Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 61: Beast soul


After the Black Panther was injured, he became even more crazy. He suddenly slapped Lin Feng's chest with his claws and sent Lin Feng flying away.

Lin Feng felt tightness in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood. I didn't expect that the Black Panther would still have such strength after suffering a fatal blow. If it weren't for the Stars' soft armor to resist, Lin Feng would probably have several broken ribs now.

The Starry Soft Armor is definitely a good thing. It can absorb the power of the stars at night and turn it into its own energy. When Lin Feng is attacked at a critical moment, it can be converted into resistance. Armor that can automatically charge like this can only be found in the super exchange system in Lin Feng Supermarket.

Instead of running away, the injured Black Panther rushed towards Lin Feng again. However, because the aorta was seriously injured, the Black Panther's speed was significantly reduced.


A crossbow arrow hit the Black Panther's left eye without any deviation. The powerful impact caused the Black Panther to fly backwards and lie motionless on the ground.

A short crossbow appeared on Lin Feng's left hand. The blow just now was Lin Feng who pulled the trigger of the short crossbow.

After the Black Panther was injured, his strength declined, and this time Lin Feng's aim was also extremely accurate, hitting the Black Panther's eyes directly. The frail eyes of the black panther could not withstand the heavy blow of the crossbow arrow, which went straight into the black panther's head.

After receiving two heavy blows from the Black Panther, Lin Feng's injuries were not serious. Entering the supermarket, Lin Feng spent 800 white crystals on the super energy exchange system to buy a life potion, injected it and left the supermarket. If this were not the case, taking out the life potion and injecting it would probably be another wasted opportunity to pick up something in the supermarket.

The effect of the life potion is absolutely powerful. Even Ling Tian suffered a gunshot wound that penetrated his body. After Lin Feng injected him with the life potion, Ling Tian's complexion improved. Moreover, Lin Feng was not as seriously injured as Ling Tian now.

The internal injuries he suffered were recovering at a speed that Lin Feng could feel, and he couldn't help but sigh at the power of the life potion.

But this medicine is indeed too expensive. 800 white crystals is the price of more than ten antibiotics. In this apocalyptic world, there are probably only a few people who can spend so much money to buy potions.

Feeling that his injuries were almost recovered, Lin Feng held a short crossbow in his left hand and a black iron bayonet in his right hand, and slowly approached the Black Panther lying on the ground. Although the black panther was stabbed in the artery and the crossbow arrow entered the black panther's head, Lin Feng was not sure whether the black panther was dead. It was still necessary to be cautious at this time. Lin Feng did not dare to make fun of his life.

A few meters away from the black panther, Lin Feng used a short crossbow to shoot several crossbow arrows at the black panther again. When he saw that the black panther did not move at all, he was sure that the black panther was completely dead.

When he came to the Black Panther's body, he first pulled out the crossbow arrow from the Black Panther's body and sent it to the Doomsday Table. There were not many crossbow arrows, so if Lin Feng could recover them, he would try his best to retrieve them.

After the death of the black panther, the toughness of the body was greatly reduced, and Lin Feng easily opened the black panther's head. There are crystals in the brains of zombies, and there is also something in the brains of mutated beasts. This thing is called a beast soul, which Lin Feng discovered in the Doomsday Forum.

Beasts are also divided into levels. The mutated beasts have something similar to zombie crystals in their brains, which are called beast souls. The levels of beast souls look similar to those of zombies. The white beast soul is the first level beast soul, the light yellow one is the second level beast soul, and the dark yellow one is the third level beast soul. The function of beast souls is similar to that of zombie crystals. They can be absorbed by cultivators to improve their cultivation.

However, the strength of beasts is normally one level higher than that of zombies. In other words, the strength of level one beasts is equivalent to that of level two zombies, the strength of level two beasts is about the same as that of level three zombies, and so on.

Therefore, people would rather encounter high-level zombies than mutated beasts. At the same level, the strength of the beast is one level higher than that of the zombie, but the beast soul produced is indeed the same as the zombie crystal of the same level. The gain outweighs the loss by hunting the mutated beast, and no one is willing to take the initiative to hunt the beast.

Using a bayonet to cut open the Black Panther's head, Lin Feng saw a dark yellow bead with a cotton-like liquid flowing inside.

Level three mutated beast!

The black panther that Ling Tian just killed turned out to be a level three mutated beast! Lin Feng was surprised when he looked at the third-level beast soul in his hand. The strength of the third-level mutated beast can be compared with that of the fourth-level zombie. He did not expect that he could kill the third-level mutated beast. Lin Feng secretly smacked his lips.

In fact, Lin Feng got the advantage in this battle. As a third-level mutant beast, the Black Panther's biggest advantage is speed. No beast is as fast as the Black Panther, but the Black Panther met Lin Feng. Lin Feng's speed reached a very high level after unlocking the shackles. Coupled with the warrior's natural sensitivity to speed, the Black Panther's speed advantage was not considered an advantage for Lin Feng.

The power of the Black Panther is not as powerful as that of the fourth-level zombies. At most, it is between the third-level zombies and the fourth-level zombies. Therefore, Lin Feng can kill it. If it were someone else, I am afraid that even a level 6 practitioner might not be able to kill the black panther so easily.

What Lin Feng didn't know was that after the awakening of the soul, the rare soul of chaos, and the identity of a round dancer, Lin Feng, who was originally a level 4 cultivator, could be compared with a level 5 cultivator. After absorbing Huang Jing, Lin Feng became a lot stronger. Facing 5 and 5 cultivators, Lin Feng was usually difficult to defeat.

Logically speaking, if anyone finds out that Lin Feng is only a level 4 practitioner, it is very unreasonable for him to be able to rank over a thousand in Tianqi City's combat power rankings.

Take the Wolf Warrior Base as an example. It has one level 7 cultivator, two level 6 cultivators, 12 level 5 cultivators, and 15 senior cultivators alone. There are more than a hundred large and small bases in Tianqi City. Even if each base has at least 15 senior practitioners, there are still more than a thousand people. Among them, there are many large bases with countless senior practitioners.

There are more than a thousand level 5 cultivators alone, and Lin Feng is only a level 4 cultivator, so he can be ranked among them. This obviously means that Lin Feng's combat effectiveness has reached the level of a level 5 cultivator.

However, the Doomsday Table did not add the identity of Lin Feng Yuandan to the Doomsday Table. Through DNA, the Doomsday Table could only identify a person's physique and energy, and use these to form combat power values. As for Lin Feng's martial arts moves, the apocalypse table cannot recognize them. If Lin Feng's status as a dancer were really taken into account, he would probably be ranked within a thousand.

Looking at the dark yellow third-level beast soul in his hand, Lin Feng considered whether to take it. He had only absorbed crystals from zombies before, and the beast soul had to be taken before it would work. Lin Feng didn't know that the beast soul hand would have side effects, so he always hesitated.

Finally, Lin Feng finally made up his mind and swallowed the third-level beast soul in one gulp.

(End of chapter)