Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 1: Travel through the apocalypse


"Lin Feng, hurry up and deliver the goods. We don't have enough beef. We need to buy another twenty kilograms."

The voice of a middle-aged woman came through the phone.

Lin Feng is a supplier to a large supermarket chain. In fact, it is said to be a supplier, but in fact it is not very large. It means buying some raw meat from the wholesale market, then putting it in the supermarket, processing and mixing it with various seasonings, and then putting these semi-finished meats into barbecues for sale on the counter.

Although the profit from this business is not much, it is impossible to make a fortune. But for a newly graduated college student like Lin Feng, he is still much better than an ordinary office worker.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng went downstairs and walked into his second-hand delivery van. He drove to the wholesale market not far from home and bought twenty kilograms of beef. He then quickly delivered it to the supermarket underground parking lot for delivery. mouth.

"I want some chicken wings tomorrow, don't forget."

Before leaving, the shopping guide Lin Feng hired in the supermarket warned him. The shopping guide aunt was in her fifties. She was a very nice person, hardworking and capable, which saved Lin Feng a lot of worry.

After saying goodbye to the shopping guide aunt, Lin Feng turned around and prepared to get in the car and go home. He also had an appointment with his girlfriend for dinner in the evening and needed to go back and take care of things.


Just when Lin Feng turned around, the staff next to him shouted.

Before Lin Feng had time to react, his vision went dark and he fainted. The collapsed shelf pressed on Lin Feng, weighing several tons.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Feng opened his eyes and found himself in an old warehouse. The warehouse was very large and dusty. It must have been that it had not been used for a long time.

Lin Feng felt a little dizzy. He was clearly in a supermarket just now, so why was he here now.

Enduring his headache, Lin Feng stood up and looked around. Then arriving at the warehouse door, Lin Feng opened the warehouse door and looked outside.

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw the scene outside. There was a road outside. Old and dilapidated cars were piled up on the road. There were actually several corpses lying on the ground. The corpses were rotting and smelly, and swarms of flies were swarming around the corpses.

Lin Feng was stunned by the scene in front of him and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call the police, but the signal on the mobile phone showed zero and no call could be made no matter how hard he dialed.


A loud shout interrupted Lin Feng. Not far away, a man was shouting and walking towards Lin Feng, his walking movements shaky. Judging from his appearance, he should be a middle-aged man. But the flesh on his face seemed to be highly decayed, and Lin Feng couldn't see clearly due to the short distance.


Lin Feng shouted when he saw the person coming. At this time, the zombie was not far away from him. The other person's face was highly rotten and his eyeballs were protruding, just like the zombies in the movie.

It didn't feel like he was filming a movie. Lin Feng hurried back to the empty warehouse and closed the warehouse door.

Did you wake up by yourself? The world has become apocalyptic? Lin Feng gasped and secretly thought.

No, Lin Feng suddenly thought, he had never seen any of those brands of cars on the road just now.

Could it be... traveling through time

Lin Feng also reads novels in his spare time and has read some time-travel novels. Now he feels that it is very similar to the scenes in time-travel novels.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a sting in his arm. Lin Feng looked at his arm and found a tattoo on his arm.

That was a logo, specifically the logo of the supermarket where Lin Feng had been supplying.

At this time, Lin Feng felt that his vision was blurry, and the next moment, Lin Feng found himself at the entrance of the supermarket.

The supermarkets were empty and the shelves were filled with a dazzling array of products.

"Could it be that I carry this supermarket with me?"

Lin Feng was a little puzzled, and then he came to the processing area behind the fresh food area of the supermarket.

I picked up a long knife. Although it was a long knife, for safety reasons, the long knife was not heavy, not even a pound. After getting the long knife, Lin Feng thought about going out.

Sure enough, just as Lin Feng imagined, Lin Feng felt his eyes blurred again and returned to the warehouse.

Lin Feng was really shocked that he really had a supermarket on his arm.

In order to test whether the time when he entered the supermarket was consistent with the time outside, Lin Feng conducted an experiment. He first thought silently in his mind to enter the supermarket. After entering the supermarket, he spent a few minutes browsing the products on the shelves, and then Lin Feng silently thought in his mind again and returned to reality.

After returning to the warehouse, Lin Feng picked up his phone and saw that the time displayed on his phone had not changed at all the moment he came back from the supermarket.

Time inside the supermarket is stationary to the outside. Through experiments, Lin Feng got such an answer.

Lin Feng didn't know if he could go back to this world, but the most important thing right now was to save his life. The zombies outside the warehouse door were still beating hard on the door. Lin Feng didn't believe this was a dream.

Carrying a long sword, Lin Feng's confidence greatly increased. In college, Lin Feng was a sports student and was good at martial arts. Because his parents died young, Lin Feng, an orphan, entered a state-run martial arts school from an early age. Through hard training, Lin Feng's skills are quite good.

Looking around, Lin Feng found that there was another gate in the warehouse. The warehouse was very large, and that gate was more than fifty meters away from the gate in front of him that had zombies outside. So Lin Feng walked towards the other door.

After looking outside for a long time through the crack in the door, and finding that there were no zombies outside, Lin Feng gently opened the warehouse door and walked out carefully.

Lin Feng had never thought about it. He owned a supermarket, and if he lived in this warehouse, he would at least not starve to death.

But there were zombies guarding the door, and Lin Feng couldn't guarantee whether the zombies would open the door or enter the warehouse through other passages. Therefore, the warehouse is not very safe.

The zombie Lin Feng saw just now was not very fast, which was the walking speed of ordinary people. I thought that there should still be ordinary people surviving in this world, so I decided to go out and have a look.

When he arrived outside the warehouse, Lin Feng saw several idle cars not far away. Although he had never seen the car logos, when Lin Feng walked over, he found that the structure of the cars was still similar to that in the original world, and some of the cars still had keys inserted. .

But Lin Feng tried several cars, but the batteries were all dead and they couldn't start the fire at all. Finally, Lin Feng came to a red jeep. This car looked more luxurious than other cars.

Perhaps it was because the car was more advanced and equipped, or because cars in this world had some special way of protecting the battery. Lin Feng tried several times and heard the sound of the vehicle starting. This made him relieved. After all, in This is a completely unfamiliar world, and zombies are likely to be rampant outside. Having a car will be several times safer.

Stepping into the car and sitting in the driver's seat, Lin Feng saw that the car's gasoline meter showed that the tank was almost full. This car really brought a lot of surprises to Lin Feng. He was grateful to the owner of this car whom he had never met before. Of course, he Maybe he's already a member of the zombies outside.

Driving the car, Lin Feng drove to the main road and drove forward along the road. He has to leave here. There are no people nearby, and there will be no survivors. There is no information about the world here. Along the way, some zombies appeared in twos and threes on both sides of the road, both male and female. When they saw Lin Feng's car, they wanted to rush over, but the speed was too slow, so they could only eat the exhaust of the jeep.

After driving for nearly ten kilometers, Lin Feng found that the number of zombies on both sides of the road gradually decreased, and there were even deserted farmland beside the road, with unknown crops planted in them. It was probably because no one was looking after them, and it was overgrown with weeds. It seemed that this world The time for the end of the world is not short, Lin Feng thought to himself. After driving another two kilometers, Lin Feng found that there was not a single zombie on the roadside.

There was a figure walking staggeringly a few hundred meters in front of the car. Lin Feng didn't know whether the figure was a living person or a zombie. It was better to be careful in this world, so he increased the accelerator and prepared to rush over.

At this moment, the figure seemed to hear the roar of the vehicle engine, turned around eagerly, saw the car speeding in the distance, and waved excitedly towards Lin Feng. It looked like it wasn't a zombie anymore, and Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of chapter)

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