Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils

Chapter 60: Extra Story 1.2


Ren Zhouyuan's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and at five months it was almost the same as that of ordinary people at seven or eight months. Now, even if he used the fact that a man gave birth as a prevarication, not many people believed it. In the end, under the pressure of everyone, Next, Leonid told the truth about the twins with a look of embarrassment.

No matter how much Ren Zhouyuan wanted to hide now, he couldn't escape everyone's curious and surprised visits.

After Anna learned that Ren Zhouyuan was pregnant with twins, she didn't stay idle for a moment. She quickly bought a plane ticket and took the fastest plane to come here. Before coming, she was thinking about Leonid's virtue that she couldn't take care of herself, and she didn't know how to take care of her pregnant husband, but she didn't expect to see a family of three living happily after she came. Suddenly, his complexion was very exciting, and his gaze towards Leonid changed a little, and he couldn't help giving him a thumbs up in the end.

She asked a few words about Ren Zhouyuan's health during this time, touched his stomach, saw his nervous expression, and finally did not stay here to make any more troubles, and pointed out Leonid, just like when the Tathagata I went back to Russia in such a hurry.

During this period of time, many people came to visit Ren Zhouyuan. At first he was a little reluctant, feeling that his belly was swollen and he didn’t want to see people. Leonid also saw his thoughts and secretly refused a wave, but there was always someone like Ron This kind of cockroach that can't be killed, no matter how many times it refuses, it will still visit the door with great joy. If the number of rejections is too many, Ren Zhouyuan is embarrassed, and finally let this little cockroach slip in.

At first, Ren Zhouyuan was a little embarrassed. He felt that it was strange for a man with his belly stretched out, so he deliberately wore loose clothes to hide his belly. But when he came into contact with Ron's curious but non-malicious gaze, the latter's generous attitude made Ren Zhouyuan let go of his guard, and gradually began to not care much about other people's opinions, so more and more people came to visit every day. They all revolved around Ren Zhouyuan, which finally completely aroused An An's dissatisfaction.

He blocked Ren Zhouyuan behind him like an old chicken guarding its cubs, completely isolating people from the future, preventing them from seeing his father more.

Leonid thought that An An's appearance was very interesting. Seeing that he rarely changed from his previous well-behaved style, he couldn't help teasing him with visitors, which often made An An's face puff up with anger, and he wanted to cry but could not bear it. The aggrieved look of not crying, his eyes full of accusations against his eldest father, made Ren Zhouyuan feel distressed a lot.

And seeing Ren Zhouyuan's belly getting bigger and bigger, everyone who came to the door paid attention to his belly, An An gradually became curious like everyone else, and when there were only three of them left in the house, An An would He would lie on Ren Zhouyuan's side, staring at his stomach for a moment, his eyes shone with curiosity, hesitant to speak, and a discerning person could tell what he wanted to ask An An had shown before They didn't like the second child, so after they knew that this child was twins, they didn't dare to tell him easily, so that when the whole world knew about it, An An was still kept in the dark.

Ren Zhouyuan was a little guilty. Although he had been instilling in An An the idea of caring for his younger siblings recently, he was still timid when facing An An's big eyes. After thinking about it, he pushed Leonid out to let him and An An explain clearly. , even thought of an excuse—

"Who told you to stuff two in at a time."

Leonid felt helpless and amused by his occasional petty temper. He touched his nose and resigned himself to confessing the truth to Ann.

When An An heard the big daddy say that there are two babies in his daddy's belly, his expression was wonderful. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Ren Zhouyuan's belly sitting in the distance, then looked at Leonid's face, and opened his mouth slightly Blinking and blinking his eyes in disbelief, but after a while he closed his mouth again, and then fell silent.

This time, even Leonid was not sure about the child's attitude. He exchanged a glance with Ren Zhouyuan who was sitting on the sofa, and when he received the latter's stare, he had no choice but to forcefully knock An An's mouth open.

"Honey, do you like your father to give you two babies?" Leonid reached out and stroked Ann's broken hair.

An An looked at him and blinked, but didn't answer.

The stiff smile on Leonid's mouth was about to burst, he thought for a moment and said, "Look, if Dad has two babies, one like you and the other like Dad, wouldn't that be great?"

"What about you?" An An asked almost without thinking this time.

Leonid rubbed his nose, turned his head quickly, and then thought he came up with the best answer: "Big Daddy loves Daddy and Ann, so if one of the children in the future is like Dad and the other is like An An, then Big Daddy He is the happiest person in the world!"

An An turned her head and thought for a while, then said, "What if both of them look like big daddies?"

Ren Zhouyuan let out a "puchi" laugh in the distance, Leonid looked at him helplessly, and Ren Zhouyuan gave him a look to let him find a solution by himself.

Leonid was still racking his brains over there, how did he know that after a few seconds, An An suddenly said, "Okay, I got it."

"Huh?" Leonid wondered, "Know what?"

Like a little adult, An An folded her arms and sighed, glanced at Leonid, then shook her head and spread her hands, saying, "I will protect the little ones."

Leonid's eyes lit up, and he and Ren Zhouyuan looked at each other, both of them were surprised. Is it that simple

This incident was still unbelievable when the two of them were lying on the bed at night. Thinking of how much effort they had spent to coax An An to accept the second child, he did not expect that he would accept it easily without saying a few words now. The fact of having another child.

But in fact, An'an had such a change, thanks to the people who came to visit during this period.

Since the people around them knew that Ren Zhouyuan was pregnant with twins, more people came to visit Ren Zhouyuan. An An was busy protecting his father and the baby in his belly all day long. I really feel that I am a big brother. The words I said before that I want to be the big boss to support my father are not as real as the sense of mission at this moment.

The problem that had troubled Ren Zhouyuan for a long time was easily solved, and it was time for the second inspection in a blink of an eye. Zheng Bo had told them before that there was a great chance to see the sex of the babies during this examination, so the two fathers were full of expectations for this prenatal examination. He was still nervous when he was on the examination bed, and the hand that held Leonid was unconsciously tightened.

"Hmm..." Zheng Bo looked at the screen intently, holding the probe in his hand and sliding various positions on Ren Zhouyuan's stomach, telling them about the development of the fetus from time to time, but he couldn't say what they were most concerned about. On this day, the two expectant fathers have been hanging on their hearts.

Suddenly Zheng Bo said "Yeah", and the two fathers' hearts beat faster. Then they saw him pointing at a certain point, and said to them with a smile: "Look, An An is going to have a younger brother."

Ren Zhouyuan and Leonid glanced at each other, the latter kissed Ren Zhouyuan on the forehead, his eyes were still flashing with excitement, the two of them stared at the place Zheng Bo pointed to, an incredible feeling lingered all the time in mind.

While they were still waiting for Zheng Bo to announce the gender of the second child, they saw Zheng Bo pressing a few keys like last time, and the sound of printing was heard in the room soon, and he drew two Putting the paper on Ren Zhouyuan's stomach, he shrugged his shoulders under the dubious gaze of the two, and said, "Your second baby is hidden too well, you can only see that it is a boy when you turn it around during the next inspection." Still a girl."

"Ah..." Ren Zhouyuan sighed unconsciously, with obvious disappointment on his expression. Seeing this, Leonid squeezed his hand, and when Zheng Bo got up to get the result, he leaned over and whispered in his ear: "It's good, I'll leave a surprise."

Ren Zhouyuan glanced at him, how could he not know that this person wanted to know more than himself, but now he comforted him instead, wrinkled his nose at him, and covered up the disappointed expression on his face.

Since Ren Zhouyuan's belly became bigger and bigger, Leonid stopped almost all the work at hand, and many half-finished projects were forced to stop. Even if he brought the work home, the progress of the work could not be avoided. fact.

Ron became very busy because of this, and he always ran between home and the company with a bunch of documents. He was always lazy and couldn't help complaining a few words, which was heard by Ren Zhouyuan, which made him feel very sorry.

Ron was unintentional, but Ren Zhouyuan began to think about it. During this period of time, he really enjoyed being pampered unrestrainedly by Leonid, but now that he thought about it this way, he felt that it was really inappropriate to neglect his work.

So he discussed with Leonid for a while and persuaded him not to put all the centers at home. Although Leonid was dissatisfied, he still listened to his words. He didn't want Zhou Yuan to have a psychological burden. It was a half-day shift, but after less than two days, he realized that Ren Zhouyuan was still thinking about his lack of interest in work.

Leonid really had no other choice. In order to let him completely dispel this idea, he took the initiative to ask Ron to arrange a short business trip. it is good.

Ren Zhouyuan didn't like having strangers at home, especially after he was pregnant, so before leaving, Leonid had to sort out all kinds of recipes and give them to Ren Zhouyuan, and told him to be careful about this and that, and it was a bit uncomfortable. Willingly inform Fan Wenfeng, let him come up to accompany Ren Zhouyuan for a while every day, and cook a meal if possible before leaving.

Seeing him talking like an old lady, Ren Zhouyuan angrily pushed him out, pressed a kiss on his mouth to silence him, and slammed the door behind him before he could react, leaving Leonid alone. Facing the closed door with a dazed face, he began to regret that he had agreed to this business trip before he set off.

When Ren Zhouyuan was free, he immediately took out his ipad with great interest, nestled on the sofa and read a novel.

In the past few days, he has been chasing a million-dollar novel written by an author named Yumihua. This author used to write short stories, but this time he wrote such a novel for the first time. Ren Zhouyuan couldn't stop reading it, and was fascinated He was also criticized by Leonid several times, put away his ipad and refused to let him read it. At this time, the person who disturbed him reading the novel was gone, and An An happened to go camping with the kindergarten, and he was the only one left in the whole family. Ren Zhouyuan watched Tian Biaobiao's sturdy life without distraction.

He was immersed in the story of the novel and couldn't help himself. Time passed by every minute and every second. When the mobile phone placed aside suddenly rang, it was already noon. Ren Zhouyuan glanced at the caller ID, put down his iPad, and picked up the phone.

Leonid's gentle and deep voice came from the other end of the phone, as if he dialed the phone right after he got off the plane, and occasionally the background sound of the airport could be heard on the phone, "I'm in Nanshi, just got off the plane, are you here?" doing what?"

Ren Zhouyuan didn't dare to tell him that he was reading novels, so he thought for a while and said, "I'm reading those parenting books you bought a few days ago."

Leonid nodded, and then remembered that the other party couldn't see. After a "hmm", he said, "Don't look at it for so long, take a break and get up and move around." He paused, "Have you eaten? Now It's almost twelve o'clock, has Fan Wenfeng come up?"

Ren Zhouyuan glanced at the wall clock in the living room, and said with a guilty conscience: "I've eaten, he just left and said he would come back at night."

"What did you eat?" Leonid asked.

Ren Zhouyuan's heart beat faster, feeling like he was caught doing something bad. He thought about the dishes Leonid made for him last week, and casually replied: "Vegetable noodles and yam and millet porridge."

"Oh..." Leonid paused for a second, and said meaningfully: "You have to take care of yourself, don't be lazy all the time, I have worked so hard to raise a healthy person, I don't want to find him when I go back became malnourished."

Ren Zhouyuan's face turned red when he said that, he made a sloppy look, said a few more words, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

For the sake of the baby in his stomach, Ren Zhouyuan simply made some porridge and ate it. During this period of time, Leonid cooked all kinds of dishes, and Ren Zhouyuan didn't bother to imitate him. He went back to read when he felt a little full.

For the next two days, Ren Zhouyuan kept this kind of routine. Leonid would call regularly to remind him to pay attention to his health. Ren Zhouyuan learned to behave after being told on the first day, and set the alarm clock to do something as soon as the time came. For food, Fan Wenfeng would come to cook for him at night, but there was nothing wrong with his health.

However, on the third day, Ren Zhouyuan felt a little dizzy when he woke up in the morning. This kind of situation also happened in the early stages of pregnancy. He guessed that he had been looking down at his iPad for too long recently, and he consciously paid attention to this problem .

But when he vomited acid for a long time, he found that the problem seemed to be more serious than he imagined. He spent the whole morning in a panic, and when Fan Wenfeng came to the door in the afternoon, the dizziness did not lessen.

Fan Wenfeng chatted with him as he walked in, and put the things he bought into the kitchen familiarly, but when he came out again, he found that Ren Zhouyuan was still standing at the entrance, leaning on the wall with a pale face, and he suddenly panicked Confused, he stepped forward to support him in two steps.

Ren Zhouyuan grinned, frowned slightly, and comforted Fan Wenfeng, "I'm fine, but I might feel a little dizzy after sitting for a long time." He had read some books before, and thought that he might have hypoglycemia. He didn't move, and wanted Fan Wenfeng to help him get some biscuits, but before he finished speaking, he felt a sudden pain in his stomach, his head began to feel dizzy, and he staggered and almost couldn't stand still.

Fan Wenfeng became anxious when he saw it, and he didn't care what happened to Ren Zhouyuan, so he pulled his hand away and helped him to the hospital without saying a word.

Ren Zhouyuan kept shaking his head, trying to drive away the wave after wave of dizziness, and held on until the two arrived at the hospital. The moment he saw Zheng Bo, he only had time to tell Fan Wenfeng not to tell Leonid. I couldn't bear it any longer and passed out.