Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 26: Green Dan


The green pill flew directly into Lin Feng's mouth under Dong Wu's slap.

This small green pill melted in the mouth, and Lin Feng felt a coolness coming from his mouth, and then spread to his whole body in an instant.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his head, and Lin Feng deeply felt the soul in his head shaking violently. Lin Feng couldn't help but cover his head. The pain was too strong.

What Lin Feng didn't know was that just as the ball representing the soul in his mind was vibrating, a shackle gradually formed inside the soul. This shackle penetrates the soul and emits a faint white light.

The soul awakens!

If any advanced cultivator saw Lin Feng at this time, he would definitely be shocked. Lin Feng's performance now is obviously a manifestation of the awakening of the divine soul shackles.

When a practitioner reaches level 7, he can pass the green elixir that devours level 4 zombies. The special substance in the green pill can stimulate the human soul, causing a shackle to be formed in the soul, allowing the soul to awaken.

However, this awakening is not 100% successful, the success rate is only 30%. The awakened soul is more powerful and will generate spiritual consciousness. People with spiritual consciousness can easily perceive the cultivation level of others, and can also withdraw their spiritual consciousness at any time so that others cannot sense their practitioner level.

Of course, this perception is limited to the upper and lower levels. The level difference is too big to be perceived.

The awakening of the divine soul can usually be completed only when a practitioner reaches level 7 or above, because only cultivators above level 7 can defeat level 4 zombies and obtain green pills. However, Lin Feng only started the awakening of the divine soul when he was a practitioner at level 3. What is there in this? Lin Feng naturally didn't know what the problem was.

The headache only lasted for a few seconds. After the pain, Lin Feng felt a sense of clarity in his mind. Lin Feng could clearly feel the white light in his mind. Not only could he see the scene in front of him clearly, but his perception seemed to have also improved. Not only that, even the injuries caused by Lin Feng's previous battle with level 4 zombies were actually healed at this time.

Is the effect of the green pill in the brain of a level four zombie? Lin Feng could only attribute this change to Midorimaru.

If the white crystal brings Lin Feng an increase in strength, then the effect of the green pill in the brain of the fourth-level zombie is even more powerful. Lin Feng, who has the ability to perceive, can sense the existence of danger in advance at any time, which is quite necessary in the end of the world.

"Get in the car quickly!"

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly felt a hint of danger and hurriedly shouted to Dong Wu.

At this time, a zombie with a red sickle on its arm rushed out from not far away. It was the same as the level 4 zombie just now. It was slightly larger than the level 4 zombie that Lin Feng had killed before. It was the zombie wave last night. The level four zombie that appeared on Lin Feng's side of the city wall and ran away after hearing the explosion of the missile.

Seeing the death of its companion, the level 4 zombie angrily rushed towards Lin Feng, only a few dozen meters away. How could Lin Feng still dare to fight? If it hadn't been for taking a trick just now, he would have died long ago. Driving hurriedly towards the base, the engine roared and the car's tachometer almost reached redline.

No matter how fast the level four zombies are, they cannot reach the speed of a car. A minute later, the shadow of the level four zombie disappeared in the rearview mirror.

Lin Feng and Dong Wu couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. The scene just now was too dangerous.

It seems that he must straighten his thoughts after returning, Lin Feng thought to himself while driving the jeep. I originally thought that I could just go out and do some tasks and exchange a lot of resources with the supplies in the supermarket. After what happened today, Lin Feng realized that I had thought about the apocalypse too simply. With his strength, if he encounters high-level zombies, he will definitely have a narrow escape.

Fortunately, after killing the level four zombie, Lin Feng did not forget to take a photo with the doomsday watch. After arriving at the base, Lin Feng accepted the level 3 mission and uploaded a photo of the level 4 zombie corpse as evidence to prove that he had killed a level 4 zombie.

Although the mission was not completely completed, it was still half completed. Every level 4 zombie killed in the mission was rewarded with 10,000 white crystals. Lin Feng could still get this reward.

"Is there a market similar to a market in the base where people can trade freely?"

After entering the living area, Lin Feng asked Dong Wu beside him.

After yesterday's corpse wave, Lin Feng understood a lot. The apocalypse was not what he imagined. Lin Feng originally thought that with a supermarket and being a cultivator, he could live safely in the apocalypse. After fighting against level four zombies, Lin Feng understood that he was still too weak and that his strength was not enough in front of the powerful high-level zombies. You must constantly improve your level to survive in this apocalypse.

"I know there is a black market in the center of the base and on the edge of the living area, but I have never been there."

After listening to Lin Feng's question, Dong Wu replied.

On the edge of the central area and the living area of the base, there is a market every Sunday night. People in the base can trade items on their own in this market, including food, weapons and other items. But the fee is 10 white crystals per person. How can Dong Wu, who has been living in the slums, have the money to enter. Therefore, I only know that such a place exists, but I have never been there.

Today happened to be Sunday. Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Feng decided to go shopping in this black market to understand what the black market was like in the apocalypse.

… …

"What? Someone completed that level three mission?"

In the villa at the center of the base, War Wolf stood in the hall wearing a black outfit, looking at the body of the level four zombie in the apocalypse table, and said with some surprise.

"Not all of them were completed. I just killed one of the level four zombies. But even so, this mercenary group is strong enough."

A deputy of level 6 cultivator next to War Wolf said.

"With my strength, it would be very difficult to kill a level 4 zombie easily, even if the level 4 zombie is injured."

War Wolf paced in the hall with his hands behind his back.

"Sanshetang Mercenary Group, why don't I have any impression at all?"

Frowning, Wolf Warrior was thinking in his mind.

"Chief, I checked and found that this mercenary group called Sanshetang was only established in the past few days."

The deputy opened the apocalypse table and said while flipping through it.

"And except for this third-level mission, all the other missions I received were first-level missions, and all of them were about delivering antibiotics. I didn't receive any other missions. In just three days, I received more than 20 missions to deliver antibiotics. A total of nearly 200 antibiotics have been delivered."


Hearing his men's words, War Wolf's pupils shrank. Even Wolf Warrior, who had control over the resources of the entire base, was moved when he heard about 200 antibiotics.

The entire base does not have a large inventory of antibiotics, and they will not be used in large quantities unless absolutely necessary. And these supplies are now in the hands of a mercenary group. Being able to exchange antibiotics for money to complete tasks means that this mercenary group still has a lot of antibiotics.

But in War Wolf's heart, this mercenary group called Sanshetang should not be underestimated. Even the wolf warriors dare not provoke level four zombies, but a mercenary group can kill such high-level zombies. Their strength is by no means ordinary.

"Send someone to check and see if you can find out which base this Sanshetang mercenary group came from and whether it is currently in our base."

War Wolf turned around and said in a deep voice to his deputy.

(End of chapter)