Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 63: Besieged


After the bloodline gene was upgraded, Lin Feng tried to look at the data on the Doomsday Table. He wanted to see if his combat effectiveness had changed after the bloodline gene was improved.

Sure enough, Lin Feng saw on the personal information of the Doomsday Table that his combat power was still 1230, and his combat power ranking in Tianqi City had not changed.

It seems that the Doomsday Table can only perform data analysis on the cultivator's level and soul to derive the combat effectiveness index. Others, such as Lin Feng's martial arts moves and bloodline genes, are not included in the combat power data.

By the way, Lin Feng saw on the mercenary system of the Doomsday Table that many people took over the mission that he posted earlier that required mandala flowers. The people who took the task were all anonymous, and Lin Feng could not see their names.

Before coming to Tianheng Mountain, Lin Feng had posted a mission requiring mando flowers on the mercenary system in the Doomsday Table. Although he knew that there were Datura flowers only in Tianheng Mountain, Lin Feng could not guarantee whether anyone had Datura flowers. So before setting off, Lin Feng had assigned a secondary task to find Datura flowers. The reward for completing the task was 5,000. White crystal.

But now this task has been taken over by many mercenary teams, which is really beyond Lin Feng's surprise.

However, the task was only temporarily taken over and no one completed it. 5,000 white crystals is definitely a huge temptation, and many people are willing to risk their lives for money. If you get the Mandala flower by chance, you can get 5,000 white crystals. This amount of money is something many people have never seen in their lives. The wages of avarice is death. Many people are willing to take huge risks in exchange for huge rewards.

Moreover, Lin Feng discovered that he was not the only one to publish tasks requiring mando flowers. There is also a third-level mission, which also requires mando flowers. The reward is also 5,000 white crystals. It was released on the mission list of the mercenary system of the Doomsday Table at almost the same time. At the same time, many people took up that task.

It seems that it is not just the people on Lin Feng's side who have been poisoned by mithril, there must be others who have been hit by mithril bullets. And looking at that task, Lin Feng knew that the other party must also be very rich. After all, 5,000 white crystals were not something that just one person or a small team could come up with casually. And the price in exchange was just to save one person. Except for some teams with considerable strength, ordinary people simply cannot afford this money.

Even so, Lin Feng still has to continue looking for mandala flowers in Tianheng Mountain. Although those people accepted the mission, they may not be able to find the Mandala flower, and Lin Feng has now entered the Tianheng Mountains. As the saying goes, the first to get the moon is the tower near the water. Although there are many dangers ahead, we have already arrived. Keep looking. Mandala is Lin Feng’s top priority now.

The Black Panther is worthy of being a level three mutated beast. There are almost no zombies within the range where the Black Panther appears. It seems that beasts and zombies are antagonistic in this apocalypse. With the existence of advanced mutated beasts, there will be no zombies. As a level three mutated beast, the Black Panther is as powerful as a level four zombie. Generally low-level zombies would never dare to provoke a black panther.

After searching for a long time in the area where the black panthers appeared, Lin Feng never found the shadow of the mandala flower, so he had no choice but to head towards the depths of Tianheng Mountain again.

After walking two kilometers, Lin Feng rediscovered the existence of zombies. This is a mountain spring that flows down from Tianheng Mountain. The spring is not very deep. Large and small stones are exposed from the river. The spring water is very clear. But Lin Feng didn't try it. Who knew if there was a virus in the spring water. Even as a cultivator, Lin Feng did not dare to drink water or eat easily in the wild.

The spring water flows down from Tianheng Mountain in a meandering way, and there are zombies in twos and threes on both sides of the clear spring. Perhaps because of the fear of water, even in a very shallow clear spring, there are no zombies standing in the water.

Following the flow of the spring water, Lin Feng picked up an automatic rifle equipped with a silencer and killed the zombies on both sides of the spring from top to bottom. Datura flowers grow in valleys, so Lin Feng can only find Datura flowers by looking for them at lower altitudes.

Before coming to Tianheng Mountain, Lin Feng specially bought two automatic rifles with silencers from the weapons store at Nanshan Base. In the mountains, zombies mostly gather together. If you use ordinary guns, the loud noise is likely to attract a small tide of zombies. Moreover, the mountains are relatively noisy, and the sound of any gun will echo in the mountains. Therefore, Lin Feng deliberately chose a weapon with a silencer to reduce the sound's attraction to zombies.

After walking for more than half an hour, Lin Feng killed nearly a hundred scattered ordinary zombies and came to a place similar to a basin. There are two mountains in front and behind, with a large piece of flat land in the middle. A few hundred meters ahead is the direction where the clear spring continues to flow, forming a natural river bed between the mountains.

However, Lin Feng felt something was wrong at this time. It seemed that he had not encountered a high-level zombie for a long time.

Because after the apocalypse, zombies mostly live in groups, and in a group of zombies, individual zombies have a chance of growing into first-level zombies, and in a large group of zombies, individual first-level zombies are also likely to grow into second-level zombies.

This is why in the zombie tide, you can judge the number of zombies in the overall zombie tide by observing the number of high-level zombies.

Under normal circumstances, one first-level zombie will appear among ten ordinary zombies, and one second-level zombie will appear among ten first-level zombies.

Just like the zombie wave that Wolf Warrior Base encountered before, there were two level four zombies and nearly 20 level three zombies at the same time. Correspondingly, there are three to four hundred level two zombies. According to the proportion of zombies, there will be four to five thousand level one zombies. In this way, the number of ordinary zombie groups is seventy, eighty, or even one hundred thousand.

According to this probability, Lin Feng went down from the mountain to the clear spring and killed more than a hundred ordinary zombies. According to common sense, there should be many first-level zombies. This was Lin Feng using an automatic rifle with a silencer. He only shot the ordinary zombies within the range that affected his progress. Lin Feng did not provoke the zombies in the distance. Lin Feng had observed that the zombies in the distance were also ordinary zombies, and there were no advanced zombies.

"Where have these high-level zombies gone?"

It's not that Lin Feng is willing to face high-level zombies, but this scene is a bit weird, just like a student going out for a spring outing without the guidance of a teacher, which is not normal.

Suddenly, Lin Feng saw some zombies gradually appearing in the gap between the two mountains in the distance.

Lin Feng suddenly had a bad premonition, which was exactly what he had thought before.

Turning back suddenly, Lin Feng found some zombies appearing far behind him at the place where he had just walked.

These zombies are all high-level zombies. Judging by their size and walking flexibility, none of the new zombies are ordinary zombies. They are all first- and second-level zombies, with many third-level zombies mixed in.

Now Lin Feng finally understood why all he saw along the way were ordinary zombies and no high-level zombies. It's not that there are no high-level zombies, but that these high-level zombies are gathered on this flat land surrounded by mountains.

Looking at the densely packed high-level zombies surrounding him, Lin Feng had sweat on his face.

(End of chapter)