Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 69: Midnight Ascension


Currently, Lin Feng has 22 light yellow crystals and 6 dark yellow crystals. This number may seem small, but it is actually not that small.

The zombie tide we encountered at the Wolf Warrior Base last time was already the largest zombie tide we had encountered since the end of the world, but there were only dozens of level three zombies and hundreds of level two zombies in the zombie tide. Zombies.

In every zombie wave we experience, the end of the zombie wave does not mean killing all the zombies in the zombie wave. Just like in the last zombie wave encountered by the Wolf Warrior Base, two level four zombies were injured. Run away, and the tide of corpses will recede. At that time, the Wolf Warrior Base had only killed a dozen level three zombies and nearly a hundred level two zombies.

In this way, not counting the white crystals produced by the first-level zombies, the entire Wolf Warrior Base only obtained a hundred light yellow and a dozen dark yellow crystals during that zombie wave.

The dark yellow crystal wolf will definitely not be distributed to other people, but the light yellow crystal produced in the brains of the second-level zombies, the wolf base only received nearly a hundred after the entire zombie wave battle.

There are nearly a hundred cultivators in the Wolf Warrior Base. Although some low-level cultivators died in the zombie wave, according to the number of topaz, each cultivator can only get one light yellow topaz at most.

Of course, it is impossible for cultivators to only have Zombie Tide as the only way to obtain topaz. Many practitioners will also go out to hunt in the wild and kill some high-level zombies within their ability to obtain topaz. But after all, a person's ability is limited, so Lin Feng now has a lot of topaz in his hands.

Holding a dark yellow crystal, Lin Feng guided the soul in his mind and felt the energy in the yellow crystal in his hand.

Now that there is a dark yellow topaz, Lin Feng decided to try it. A light yellow topaz can improve Lin Feng a lot, but for the dark yellow topaz, Lin Feng has some expectations.

Huge energy was transmitted from Huang Jing to the soul, and Lin Feng felt his brain suddenly swell. The energy in Huang Jing was powerful enough, and this was the first time Lin Feng felt such powerful energy.

If a level 4 cultivator can tie with a level 3 zombie, it means that the energy of topaz in the brain of a level 3 zombie is equivalent to all the energy in the soul of a level 4 cultivator. In fact, very few level 4 practitioners can directly kill level 3 zombies without using weapons. Therefore, the energy of topaz in the brains of level 3 zombies is even higher than the energy in the souls of level 4 cultivators.

Absorbing all the energy in the topaz is equivalent to doubling the energy in the soul. Therefore, Lin Feng feels a sense of expansion, which means there is too much energy in the soul.

However, it is not possible to directly reach level 4 cultivators by absorbing a topaz. If that were the case, if Lin Feng now gave Dou Yuxin a dark yellow topaz, wouldn't Dou Yuxin be directly promoted to level 4 cultivators

In addition to part of the energy in the soul being stored in the soul as backup energy, part of it will be transformed into various forms, such as improving the toughness, strength and agility of the human body.

Therefore, after Lin Feng absorbed the topaz from a level 3 zombie, he did not rise directly to level 5. Instead, while increasing the energy in his soul, his physical toughness and strength increased.

Taking out the Doomsday Table, Lin Feng saw that his combat power had become 1800. According to the calculation of the Doomsday Table, Lin Feng was close to the value of a cultivator at level 5.

But in fact, after absorbing topaz twice, Lin Feng has reached the level of a level 5 cultivator in actual combat, but the apocalypse table does not take his other factors into account. If all the factors that can improve Lin Feng's combat effectiveness were taken into account, I am afraid that his combat effectiveness would have already exceeded level five by now.

But even now, Lin Feng's combat effectiveness is not low. When he first entered this apocalypse, Lin Feng's combat power was only 200. Now, less than a month later, Lin Feng's combat power has increased to nearly 2,000. Now Lin Feng is only a level 4 cultivator. If he had been in his previous life, he would have been considered a monster.

He is not afraid of damage from ordinary guns, and his strength and speed are many times stronger than those of ordinary people. And he also possesses spiritual consciousness, all of which were impossible to think about in his previous life. If it were placed in his previous life, Lin Feng would have been captured by the relevant departments for research.

Although the cultivator's level has not improved, Lin Feng's combat effectiveness has improved a lot by absorbing the energy in the dark yellow crystal. Not only the combat power, but also the energy level of the soul has been increased to 1800, which will greatly enhance the durability of Lin Feng's use of energy in the future. As for Lin Feng's skill of using Shadow of the Demonic Wolf, it will last longer.

With Lin Feng's current situation, he can only absorb this topaz, but this is enough. One topaz can improve a lot. Lin Feng also has 5 topaz and more than 20 light yellow crystals on hand. Lin Feng believes that in the near future, he will definitely break through the current level. By that time, the chance of surviving in the apocalypse will be greatly improved.

Looking at the sleeping little silver wolf, Lin Feng smiled knowingly. He didn't expect that the little guy who stayed by his side during the day would really do him a big favor. If it hadn't been for Little Silver Wolf tonight, I'm afraid Lin Feng would have had a fierce battle with the zombies. That zombie that is about to evolve to level four must be difficult to deal with. Lin Feng now has to fight a level 3 zombie for a while, maybe he really is no match for the level 3 zombie lying in the cave.

Lin Feng did not regret coming to the Tianheng Mountains this time. He said it was to illuminate the mandala flowers for Ling Tian. This was only one of the reasons. Another reason was that Lin Feng also wanted to exercise himself. Growing in adversity, whether in the previous life or in the last days, is the supreme truth. If you stay in the base all day, life will be very comfortable. But who can guarantee that the base is absolutely safe? If he encountered a zombie wave that was many times larger than what Wolf Warrior Base had encountered before and the base fell, what ability would Lin Feng have to protect himself? Only by constantly familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of various zombies and constantly improving yourself can you survive for a long time in the apocalypse.

Moreover, no matter how powerful Lin Feng is, he cannot defeat millions of zombies. Lin Feng not only needs to make himself stronger, but also needs to establish a force of his own. Just like Lin Feng established the Sanshetang mercenary group at the beginning, only With a team of your own and strong enough, you can gain the right to speak in this apocalyptic world and the capital to fight against zombies and mutant beasts.

Looking at the rising sun outside, Lin Feng secretly vowed to live a wonderful and quality life in this apocalyptic world, so that he could live up to his two lives as a human being.

(End of chapter)