Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 983: Plan to gain the city gate and enter Youzhou



The thunder that was still far away in the sky suddenly boomed over the city of Nanjing in the Liao Kingdom, followed by a bolt of lightning that split the sky. The blast caused the sparse defenders at the top of the city to tremble and show fear.

Before they could react, the sound of thunder was followed by raindrops the size of soybeans, crackling down, and in a moment it turned into a rain curtain all over the sky. Not only did the defenders at the top of the city fall, They were all soaked in the rain, and even the flags drooped down, losing their previous majesty.

Seeing this, the defenders at the top of the city immediately shouted and got into the watchtower and arrow tower at the rear. They were not elite warriors to begin with, and they were squeezed by their superiors because they were Han Chinese or Bohai people, so they received very little military pay. Poor, naturally it is impossible to do your best and ignore yourself.

So in this thunderstorm afternoon, there were almost no defenders visible at the top of Youzhou City, and the city gates on all sides were closed early, making this big city with a population of 200,000 to 300,000 people look particularly quiet and deserted. .

But on this afternoon of heavy rain, a mighty cavalry team galloped to the south gate of Youzhou City in the rain. After seeing the empty and undefended city, Sun Tu and others couldn't believe it. eyes. Even though they had accepted the reality that Youzhou's defenses were empty, they still felt a little unreal after seeing such a lax defense in the city.

But even so, Sun Tu didn't think he could take advantage of this opportunity to rush into Youzhou City in one go. Because the walls of Youzhou City are thick and the pool is deep, even more so than Zhuozhou. With their light cavalry outfits, it is impossible for them to break through the gate or climb the top of the city with their bare hands, so everything can only be done according to the established strategy.

As Sun Tu waved his hand, several knights quickly rode forward, leaned against the moat in front of the city gate, and shouted loudly in Khitan dialect: "Is there anyone in the city? Open the door quickly and let us in. There is an urgent military situation. Report it!”

Naturally, there was no one in the Shandong Army who could speak Khitan, but these few people were prisoners of the Ever-Victorious Army. As former low-level members of the Liao army, although they were not Khitan people, they spoke Khitan fluently. It's just that the heavy rain is coming now, but their screams are not so real when they reach the top of the city.

After letting them scream for quite a while, a few guards reluctantly emerged from above, and one of them replied in somewhat lame Khitan dialect: "Which army are you from?" , why did you come to Nanjing suddenly?"

"We are under King Xi Xiaogan. We were defeated by the Song army in Zhuozhou. Even King Xi was captured by the Song army. We had no choice but to fight our way out of the siege and rush back to report the news. We have received the letter, and the Song army is very We will send troops to Nanjing soon, with an army of 100,000." The general below hurriedly replied in a loud voice according to Sun Tu's previous instructions.

The soldiers at the top of the city fell silent immediately, and then they screamed: "This is impossible! How could King Xi lead our elite troops from the Liao Dynasty southward and be defeated by the Song army?"

"It's absolutely true. What happened cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Please open the city gate quickly and let me in. Many of our brothers are injured and cannot bear the rain."

Obviously, this statement completely confused the city defenders. After another period of silence, they heard them shout: "Wait, we are not the ones to decide when the city gate opens. We have to report it."

to open the door. "After saying this, several people all shrank back.

There was a trace of suspicion on the faces of all the soldiers under the city, and several of them quickly stepped forward and came to the soldier who was talking to the defenders at the top of the city, and whispered: "What did you say to him? Why? The city gate still refuses to open?"

"Generals, please be patient. They are just doing some checks. In addition, we need to ask for permission to open the city gate, so let us wait for a while." This man immediately felt the suspicion of the people around him and hurriedly accompanied him. explained carefully.

Sun Tu, who was behind, seemed quite calm. He thought for a while and said, "This is reasonable. You don't have to be so nervous. I think the Liao people definitely didn't expect that we would have such a move. Now it's just a routine interrogation." After a pause, he said seriously: "But once we enter the city later, we have to act as soon as possible and we must not give the Liao people any chance to react!"

The soldiers immediately responded in low voices, and everyone lowered their bodies slightly, ready to rush out as soon as the city gate opened.

There was another silence for a while, and finally, when everyone felt uneasy and wondered whether there was any flaw, the closed south gate of Youzhou slowly opened, and the suspension bridge also made the same harsh creaking sound. , slowly fell down, and rested on the moat.

At the same time, another voice sounded from the top of the city: "Come into the city quickly. What happened in Zhuozhou and why King Xi was defeated? You must tell us clearly!" These Khitan words were unexpected. It was extremely fluent, and it was obvious that a certain Liao general came after hearing the news.

Sun Tu immediately made a gesture, and the cavalry team of thousands of people began to move forward slowly and stepped firmly onto the suspension bridge. Then someone started to speed up. Lin Chong and Dong Ping acted as two arrows on the left and right. In a flash, he had crossed the bridge and rushed into the city gate. The other soldiers, under their leadership, suddenly accelerated, and with shouts, like a long dragon, they broke through the rain curtain in the sky and went straight into Youzhou.

When they saw this cavalry team running towards the city gate in such a hurry, the soldiers guarding the city were still laughing and laughing at the joke. After all, they thought they had escaped from a great defeat, so it would be comfortable for them to sit and guard Nanjing. Much more. But soon, someone noticed something was wrong, because the people in front of them actually raised their spears and swords, and suddenly their swords were unsheathed. It was not like they were entering the city to take shelter from the rain, they were clearly charging into the city!

"Stop, who are you?" It wasn't until this moment that the general realized something was wrong. He shouted loudly and waved his hands to the guards below to stop him and close the city gate. .

However, the heavy rain at this time was so heavy that it not only affected hearing, but also blocked people's sight. By the time the dozens of soldiers at the city gate understood their superiors' intentions, Dong Ping and Lin Chong, who were at the forefront, had already rushed out of the city gate hole almost at the same time. came out, and then three rays of cold light flashed out, and with a sudden burst of sound, several soldiers who were about to step forward to stop them fell into a pool of blood, and then were severely trampled by the galloping horses' hooves, screaming in agony. Before he could even send it out, his life was already lost.

Sun Tu brought five thousand elite light cavalry this time, which can be called a rare attack battle in the Song Dynasty for a hundred years. Each of them can ride two or three horses, so although everyone is rushing forward with all their strength, the horses behind them are not greatly affected, especially when they approach Youzhou, they changed horses once.

This allowed their mounts to maintain more than 80% of their physical strength. When they sprinted, their speed was naturally astonishing.

The Liao army did not expect that one day they would be raided by the Song army's cavalry. In addition, they had just preconceived the idea that the opponent was one of their own, and their reaction was even slower by two or three beats. This gap is enough to determine victory or death on the battlefield of life and death.

There was almost no resistance at all. All the Liao army guards in front of the city gate had been killed, and at this time, those at the top of the city had not had time to run down from the top. Of course, Sun Tu and the others could not give the enemy a chance to react. Immediately there was a whistle, and the five thousand cavalry quickly divided into several groups and rushed across the city along the cross street in front, leaving only more than a hundred people behind. Led by Shi Xiu and other generals who were not good at horse fighting, they counterattacked against the panicked Liao army.

There is almost no suspense in this battle. How can the dozens of Liao soldiers, who are already lacking in combat power and mentally and mentally exhausted, withstand the elite Shandong Army who are as fierce as tigers and wolves? After just one encounter, half of them fell down, and the rest lost any resistance at all and ran away screaming.

At this point, the south gate of Youzhou City was completely lost and fell into the hands of the Song Army who had just entered the city.

When the killing sounds at the city gate subsided, screams and exclamations began to ring out in the city. Teams of cavalry cut into pieces the tranquility of Youzhou City like sharp knives unsheathed, leaving not many people on the street. Pedestrians were so frightened that they screamed and jumped around, and the whole city began to become chaotic in just a few moments.

As Sun Tu, who had lived in Youzhou City for a period of time and knew a lot about the military camps and offices here, he naturally became the leader this time. Following a few orders from him, the team went straight to He left several important garrison offices and military camps in the city, while he himself led Dong Pingping's elite troops and went straight to the most important one, the palace of the King of Nanyuan.

Although he knew that the king of Nanyuan, Yelu Xiongge, was fighting the Song army at the front, he also believed that the person in charge of the city must be there at this moment, so as long as he captured the palace of the Nanyuan king, he would kill or capture the general inside. , then the defenders in the city will be in disarray, and Youzhou will be completely captured.

At this time, it showed how timely and wise his decision to seize the city with a surprise attack was. Due to the heavy rain, the commotion in the city had just reached the door of the mansion, causing the guards to be a little stunned. With. When they saw a troop of cavalry rushing towards them along the long empty street, they knew something was wrong and quickly turned around to close the door.

However, how could their speed be compared to the horse that ran away too early and lost its temper? They had just arrived behind the door, and before they had time to push the heavy door, a horse had already leapt up to the door with a long neigh. Two huge hooves stepped on the door so hard that it shocked the guards behind who were trying to exert force. However, the door that should have been closed was quickly and completely opened, exposing all the scenes inside. In the eyes of Lin Chong on horseback.

I saw him pick up the reins again, give a low shout, and then lead the way and rush into the palace of the South Courtyard Prince...


It is said that the night of the Ghost Festival is the best match for voting for this book. . . . That will make you more courageous, and you won't be afraid of anything when walking at night. Even if you bump into a charming female ghost, you can still be fucked by. . . .