Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 973: traitor


Yu Wanyao, who had led Sun Tu to the garrison, immediately took a few steps forward and stood among the others. Then he turned around and said with a smile: "General Sun is joking, how dare we make arbitrary decisions and invite you under the guise of General Dong's order?" Are you coming?"

Seeing everyone else nodding, Sun Tu laughed again: "Then why don't we see General Dong here?"

"There are many affairs in the city. Of course, General Dong has gone to deal with more important matters. That's why you asked me to stay and talk to you about things."

"Oh? But I don't know what you want to talk about?"

"Of course it's about the reinforcements. We remember very clearly that day, General Sun promised that reinforcements from the Song Dynasty would arrive in half a month at the latest. But now, it's been almost twenty days, and I always win. The soldiers fought bloody battles for a long time and suffered heavy casualties. Seeing that the city of Zhuozhou is about to be destroyed, why haven’t we seen the Song army coming yet?”

This statement immediately attracted the unanimous approval of others, who also followed up and asked: "Yes, General Sun, although you led the troops to fight bloody battles for Zhuozhou for many days, it is not enough to help us defend this city! After all, this What is the truth? I hope you can tell the truth!"

"Did the Song Army have no intention of coming for reinforcements at all? What you said before were all lies?"

Seeing Sun Tu's silence, these people became even more angry: "Sun, we treat you sincerely, but you treat us like fools. Do you really think that I, the soldiers of the Ever Victorious Army, are easy to bully? Today If you can't give us a satisfactory answer, don't blame us for being ungrateful!" As these words came out, the generals immediately came forward and surrounded Sun Tu and Fan Qi who had followed him.

But even in the face of such a situation, Sun Tu still didn't panic at all, and even had a sarcastic sneer on his face: "It seems that you have already planned this? Don't use the excuse that reinforcements have not arrived, this is clearly You are greedy for life and afraid of death, so you are determined to open the city and surrender, and you also plan to use me as a surrender certificate, right?"

Yu Wanyao smiled and said: "At this point, nothing you say is of any use. I just want to ask you, where are the reinforcements? If you are just deceiving and using us, why should we sacrifice our lives for you? We might as well surrender to the Liao people Well, at least you can save your life."

"That's right! I've only heard that you Han people are cunning and untrustworthy in the past, but this time I finally learned the lesson. It's ridiculous that I was deceived by you before. It was only thanks to Brother Yu that you exposed it in time, giving us a chance to make a comeback."

"Do you really think he is helping you, not harming you? Have you ever thought that, being so capricious, first surrendering to the Song Dynasty and rejecting the Liao Dynasty, and then killing me and surrendering to the Liao Dynasty, can you really win the trust of Xiao Qian? His methods and style Don't you know better than me?" Sun Tu remained calm and asked loudly, staring at Yu Wanyao.

"Sun, please stop trying to deceive us with such rhetoric. Dong Kuang is young, so he will be deceived by your words, but we will not." Yu Wanyao retorted immediately, and then raised his hand again Silk book: "What's more, here are the letters that the Liao army shot into the city as evidence. As long as we open the city, we can save our lives. It's written in black and white, which is much more reliable than your empty words!"

"As expected..." Sun Tu looked stern. When he saw this silk book, he felt faintly uneasy. Sure enough, this became the trigger for another civil strife in the Ever Victorious Army.

Speaking of which, since

I was still a little too negligent and was not prepared for these guys to betray me. Let me ask, how could such a group of guys who could betray Dong Xiuo and Guo Yaoshi one after another really follow Dong Kuang to the end

Before, they only had illusions and believed that the Song Army could come to their aid in time, so they gritted their teeth and persisted. And then I continued to support because there was no chance. It wasn't until the Liao people's letters persuading them to surrender were sent into the city and handed over to them that these people finally had no worries anymore and chose to betray Dong Kuang and themselves again for their own benefit.

Even Yu Wanyao, the leader in front of him, had a big problem. This person should have been colluding with the Liao people for a long time, but he did not dare to reveal it because of the situation. It was not until recently that the situation in the city became increasingly serious that he united the generals and persuaded everyone to rebel against Dong Kuang through this silk letter tonight.

All this was understood by Sun Tu in an instant, but now it seemed that it was a bit late, because he had already fallen into the siege of these guys. And from their unscrupulous behavior, it can be inferred that by this time, their confidants should have secretly opened the city gate and let the Liao army enter the city!

"Come on, capture him! Handing this Song general to Xiao Qian will definitely win us a fortune and make the Liao people believe that we have been deceived by him!" Yu Wanyao suddenly shouted loudly at this time With one sentence, he dodged at the same time, and the knife in his hand had already struck Sun Tu's neck.

This shout also made other people excited. Seeing that they had already killed him, these people no longer hesitated at all. They shouted, raised their swords and guns, and surrounded Sun Tu. When Fan Qi saw this, he was very angry. Although he didn't have a steel fork in his hand, he still swung his sword and blocked the enemy's attack with a clanking sound. He shouted: "You despicable people! General, I will stop them, you Leave the hospital first!"

Sun Tu, however, remained calm. He drew his sword to protect his whole body. Instead of retreating, he spotted the gap where the enemy was guarding the courtyard door and rushed towards the hall in front of him. This time was really beyond everyone's expectations. The two generals who were blocking his path were accidentally slashed by him with two swords in succession. They retreated and opened up a passage.

There were quite a few generals in these ever-victorious armies, but Zhenlun's martial arts skills were far from being a match for Sun Tu and the other two. Under their full charge, the encirclement immediately collapsed, and they could only shout and pursue from behind. At the same time, someone shouted loudly: "Come quickly, Sun Tu wants to kill General Dong. Where are the archers?" Since we can't fight them head-on, we have to use long-range soldiers.

These shouts were really effective. Just a moment later, dozens of crossbowmen appeared on the wall of the courtyard. Following a few short orders, a hail of arrows struck Sun Tuhe from behind. Fan Qi. Fan Qi, who was at the rear, quickly turned around and swung his sword with all his strength to block the arrows, but his forward steps were slowed down. He was immediately surrounded by the generals again, and more than ten or twenty weapons came forward again. call.

Although he was very skilled in martial arts, he was still unable to defeat the four-handed man with his two fists, and he had to beware of the arrows that were constantly being shot. If he didn't guard against it, he would be slashed in the waist with a knife. He groaned and staggered. Fortunately, Sun Tu turned back in time and rolled his sword, blocking several fatal blows for him. At the same time, Sun Tu pulled him hard and dragged Fan Qi behind him, but he was hit by an arrow in the shoulder. , left

It also revealed a big flaw.

"General..." Fan Qi felt both grateful and panicked in his heart. If the general did something bad because of him, he would really be dead.

Along with his exclamation, there was a loud shout. A general saw the opportunity, jumped in front of Sun Tu, and stabbed his throat with a sword. But just when he thought he could succeed, Sun Tu, who seemed to be in danger, suddenly turned around and took advantage of the situation to use the knife in his hand. With a pop, the knife hit the target faster than he did. It hit his sword-holding arm and chopped off the forearm in one stroke.

"Ah!" The general suddenly let out a scream, and his body was even more stunned. And at this moment, Sun Tu's knife flew up again and struck his neck mercilessly. The sharp blade went in from the left without any hindrance and came out from the right, chopping off his head and throwing it into the air.

This turn of events was too quick and too tragic, and the spurting blood splashed on the heads and bodies of many generals. This made their hearts suddenly twitch, and their originally ferocious attacks were discouraged. They really didn't expect Sun Tu to be so fierce. In addition, they were all afraid of death and didn't dare to take the initiative to kill him at that moment.

Taking advantage of the power of the decapitating sword, Sun Tu quickly pulled Fan Qi up and quickly retreated into the hall. At the same time, he kicked the hall door shut with several bangs. Before Fan Qi could react, he suddenly took a step forward, and the steel knife rose and fell again, hitting the chest of a general who came in through the door, causing him to scream and fly back. .

At this moment, the steps of several people who had wanted to rush in again stopped immediately. The fate of their two accomplices, one injured and the other dead, frightened them greatly. Even Yu Wanyao was confused at this moment and could only give loud orders to the soldiers outside the yard to rush in and attack.

Previously, because of their guilty conscience, these people only left ordinary soldiers outside the courtyard, which gave Sun Tu a chance to protect himself. But now, at this point, they obviously have no worries anymore. They can only kill Sun Tu and the other two before worrying about anything else.

After frightening these people away with a knife, Sun Tu did not hesitate at all. First, he cut off the sharp arrow that was still stuck on his shoulder with a backhand knife, and then said to Fan Qi, whose face was a little pale: "Still. Can you leave?"

Fan Qi nodded. In fact, he was not seriously injured. Then he said, "How about I stand in the way, General, and you leave through the rear window?"

"I, Sun Tu, don't have the habit of leaving my brothers behind to escape. If we want to leave, we leave together. It's safer for both of us. Let's go!" As he said this, he grabbed the other person's hand and quickly rushed towards the back window over there.

Just a moment after the two people jumped out of the window, a burst of arrows shot in from outside the door again, and then the half-open hall door was smashed into pieces. Dozens of soldiers rushed in, but they only saw the window on the opposite side wide open. The whereabouts of Sun Tu and the two men were nowhere to be seen.

"This Sun Tu is really decisive and cunning!" Yu Wanyao was shocked when he saw this. But soon, a smile appeared on his face again, because at this moment, there were sounds of killing outside, and at the same time, through the broken doors and windows, he saw several fires coming out, which meant Chaos has broken out in Zhuozhou City, and the Liao army has already entered the city!