Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 4: White crystal


"There is actually a combat effectiveness ranking?"

Seeing the reminder sentence on the apocalypse table, Lin Feng secretly smacked his lips. He didn't expect that the functions of this super brain were so comprehensive. It was almost like an online game. Of course, the difference between reality and games is that it cannot be resurrected, and it cannot be deleted and restarted. Come again.

Lin Feng chose OK and wanted to see what the so-called battle rankings were about.

"Display using real name?"

Another reminder came from the Doomsday Table.

Lin Feng chose not to use his real name and remained anonymous. Lin Feng had just come to this world, and he didn't want to cause any trouble to himself.

The Doomsday Table flashed and a ranking appeared on the screen.

This is something similar to a ranking list, which shows the name and combat power. The top one says Tianqi City, which means that this ranking is limited to one city.

Lin Feng saw a ranking with his name at the front and anonymous at the back. Lin Feng was ranked over 50,000.

Dong Wu didn't know why there was this ranking. I only know that since entering the apocalyptic era, this ranking has appeared after the apocalyptic table was updated. After three years of training, Dong Wu's combat effectiveness has grown from 60%, which was inferior to ordinary people at the beginning, to 120%, ranking more than 1.5 million in Tianqi City's combat effectiveness rankings.

The strange thing is that on the last day of every month, there will be an extra white crystal in the storage space of Dong Wu's Doomsday Table. Dong Wu didn't know where the white crystal came from, but it happened like this every month, so Dong Wu got used to it.

Lin Feng withdrew his gaze from the Doomsday Table and looked at the base in front of him.

The stone wall is more than three meters high. The stone wall is studded with sharp iron thorns on the outside, extending to the top of the wall. Every fifty meters on the wall there was a soldier standing with a gun. The gate of the base is made of cast iron, with only a small gap open for people to enter and exit. There are two watchtowers on both sides of the wall above the gate. Lin Feng did not see if anyone was in the watchtower, but there must be someone on duty there.

Cars were not allowed to enter the base, so Lin Feng parked the off-road vehicle in a designated parking lot outside the base wall. There is no charge for parking, but you are responsible for any damage to your car.

Under the guidance of Dong Wu, he went to the registration office at the entrance of the base. After paying a white crystal, Lin Feng got a one-month base pass.

One white crystal is needed every month. It seems that Dong Wu, except for the one white crystal issued in the doomsday table every month in exchange for one month's residence rights in the base, all living expenses need to be obtained by going out to hunt zombies. It shows how difficult life is.

The number of times he took things out of the supermarket that day had been used up. Excluding the cost of entering the base, Lin Feng only had two white crystals in his possessions.

For food, the purchasing power of a white crystal is equivalent to a dollar in Lin Feng's world. Just like a pound of rice, a pound of rice in Lin Feng's world is equivalent to three yuan, but in the end of the world, it can be exchanged for three white crystals. .

But for other aspects, it is much more valuable. Especially in a world like the apocalypse, where human life is low, it is not unheard of to kill someone for a little white crystal.

Originally, he wanted to stay in Bai Jing's hotel for a day, but then Lin Feng gave up the idea and followed Dong Wu to the place where he used to live.

The outermost part of the base is a place similar to a slum, a living area composed of large and small tents, similar to a slum. The advantage is that it's free, and anyone with base residency can live here.

Near the middle is the main living area of the base, where there are hotels, restaurants, and entertainment areas, for ordinary people, ordinary working-class people, and some like doctors who can earn a salary in the end of the world. People live there.

The most central part of the base is the core area in the middle, where the leader of the base, War Wolf, and his men live. In addition, there are some practitioners who are responsible for dealing with powerful zombies at critical moments, so their identities are extremely precious.

The place where Dong Wu lives is the outermost tent area of the base. He and Lao Li used to live here together. Dong Wu and the others had problems with food, but they had no money to live in the living area of the base.

Now that Lao Li was unfortunately infected and turned into a zombie, the place became vacant and Lin Feng had a place to live.

The reason why he didn't live in the living area was because Lin Feng had just entered this apocalypse and didn't understand anything. Although Lin Feng owns a supermarket, it is better to be cautious.

The tents Dong Wu lives in are all the same size around the base, covering more than ten square meters, which is considered a large room.

Dong Wu led Lin Feng to his tent, greeting the neighbors along the way. Lin Feng saw that these neighbors were basically old, weak, sick and disabled, and had almost no fighting ability. These people's complexions were sallow, obviously caused by long-term malnutrition.

The most important thing is not that these people look bad, but their expressions. The eyes of the poor people Lin Feng saw along the way were all empty and lifeless. They had obviously lost hope in life for a long time. The lack of sustenance in life leads to confusion about the future.

Entering the tent, Lin Feng saw two simple wooden beds and some daily necessities. The quilt is not thick, but it is rare to have a roof over your head in this apocalyptic world.

It was already evening, and the exhausted Dong Wu lay down to sleep early. Lin Feng, who had just entered the apocalypse on the first day, lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He took out the apocalypse table and checked it.

In addition to the functions he had learned about before, Lin Feng discovered that Doomsday Watch also had a forum with many people's messages. Lin Feng saw that there were posts about hunting zombies, as well as some characteristics and habits of zombies. This knowledge excited Lin Feng, who had just entered the apocalypse, and he read slowly.

Ordinary zombies in this world have no intelligence and only rely on their desire for food to attack people. Some high-level zombies are intelligent. For example, first-level zombies are not so easy to deal with. The combat power of first-level zombies is more difficult to deal with than five ordinary zombies put together.

The second-level zombies at the top are even more difficult to deal with. Once a second-level zombie appears around a base, some of the base's defenders will be drawn to kill them. Only the practitioners in the base can deal with these powerful zombies. For ordinary people, even a team of dozens of people may not be able to deal with a second-level zombie.

More powerful zombies are rarely recorded in the forum. Really capable practitioners will not be bored enough to read these forums, and those who are active on the forums are mostly ordinary people at the bottom. Therefore, apart from some simple knowledge, Lin Feng did not get any valuable information from this forum.

Lin Feng saw that in addition to the combat effectiveness ranking of Tianqi City, there was also the combat effectiveness ranking of the entire country and even the entire world. It's just that Lin Feng's current combat effectiveness is too low. According to the calculations of the Doomsday Table, Lin Feng has only reached level 1 of cultivators, ranking more than 50,000, and does not have the authority to check the national or even world rankings.

Lin Feng didn't know how this ranking was calculated. But I learned from Dong Wu that not only practitioners can enter the rankings. Just like Dong Wu himself, he is not a cultivator, but he can still rank among the 1.5 million people in Tianqi City.

Lin Feng couldn't see the rankings too far forward, he could only see the rankings of hundreds of people before and after him. Most of these people use their real names, and a very few use anonymous names. I think this ranking is a status symbol. The higher the ranking, the higher the status.

Why does this ranking appear? And why does Dong Wu say that a white crystal appears regularly every month in the apocalyptic world? Lin Feng felt that Bai Jing might be related to the combat power ranking of the Doomsday Table, and perhaps there were some unknown secrets in it. Lin Feng secretly thought that the world was becoming more and more mysterious.

After reading the doomsday table, Lin Feng used his mind to go to the supermarket. Although he had exhausted his number of times today, Lin Feng still wanted to see what it was like inside the supermarket. Although Lin Feng was said to be a supplier of this supermarket before, Lin Feng had never really gone into the supermarket to take a good look.

The supermarket is a large chain supermarket with a wide variety of products. Food, items, clothing, shoes and hats, and various electrical appliances are all available. Not only these, but what Lin Feng was most concerned about was whether the warehouse was also brought here by Lin Feng.

After all, it is a supermarket, and it is impossible to put all the products on the shelves. Lin Feng remembers that this supermarket has a warehouse that is larger than the supermarket itself. Lin Feng went in once before when he was stocking up. There were countless supplies inside, and the quantity was extremely large. Lin Feng remembered that in his own world, there was a leak from a nuclear power plant in an island country, which caused people to panic. They heard that salt could prevent radiation, and they went to the streets to buy it.

At that time, this supermarket issued a news article, claiming that citizens should not panic. The salt in the supermarket warehouse was enough for the entire city to feed the people for a year, which was hundreds of thousands of kilograms.

There are so many stocks of salt alone, a commodity that is not popular, and the stocks of other standing items and even fast-moving consumer goods can be imagined.

Sure enough, the moment Lin Feng came to the warehouse based on his impression and opened the warehouse door, Lin Feng was shocked by the massive amount of materials inside.

Rice, oil, salt and other daily necessities are placed almost to the ceiling, and there are countless various reserve materials. Especially food and other fast-moving consumer goods, there were so many that Lin Feng couldn't even order them.

Through experiments during the day, Lin Feng knew that time in the supermarket stood still, which meant that everything in the supermarket had an unlimited shelf life. In this way, Lin Feng did not have to worry about food expiration.

Feeling reassured, Lin Feng returned to reality.

Lin Feng took out the white crystals he had exchanged for a pound of rice during the day and observed them carefully.

White crystal is formed from the brains of first-level zombies, but it is not dirty. On the contrary, it is crystal clear.

The reason why it is called white crystal is because there is some cotton-like stuff inside this fingernail-sized crystal. After careful observation, Lin Feng found that the silky cotton inside could flow slowly.

I heard from Dong Wu that these crystals taken out from the brains of zombies contain an energy that can improve practitioners and can also be used as motivation. Dong Wu didn't know exactly how to do it, but Dong Wu knew that there was a weapon that could be fired directly using crystals as energy. However, because crystals are hard to come by, weapons that use crystals as energy sources are extremely expensive to use, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people like Dong Wu.

Looking at the white crystal in his hand, Lin Feng observed it carefully.

At this moment, the vision happened.

(End of chapter)