Bu Tian Gang

Chapter 62


During the winter solstice, I still remember that Zhong Yuyi once said that when inviting the yin god, there is often a situation, that is, the yin god you named to invite cannot come, just like when they took classes at a rural farmhouse before, Zhong Yuyi failed to invite Guan Erye and Yue Wumu one after another, not because Zhong Yuyi's ability was not as good as the Winter Solstice, but because the two he invited had a big brand, a high status, and of course their temper. If you want to ask, you can ask for it. Second, you can listen to all directions, and you can't "hear" your request all the time. Third, even if you hear it, people are in a bad mood, or they don't like you. Nor will it come.

Therefore, there are some magicians who invite gods in the folk, except for liars who pretend to be ghosts, but if they are really capable, in order to be able to invite gods every time they succeed, they will not specially invite a certain yin god, but they can invite whoever they can. It has also become a trick used by some so-called "masters" in the folk to fool people. For example, they talk to their customers in a hype, and pat their chests and promise which immortals they can invite. In fact, at most, they invite a fox immortal and a yellow immortal. If they are more immoral, they just invite a lonely ghost and pretend to be someone else. 's relatives.

At that time, when everyone Zhong Yu talked about the case of a certain family who wanted to invite God, but encountered a liar in the arena, they all thought it was very funny, and they were all overjoyed, so they were deeply impressed.

But now, the winter solstice suddenly thinks of these, not because it is fun.

There is no incense burner case right now, his limbs are tied, and he can't make any handprints, only his mouth can move.

Does just chanting mantras work

it works.

Master Fang Yang once told him that spells and runes are the channels for human beings to communicate with all beings in the world, and they are also the most effective channels. The means are only auxiliary.

Saying a thousand things and ten thousand, up to now, you can only be a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

Winter Solstice closed his eyes and began to recite prayers in his heart.

The disciples of the Hezao sect, the Winter Solstice, are here with my companions to stop the conspiracy of the Japanese, to annihilate the evil and destroy the demons, to clear the three elements, to subdue the evil, and to defeat the disaster. God's urging!

Thousands of people died in this underground cave. If you want to say the most, they are definitely wronged souls, but the winter solstice does not want to invite them over. Just imagine, these people were ordinary people before, and they gathered their grievances here because of their untimely deaths. Only then will they be refined into ghost corpses and thousands of corpse figurines. Not only can such yin gods not be able to help them, they are also very likely to do bad things.

But here is deep underground, and there will really be a reliable Yin God passing by and hearing his prayers

Don't invite the kings of the past dynasties in Xixia, if you invite Li Yuanhao or something, what's the use of babbling at that time? Gotta be able to fight!

During the winter solstice, we try our best to let our minds empty, not to think wildly, and try our best to get rid of all interference factors in the whole body outside the five senses and six senses.

The clamor, the sound of fighting gradually faded away, the threat of ghost corpses and thousands of corpse figurines seemed to no longer exist, and the death-and-death confrontation between Long Shen and human and demon was even more forgotten by him beyond Jiuxiao, and threatened by mysterious people who were close at hand. He also completely forgot, his mind was filled with incantations, and he didn't think about anything else.

The silk thread tightly wrapped around his body no longer seemed to feel it. His body gradually became lighter, as if there was a feeling of gradually floating upward, but he did not completely leave his body. He slowly opened his eyes on the winter solstice, and his consciousness still existed. But it seems that there is no longer only his consciousness in this body.

It was a very delicate feeling, and even though he had invited Yin Shen several times, he still couldn't get used to it.

Another consciousness became the dominance of the body, and his own consciousness was pushed aside, unable to help himself, hazy, what he looked at and heard seemed to be separated by a layer.

Just then, he heard a voice.

To be precise, this voice came from his mind, a bit like Long Shen's, but a little different.

The majesty is heavy, with layers of echoes, like the sound of eternity, like the joy of the sky.

"What you want is to kill evil and destroy demons, yes."

At the moment when the word "allow" fell, his body lightened, and all the threads were broken.

As countless ghost corpses poured out from under the groove, the bottom of the groove was gradually emptied. Seeing that no ghost corpses appeared anymore, the handsome young man finally stepped forward and walked towards the groove. The groove was three feet square, and people wanted to go down. It's also possible, but he didn't rush to go down. Instead, he squatted on the side, looked inside for a while, and then took out something from the bag he brought with him.


And it is a large amount of explosives. This explosion, it is estimated that not only the grooves, but the entire underground will suffer all, and even the Wangling will be affected.

But the young man didn't change his face, as if he was just holding a piece of food or a bouquet of flowers, which was not unusual, he picked up the explosive pack and threw it into the groove.

At the critical moment, a person flew next to him and kicked the explosives away.

The explosive pack flew directly into the corner of the cave.

The young man did not rush to pick it up, but turned his head and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "How did you break free of those silk threads?"

As soon as he finished asking this sentence, he was immediately keenly aware of the changes in the winter solstice.

The winter solstice in front of me is not the fledgling newcomer of the Special Administration Bureau just now.

"Who are you?" The young man frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice.

The face of the winter solstice is like a thousand-year-old ice, and it does not move, but the look in his eyes is slightly sympathetic.

"Si Xian was originally unintentional, and since he was fortunate enough to cultivate into a human form, why not continue to cultivate the right path, but to join in the calamities of the world and help the demons?"

The young man's expression changed and he shouted, "Who the hell are you!"

Winter Solstice looked at him blankly and did not speak.

The young man responded quickly, and then smiled: "I see, it turns out that this kid invited the yin god to the upper body, but I didn't expect that he really has a hand. a king?"

Winter Solstice: "My name is a taboo, it is not for you to ask, so quickly retreat, do not disturb the tranquility of this place, you can spare your life."

The young man smiled slightly and said, "I respect you for having lived here for thousands of years, so I asked politely. If you don't say anything, I am also entrusted by others. I am a loyal person. Today, I must complete this matter. ."

Before he could finish his words, the man had already swept towards the winter solstice, his fingers spread out, and the transparent silk threads shot out in unison. The remaining half of the sentence was completed when the silk threads were about to reach the other side's door.

This hand is almost to the extreme.

The ten silk threads in his hand, all of them capable of breaking gold and iron, were attacked in three ways, the top, the middle and the bottom, and the net was in the sky. Even if there were three heads and six arms in the winter solstice, it was impossible to dodge them all. Just to bind him differently, if there is a spot on the enemy's body, it will immediately cut off the opponent's body.

But when the silk thread came to the enemy, the opponent disappeared out of thin air. The young man was stunned for a moment, and his movements could not help but follow, but he reacted very quickly and turned around suddenly. Sure enough, the winter solstice appeared behind him, and he was holding the original lost The long guard sword on the side pierced the young man's body at an unfathomable speed.

The young man screamed in pain, and swept his body forward, not daring to stop at all. The long guard sword that Long Shen gave to the winter solstice was naturally not an ordinary sword. , The young man's body was pierced by the long sword on the spot, and blood was splashed everywhere.

He threw himself to the ground, horrified as he looked at Winter Solstice, standing with a sword in his hand, with an indifferent look on his face, feeling the blood rushing up his throat, he didn't even dare to breathe, let alone move half an ounce.

But for the winter solstice, he "consciously" that his body was standing still, did not chase after him, and completely wiped out and killed the enemy. It was not for the purpose of pretending to be coercive or pretending to be mysterious, but his body was about to be unable to support it.

In other words, although this yin god is very powerful, even the young man is no match for him, but the "vessel" of the winter solstice is too weak, the yin god and the body cannot be fully integrated, either the body is damaged, or the yin god leaves.

And he could feel that the yin god didn't seem to want to kill the young man.

"God has the virtue of good life, this person is not easy to practice, I don't want to kill him."

"Who is he?" Dongzhi couldn't help asking in his mind.

But the yin god did not answer him, but said: "I am only a ray of spiritual thought, not the body of the god. I have spent seven or eight years here for thousands of years, and now I will help you. After this time, it will disappear. You take good care of yourself."

The winter solstice was taken aback, and before he had time to ask, he felt his body sink suddenly, he fell to the ground involuntarily, his chest was full of blood, and he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't help vomiting a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, the duel between Long Shen and the demons has also reached a critical moment.

Love, hatred and hatred in the world have never been cut off. The power of resentment grows from time to time. Over time, it condenses into demonic energy. Therefore, human demons have never died out. They will come back every once in a while. , so it has been destroyed several times, and there is still some demonic energy left. After a few days, it re-condensed and rekindled. In this underground cave, all the ghosts and thousands of corpses are the natural nourishing place for humans and demons, and its demonic energy is here. Get a steady stream of replenishment, here is equivalent to its main battlefield.

Long Shen was surrounded by demonic energy from all directions, and his feelings were even more profound than Song Zhicun and the others, because the stronger his resistance, the stronger the suppression of demonic energy. , as if the demon let out an arrogant and successful laughter, desperately trying to make him give up resistance quickly, completely fall into the devil's way, and become a part of the devil's energy.

He didn't move, his whole body's infuriating energy condensed into the sword glow in his hand, that ray of light and tumbling endlessly, the demonic energy that filled half of the cave fought for a long time, but it never disappeared. Although it gradually shrank, it became brighter and brighter.

"What good can the old men in the Special Administration Bureau give you? I will let you come forward and let you run around every day if there is something wrong, but so far they have refused to give you even a director!"

"Long Shen, you have a dignified and half-immortal body, but you have to beg for food under the hands of others. Don't you feel shameless!"

"The devilish energy can give you eternal and powerful power. As long as the human world is there, the devilish energy is there. You don't have to be the lackey of the Special Administration Bureau, let alone listen to other people's words. You are you, and you can achieve the ultimate power in the world! Join me. , Long Shen, the power is all around you, why not merge with them!"

These voices were not uttered by humans and demons, they were the sounds of demons penetrating into their hearts, and they were also tricks that demons used to confuse people.

A single thought becomes a demon, a single thought becomes a Buddha, many people with profound cultivation bases, because they cannot resist the drive of their own desires, they fall into the devil's way in a blink of an eye, and they will never come back. Fragile, they are easily swayed by infatuated money, they yearn for glory and wealth, they like to enjoy themselves, but they are lazy and unwilling to work. They hope to take shortcuts and achieve success without effort.

Humans and Demons do not believe that Long Shen has no weaknesses.

The gust of wind raised the cloak high, and under the cloak, the faces of humans and demons were looming. If the winter solstice and He met here, they might be shocked, because there was no human face or facial features under the hood, but a dense mass of black air. , the black energy keeps flowing out, and it absorbs the demonic energy from the ghosts at any time, blending with each other and becoming one with each other.

The dragon moved suddenly.

He pushed the sword forward slowly, inch by inch, submerged in the tumbling black air, but the light did not diminish.

In the eyes of outsiders, his speed is actually very fast.

Song Zhicun and Li Ying were struggling to gain the upper hand.

The ghost corpses fell one by one, and everyone was surrounded by back to back, carrying weapons to kill the ghost corpses that came from all directions.

Liu Si whipped a whip, and the corpse's head flew up immediately. His whip barely stopped, and one arm was numb and lost consciousness.

Basang and Gu Meiren work together, one attack and one defense, and the cooperation is seamless.

Li Ying cooperated with Zhang Song and Liu Qingbo to deal with Fujikawa Kui and other Onmyoji. Although they were just starting out, their courage was not weak at all. Under the siege of several shikigami, Liu Qingbo had a short dagger in his hand. Feijingjian came easily, but those shikigami were already scarred and panting.

In the past, Fujikawa Aoi would never put these hairy boys in his eyes, but he was severely injured by Long Shen and He Yu and others on Changbai Mountain, and his injuries have not yet recovered.

The one who cooperated with him was not Bei Chihui, his most proud disciple, but another male disciple, Gu Qishu. Although Gu Qi is also his right-hand man, he is inferior to Beichi in terms of talent. This time, when I came out with him, firstly, Fujikawa needed a helper by his side, and secondly, Gu Qi wanted to avenge his junior sister Beichihui, and he was aggressive and wanted to kill him. enemy.

Unexpectedly, the enemy could not be killed, and now even himself is in danger. Gu Qi's shikigami was swept away by Zhang Song's sword, and he flew back and slammed into the stone wall. With a loud noise, the shikigami dissipated in the air and shattered. Gu Qi also shouted, and fell to the sky spurting blood.

Seeing that Li Ying and the others could temporarily control the situation, Song Zhicun took a breath and ran towards Long Shen and Renmo.

"Long Shen, I'm here to help you!" He shouted, unable to hold the seal of King Ming with both hands, jumped up and slapped the head of the demon.


Although he learned Daoism with a big man in Longhu Mountain, the magic seal was removed from a monk he met and learned from him when he traveled to Yunnan and Guizhou. Needless to say.

This roar was like a twilight drum and a morning bell. It condensed almost 90% of Song Zhicun's strength. It broke through the demonic energy in an instant, and like a thunderbolt, the enchantment of human and demons was cut open, and a vitality was born!

The sword light from the front hit, and the demon-removing seal pressed down from the rear. The two white lights and the black qi entangled each other and fought fiercely, tumbling and rolling. Stir vigorously in the vortex of air.

The black fog shrinks and retreats sharply, surrounded by human demons, Long Shen, and Song Zhicun. In order to kill Bai Guang, it does everything it can to concentrate its strength and make a last-ditch effort. The power of Song Zhicun and Song Zhicun merged into one, and with a loud bang, everyone was pushed back by the powerful air shock wave and fell heavily.

The white light fills the sky, just like the long-awaited day, completely expelling the darkness, and finally returning a light to the world.

The cave vibrated violently, and a lot of gravel fell, and even the ground trembled.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

But when the smoke cleared, the Japanese side changed their face.

Long Shen and Song Zhicun fell to the ground separately, but the demons disappeared. All the black fog, including the cloak, disappeared completely.

Those ghost corpses and thousands of corpse figurines were also scattered on the ground, and the bones and skeletons were completely silent.

Gu Qishu's chest was stuffy and painful. He was affected by the air flow just now, and he also suffered internal injuries. He couldn't summon the shikigami, but looking around, the enemy's side was not much better. His eyes fell on the explosives in the corner of the cave. Putting on the bag, he gritted his teeth, tried his best to lie up, stumbled over, picked up the explosive bag, threw it into the groove, and then went to get the remote control that had just been dropped on the ground.

When his calf tightened, he was caught off guard and fell to the ground. Looking back, it turned out that the winter solstice hugged his calf and tripped him. Gu Qishu didn't even think about it, he punched him directly in the face.

The winter solstice reluctantly fought back, and also punched the opponent in the stomach. The two sides scuffled together. The two were seriously injured and their strength was exhausted. Without the technique of the body, they were all dead ends. They used the most primitive fighting method of human beings. :fight.

Gu Qishu's body is stronger than Winter Solstice, so naturally he has an advantage. He was punched several times in the stomach at Winter Solstice, and the pain caused him to curl up. He hugged tightly from behind, twisted to the side, and raised his knees to the sensitive part between the other's two thighs.

"Ah!!!" Gu Qishu cried out in pain.

The winter solstice was about to make up for the knife, but there was a sharp pain in the back of his head.

His eyes were dark, and he staggered a few steps against the stone wall.

The Japanese who attacked him was about to attack him again, but was stabbed in the back with a dagger by Liu Qingbo who came from behind.

"I, this is considered to be your favor, right?" Liu Qingbo panted while leaning on his knees.

The winter solstice held back the blackened dizziness in front of him, and said intermittently: "The explosive pack, under the groove, can't let the Japanese blow up, go get it!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingbo saw Gu Qishu crawling forward and wanted to reach for the remote control. He stepped forward and kicked the person to death. Then he jumped into the groove and took out the explosive pack. Seeing Song Zhicun and Long Shen took his breath away, got up and walked towards this side, and said proudly: "Dragon Bureau, Song Bureau, I got it..."

The ground suddenly swayed, and the amplitude became larger and larger, and the cracks on the ground quickly caught the eye below the stone statue.

Song Zhicun's expression changed, and he said to Liu Qingbo, "Run!"

The winter solstice staggered, rolling and crawling to pick up the remote control not far away, tightly clutching it in his hand, and cautiously, for fear of accidentally pressing the blast button.

Behind him, the huge stone statue swayed, and the cracks in the upper body were densely spread, and then a section was broken, and it fell on the top of the winter solstice.

"Get out of the way!" Liu Qingbo saw this scene as soon as he climbed out of the groove, but it was too late for him to run over, so he could only roar with exhaustion.

At the critical moment, a figure copied the waist of the winter solstice and led him to the corner.

The next moment, the head of the stone statue hit the ground heavily, stirring up countless dust.

"...Master?" The hit just now made Dongzhi feel dizzy and his eyes overlapped, making it impossible to see the figures at all.

"Give me the remote control!" Long Shen said.

The winter solstice handed over the remote control without hesitation. Long Shen pushed him out and said loudly, "This place is about to collapse, get out quickly!"

The shaking became more and more severe, and most of the stone statues had collapsed, and more and more rocks fell from the surrounding stone walls.

Everyone backed away.

However, Long Shen turned back and ran to the groove, took something out of his pocket, lay on the side of the groove, and fiddled with it with one hand.

Looking back at the winter solstice, I saw Long Shen's figure in a trance, and I didn't want to go back again.

Long Shen got up after making arrangements, and when he saw him running back, he scolded, "What are you doing back here!"

Winter Solstice: "Let's go together!"

Long Shen didn't care to scold him any more, he just stopped by the waist and picked him up, and ran outside.

With a bang, the stone statue completely collapsed and hit Gu Qishu who had no time to escape.

Smoke and rocks completely drowned him.

Liu Qingbo ran out with a pack of explosives in his arms, his face collapsed.

"Song Bureau, what's up with this thing!"

Song Zhicun copied it over, and everyone ran all the way to the original pool. Without saying a word, he opened the waterproof bag outside the explosive pack and threw the things in directly.

"Go into the water, this place is likely to collapse too!"

His voice fell, and the cave behind everyone had been shaken, blocking the way to the main hall just now.

Everyone went into the water one after another. He was dragged into the water by Long Shen on the Winter Solstice. He lost his strength after a few strokes of his hands and feet. It was Long Shen who directly supported him to swim forward. Before the Winter Solstice was suffocated, he finally surfaced again.

The place where they came out was the same river where they first fought the python.

"Wake up!" Long Shen patted his cheek, his face on the winter solstice was as white as paper, soaked all over and motionless.

After asking God just now, the fight with Gu Qishu has exhausted the last bit of strength in the winter solstice. Now he can't even lift a finger, not to mention his arms.

Long Shen had no choice but to carry him on his back.

"Is it an illusion now, or is it real?" Some people were unsure and looked around.

The feeling of shaking the ground continued. The most obvious change was that the water level began to rise, and the river began to churn. Song Zhicun frowned and glanced left and right, and suddenly saw five huge red light bulbs floating from a distance in the dark, and immediately said : "It's true, hurry up with me, the python is chasing after me!"

The giant python was blinded in one eye by them, and his body was covered with wounds. Seeing them was like seeing enemies. He would never stop until he killed everyone. Sure enough, he seemed to see Song Zhicun and others in the dark. The "bulb" accelerated and instantly narrowed the distance between the two sides.

The crowd ran wildly, and ran out along the river with all their strength.

The winter solstice was carried by Long Shen on his back, and he didn't know anything, so he avoided a heart-wrenching shock, which was considered a great fortune among misfortunes.

The "light bulb" was getting closer and closer, the huge snake head bent down, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Gu Meiren who fell behind. Ba Sang turned back and stretched out his hand in time, and pulled Gu Meiren forward, the snake head fell into the air. , the figures of the two have disappeared in the narrow corridor, the giant python hissed and slammed his head into it without even thinking about it.


But it was not the movement of the giant python, but the underground cave, which completely collapsed.

Cross the line on the threshold from the passage and return to the main tomb. This is the final safety.

When everyone looked back, they could see nothing in the darkness, and could only vaguely hear the movement of the rocks collapsing.

Everyone was paralyzed on the ground, looking at each other in dismay.

Song Zhicun said worriedly: "Under that groove..."

Long Shen said: "I have already used the seal given by Daochang Li and Elder Zong to seal the place first. The collapse should not affect it, so we can excavate it later."

Song Zhicun sighed: "That's the only way, I didn't blow up the Japanese."

Liu Qingbo glanced out of the corner of his eye, and a figure was quietly moving towards the exit of the tomb.

He didn't even think about it, he threw the dagger directly, hit the opponent's shoulder, and the latter screamed and fell to the ground.

"I still want to run, grandson!" Liu Qingbo sneered.

Xiang Yongnian rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the fainted Fujikawa Aoi: "Damn, these Japanese people have ruined us so much, and they almost killed us. If I don't kill him, I won't be named Xiang today! "

"Stop!" Song Zhicun shouted to stop him, "Fujikawa is useful and can't kill people. You should give him a simple bandage first, and then send him to the hospital when he goes back."

Xiang Yongnian was quite unconvinced: "Song Bureau, they tried to kill us several times just now, and they almost blew up the place. Do we still have so many scruples!"

Song Zhicun said angrily: "You are a member of the Special Administration Bureau, not a street gangster! A gangster can enjoy his revenge. He is a famous figure in the Japanese yin and yang world. Also dead, what do we use as a bargaining condition to benefit from there?"

Xiang Yongnian didn't expect this level, he was stunned for a moment, a little ashamed.

When everyone got out of the tomb and returned to the ground from the robbery hole, Song Zhicun glanced at them before the people from the sub-bureau came to meet them, and took the opportunity to teach a lesson: "It's cool that you kill him now, but when you know how much profit you've lost in the future. I only know how saddened you are! When you go out to do business in the future, it will be in the name of the General Administration, the name of the country, so you should look at the long-term in everything, don't just look at the present, but only care about the happiness of the moment, it will never be a great thing!"

In fact, there is no need for him to say that people who are impulsive and irrational are in the minority, and after this life and death experience, everyone has matured a lot at once, not to mention that they are at least qualified compared with the veteran members of the Special Administrative Region.

The yellow sand of the Gobi in the sky, and the end of the rolling hills, is a clear blue, and escaping from the darkness of the ground is even more precious.

Those thrilling times and the speed of life and death, as they returned to the ground, became the past that everyone did not want to recall.

Because they still have two companions, who have not yet succeeded in their apprenticeships, and are completely buried below.

No one feels that the sun is shining, and everyone would rather spend an hour in the sun than go down and experience another minute.