Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 993: Choice (Part 2)


On the bank of Baigou River, the battlefield of Song and Liao Dynasties.

As the Song army once again marched north, the situation here became more and more tense, and it seemed that the battle was about to start again. This made the main force of the Liao army, which was eager to rescue Nanjing at the rear, have no choice but to stand still and put up a defensive formation. This also made the Liao army, especially the generals, more and more uneasy. They always felt that the situation was completely out of their control.

As the commander-in-chief of the Liao Army, Yelu Xiongge's mood was even more uneasy and anxious. Almost every day, he would stand at the entrance of the tent before sunset, staring blankly at the north for a long time, obviously waiting for more news over there. Further news was passed on.

This evening, the subordinates found that the situation was a little different. The King of the South Campus did not actually leave the tent. When they wanted to go inside to ask for instructions, they were blocked by the soldiers guarding the tent. This made them feel sad. The doubts became more and more serious, and they all speculated about what happened to make the coach change like this. After asking around, the final result was that at noon, a fast horse arrived from the north and delivered an urgent military report. After that, Yelv Xiongge never stepped out of the commander's tent.

At this time, Yelv Xiongge was sitting quietly behind the long desk, sitting quietly for half a day, holding a letter. He seemed to be very calm and calm, but the constant trembling of his hands holding the letter exposed the turmoil in his heart. Even he, after seeing this autographed letter from Yelu Dashi, was still frightened out of his wits, his whole body went weak, and he can't even stand up until now.

Because the facts written in the letter were too serious, in just a few days, after the fall of Zhuozhou, Nanjing had fallen into the hands of the Song army. Even though Yelu Dashi had tried his best to lead his army there, there was nothing he could do and it would be difficult to recapture it. However, the fall of these two cities was of no consequence to Yelv Xiongge at this time, because there was an even more shocking battle report later. The city of Shangjing was actually captured by the Jin people ten days ago, and His Majesty's life and death were uncertain, and his whereabouts were unknown. …

what does that mean? It means that Daliao, which has been standing in the north for many years, has reached the critical point of disintegration. It means that the official army of Daliao that has now been established is only the one in my hand. It also means that the 100,000 troops under my command have been destroyed. Become a truly lone army, with no reinforcements inside and powerful enemies outside, it may disperse at any time and be completely defeated!

Although Yelv Xiongge did not vomit blood because of the sudden bad news like Dashi, his overall condition was extremely bad. He had to accept such a terrible result after being confused for more than half a day. In fact, if this letter had not been written by Yelu Dashi himself, he would not have been able to believe that this series of bad news had come.

"Yeluxiong, now is no longer the time to worry about these things. The top priority is that you have to make a decision. Whether Daliao will survive or not depends only on your thoughts!" He muttered words, forcing himself to free himself from the heavy pressure. To get rid of imagination and imagination, Yelu Xiongge kept warning himself.

This urgent letter from Yelu Dashi was not only to convey this series of bad news, but also to persuade him to accept the request of Song general Sun Tu and choose to cooperate with the Song army to defeat the Jin army and alleviate the current difficulties. . But, can the Song people really be trusted? Especially the Song army, which has been eyeing the opponent, will they really agree to join forces with him to go north and use troops against the Jin army

As an important minister of the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Xiongge naturally knew that the Song and Jin Dynasties had formed a secret alliance and jointly sent troops to attack the Liao Dynasty.

matter. But now, the Song people suddenly made such a proposal. Can they really believe it

Too many thoughts were constantly circling in his mind, making Yelu Xiongge unable to calm down for a long time, and his body was shaking even more violently than before. This made several military generals who finally forced their way into the tent very nervous: "Your Majesty, what happened to you? But are you sick?"

After repeated greetings, Yelv Xiongge finally pulled himself out of his thoughts. He first glanced blankly at the subordinates who were staring at him with concern, and then he calmed down, gritted his teeth, and made a decision. The matter is so important that it is impossible for me to control the overall situation by myself. I can only discuss it with the generals.

Thinking of this, he pressed the letter in his hand on the desk and slowly pushed it over: "You all should take a look. This is the conclusive news sent back from the north by Dashi Linya."

Only then did the generals know the origin of the letter that caused the commander to behave uncharacteristically, and they hurriedly grabbed it and circulated it. And during this look, the tent fell into silence once again. Everyone's expressions became extremely strange. No one expected that they would see such shocking news...

After waiting for a long time and no one spoke, Yelu Xiongge slowly spoke: "Since it is a letter written by Dashi Linya himself, there is no way this matter is false. Now, the survival of Daliao is determined by your thoughts. Do you think I What decision should we make? Where should we go?"

The generals came back to their senses and looked at each other for a long time. Some of them opened their mouths, but nothing came out. This fact was too big and sudden, and it was really not something that military men like them could make a decision in a short time. They couldn't even make a suggestion, because no one could bear the responsibility after the incident failed.

The only thing that sounded was the muttering of a few people who still couldn't accept such a result: "How could it be so? I obviously thought that I could survive until at least the end of this year, but why was the Jin army defeated by the Jin army half a year earlier? Could it be that the Jin army was defeated? Is the army really that strong, or are there traitors in my court?"

This seemingly muttered words was like a ladle of cold water poured on Yelu Xiongge's head, causing him to suddenly have an idea. Yes, the truth behind the fall of Shangjing is still a mystery. As a minister of the Liao Kingdom, I must find out the whole story. If they break up like this, they will definitely be captured by the Jin people later. By then, I am afraid it will be impossible to find out the truth. If there is a traitor, it will be impossible for me to eliminate harm for the country. However, if we can really join forces with the Song people and defeat the Jin army, there will still be a chance for all this!

At this moment, a general suddenly stepped forward: "We are willing to obey the king's orders. Whether it is war or peace, it will be decided by the king!"

As the first person expressed his position, the others finally found the direction of their own choice and followed up: "I am the same, we only listen to the king's orders, whether it is war or peace, you decide it."

"Okay!" Yelv Xiongge had already made up his mind and was no longer as hesitant as before. He immediately stood up, but he almost fell down because his legs were weak after sitting for a long time. Fortunately, his reaction was quick enough, and his hands quickly changed from beating to supporting, before he stabilized his body, and then solemnly said: "We, Daliao, can never die at the hands of the Jurchens like this. As long as the Song Army is really willing to unite with us, we will believe in him. Once again, this is our last chance to take back Beijing."

After a pause, he focused his gaze on one person: "

Yelukui, you will go to the Song camp as our army's envoy tomorrow to test the Song people's reaction. In addition, to show the sincerity of our army, we will withdraw ten miles tonight! "

Now that he had said everything, Yelu Xiongge showed the fierce style of a general in the army and immediately issued a series of orders. Indeed, it is much better to make early decisions about some things than to be in a dilemma.

While the generals in the Liao camp were devastated and severely hit by this series of news, the Song camp was filled with joy because of the news coming from the front.

"It's really unbelievable that Sun Qianli is so capable. He captured Zhuozhou and Youzhou in just over a month. It's really shameful and shameful!" The cultivators couldn't help but praise him again and again. , as old as he was, he was so excited that he couldn't sit still and paced happily in the camp.

The reactions of the other generals were similar. They were all surprised. They praised him repeatedly and smiled so hard that they reached their ears. This was truly an unprecedented victory. In this way, even if they had committed a mutiny to seize power before, they no longer had to worry about being held accountable by the court.

After all, this has been the long-cherished wish of the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years. As long as Youzhou is obtained, it will no longer be difficult to capture the other fifteen states. What's more, this victory letter also mentioned the current situation of the Liao Kingdom. The Liao Kingdom, which had even been defeated in the capital, was probably not far from being destroyed. Then there is nothing to worry about. As long as the army is waved, the Sixteen Provinces of Youyun will completely return to the embrace of the Han people, and eternal achievements will be at your fingertips!

Only Zhong Shidao seemed a bit special among the generals who were inexplicably excited. Although he was also happy, his gray eyebrows were lightly gathered together and he didn't say anything for a long time. It wasn't until everyone was almost happy that he said slowly: "Don't just look at the good news in front of you. Qianli also mentioned that he would cooperate with the Liao people to get gold together. What kind of people are you? view?"

Once this question was raised, the expressions of these generals were all condensed: "This matter is not easy to handle. We and the Jin people have always been allies. Isn't it too unreasonable to go back on our word now?"

"And the court can't explain it. This completely goes against His Majesty's previous intention."

"Also, the Liao people are at the end of their rope, but we suddenly cooperate with them. Isn't it too weird?"

As these people spoke, Zhong Shidao had already seen their thoughts. Obviously, they were quite unfavorable to Sun Tu's proposal. On the one hand, they have indeed always been enemies of the Liao people, and it is really difficult to accept that they suddenly changed their identities and became allies; on the other hand, seeing that a great victory was expected, the generals no longer wanted to risk fighting. After all, the Jin army's war The force seems to be much stronger than that of the Liao army.

Even Zhong Shizhong also had hesitation on his face at this time: "Isn't Qianli's approach too hasty? Isn't it a better choice for us to just sit back and watch the Liao-Jin war?"

Just when all the generals came up with similar opinions, an unexpected figure suddenly stepped forward and said loudly: "Generals, I thought you were wrong. General Sun's approach is the wisest!"


Hey, it’s Monday again, and it almost slipped by. Do you know what passers-by are going to say? ? Since everyone is so in sync with each other, shouldn't you all come up with two votes to show your support? . . .