Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils

Chapter 50: break the ice


Ren Zhouyuan found it a little funny for some reason, he didn't know what kind of enmity the father and son had with Fan Wenfeng, one was like this, the other was like this, he just thought that Fan Wenfeng was interested in him.

To Ren Zhouyuan, Fan Wenfeng was like an older brother who could confide in his thoughts, but Ren Zhouyuan didn't have many friends, and even fewer could talk to him, so these two people with hearts as big as rice grains fell in love with this only friend. vinegar.

Ren Zhouyuan didn't know what to do to dissuade them of this idea, so he simply asked Fan Wenfeng out, called Leonid, and planned to explain clearly to the three of them face to face.

Leonid naturally wanted to meet this "good friend". He felt that he was not imposing alone, so he brought Xiao An'an with him. This kind of scene of a family of three attending the meeting felt full of confidence when he thought about it.

The group made an appointment at a coffee shop near Weiqi, and when they arrived, Fan Wenfeng was already there. Seeing Leonid who walked in with Ren Zhouyuan, and An An who was hugged by him, Fan Wenfeng frowned slightly, and got up to greet them.

Ren Zhouyuan gave a brief introduction to the two. Leonid and Fan Wenfeng shook hands. The two secretly competed with each other, and their eyes almost burst into sparks.

After they sat down, Fan Wenfeng chatted with Ren Zhouyuan as usual, and occasionally asked An'an a few words. The atmosphere was very harmonious, but it seemed that Leonid was not present at all.

But Leonid was not in a hurry, he and Ren Zhouyuan sat on the side, An An sat between them, and Fan Wenfeng sat face to face with them. With such a simple division of positions, he felt that whatever Fan Wenfeng did was useless.

Ren Zhouyuan obviously felt the turmoil between the two. He tried hard to find topics for the two, hoping that they could chat a little more, but no matter what happened, the hostile atmosphere between the two was too obvious, even An An could detect it. Eyes kept floating back and forth on the three adults.

Leonid is his most important partner, and Fan Wenfeng is also his best friend. To Ren Zhouyuan, the two are like family members. He doesn't want them to be such hostile identities, so he can only do his best. Circling between the two.

He has been looking for something to say, but one is not talkative, and the other seems to be unable to see anyone other than him. Ren Zhouyuan tried his best to talk, but he couldn't improve much.

Before he came, he didn't expect such a situation. After working hard for a long time, there was still no progress, and he felt tired all of a sudden. He considered an excuse to go to the bathroom, and let them fight.

It's okay if you don't want to, at the beginning when you thought about it, Ren Zhouyuan felt a little peeing. He tried to hold back, really afraid that they would start fighting as soon as he left, but he drank a lot of water just now when he was nervous, and the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, and finally couldn't help it, he could only stare at Leon in warning With one glance, Ned quickly ran to the toilet.

Seeing Ren Zhouyuan leaving, An An frantically followed. He didn't want to stay here and face these two terrifying adults, so Ren Zhouyuan's plan to make An An adjust the atmosphere completely failed.

As soon as they left, the smiling faces of the two of them suddenly collapsed, and they no longer pretended to hide their inner displeasure with each other.

Leonid had always disliked Fan Wenfeng in the past, and today he finally got the chance to attack him, so he would not miss this opportunity. He took the lead and said: "Tell me, what do you think about Ren Zhouyuan, everyone is a man, just be more straightforward."

Fan Wenfeng didn't expect him to be so straightforward. He raised his eyebrows and squinted at him mockingly, "I want to ask you, how long do you want to deceive Ren Zhouyuan? Is it fun to play with their father and son like this?"

Leonid frowned at him, "What do you mean?"

Fan Wenfeng sneered, "I don't know why you hold on to Xiao Yuan, because he is an orphan and easy to bully? Or is it because he has no friends to stand up for him? He is sensitive and not confident, if you are just playing around That's all, I advise you to stop now, if you really hurt his heart, I will never end with you!"

Leonid was a little surprised when he heard this. He seemed to have misunderstood Fan Wenfeng a little bit. But he didn't dare to relax easily. After all, this person had a close relationship with Ren Zhouyuan. If there was anyone who could affect the relationship between the two of them, Fan Wenfeng would be one of them.

When Fan Wenfeng saw that he was silent, the expression on his face was even more contemptuous.

He is the only child at home and has no brothers or sisters. He has always wanted a brother since a long time ago, so he treats Ren Zhouyuan as his younger brother shortly after he first met him.

When I first got to know Ren Zhouyuan, I saw that the father and son looked malnourished, and I also asked about Ren Zhouyuan's past experience from many aspects, and then saw that he was a young man who had just stepped out of society and led An An around to make a living, so I felt compassion Heart.

It just so happened that the two of them had acquainted each other at work, so Fan Wenfeng thought of helping him at first so that his life would not be too embarrassing. However, seeing Ren Zhouyuan's expression of time-consuming and excited holding the first draft, threatening to invite him to dinner even though he couldn't even afford new clothes, Fan Wenfeng couldn't help feeling sorry for the father and son at that moment. It was also from that time that he decided to take good care of them from now on and treat them like his own family.

It's been a few years since this happened. Ren Zhouyuan said that Fan Wenfeng is his best friend. Fan Wenfeng didn't think so. He felt sorry for the father and son, and hoped to see them live better and better, and life was moving towards their desired goal. However, the appearance of Leonid made everything mess up. It means that Ren Zhouyuan is about to return to his previous life.

How could Fan Wenfeng want to see this happen? From the bottom of his heart, he didn't think that Leonid could provide Ren Zhouyuan with a good life. If he could really do it, how could Ren Zhouyuan have experienced those things so early

So he did not agree with Ren Zhouyuan to accept Leonid, even though he seemed happier than before and formed a real family as he wished, but in Fan Wenfeng's eyes, these were just a fleeting moment. The beauty that has never been obtained and once owned will only bring greater harm to Ren Zhouyuan who has lost everything.

Ren Zhouyuan was blinded by being immersed in happiness, but he had to worry for Ren Zhouyuan. Having seen him rise from the mud, he does not want to see him fall back into the abyss.

Fan Wenfeng satirized Leonid again openly and secretly, the meaning was nothing more than telling him to stop quickly, taking advantage of Ren Zhouyuan's short time with him, and don't wait until the relationship is deep before hurting Ren Zhouyuan's heart.

The more Leonid listened, the more he felt that his guess was indistinct, and his attitude towards Fan Wenfeng changed a bit.

This person is probably on the side of the mother-in-law

Originally thought that Fan Wenfeng had a crush on Ren Zhouyuan, but Ren Zhouyuan was dull and unconfident, and would never have guessed this. No matter how much an ordinary friend cared about him, he would never be able to reach the level of Fan Wenfeng. Leonid also felt that his previous guesses were wrong error.

When he first saw Fan Wenfeng today, Leonid also felt Fan Wenfeng's hostility towards him, which further deepened his suspicions.

However, Ren Zhouyuan listened to what Fan Wenfeng said to him after the meeting. There was no sourness in those contents. The other party was always thinking of Ren Zhouyuan.

After seeing it clearly, Leonid let go of his guard a little, put away his hostile spear, and began to re-examine this person.

Ren Zhouyuan rushed back anxiously. When he returned, he saw the two of them looking out the window and drinking coffee, but there was no picture of blushing and thick necks about to fight as he had imagined. He was full of curiosity and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the few people sat for a while, and the atmosphere was obviously a little bit better than before Ren Zhouyuan left. Fan Wenfeng no longer ignored Leonid. I feel like I've made a lot of progress now.

After bidding farewell to Fan Wenfeng, Ren Zhouyuan couldn't help but hold onto Leonid for a moment and ask him what happened when he left the banquet and what they said.

Leonid glanced at Ren Zhouyuan, sighed and didn't answer his question. His inscrutable appearance made Ren Zhouyuan scratch his heart and lungs all the way.

Probably because Leonid thought his appearance was very interesting, and he enjoyed Ren Zhouyuan stalking him for the whole day, pawing at him like a kitten, until before going to bed at night, the cat The child finally broke out in displeasure.

Leonid kissed and touched him for a while, and just about to lean up to kiss Ren Zhouyuan, he found him staring at himself with his mouth tightly shut.

He pinched Ren Zhouyuan's face in a funny way, pinched his mouth into an octopus mouth, and leaned over to chirp.

Leonid said: "What's the matter?"

Ren Zhouyuan snorted softly, his eyes signaled that he knew.

Leonid smiled, sighed helplessly, and leaned into Ren Zhouyuan's ear and said, "I can't be jealous of my mother-in-law, can I?"