Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 985: A century-old wish is now fulfilled (Part 2)


The situation in the Nanyuan Palace has been settled, but the chaos elsewhere in Youzhou City is getting more and more intense. Amidst the continuous charging of the Song Army cavalry, the entire Nanjing City of the Liao Kingdom has become a complete mess.

After a hundred years of peace, the people of the Liao Kingdom had long been at a loss as to how to deal with this sudden attack and change. Some people were seen running into the streets screaming, and then they were directly knocked down and stabbed by the oncoming cavalry, but there were more people. Instead, he hid at home, closed the courtyard door tightly, and then kept praying and reciting the Buddha's name, praying that the gods and Buddhas in the sky would appear and save him...

The hundreds of thousands of people in this city are like hundreds of thousands of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, completely unable to pose any threat to the thousands of Song Army cavalry who entered Youzhou. And they did target the common people, but went straight to the key government offices and several military camps where troops were stationed. Among them, the military camp near the south gate became the first key target that the soldiers needed to capture.

At this moment, nearly a thousand cavalry, led by Dong Ping, Huang Xin and other generals, rushed to the gate of the military camp, and then happened to collide with the Liao soldiers who were also shouting and rushing out of the camp. Without the slightest hesitation, this elite cavalry galloped forward to attack the enemy, charging directly into the enemy with the most advantageous arrow array. In just one moment, they defeated this Liao army of more than 2,000 people without much preparation. Dispersed directly.

Dong Ping's eyes were like torches, and he immediately spotted the general in front of the Liao army. He immediately shot and grabbed it. His left pistol only feinted, attracting the opponent to use his sword to parry. His right pistol was like a poisonous dragon coming out of its hole, and with a swish, he came out from the hole. The one from below arrived first, and immediately penetrated into the opponent's waist and abdomen.

The Liao general just screamed and fell down from his horse. He was so shocked that all the subordinates around him screamed, and the team collapsed instantly. As mentioned before, these remaining Liao troops are all composed of old, weak and remnant soldiers. Their combat strength and discipline are far inferior to the main force of the Liao army. It is even more difficult for them to encounter such a sudden attack and the situation where the general is killed face to face. Feelings of resistance, they fled in all directions amidst the shouts, leaving no obstacle in front of Dong Ping's troops.

He made a prompt decision, and after giving a few orders, he led his troops directly into the military camp and killed the Liao soldiers who were still staying here. This military camp originally had four to five thousand soldiers and horses, and there were still two to three thousand people left in the barracks at the moment. When they heard the noise and came out in surprise, they saw such a terrifying cavalry rushing down the mountain like tigers. When he came over, he immediately let out bursts of screams. He only had the idea of escape and did not dare to resist at all.

As a result, a scene that stunned countless people in the Liao and Song Dynasties appeared. The Song army, which only numbered a thousand, was able to continuously pursue and kill several times the enemy in the Liao camp. It was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, without any trace. In a matter of seconds, hundreds of Liao soldiers died on the spot. Others followed the Song army soldiers who kept shouting for them to abandon their weapons and kneel down to avoid death.

In less than half an hour, the military camp here at the south gate had been completely wiped out and captured. Nearly five thousand Liao troops fled or died. The rest were all tied up by their own people and imprisoned in barracks. Until this moment, the soldiers still felt a little unbelievable: "This is the Liao people, the powerful enemy that has troubled me in the Song Dynasty for many years? How could they become so vulnerable?"

Although Dong Ping also felt emotional, he knew that now was not the time to study these details in detail.

Even if he ordered: "Leave two hundred brothers to guard these Liao people, the others will follow me to fight elsewhere. We must seize more important military camp sites before the Liao people react further!"

The officers and soldiers immediately loudly agreed, and their morale was three points higher than before. The little uneasiness and concern they had about the Liao people were completely thrown out of the sky. So, the eight hundred cavalry mounted their horses again and rushed out like a whirlwind, heading straight for the next target.

The same battles are still taking place all over Youzhou City. In this raid, almost all the Liao army was defeated at the first touch. Few teams can face the elite Shandong army head-on. Often, only one attack is needed to kill the ten soldiers in front. With only a few dozen people, the hundreds or even thousands of Liao troops would immediately collapse and flee in all directions. As a result, everyone would become completely defenseless prey, allowing the Song army to chase and kill them.

It wasn't until the Song army reached the military camp near the west gate that the situation of the battle changed. I saw a group of soldiers and horses charging forward amidst the sound of the horn. Following an order, a rare shower of arrows hit the tiger and leopard cavalry generals led by Hua Rong. Twenty or thirty cavalrymen were all shot down, causing the cavalry behind them to quickly stop their momentum and look over with caution.

In the Liao army on the opposite side, a general in his forties immediately ordered: "Continue to shoot at the enemy with bows and arrows, and cover them on the left and right. Our troops are far superior to the enemy and we can completely surround them!" This man is the one who is currently in the city. The rare commander-in-chief in the military camp is still in his position, Stranger Xi.

And because this Liao army was commanded calmly by a commander, it behaved very differently from other soldiers and horses. Not only did it advance and retreat in a controlled manner, it was also much more courageous. Even if the bow and arrow could not be fired twice, it would be useless. , they still rushed forward fiercely, separated the left and right, and directly attacked the two wings of the Song army.

When Hua Rong saw this, his heart tightened, and he quickly ordered the entire army to charge forward, with the intention of defeating the enemy in person first with a head-on confrontation. But with a few orders, the Liao army in front of them suddenly took up a defensive position and firmly blocked the attack of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, causing their footsteps to stop immediately.

At the same time, the Liao soldiers who were attacking from the left and right had also arrived. Amidst the shouts, it was like two sharp knives piercing the flanks of the Song army. They were killed in a hurry. They could only switch from attack to defense and retreat towards the rear.

"The enemy has retreated, come with me and fight!" Seeing this, Mo Renxi yelled even more, and he personally held a big knife and clapped his horse to kill them. The general's heroic performance immediately aroused the fighting spirit of the Liao army around him. They all howled and fought back against the Song army like a pack of wolves in a desperate situation, killing the enemy to the point where they could only retreat and the casualties continued to increase.

Although Hua Rong was determined to capture the thief first, the heavy rain made his sharpest weapon, the bow and arrows, useless. He fired his gun and leapt on his horse several times to fight the stranger Xi, but he was constantly surrounded and killed. The Liao soldiers who came up were blocked, and in the end they only picked off a few Liao soldiers. Instead, they had a few scars on their bodies.

Just when Hua Rong was in a tough battle and was in a bad situation, there were shouts and screams from the street on the side, and then he saw a Liao soldiers with messy armor, dragging them backwards and even discarding their weapons. They rushed straight here like they were desperate, and behind them, hundreds of cavalry were following closely, leading a young general.

It was Yue Fei.

When the four groups of soldiers and horses suddenly met here, each of them was stunned, but it was Yue Fei who made the first judgment. He immediately shouted loudly and clapped his horse and rushed towards the stranger Xi in front of the enemy's formation. Seeing the Song general coming to kill menacingly, Stranger Xi's heart tightened even more, and he quickly ordered his subordinates to divide their troops to resist, and then shouted: "Those who want to survive, join our army and join me in defeating them." enemy!"

Those Liao soldiers who were chased to the sky and had no way to go to the ground were excited when they saw that there was actually a group of troops here that could counterattack the Song army. When they did, they ran forward and integrated into the team. At this time, Yue Fei finally rode up to him, his spear shaking in the rain, creating thousands of waves, and thousands of spear shadows, stabbing down all the seven or eight enemies who were trying to stop him, and he But there was no slowdown in his forward momentum, and he stabbed the stranger Xi with blood all the way.

Mo Renxi also quickly saw the gap in strength between himself and the Song general. He did not dare to fight, and quickly rode his horse back. At the same time, he repeatedly shouted: "Attack his horse, we..." Before he finished speaking, Then, a sharp sharp edge had hit him from the front. Although he dodged immediately, it was still a little late. With a pop, a broken spear hit him in the shoulder socket.

The momentum this time was so strong that he almost knocked Mo Renxi off his horse. But even if he didn't fall off the horse, he was seriously injured on the spot. His entire right arm had completely lost all feeling, and his face became pale.

At the same time, Hua Rong in front also shouted and charged forward after firing this spear: "The enemy general has been severely injured by me, kill him!"

It turned out that Hua Rong had never given up the idea of killing the enemy general. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Yue Fei's arrival to attract the enemy's attention, Hua Rong threw the broken spear out with an arrow. Because the distance between the two sides was not far, although the spear was slightly wandering, it still hit the target.

And with this injury, the momentum that the Liao army had just built up was immediately released. Especially when there were more defeated troops in the Liao army who had just fled, the situation became even more out of control. After seeing the Song army charging forward and from the side again, they screamed decisively, turned around and ran back.

The battle between the two armies relies on the momentum. Once someone escapes, the morale of the entire army will be shaken or even collapsed. Mo Renxi, who was supposed to stop this move, was unable to react in time due to his sudden serious injury. He could only watch the army of nearly 5,000 being defeated by the Song army of less than 2,000. He roared helplessly and took advantage of Yue Fei. When he was blocked by his subordinates, he turned the horse's head with his left arm, yelled: "Go back to the barracks..." and ran back.

By now, the morale of the army has been messed up, and it is no longer possible to suppress these enemies. Moreover, judging from the current situation of constant riots in the city, I am afraid that the Song Army will take control of the entire city. He could only make the wisest choice, to retreat to the western military camp he was most familiar with, relying on the terrain and walls there to resist the Song army's offensive, and at least retain a piece of land belonging to Daliao for Nanjing.

Seeing that all the generals had run away, the other Liao soldiers naturally did not hesitate at all. They all turned around and ran away, rushing back to the military camp as quickly as possible. The two Song armies joined together at this time and slowly pressed forward, hoping to take the opportunity to knock down the military camp in one fell swoop.