few people, such as Qin Gan, noticed the little exchange between Tian Boyuan and Sun Tu before committing suicide, and they quickly understood that his death was probably inseparable from the Marquis of Yue. But this made them even more frightened. Sun Tu's methods were too terrifying. Not only did he dare to kill the supervisors in public, but he also forced a garrison general to commit suicide willingly...

In fact, Sun Tu didn't use many methods to deal with Tian Boyuan. He just expressed his determination to pursue the case to the end, and told the other party that he and Du Changguo, the two officials with the greatest responsibility, would die to apologize.

After all, this time the Huben army was almost wiped out. Although Du Changguo was the culprit, if Tian Boyuan hadn't gone back on his word and refused to take responsibility, there would still be a way to remedy the situation. After all, the military power was in his hands. No matter what Du Changguo said, as long as he gave an order, the soldiers would obey the order and leave.

It can be said that Du Changguo was the first offender in this matter, and then Tian Boyuan was an accomplice. Although the first offender deserves to be killed, the crime of the accomplice cannot be exempted. However, Sun Tu still left him face and leeway in the end, so he was extremely ruthless when dealing with Du Changguo. Not only did he kill him, but he also wanted to ruin his reputation, implicate the entire clan, and die tragically before everyone else. As for Tian Boyuan, as long as he lives, he can still commit suicide with dignity.

This is the reason why Tian Boyuan's reaction was extremely weird from the moment he talked with Sun Tu. He still wanted to survive, but he no longer had the guts to become Sun Tu's enemy. The only thing he could do was to hope that Du Changguo could turn this round around.

But in the end, Du Changguo's fate turned his extravagant hopes into fantasy, and forced him to go to a dead end. Especially after seeing the whole city cheering for Sun Tu, he completely lost the courage to fight for the last time, so he could only commit suicide on the spot as he wished.

Because if he refused to commit suicide and still wanted to live, Sun Tu could not only accuse Du Changguo of being a Liao spy, but then kill him and do the same thing to Tian Boyuan again. By then, his death will only be worse and his family will be affected. At this time, death was the only option for him.

Some people may think that Sun Tu's approach is too unrelenting and too extreme. But he knew that doing so was the best way to unite the morale of the military. This was not only an explanation to the officers and soldiers of the Huben Army, but also an explanation to all the officers and soldiers of the border army. Otherwise, what will everyone think after this incident? Are you still willing to do everything for the safety of the Central Plains? Because what is shown in this matter is that those who are superior do not care about the life and death of ordinary soldiers at all. No matter how many people die, it will not affect them in the slightest.

Today, Sun Tu wants to tell everyone a truth. What you do will inevitably have feedback. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Regardless of their status, the lives of soldiers are also valuable!

After a moment of stunned silence, there was cheering again. These soldiers have accepted the belief that Sun Tu passed on to them, which made them even more excited and admired Sun Tu even more.

Qin Gan stared blankly at everything in front of him. After a while, he finally sighed and said no more.

In the past, he had heard some of Sun Tu's deeds and deeply admired what he had done, but after all, it was just hearsay and he didn't have a deep feeling. But today, after returning to Yanmen Pass for less than half a day, he killed two main officials in the pass, and received the full support of other soldiers. This made him have different emotions towards Sun Tu. He was respectful, but even more so. Most of them are afraid.

What kind of big things will such a person do when he gets to the front line? Or, in other words, when that time comes, will the imperial court be able to control such a general who is so popular among the military and has no worries? Qin Gan is really deeply suspicious of this...

The person who deserves to be killed has been killed. The next thing Sun Tu and the others have to do is to rest in Yanmen Pass so that they can clear away the fatigue from the past few days.

As a hero who could fight an equal number of Liao troops for several days and fight even if they were in desperate situation, the treatment of the officers and soldiers of the Huben Army in Yanmen Pass was naturally quite high. They had the best food and accommodation, and there were also dedicated doctors. Diagnose and treat their wounds.

In fact, Sun Tu himself was also seriously injured. Before, he just had to hold on because he had too many things to solve. Now he can finally relax and let his body recover.

As a result, the army will spend more time here, which is obviously what Qin Gan and the others do not want to see. After all, now that a battle is about to begin on the front line, he and his 20,000 men do not want to just sit idle in the rear. .

After learning what he meant, Sun Tu immediately made the decision: "Then go back to the front line, and I will go with you to see Tong Shuai." His health was much better than that of ordinary people. Although he had many injuries, after a few days After the bandage treatment, he has recovered to the best of his ability.

"What about the other members of the Huben Army?" Qin Gan asked casually. The other soldiers were still injured, and many had difficulty even walking, let alone going to the front line.

Sun Tu only thought for a moment before giving his opinion: "Let them stay at Yanmen Pass for the time being, which can be regarded as contributing to the front line. Also, I plan to let Cao Yan and several other generals temporarily guard Yanmen Pass. What do you think of this position?"

Once Tian Boyuan and Du Changguo died, Yanmen Pass would be leaderless. It was okay when Sun Tu and the others were here, but once they left, there would be no absolute leader who could make decisions about what would happen next.

Qin Gan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "Since General Sun has made up his mind, I will do as you say. However, they are only taking over their duties temporarily. The final arrangement has to be decided by Tong Shuai."

"Of course." Sun Tu smiled and nodded. With such ease, he solved the current problem with two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it is naturally the embarrassing situation of Yanmen Pass. With Cao Yan and the others staying behind to make the decision, they are not afraid of another accident. On the other hand, it is to ensure the safety of the soldiers of the Huben Army.

In fact, although Sun Tu brought these Forbidden Army soldiers out, he still didn't have high hopes for their combat power. After all, they had always been pampered and had only suppressed bandits a few times. They had never fought against such a powerful enemy as the Liao Army. . If such an army really goes to the front line, it will be no different than facing death. Some clues of this can be seen in the previous battle with the Liao army.

Now, although they have gained experience and grown, they are still far away from being truly elite. In addition, they are still injured, so leaving them at Yanmen Pass is the best choice. It's not advisable to pull the seedlings to encourage growth. Everything has to be done step by step. Didn't the Qingzhou Army back then also rely on one battle after another

Is the battle accumulation increased

Sun Tu believes that as long as they stay at Yanmen Pass and listen more and learn more, in the future, these thousands of Tiger and Ben troops will become the mainstay of the border army and become a force no less powerful than the Shandong Army. And all of this will take time. of precipitation.

Although some of the officers and soldiers of the Huben Army found Sun Tu's decision unacceptable, they still obeyed the military order. So in the end, they all stayed at Yanmen Pass, and then sent Sun Tu and Qin Gan's troops to go north again. Along with them, there were thousands of civilians, as well as a large number of people who had stayed in Yanmen Pass for too long. Military rations and weapons.

This time, the Liao army, which had been almost completely wiped out, could no longer pose any threat to the grain road. Even if they still had some remnants, they would probably have no choice but to find a place to hide or flee back. Go north.

"General Qin, where did that Liao army come from? How could it bypass our defense line like it fell from the sky?"

"This... is really confusing. It's a pity that all the prisoners would rather die than be captured, otherwise we would be on guard."


"Xiao Yanping missed..." Looking at the small piece of paper in his hand, Yelu Dashi frowned deeply. This result was really beyond his expectation. He thought that with Xiao Yanping's ability and the elite combat power of the cavalry, unless the Song army sent a large number of troops back to encircle and suppress them, they would be able to harass them all the time. , thus containing the main force of the Song Army.

But now it seems that I have simplified things, and this is the result.

Yelv Xiongge in front of him was more concerned about one question: "How did they lose?"

"They were held back by an army coming out of Yanmen Pass, and then the Song army arrived. They didn't have enough troops, so they were defeated. Moreover, there was an old friend of yours and mine in that Song army."

"Old friend? But who is he?"

"Does your Majesty still remember the Song Army general who was beside Tong Guan when the chaos broke out in Nanjing?"

Yelv Xiongge naturally had a deep memory of this matter, and immediately nodded: "It seems that there is such a person. But wasn't he eliminated by your people?"

"He is still alive, and now he has great reputation and status in the Song Ting army. I can't believe that a small figure at the beginning has become a terrifying opponent who can stand alone a few years later." Yelu Dashi said with some emotion, Then he sighed secretly, he really did not misjudge the person at the beginning, but it was a pity that this person failed to surrender and was used by himself.

"It's just a matter of idleness that failed to accomplish anything. It doesn't harm the overall situation." Yelu Xiongge did not take this matter too seriously and comforted him casually.

But Yelu Dashi didn't see it that way: "This person is not simple, and you have to be careful after all. By the way, I will let them go back again, and then they can cooperate with Xiao Qian. Maybe the Song Army has already figured it out by then." It’s crucial.”

"You mean that side?" Yelu Xiongge nodded clearly: "But the decisive battle between me and the Song army is about to begin, right? The north has given orders one after another, asking us to quickly divide our troops for rescue."

"Yeah, I really hope this battle starts and ends quickly..."


The promised fifth update is late but has arrived. . . . . So again, I’m asking for votes and support. . . . .