Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 967: Zhuozhou Attack and Defense Battle (4)


Under the night, Zhuozhou City, which had been bustling with war during the day, finally became quiet. After the rare meal, the soldiers either returned to their camps to rest or followed orders and took up their positions. Everything seemed so orderly, but Sun Tu and his Qingzhou Army seemed a bit inconspicuous among them.

Dong Kuang's insistence made Sun Tu completely lose the joy of his previous small victory. Now he looked particularly worried. Even after being hungry for a day, he still couldn't eat all the dry buns and vegetable soup he held in his hand, and his brows were even more furrowed. Gotta die. It wasn't until Wu Song strode over that he put down the food and said anxiously: "How is it? Has he changed his mind?"

Wu Song, who was ordered to do the final dissuasion, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Now many generals in the Ever Victorious Army have lost their minds. They are all clamoring to defeat the Liao Army. Even General Dong can't stop him even if he wants to. They don't believe it at all. Our warning also said that this is completely the ambition of the Changliao army and destroys its own prestige."

Sun Tu sighed again when he heard this, knowing that the matter was irreversible. It was precisely because he thought that those victorious troops would react like this, and to avoid irreconcilable conflicts between the two sides, that he only asked Wu Song to do the final persuasion instead of taking action personally. Judging from the current situation, it is the same no matter who goes. The Evervictorious Army has been blinded by a small victory. It must hit a wall and cannot wake up after suffering a loss. But if this happens, the morale that was finally boosted will plummet again, making it more difficult for the next defenders of the city.

"General, what should we do?" Whether it is Wu Songruda or other soldiers and generals, they have absolute obedience and trust to their general. Since he said that defeat will be inevitable, there is no second possibility. This was an extremely severe test for them who wanted to use the Ever Victorious Army to entangle themselves with the Liao Army.

Sun Tu sighed again: "What else can we do? We can only make as many preparations as possible. At least we can't make the situation worse, and we can't let the enemy really rush into the city because of this." When he said this, his face became solemn. : "Let's go to the city gate and guard it. At least we can help them get back safely."

"Relying on just a few hundred people from our Qingzhou Army?" Even Ruda, who has always been brave, was a little vague.

"In a night battle, the Liao army may not be able to notice the difference in strength, not to mention that other members of the Ever Victorious Army will soon arrive to support, which is enough to hold on." Sun Tu said immediately: "Also, tell the soldiers to prepare more bows and crossbows. , I have also prepared thunderbolt bullets and Polu bullets. If I really can't defend it, I can only use them early."

Originally, Sun Tu did not intend to expose these firearms this time. He had longer-term plans. But now, Chang Shengjun's aggressive advances and greed for credit forced him to prepare for the worst and reveal all his cards to wipe their butts.

The generals clasped their fists and agreed, but all of them had a look of reluctance on their faces. Why should they be asked to help clean up the aftermath of the Chang Sheng Army's reckless behavior

Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye it’s almost the third watch.

Sun Tu led his troops hiding in the darkness on both sides of the north gate, always paying attention to what was going on outside. Almost an hour had passed since Shi Hui and other generals led three thousand people out of the city for a night attack, but there was still no sound outside. It was unknown when they would choose to launch the attack.

According to experience, night raids are generally launched at the third or fourth watch, because that is when people are most tired and sleep the deepest.

However, with the enrichment of combat experience and people's understanding of this principle, some generals will do the opposite and choose to launch sneak attacks at the second watch or the fifth watch just before dawn. Maybe this can also have a purpose. Unexpected effects.

Now Sun Tu just hopes that those generals will not choose to take action before dawn, then the city will really be in danger. And just when he was thinking about it, as if to reassure him, a trumpet sound suddenly sounded outside, followed by the sound of killing, and the victorious army's night attack on the enemy camp began.

Because of the city wall blocking it, Sun Tu and the others could not see the fighting going on outside, but they could still guess what happened during the fighting just by hearing the sound of fighting coming from a few miles away - there were no sudden screams, and the sound of fighting was always fixed within a certain distance. , is enough to explain everything. Sure enough, the Liao army had been prepared for a long time and set up an ambush in the camp. However, the Chang Sheng army killed all the soldiers and horses, but it was exactly what they wanted. I am afraid that they are now trapped in a tight siege and their situation is worrying.

Sun Tu could tell this with his hearing, and the subordinates around him also gained relevant experience through battle after battle. For a moment, everyone's faces showed a look of heaviness and anxiety. At this point, the attacking army's defeat was certain, and it only depended on how many they could escape in the end, and whether they could hold on.

On the top of the city, Dong Kuang and the generals of the Ever Victorious Army all had pale faces. They had witnessed the sudden change in the Liao camp with their own eyes. The originally dark military camp was suddenly lit up with torches as the troops' horns sounded and charged. Countless enemy troops on the left and right were like mountains, surrounding them. In an instant, the army of no more than 3,000 people was surrounded. It really makes people sweat all over their heads and their hearts are clenched...

"I was wrong. The enemy was really on guard... I regret that I should have listened to Sun Tu's words and suffered a disastrous defeat." Dong Kuang's body trembled and he murmured in his mouth. He finally realized that he was not yet a qualified commander-in-chief of the three armed forces. He was too radical and emotional, which was his weakness.

Just when everyone was devastated by the changes in front of them and regretted endlessly, the war outside changed again. The Changsheng Army, which had been trapped in the Liao Army, suddenly burst out with extremely strong combat power. After a charge, it actually penetrated the enemy's defense line in the rear. The entire team was able to escape from the encirclement and quickly moved toward Zhuozhou City fled.

This suddenly lifted the mood of the soldiers, which meant that they were still saved! If it really falls in the Liao army's formation, thousands of soldiers will be unable to save it. Even if the Changsheng army abandons the city and kills them all, they will not be able to defeat the Liao army. But now, it gave them the opportunity to respond to the rescue.

Dong Kuang immediately made a decision: "Hurry, open the city gate. In the command camp, quickly ask the Second Battalion of Longhu and Tigers to come out of the city to support us. We must bring the brothers back to the city!"

Almost everyone had this idea. After giving the order, the defenders below immediately opened the city gate. As for the suspension bridge further outside, they had not taken it back at all before. In an instant, the entire city gate of Zhuozhou was opened, ready to open the door and welcome the thieves...

After seeing this, Sun Tu's face became even more livid: "What nonsense! I think they are really completely lost, and they are so careless. If there is an ambush of Liao troops waiting outside the city, this can make them stop." Zhuozhou has been lost!" At this moment, he was completely disappointed with the Ever-victorious Army. No wonder this army would suffer successive defeats at the hands of the Liao Army.

At the end of the road.

This is not the responsibility of one Pharmacist Guo, but that everyone is not a qualified general. If we really expect them to help deal with the Liao army, I'm afraid there will be too many difficulties to overcome.

At the same time, horns were blaring in Zhuozhou City. The originally quiet military camp began to move quickly, and some soldiers and horses near the north gate arrived quickly.

But in terms of impact speed, these victorious soldiers who only rely on two legs to run are obviously not as good as the Liao cavalry who have four-legged horses to travel. Because the moment the city gate was opened, a team of light cavalry suddenly came out of the Liao army that seemed to be surrounded by the victorious army. It only went around from the side and quickly surpassed the Liao army. The victorious army, which still had to deal with the pursuit of the Liao army from behind, rushed straight towards the city gate, as fast as lightning, and it was obviously planned for a long time!

In the Liao army camp, Xiao Qian showed a confident smile when he saw this scene. In his opinion, this time, Zhuozhou had turned into a cooked duck and was about to be eaten by him. .

He originally thought that this siege battle would be in trouble due to the defeat during the day. At least he would have to start from the east and west cities to break through. Unexpectedly, the self-righteous leader of the ever-victorious army made a big mistake. He actually sent people to break out of the camp and now even took the initiative to open the city gate to save people.

"This new general of the Ever-Victorious Army, Dong Kuang, is really hard to understand. Why does he act so strong and weak?" Xiao Qian slightly thought with some confusion. Indeed, judging from the delaying tactics at the beginning and today's city defense battle, this person is still somewhat capable, at least capable of rivaling him for a while. However, the sneak attack at night and the actions in front of them seemed so full of mistakes. It's like, it seems like it was written by two different people...

However, these details have nothing to do with the overall situation at this time, because in Xiao Qian's view, the outcome has been decided at this moment. Just by looking at the chaotic movements in the city, you can tell that his military morale is in chaos. At this time, the defenders have no time to set up defenses in front of the city gate. The Feiyan Cavalry he sent is enough to rush into the city gate in a moment, and then hold on firmly, just waiting The army pressed forward, the city gate changed hands, and Zhuozhou became his own.

"Just one step away..." Xiao Qian looked at the battle ahead from a distance, and saw with his own eyes that the few cavalrymen at the forefront had jumped onto the suspension bridge, and galloped into the city gate: "It's done!"

In fact, the defenders at this time had also completely woken up. Some people panicked and shouted to close the door and close the bridge, but it was already too late. Their movements, which were already in a panic, became sluggish, and closing the bridge and closing the gate required the efforts of many people. The large number of people and the mixed skills only made it more chaotic. Finally, the first Liao cavalry was able to enter the city gate. Wherever the sword flashed, a As soon as the soldier tried to stop him, he was cut in two by the sword with the momentum of the horse. Behind him, dozens or hundreds of light cavalry quickly followed up and immediately destroyed the entire city gate. After occupying it, he rushed into the doorway.

Seeing that the situation was completely out of control, the Chang Sheng Army was even more panicked. The main force in the city has not yet arrived, and the city gate is already completely undefendable. The Liao army's morale soared, and they roared and charged in again. And just when they rushed through the city gate and were about to completely control the situation, they heard a clear and decisive command: "Fire the arrow!"

The situation changes again!