Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 86: discuss


This time Lin Feng didn't want to escape, but had to escape.

The two level 4 zombies he encountered before were seriously injured, and at that time, Lin Feng didn't really understand how powerful the level 4 zombies were, so he rashly went up to fight them, and he was lucky enough to win.

But this time, Lin Feng faced a healthy level four zombie, and this zombie seemed to exceed the two level four zombies he encountered before, both in size and speed. With Lin Feng's current strength, he might be able to fight against him. But in fact, the strength is still far behind.

With Lin Feng's current cultivation as a fifth-level cultivator, plus other things such as the shackle bonus of the Soul of Chaos, the bloodline gene of the Demonic Wolf's Shadow, and the martial arts move called the Round Dancer in this world. Even if he can barely compete with a sixth-level cultivator, Lin Feng's strength is still far behind when facing a fourth-level zombie with the same strength as a seventh-level cultivator.

After killing four level three cultivators, the fourth-level zombie continued to follow Lin Feng's car for a while, and was already far away from the place where Lin Feng rented.

Lin Feng drove the car in a circle along the road, carefully observing the surrounding situation along the way. There were four cars in a row, and all the ordinary zombies on the road were wiped out by rifles equipped with silencers, so no high-level zombies were encountered along the way.

After going around in a circle, the convoy arrived at the place where Lin Feng rented. After first observing the surrounding situation, Lin Feng stopped the car behind the door and walked out of the car.

"Lin Feng!"

Just when Lin Feng got out of the car, a female voice came from the second floor of the house.

Looking up, Cui Xiaoru was holding a gun by the window on the second floor. The sound just now was made by her.

It seemed that Shao Wenjun and his wife were still safe. Lin Feng nodded secretly when he saw Cui Xiaoru.

In fact, if we go by common sense, Lin Feng and Shao Wenjun and his wife have not known each other for a long time, and they are just two ordinary people. Now that we have experienced the second apocalypse, in such a dangerous situation, there is a level 4 zombie not far from the place where Lin Feng rents. Lin Feng can completely ignore it and leave Shao Wenjun and his wife behind. In the end of the world, it's good enough to be able to save your own life. How can you have the energy to care about others

But it was precisely because of the encounter with the level four zombie and the desperate situation of the four cultivators that Lin Feng had some changes in his psychology.

Although the last days are indifferent, it is precisely because of this indifferent world that human kindness and friendship are more needed. Only by being sincere to others will others be honest with you and follow you wholeheartedly. Of course, this premise is not true for everyone, and it must be distinguished.

Seeing that there were no zombies around, Lin Feng walked into the rented house. Dong Wu and Dou Yuxin also supported the weak Ling Tian and followed Lin Feng.

"Leave four people on guard at the door, and the rest of you will follow me in."

After giving instructions to the remaining eight cultivators, Manager Qian followed him into the house.

When he walked into the living room and saw Manager Qian and four practitioners coming in, Lin Feng did not say anything, but frowned and thought about the current situation.

We have now entered the second apocalypse, and the original balance between humans and zombies has been broken. A large number of zombies appeared in the base, and there were also some high-level zombies among them. The current situation is not absolutely safe even if you stay in the base. A plan must be devised to reduce the risk encountered.

"Sect Master, we still have dozens of cultivators at the Nanshan base. Should we call them all?"

Looking at Lin Feng who was thinking, Manager Qian asked cautiously.

"Besides cultivators, are there any ordinary people?"

After listening to Manager Qian's words, Lin Feng asked.

This time, Lin Feng did not question the sect master that Manager Qian called, but asked proactively.

"Since entering the end of the world, the main power of the Qing Sect has been concentrated on the cultivators. Because considering the problem of ordinary people surviving in the end of the world, all ordinary people are now planned to be the outer sect of the Qing Sect. And those who really have Those with strength are the true Qingmen disciples."

Manager Qian was overjoyed to hear that Lin Feng did not shy away from the title of sect leader, and quickly introduced the Qing sect's personnel department.

"Currently, as far as I know, there are disciples of Qingmen practitioners in the entire Nanshan base. Excluding the four practitioners who just died, there are a total of 52 people left."

Manager Qian introduced Lin Feng like a treasure trove.

"Among them, there are 2 level 6 practitioners, 6 people who have reached level 5, and the rest include 12 level 4 practitioners and 32 level 3 practitioners. Apart from this, there are no low-level practitioners."

Manager Qian introduced it eloquently, and Lin Feng nodded secretly.

Lin Feng couldn't help but admire this manager Qian. After visiting so many bases, just one Nanshan base was able to report all the practitioners of the Qingmen. This memory makes him worthy of being the financial controller of a large family.

At the same time, what surprised Lin Feng was that he did not expect that there would be level 6 cultivators in Qingmen in this Nanshan base. You must know that in some small bases, level 6 cultivators can even be the leaders of a base. And Qingmen has disciples of level 6 cultivators in this base. As a result, Lin Feng couldn't even imagine how powerful the entire Qingmen was.

"Call all the practitioners in the Nanshan base." After encountering the crisis of level four zombies just now, Lin Feng understood a truth. In this apocalyptic world, personal strength alone is not enough. If you want to gain a firm foothold in this apocalypse, you must have your own power.

Previously, Lin Feng wanted to establish his own power and did not want to directly take over the Qingmen because he was afraid that he would take over the mess all at once and it would be difficult to manage. But after seeing the Qingmen disciples' feat of delaying time for them, Lin Feng's mind changed. The impression of Qingmen has also changed at the same time. Being able to have such a loyal force cannot be exchanged for anything.

"Yes, Sect Master, please contact me immediately."

Seeing that Lin Feng had issued the order, Manager Qian not only did not feel uncomfortable, but instead smiled excitedly.

The entire Qing Sect has been without a master for many years. If it weren't for the careful management of Manager Qian over the years, I'm afraid the Qing Sect would be in disarray now. Now that we have entered the apocalypse, Manager Qian has divided the entire Qing Sect into two parts. One part is the outer sect, which is composed of ordinary people who have not mutated into cultivators in the apocalypse. They perform the same duties as before the apocalypse. If the Jingmen needs them for something, they can control these outer disciples at will. The loyalty of the disciples who have been taught for hundreds of years will not change until the end of the world.

The other part is the inner gate of Qingmen, which are all composed of practitioners. Distributed in large and small bases, they are also connected to each other. This is where Qingmen’s strength lies in the apocalypse.

Three years into the last days, the operation of the Qingmen has remained normal without any major problems.

"Who is that?"

At this time, Dou Yuxin shouted.

Lin Feng looked out the window and saw a large number of people walking towards this side.

(End of chapter)