Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 999: Already prepared?


Amidst the rapid sound of horns and the rapid waving of flags, the Liao army, whether on the mountain forest or in the canyon, understood their commander's intention and began to retreat towards the southern exit of the mountain gorge with all their strength. However, their actions were also hindered. The Liao soldiers on the mountain naturally had to face the crazy pursuit and obstruction of the Jin soldiers from behind, while the Liao soldiers below became more difficult because the "enemies" in front of them were all their own people. confusion.

They, who were supposed to be in good order, were now mixed in with these panicked tribesmen, almost filling the entire valley. Every step forward would cost them a lot of energy. What makes people feel even more powerless is that they still can't bring themselves to kill the tribesmen who are blocking their progress. They can only hold them in their arms and move forward staggeringly, far unable to compare with the soldiers and horses above.

The retreat of Yelu Dashi's troops located in the middle of the ridge was relatively smooth. At least the attack of the Jin soldiers could not threaten them, and those who could be kept by his side were naturally the elites of the Liao army. Even in this situation Despite the harsh environment, he still maintained his calmness and flexibility, protecting him as he retreated quickly, constantly approaching the southern exit.

But during the retreat, Yelu Dashi's heart became a mess, and too many questions kept circling in his mind - why did the Jin soldiers who were supposed to be in ambush become their own Liao people, why did this Jin army Would the elite have stayed in the fortress as if they had known they were setting up an ambush here, and only waited for all the Liao troops to come out before fighting out from behind? Where did the main force of the Jin Army go? How did they guess this, and what kind of variables would happen next

He couldn't find the answers to countless questions at the moment, so he could only run south in a hurry. At the same time, the fear in his heart grew bigger and bigger: - If there is a problem with the Jin soldiers, what about the Song people? Will the Song army, which had previously promised to cooperate with Daliao, suddenly change its focus and attack itself? Or is everything here a trap set up by the Song and Jin countries to annihilate their own troops? If that were the case, would he face even greater calamity if he led his troops out

Yes, when encountering such a change, the reason why Yelu Dashi immediately chose to flee south was that there was still an ambush of the Song army there. In order to deal with the Jin soldiers, this time the Song and Liao sides set up a huge pocket formation and sent out There are more than 100,000 troops here. In addition to the 50,000 to 60,000 Liao troops on the mountains on both sides, there are also 50,000 to 60,000 Song troops waiting for the enemy at the southern exit.

But now, the doubts in his heart made Yelu Dashi even more frightened. If the worst result really happened as he thought, Daliao would really be doomed! But now, they have no choice but to bet that the Song people have not betrayed them, and move forward with all their strength to join up with their imaginary allies.

Finally, the team at the front ran out of the valley mouth. As they shouted, drums and trumpets began to sound continuously at the originally quiet valley mouth. Flags were fluttering and soldiers and horses were surging. It was Song Jun began to react. What made Yelu Dashi breathe a sigh of relief was that the Song army did not attack his troops at this juncture, but quickly sent troops to respond, and a large number of troops were deployed at the mouth of the valley to deal with the Jin soldiers coming from behind. .

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the Song people were still reliable, but there was something wrong with their strategy and they were seen through by the Jin people. As a result, the ambush failed to come true and instead messed up their own position.

In the Song army formation at Taniguchi, when the commanders saw this scene, they were stunned for a while, and then calmly issued orders one after another. Then the catapults hidden in the woods behind them began to move forward, and lined up in a row. At the foot of the mountain, behind it were countless busy Song troops, who began to load artillery shells in an orderly manner. What's a little weird is that this time they filled the net pockets at the back of the catapult not with regular stones, but with pitch-black earthen jars and a large number of fist-sized ceramic bottles.

During their constant preparations, Yelu Dashi also led his troops and ran down from above. His face was full of annoyance and eagerness, and he shouted loudly to the Zhong division: "General Zhong, the Jurchens are too fast, we have to think quickly How to deal with it..." At this point, his eyes fell on the catapults with some surprise: "You only prepared these, don't you plan to use heavy troops to defend?"

"It's not necessary. These weapons are enough, especially now that the enemy is still in the mountains and forests." Master Zhong's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said decisively: "The methods of our Song Dynasty soldiers are far better than The Dashi Linya is much higher than you think!”

"Report - the enemy is only 300 steps away from me!" A soldier who was specially observing the distance from behind shouted loudly. Hearing this, the cultivator did not bother to explain any more to Yelu Dashi, but decisively ordered: "Light the fire!"

At the catapult in the rear, the soldiers had set fire to the net bags filled with ceramic bottles, while the catapults filled with earthen jars suddenly bounced up with shouts, throwing hundreds of earthen jars into the air. , blasting straight towards the golden soldiers who were approaching and killing on the ridges on both sides.

After these earthen jars were thrown into the air, the other catapults also threw the porcelain bottles in their net bags, followed closely by them, falling down like raindrops.

"Can it really be done with just these things?" Yelu Dashi was filled with doubts when he saw this scene. Not only him, but also the Liao soldiers who had just escaped from the valley were muttering similar words in their hearts without much confidence, but their eyes still followed the bottles and jars closely to see what was in the gourds of the Song people. What kind of medicine are you selling

Wanyan Moli's face was full of ferocity, and he was running forward as fast as a cheetah in the forest. The uneven ground on the mountain, the vegetation and strange rocks rising up everywhere were no different from the flat land to him. Because since he was sensible, he had followed his father to hunt bears and tigers with such outstanding skills in the white mountains and black waters. Countless fights had long made him accustomed to running like this.

Like him, thousands of Jin warriors in the rear were also advancing at full speed there, and they still had enough energy to slaughter the Liao soldiers who were lagging behind like pigs and sheep. These Liao people are really ridiculous. Do they really think that setting an ambush here can defeat the Dajin warriors they lead? This time, he wanted to let the Liao people and the Song people hiding behind the valley know how powerful the Jin warriors were, let them use their lives and blood to make a confession, and let them know what it would be like to betray the Jurchens. End!

"There should be tens of thousands of Song troops in front, but don't be afraid. We used to be able to defeat a hundred thousand Liao troops on the battlefield with ten thousand people. The Song people are even more unbearable than the Liao people. They will definitely collapse the moment they fight us. Next This is our killing time!" When Wanyan Moli saw the Song army waiting in formation at the entrance of the valley, he roared loudly and defended the troops behind.

The soldiers cheered up.

These words immediately triggered a burst of noise from the golden soldiers in the rear, and everyone began to howl and charge faster, like a hungry wolf that sees its prey, like an arrow that has been separated from the string, running at full speed, Keep moving forward. Even if they saw countless black shadows roaring towards them, they were still not afraid - weren't they just some stones? How much damage could these weapons cause in this mountain forest

Wanyan Moli had a sneer on his face, and even muttered in his heart: "Aguda was too cautious, and actually adopted Wushu's strategy. It was really unnecessary. If our entire army attacks this time, it will be enough. I killed all the Song and Liao soldiers and horses in front of me, but this time I can only defeat them, so I can’t enjoy it to the fullest!”

Just when this idea first arose, banging sounds were heard all around, but this still did not slow down the golden soldiers, because the jars that fell first did not cause any damage to the golden soldiers at all, and most of them hit the dense branches and trunks. , were all broken into pieces. Even if some of them slipped through the net, they would only have broken the heads of a few soldiers. The lethality was really too small.

"What is the taste… "

"What's in these jars? Why is it so sticky..." Some soldiers had some liquid on their heads and bodies, which seemed a little weird.

As soon as they started shouting, another group of black shadows fell down. They looked much smaller than those pots, but their bodies seemed to be glowing with fire.

"This is..." Jin Bing looked at the fallen bottles in surprise, and some subconsciously slashed them with a knife.

"Bang-bang!" The moment the knife hit the bottle, the flames burst out and there was a loud bang and explosion. First one, then a piece, hundreds of bottles exploded around the golden soldiers, and then countless tiny iron sands shot out. Driven by the potential energy of gunpowder, they shot through the unsuspecting soldiers like sharp arrows. The body of Jin Bing wearing simple clothes.

The hundreds of golden soldiers who bore the brunt immediately fell down like rag bags, and at the same time, screams broke out from the ridges on both sides. Even the bravest warrior will let out heart-rending screams after being hit so hard. As for the Jin soldier general Wanyan Mo, who just now was only thinking about killing the enemy and making meritorious deeds, and did not care about the Song army at all. Li, his face had been shot into a sieve by fine iron sand, and he died in a pool of his own blood without even being able to utter a scream.

Almost in an instant, this elite Jin army was completely in chaos. Their forward momentum was completely stopped, and everyone was running around like headless flies.

Then, an even more terrifying scene happened. The fire caused by the explosion had ignited the diesel fuel that had just flowed out of the earthen jar. In just a few breaths, the mountain forest had turned into a sea of fire, and the fire continued to spread. Spreading like two fire dragons, it spread straight up and down the two ridges, swallowing up all the Jin troops...

Seeing this, all the Liao soldiers at the foot of the mountain finally breathed a sigh of relief. Thanks to the Song army's move, otherwise they would not be the opponents of those Jin soldiers. But Yelu Dashi, who was among them, had a solemn expression and had another thought: "Song Jun's response was so timely and appropriate. It seems that he had already prepared for this, but why didn't I know about it at all?" Thinking of this, His eyes unconsciously looked at Zhong Shizhong in the Song Army's formation.