Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 908: Cold treatment


In the end, Tong Guan didn't really do anything to Sun Tu. He just waved him helplessly and asked his cronies to prepare a military tent for him to stay next to his tent. After all, Sun Tu was considered his, and his status had already surpassed that of ordinary generals. This kind of face-saving consideration was always necessary.

However, this does not mean that the matter can be uncovered so easily. After all, it was Gao Qiu who died. Even though Tong Guan was actually happy to hear the news of the death of his old enemy, he also knew that there would be endless troubles and he had to think of a way to deal with it. So he quickly summoned a few close friends and discussed countermeasures with them.

The person who could be specially called by Tong Guan to discuss such a big matter is naturally the subordinate who commands the most respect and trust from him in the army and is capable enough. The four people who came here are the best among them. They are both civilized and military. They are all the most prolific figures in the army who can really influence Tong Guan.

The people who wrote the article were two counselors. Although their official positions were only in the sixth or seventh rank, they had considerable power. They were named Han Hao and Feng Jing. The two military generals are Ma Shande and Ren Changqing, who have followed Tong Guan for a long time and made many contributions to him during the confrontation with Xixia.

Although these four people are all courageous and knowledgeable people, after listening to Tong Guan's narration, they also reacted differently to his just now. They were quite surprised and were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses. Later, they even exclaimed: "This Yuehou is so courageous. He actually dares to..." No one would believe his reason that Gao Qiu died of cold, but this is not good. The truth is spoken.

"So help me think carefully about what we should do with him?" Tong Guan asked slowly, his face still gloomy.

Several people looked at each other for a long time, finally recovering from the shock, and then Feng Jing spoke first: "Does Commander Tong think it's not easy to accuse him?"

Han Hao followed up and said: "I'm afraid this will bring more trouble to Tong Shuai. After all, the relationship between Yue Hou and Tong Shuai is here. Once you really do this, let alone anything else, it will be weak." It has damaged our momentum and made people suspect that this matter has something to do with Tong Shuai."

Tong Guan nodded in agreement, which was also the key to his hesitation. Paying attention to Sun Tu was one thing, but it really threatened himself. He didn't mind pushing this young man who single-handedly promoted him to die. But the current situation is obviously not that simple.

"I think that I really shouldn't do this. It will only shake the morale of the army." Ren Changqing also expressed his opinion: "You may not be too clear yet, but the reputation of this Yuehou in the army is not small, even among the soldiers of the border army. There are also too many people who have admired his name for a long time and hold him in high esteem. If Tong Shuai really attacks him because of this incident, I'm afraid the army officers will not accept it."

"What's more, there are brothers like that watching from the side. So this matter is even more unacceptable!" Ma Shande also expressed his concerns.

In fact, Tong Guan had already considered this, so he asked the most crucial point: "Then what should we do with him?"

"This person can only be idle, cannot be reused, and cannot be punished." Han Hao said seriously: "Fortunately, he did not lead an army this time, so as long as Tong Shuai arranges a idle position for him at will, it will be enough. As for To the court, we can first report the real situation and follow what the Marquis of Yue said, saying that Lieutenant Gao died suddenly due to the cold. If the court really wants to pursue the case, it has to ask the Marquis of Yue first! We are safe for the time being."

"One more thing, Mrs. Gao

Although Wei's death was serious, it was nothing compared to such a major event as capturing the Sixteenth Province of Youyun. So as long as we can defeat the Liao army and capture Youzhou City this time, we don't have to worry about anything anymore. At that time, the court will not bring up the old matter again, so Tong Shuai will be blamed for this matter. "Ren Changqing said again.

Tong Guan frowned slightly, and things unexpectedly returned to the most difficult issue at hand. Defeating the Liao army and retaking Youzhou is just a sentence, but it is so difficult to really do it. But in the end, he nodded and approved the proposal. Indeed, he couldn't think of a more appropriate way to deal with this problem at the moment. It can be said that Sun Tu's arrival has added a lot of trouble to himself.

After pondering for a moment, Tong Guancai said: "Then appoint Sun Tu as the military counselor, and work with you to discuss the enemy's military affairs. This Sun Tu also has some skills in using troops. You can also talk to him later to see if there is anything you can do. What kind of strategy can I use?"

In a few words, Sun Tu's arrangement was finalized. The military power would never be handed over to him now, and only by keeping it by his side could Tong Guan feel at ease. Otherwise, I really don’t know what kind of trouble this guy will cause in the army. To be honest, the commotion Sun Tu has made in the past few years has exceeded what other people have done in a lifetime. Even a knowledgeable person like Tong Guan feels that he can't bear it.

There is another point that Tong Guan has never mentioned, and it is also the key to making him wary of Sun Tu, and that is that his current attitude is much tougher than before. When facing him just now, no matter his state or self-profession, he had the intention of confronting him head-on. Although this performance was not too obvious, for a person like Tong Guan who is used to his subordinates being groveling and trembling with fear, he immediately let him Got the key point.

Others, whether they were close confidants such as Qin Gan, Ren Changqing, or subordinate generals who led their own troops, would always be inferior when facing Tong Guan, and it was natural for them to claim to be in a lower position. But as for Sun Tu, he kept talking about himself and refused to bow his head at all. This shows that his mentality has changed. He is no longer the little person who needs to be looked up to.

This is also true. Today's Sun Tu can be regarded as a well-known figure in the court and the army. His status as a Marquis of Yue and Jiedu Liuhou is not fake. Even in front of a big shot like Tong Guan, he is only slightly lowered. , there is really no need to grovel. But in Tong Guan's eyes, this kind of natural reaction was a sign of separation from him. Naturally, it was impossible to value reuse as much as before.

Therefore, sending him as military counselor is a small warning - given your current situation, if you dare to cause any trouble again, I can prevent you from getting any military power. Naturally, I can also find anyone. Reason to execute you!

But it's hard to say whether this kind of warning can scare Sun Tu. At least in the next few days, Sun Tu behaved quite calmly. After resting his mind, he actually started to inquire about military affairs as a counselor. This really made Han Hao and the others who were responsible for watching him feel great. Headache.

Although they are both counselors, they are always different. Although people like Han Hao and Feng Jing were trusted by Tong Guan, they were only sixth-rank officials after all. But Sun Tu is different. He is a third-grade high-ranking official, and he has the status of a marquis to rely on. In addition, the soldiers respect him, so it is not too difficult to understand the military situation.


He was not a master who would treat himself as an outsider and keep to himself, so in the next few days, he actually participated in several military intelligence meetings uninvited, leaving others at a loss. . For such a person, there are disadvantages in rushing. If you don't rush, it seems difficult to explain to Tong Shuai, which is really tricky.

And things changed very quickly. On the afternoon of March 12th, the two armies slowly arrived at the Chinese army's stronghold from the camps on the left and right. It turned out that the two generals of the Song army came hand in hand to discuss with Tong Guan. The next strategy and tactics.

It turned out that as time went by, frictions and battles between the Song and Liao armies became more frequent, and it seemed that a decisive battle was about to break out at any time. For the hundreds of thousands of troops in front of us, tacit cooperation between them is the key to victory or defeat. This naturally requires several major generals to reach a consensus and agree on a practical strategy.

So today, the two veteran Zhong brothers, Zhong Shizhong and Zhong Shidao, who had previously guarded the two wings of the army, rushed to the Chinese army's stronghold to discuss countermeasures.

These two people are veteran generals in the Song Army, and have a higher reputation than Tong Guan, so with their arrival, the entire military camp immediately became more solemn and excited, and many people came specially to enter them. On the only way to the village, I just wanted to catch a glimpse of the two old generals.

Sun Tu was naturally among them. From a distance, he saw two old generals wearing armor and riding tall horses. Although they had silver beards and hair, they still had impressive momentum. They were escorted by hundreds of soldiers on foot towards the central army's tent. Come.

These two old generals can be said to be the rare first-class generals from the Song Dynasty to this day, and they are the descendants of the long-standing Zhong family generals. Although the Zhong family has little reputation among the people in later generations, in terms of true achievements, it is only higher than the Yang family generals, Hu family generals and other generals who mostly relied on storytellers to make up their reputations, and even compared to Di Qing This door must be stronger.

Beginning with his ancestor Zhong Fang, a hermit who helped the Song Dynasty settle the world, the Zhong family has made various contributions to the Song Dynasty. Then it was his son Zhong Shiheng who created the famous Zhong family army. After that, there were eight sons who became famous in the Western Frontier (some say, later generations of Yang family generals Qi Lang and Eight Tigers came from this). Now, the two brothers Zhong Shidao and Zhong Shizhong have been guarding the border for the Song Dynasty for many years, forming a generation. The generals of the Western Frontier called them Lao Zhong Xianggong and Xiao Zhong Xianggong, but they dared not call them by their names.

Such characters are so unusual and rare in the Song Dynasty, which was so noble but weak in martial arts. It can be said that they were the last pillars and consciences of the Song Dynasty's officers and soldiers, and they were great figures that all soldiers respected from the bottom of their hearts. Compared with them, generals like Tong Guan, who mostly relied on the emperor's favor to climb to high positions, seem a bit insignificant, even if he is the current military commander...

Because of this, even if he had opinions about these two people, he could only pinch his nose and go out to greet them in person, showing enough respect for them.

But just when he came forward with a false smile on his face, the two old generals did not come forward to salute immediately after dismounting. Instead, they turned at the same time and aimed their eyes at the man who was mixed in among the soldiers. The young man then laughed heartily at the same time: "Looking at your extraordinary aura, you must be the Marquis of Yue, Sun Tu, in front of you, right?"


This is the third update today, and there will be another update later... maybe. . . . .