Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 25: Kill level 4 zombies


Lin Feng was shocked when he saw the level four zombies in front of him. The secret passage was terrible. It seemed that the headless corpses on the ground were killed by the level four zombies in front of them.

Dong Wu, who was behind Lin Feng, had his legs shaking and couldn't even take a step to run. The scene of level 4 zombies killing cultivators last night is still vivid in my mind. Level 4 zombies can kill such powerful cultivators like vegetables, let alone ordinary people. Now Dong Wu doesn't even have the courage to draw a gun.

Heartbroken, Lin Feng took out the black iron bayonet from the Doomsday Table. With the speed of level four zombies, it is impossible to escape. People's desire to survive is instinctive, and Lin Feng didn't want to die under the scythe of a level four zombie without resistance.

The level four zombie squinted at Lin Feng and Dong Wu, as if to determine whether they were a threat. Then he quickly rushed towards Lin Feng who was standing in front, and at the same time raised the sharp sickle on his arm.

Lin Feng clearly saw a hole in the chest of the level 4 zombie, with black liquid leaking out. It should have been caused by being injured by a missile last night, but this did not affect its speed at all.

Rushing up to Lin Feng, the level four zombie raised his sickle and slashed towards Lin Feng's neck. The speed was so fast that it was mixed with the sound of wind.


Lin Feng was not slow either. He relied on his martial arts skills to block the move. The huge impact knocked him backwards and hit the jeep behind Lin Feng and Dong Wu. Lin Feng felt a sharp pain in his back. The power of the level four zombies was too great.

Seeing that Lin Feng could block his attack, the level four zombie became angry. Ignoring the trembling Dong Wu, the sickle on his other arm slashed towards Lin Feng's waist, intending to cut Lin Feng in half.

Seeing that he could not stop him, Lin Feng rolled up and dodged the attack. However, the sickle scratched Lin Feng's shoulder. A half-foot-long wound appeared on Lin Feng's shoulder, and blood came out of his upper mouth. Fortunately, the wound was not deep and no muscles or bones were injured.

Level 4 zombies are too powerful and cannot be dealt with by Lin Feng, a level 3 practitioner. These two moves to avoid level four zombies rely entirely on years of martial arts experience. If it had been anyone else, he would have been killed by a move from a level four zombie.

Seeing that he was defeated by this level four zombie, Lin Feng suddenly had an idea flash in his mind and entered the supermarket with his mind.

"What exactly can we use to deal with this powerful level four zombie?"

Lin Feng muttered while searching in the supermarket.

At this time, time outside was suspended, but Lin Feng was not in a hurry. The key is that Lin Feng's supermarket is a lifestyle supermarket, so there is definitely no need to think about missiles or anything like that. How to save one's life using items from the supermarket is definitely a problem.

There is nothing in the super power exchange system that Lin Feng can use now. Moreover, in order to exchange for black iron bayonets and purchase weapons, Lin Feng only has a few hundred white crystals left on hand, which is not even enough to exchange for some of the potions in it.

Got it!

When passing the seasoning area, Lin Feng's eyes lit up and he hurriedly walked to a shelf.

He opened two boxes of pepper, and then took out two bags of pepper. After opening them all, he mixed them into a pile and held them in his hands.

Later, Lin Feng came to the security room of the supermarket. After rummaging for a while, he finally found a high-voltage electric baton. Holding these two things, Lin Feng came out of the supermarket.

At this time, Lin Feng was two meters away from the level 4 zombies. He saw the level 4 zombies that failed to succeed in two attacks and attacked Lin Feng again.

With a panic in his heart, Lin Feng threw the powder mixed with pepper and chili in his hand towards the face of the level four zombie.

After a ball of powder passed, the level 4 zombie blocked himself in front of him with a sickle.

He didn't know whether the zombies had nerves, whether they were stung by peppers, or whether the eyes of level four zombies were covered in powder. Lin Feng couldn't think about that much at this time.

He picked up the electric baton with his left hand, turned on the safety switch, and pushed it towards the level 4 zombie. The voltage of one million volts paralyzed the level 4 zombie.

Just this one blow was enough. Lin Feng held a black iron bayonet in his right hand and stabbed the chest of the fourth-level zombie, exactly where it was injured by the missile last night.

As expected of something redeemed by the super power system, the black iron bayonet was sharp enough to pierce the body of the fourth-level zombie at once, and the bayonet was inserted into the heart of the fourth-level zombie.


The level four zombie squabbled. There are two places where a zombie is most vulnerable, one is the head and the other is the heart. An injury to the heart is enough to seriously injure a zombie, but an injury to the head is enough to be fatal.

The fourth-level zombie, whose heart was stabbed, instinctively tried to block it with his arms. Lin Feng quickly drew out the bayonet, and then pushed the electric baton against the fourth-level zombie again.

The crackling current caused the level 4 zombie to freeze again for a second. At this time, the sickle on the arm of the level 4 zombie was protecting the heart.

It was too late but it was too fast. Lin Feng, who seized the gap, thrust the bayonet in his right hand towards the eyes of the level four zombie.

Human eyes are fragile, and zombies are no exception. The black iron bayonet penetrated the level 4 zombie's head easily, reaching straight to the back of the head.

The level four zombie that received a fatal blow knocked Lin Feng away with great force before dying. After flying five or six meters straight, Lin Feng's body hit a tree and the force was relieved.

Feeling tight in his chest, Lin Feng spit out a mouthful of blood. Fortunately, his ribs were fine, but the strong impact caused Lin Feng to strain many muscles. But in front of the powerful level four zombies, it was good to be able to save his life, so how could he dare to care about him.

The level 4 zombies crashed to the ground. As a level 3 practitioner, Lin Feng actually killed the level 4 zombies. Anyone else wouldn't believe it.

Dong Wu on the side was already stunned by the battle between Lin Feng and the fourth-level zombies. He originally thought that Lin Feng and himself would definitely die under the scythes of the fourth-level zombies. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng actually killed the fourth-level zombies in turn. After pinching his arm and feeling that he was not dreaming, Dong Wu realized that what he just saw was the truth.

Enduring the pain in his back, Lin Feng walked up to the level 4 zombie, pulled out the dark iron bayonet inserted into the level 4 zombie's head, and searched inside the level 4 zombie's head.

High-level zombies have higher-level crystals in their brains. First-level zombies have white crystals in their brains as a common currency, second-level zombies have light yellow crystals in their brains, and third-level zombies have dark yellow crystals in their brains. As for what is in the brains of level 4 zombies, Lin Feng doesn't know yet, but if it can make level 4 zombies so powerful, the things in the minds of level 4 zombies must not be bad.

Lin Feng found a green crystal in the head of a level four zombie. The material of this crystal was different from that of white crystal. It was like cod liver oil. It was wrapped in a membrane on the outside and had a flowing green liquid inside.

Holding it in front of his eyes, Lin Feng opened his mouth wide. What is this? It's not a crystal.

At this time, Dong Wu patted Lin Feng behind Lin Feng. Dong Wu, who had recovered from his fear, felt that it was too dangerous to stay here for a long time.

A tragic thing happened. With Dong Wu's shot, the green ball in Lin Feng's hand flew into Lin Feng's mouth with force.

(End of chapter)