Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 998: Who gets caught in who's trap?


In the seventh year of Xuanhe in the Song Dynasty, in the fifth year of Baoda in Liao Dynasty, and in the third year of Tianhui in Jin Dynasty, June 28th is suitable for groundbreaking and business opening, but taboo is for traveling.

As soon as the genius came to light, the Jin army, which had only rested for one night in Lulong Fortress, was already in action. As the horns sounded, they lined up in a relatively neat team, slowly marched out from the south gate, and filed in. Arriving at this canyon valley, which is nearly twenty miles long, is located behind the pass.

Although it is the hottest season of the year, the sun has just risen at this time, and there are dense trees on both sides blocking the light. The mountain gorge looks quite dark, with only spots of sunshine shining here and there, making it easy to walk in it. It feels quite refreshing.

The speed of the Jin Army's march this time was far from comparable to yesterday's thunderous attack on Lulongsai. It took more than half an hour for the 5,000 vanguard troops in front to enter the valley, and the troops behind them were even more delayed. Boss, it was not until the vanguard team had passed nearly 60 to 70% of the gorge that the last team was able to enter. At this time, the sun had already risen high in the sky, and it was almost noon.

In the mountains and forests above, countless pairs of eyes were nervously staring at the movements of these golden soldiers. Some crossbowmen had even opened their bows, but because the general in the middle did not order an attack, they continued to be patient. , just looking at their expressions, eyes, and the beads of sweat on their foreheads, you can tell how hard they endured.

But as the commander of this ambush, Yelu Dashi knew that patience was also an important condition for final victory. In order to kill the main force of the Jin army in front of him, he must have enough patience and wait until they all step into the ambush he set. circle to launch a fatal attack.

Seeing that the Jin soldiers at the rear finally stepped into the gorge, and the vanguard team was getting closer and closer to the southern exit. After the Jin soldiers had pulled out a long queue of more than ten miles in the canyon, a general couldn't help but whisper. Said: "Lin Ya, it's almost time to launch an attack, right?"

"Wait a minute!" Yelu Dashi's voice was steady and calm, completely unaffected by the tense atmosphere at the moment. His eyes kept following the golden banner in the middle, calculating the flag that represented the golden army coach. How far is it from his biggest killing move

Finally, as the big banner moved to a mountain road with staggered canine teeth, Yelu Dashi suddenly drew his sword in his hand, and while slashing at a thick rattan in front of him, he said, He shouted loudly: "Attack!" As soon as the voice came out, the knife slashed hard on the rattan, cutting it into two pieces, and then, a strange rustling sound sounded from the side and front.

At the same time, countless sword lights flashed out from the mountains on both sides, and they also cut into the vines in front of them. As the vines broke and fell, strange rustling sounds sounded from everywhere. After a while, the rustling sounds turned into a frightening rumbling sound, and then accompanied by sand and gravel sliding down the mountain, Thousands of black shadows were roaring and rolling down like Mount Tai, all of them crashing down on the Jin army in the gorge.

This was completely unexpected by Jin Jun. Their relatively neat team instantly dispersed. With sharp roars, many people rushed towards the edges of the cliffs on both sides at full speed, and there were even more people. Then he showed off his weapons, trying to resist the attack from above.

But it was already too late. A height of more than ten or twenty feet may be quite high for people, but for those rocks falling tens to hundreds of kilograms, it only happened in the blink of an eye. The soldiers with vigorous steps rushed to the blind corners, and stones larger than millstones were crushed and fell, hitting their heads. For a moment, the golden soldier who behaved like an ape and a tiger yesterday became as fragile as paper. His bones and tendons were broken after being hit by stones, and blood flew everywhere.

Accompanied by bursts of screams, the Liao soldiers above quickly moved forward. Amidst the sound of horns, countless crossbowmen had fully drawn their bowstrings and began to shoot arrows downwards as if they were free. They actually planned to Shoot all the golden soldiers below, leaving no one alive. Among them, those who suffered the most intensive attack were the soldiers around the big banner in the middle of the Jin army. The arrows fell like a downpour, with almost no space between them.

And just now, many of them had been screamed by the falling rocks and fell in large pieces. Then they were hit hard by the rain of arrows, and they couldn't use any defensive means. They could only barely hold up their faces. He used his small shield to resist at the verge of death. At the same time, under the loud orders of some generals, he rushed forward at a faster speed, hoping to escape from this hell-like place as soon as possible.

This gorge is really suitable for setting up an ambush and attacking. The Liao army from a high position was almost carrying out a one-sided massacre against the Jin army below, but they had no means of counterattack at all. They could only passively suffer the beating while thinking Try to escape from here as soon as possible.

After seeing this scene, the morale of the Liao army was even higher, especially after seeing the enemy fleeing hastily like a drowned dog, they completely lost their previous worries, howling, and rushed down the mountain, trying to use He used real swords and guns to kill enemy soldiers, hoping to avenge Paoze who had been killed by the Jin army in the past few years. Especially to avenge the soldiers who were massacred in Lulongsai yesterday. The killing happened under their eyes. If this anger was not vented, they would go crazy.

Because of their anger, all these elites from the Liao Kingdom used only the simplest ropes to quickly descend along the steep mountain wall and kill the Jin army below. And when the Jin Army, which had completely demoralized the army and lost its fighting spirit, saw these enemies who were like divine soldiers descending from the sky and kept killing them, they were so frightened that they could only scream and hate their parents for giving birth to two babies. Legs, he ran forward quickly, without any intention of turning back to resist and fight to the death.

On the top of the mountain, the officers and soldiers of the Liao army all felt a sense of satisfaction of having avenged a great revenge. Many people were laughing there, and some people did not care about their identity at all, just like ordinary soldiers, they killed themselves down the mountain with the help of ropes. Go and hunt down those hateful enemies.

The ambush troops on the mountain have all appeared, and they are just waiting to harvest this great victory that has been planned for many days.

But just when everyone was roaring and killing excitedly, and everyone was excited, Yelu Dashi, as the coach, changed his face from excitement and joy at the beginning to doubt. In the end, he frowned and muttered something. : "No, there's something very wrong with this... The Jin Army can't be so vulnerable. Even if they're ambushed, they won't even have the slightest ability to resist. What exactly went wrong... "

Suddenly, his mind

He was shocked and shouted loudly: "Order all the troops on the mountain to guard the key points and not to rush in and kill at will!" However, his order aroused the excitement of the crowd at the moment, and everyone wanted to rush down to kill the enemy as soon as possible. There was no commotion at all, only some of the surrounding soldiers looked over with confusion, but no one issued an order.

At this moment, an unexpected change occurred below. With the sound of horns, another army rushed out of Lulongsai like a galloping horse. There were not many people stationed in Lulongsai. The number was ten thousand. many. I saw that each of them was so fast that they didn't give the Liao army on the mountain any reaction time. They rushed to the foot of the mountain screaming, and then climbed straight up the steep mountain wall with their bare hands without the help of any tools. At this moment, there were very few Liao troops left in the mountains behind. The others had either rushed down the mountain or were still hanging on ropes halfway up the mountain. They could not organize any decent defense at all.

It was also at this moment that Yelu Dashi suddenly understood the key and knew where his suspicions came from - yesterday he saw with his own eyes how brave and fierce the Jin army was in attacking Lulongsai, the eight-foot-long wall It was not an obstacle at all in front of them. They were overturned by the Jin soldiers with almost a charge. So how could the Jin soldiers become so helpless today

Even if they did lose their balance when they were suddenly attacked, the Jin soldiers' always fierce fighting methods would not prevent them from being able to counterattack at all, and they would just run away blindly. There are no elites of the Jin Army here, they are clearly just a large group of cannon fodder! And now the soldiers and horses who suddenly burst out of the ambush in the pass are the real elite of the Jin Army!

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to understand the critical moment. As these Jin soldiers quickly climbed up, the Liao army in the rear could no longer stop them. Moreover, because they were worried about their own people above, they even fired their bows and arrows. Not coming out. During the rapid climb, these Jin soldiers were able to free their hands to kill the Liao soldiers hanging on the ropes. Compared with the Jin soldiers who were able to advance and retreat freely between the cliffs and as if walking on flat ground, the fallen Liao soldiers were particularly fragile. When they encountered their attack, they did not even have the slightest ability to resist.

The sudden turn of the battle situation made Yelu Dashi stunned for a moment. Even though he was resourceful, he didn't know how to deal with it at this moment. At this time, a bigger blow also came from below: "The Jin people here are fake, they are all surrendered troops of our Liao people..."

"What!" These words immediately hit everyone on the head like five thunderbolts. It turned out that he had set up a killing trap and killed his own countrymen with all his strength. This blow was really too great, and it also made everyone still return. The soldiers who were constantly firing arrows froze in an instant. As soon as their hands were released, countless weapons fell to the ground, and the morale of the Liao army was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, the Jin soldiers from the rear had climbed up the mountain. After clearing out some of the soldiers and horses left in front of them, thousands of enemies were already rushing towards them like tigers and wolves. This made the Liao army panic even more. The trap failed, and instead they fell into despair!

"Retreat, get out of the valley!" At this point, all Yelu Dashi can do is clean up the mess, lead his men and horses to escape from the valley that has become his own desperate place, and look for backup to defeat the enemy!