Bu Tian Gang

Chapter 86


Early the next morning, Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo met Hui Yiguang on the set.

This woman is free from the depression she had experienced some time ago, her face is radiant, and she seems to be living a good life.

Huiyiguang greeted them warmly and politely, and told them an unexpected news with an apologetic face.

"I told the director in advance yesterday, but I didn't expect the management to find three people each."

Liu Qingbo frowned: "Who is the Special Administration Bureau?"

"No no, it's a Feng Shui master!" Hui Yiguang said apologetically, "I know it's very disrespectful to you, but I really didn't know about it beforehand, but I will definitely not let the two of you go away for nothing today. of."

Winter Solstice smiled: "We are not peers, there is no situation where peers are taboo, but I am worried that they will be afraid when they see us."

Huiyiguang was stunned.

However, Liu Qingbo understood what he meant and laughed.

They belong to the Special Administration Bureau, and now those so-called Fengshui masters and metaphysics masters are not lacking in troubled waters. Just like liars who see the police, don’t they have to be afraid

Of the three people hired by the investor, two came earlier than the winter solstice, and one has not yet arrived.

The two who have already arrived, one is an old man, holding a compass in his hand, looking very friendly. One is a middle-aged man with a short beard on his chin, also wearing casual clothes, with a smile on his face and an unfathomable face.

The two also brought their assistants over, and at first glance they were more imposing than the winter solstice.

Seeing this on the Winter Solstice, he whispered to Liu Qingbo, "Is it too late for you to pretend to be my assistant now?"

Liu Qingbo snorted coldly, indicating that he would not talk.

They are looking at each other, and the other is looking at them.

Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo are too young, so young that they don't seem to be in this line of work at all, but more like young actors who come to act.

It was the boss of one of the investors who invited the old man and the others. He introduced the director and others: "This is Master Luo Nanfang, a well-known Feng Shui master in the south, and a visiting professor in several universities. He often gives some lectures. People are busy, and it is difficult to make an appointment at ordinary times.”

The old man of To Luopan smiled and nodded to everyone: "I heard that I can learn from peers, so I will come here, and I would like to ask you for more advice."

The investor also introduced the middle-aged man: "This is Master Zhang Wei. Master Zhang is a direct descendant of Longhu Mountain. He is so talented that ordinary people can't invite him. This time he took time out of his busy schedule to come here."

Zhang Wei seems to have a good personal relationship with him, and it's quite a face. Hearing that, he politely said: "Where is our friendship, if you need it, I will definitely not refuse!"

There were also people present who had heard of the names of Luo Nanfang and Zhang Gan, and they stepped forward to say hello.

Actors are filming from all over the world, and it is inevitable that they will encounter some strange and unexplainable things. Just pick an actor and star who has been in the art for some years, and he may be able to tell you a supernatural experience. Chaos God is actually far more convinced than ordinary people. And their pursuit and thirst for fame and fortune also make many people always hope to achieve their goals faster through some shortcuts, and Master Feng Shui metaphysics has become the most popular person.

In contrast, the unknown Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo are more and more foiled as charlatans.

However, the investors considered Huiyi to be honorable. When she heard that they were invited by her during the Winter Solstice, she said, "Miss Hui, can you introduce these two masters as well."

Hui Yiguang is very interesting. She didn't know if they were willing to disclose the identity of the Special Administrative Agency during the Winter Solstice, so she simply said: "This is Dong, this is Liu."

that's it

Don't even have a teacher's history

Luo Nanfang frowned and looked at Zhang Gan.

Many industries require young people, and the younger the more energetic the better, but some industries are just the opposite, such as doctors and Feng Shui masters. At the age of Liu Qingbo on the winter solstice, it is easy to give the impression of being sloppy and insecure.

According to the rules of the industry, it should have been the Winter Solstice and the others who took the initiative to salute Luo Nanfang and the others. Since Chen Shimen, who knows that the two of them did not do anything, they just smiled at Luo Nanfang and the others. All right.

Zhang Wei couldn't help frowning: "I don't know which senior the two little friends learn from?"

Liu Qingbo said lightly, "Liu Yongjia."

That was his grandfather's name.

The winter solstice was quite polite, but the name he said was also very unfamiliar: "My master's name is Long Shen."

If he talks about the Hezao faction, maybe the other party will know about it, but Long Shen and Liu Yongjia, Luo Nanfang and Zhang Gan have never heard of it.

They all had a judgment in their hearts, and they became more and more sure that the two of them were all liars, so they didn't bother to talk to them anymore.

Winter Solstice doesn't care what their attitude is. Anyway, everyone is two groups of people, and they are not here to fight. Liu Qingbo has this temperament, but he wants to make something happen when he has nothing to do, so he said: "Mr. Zhang, may I ask your way? What is the name, and which generation is Rui Tianxing in Longhu Mountain?"

Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows: "Do you still know that Longhu Mountain has these characters? It's okay to tell you, I'm Xing."

Unexpectedly, Liu Qingbo not only did not show a long-awaited reaction, but also looked at him up and down: "I heard that the youngest of the Xingzi generation are now in their 70s. It seems that Mr. Zhang is skilled in his appearance!"

He didn't question the other party, but he was questioned by the other party first, Zhang Wei was angry: "When Zhang Tianshi moved to Tai Island, I was the orthodox Zhang Tianshi, don't compare those fake celestial masters with cats and dogs to compare with me. !"

The Zhang family of Longhu Mountain has been prosperous since Zhang Daoling in the Han Dynasty. When the fourth generation of Tianshi came, the Zhang family moved from Shaanxi to Longhu Mountain. Since then, it has been handed down from generation to generation, and has been sealed by the imperial courts of all dynasties. Its status is very detached. Nan Zhang's statement means that the Zhang family, like the Kong family, is an aristocratic family that has not changed for thousands of years. In the Republic of China, which was the darkest and most chaotic era in China, the Zhang family moved to Taiwan Island with the defeated national army, and what was left were collaterals and branches. The long debate, the grievances and grievances, the outsiders don't know much.

Liu Qingbo laughed and wanted to say something, but Dongzhi bumped him with his elbow, signaling him to stop.

They came to solve the problem, not to fight the law. These two people were self-reliant and put on airs, but they didn't do anything excessive.

Liu Qingbo glared at him, and finally stopped for face.

Interlaced like a mountain, investors are like ducks listening to thunder. They only hear what they say is orthodox, and they feel that they are very tall, so they do not rashly intervene.

At this moment, the third expert he invited also arrived.

The other party was over forty years old, and he was also wearing a jacket. His style was very imposing, with a red face and a tall stature. He was more like a successful person than a spiritual practitioner.

But the investors were obviously more interested in this man, not only greeted him when he got out of the car, but also personally invited people in.

"Welcome, Master Chen, I'm so happy to have you here! Let me introduce to you, this is Master Chen Guoliang, a master that no one knows about in Hong Kong, and is also the top rich man in Hong Kong, Mr. Li, Ms. Gong Your guest!"

Chen Guoliang nodded reservedly, didn't even bother to say anything, just glanced at his assistant.

His assistant immediately understood what he meant, and said displeased to the investors: "Boss Zhao, what do you mean? You invited us over, but also invited others? Could it be that you can't trust Master Chen?"

The investor did not dare to offend, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, when I contacted Lao Sun yesterday, he said that Master Chen might not be free, and he couldn't give me a letter at that time. You can see that I'm in a hurry, so …”

As soon as these words came out, Luo Nanfang and Zhang Wei were not happy again.

Are they still a spare tire

The investor didn't want to offend these experts, so he hurriedly smiled and said, "Look at what I said, in fact, this matter is really urgent. Even the male lead went to the hospital. The crew really can't do anything about it..."

Chen Guoliang waved his hand and finally opened his mouth: "Forget it, let's take a look at the house first."

Investors are amnesty: "I'll take a few over there!"

Liu Qingbo clicked his tongue, but there was not much movement. Others were watching the house in front, but they didn't pay attention, but the winter solstice next to him heard it.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Qingbo said, "I've heard of this person before. If anyone wants to ask him to ask about Feng Shui, they have to make an appointment at least one month in advance. Arrived, this crew is rich, to invite him here, it is estimated that a lot of connections and money have been spent!"

Winter Solstice said with a smile: "It goes without saying that Han Qi and Su Fan can be hired to be the number one men and women, so can I have no money? I heard that just renting this house will cost a lot of rent every day. If it is resolved smoothly, the 500,000 yuan is worth it."

Investors accompanied Chen Guoliang to the front, Luo Nanfang and Zhang Gan followed with their assistants, and Hui Yiguang accompanied the Winter Solstice and them to the end, and opened a distance.

In response to the arrival of Chen Guoliang and the others this time, Hui Yiguang once again apologized to the Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo.

Winter Solstice said: "Those who don't know are not guilty, Miss Hui doesn't need to apologize again and again."

Huiyiguang said apologetically: "I have already described the general situation on the phone. I wonder if you two have any questions?"

Winter Solstice shook his head: "Not yet. Let's take a look at the crew first, and then go to the hotel. But I have always had a question in my heart. It has nothing to do with this matter, it has something to do with you, Miss Hui."

Hui Yiguang responded quickly: "Not all questions in this world can be answered."

Solstice: "You know what I'm going to ask?"

Huiyiguang's face was calm: "No matter what I say, I can't clear your doubts, so why do you need to ask this?"

When she finished, she sighed softly.

"Since the last incident, I woke up in the middle of the night, and I often have the illusion of confusion. I don't know if I am Hui Yiguang or Wang Qi, but it seems that the two of us are one. I even went to see I went to a psychiatrist, but the doctor said there was nothing wrong with me. It took a long time before I accepted my current situation. For me, everything has passed. I am Huiyiguang, and Huiyiguang is me. What do you think , Do I have any traces of being possessed by evil things?"


The current Huiyiguang is too normal to be normal, and is an ordinary person among all living beings.

Winter Solstice is speechless.

Hui Yiguang: "I will donate a part of the money I earn from each project to the disaster-stricken areas and poor mountainous areas. I don't want to say how many people benefit from this, but at least, this Huiyiguang is good for the surrounding area, right now. Everyone contributes to the society. Is it meaningful that you are obsessed with an answer from the past? No matter what the answer is, there is no way to go back to the past. I remember you said that the cycle of cause and effect is unpleasant. The result of the present is not conformity Tianli? Otherwise, the person who survived in Tianlei last time would not be me now."

Dongzhi looked at her and said after a long time, "I hope you remember what you said. If there is any mistake, I will definitely take action."

Huiyiguang smiled: "I will."

Liu Qingbo knew what they were talking about, because he also participated in the last incident, but he did not participate in the conversation. Instead, he kept his head down and pressed the phone, not knowing who he was busy communicating with.

The villa has a total of three floors. In fact, it doesn't take long, and you can walk around in no time.

After shopping around the house, the investor, Boss Zhao, asked them what they found.

Luo Nanfang said that the house is a bit overcast, but it is purely because there are too many trees outside and not enough sunlight. It is not a big problem. This place is not a place to live, but a tourist attraction. Every day tourists come and go like this, and the lack of yang is enough. .

Zhang Wei didn't publish any long speeches, but he probably meant that there was nothing wrong with the house.

Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo looked at each other, and felt that the two of them did have some real skills.

They are not specializing in feng shui, nor do they open their eyes to the sky, but with the keenness of practitioners, they can still feel the balance of yin and yang in this house, and the vitality is endless. Although the light is a little darker, it is just like Luo Nanfang told Zhang Wei. Yes, the house is normal.

"We also agree with the opinions of Master Luo and Master Zhang." Dongzhi said.

Picking up people's teeth and wisdom, it is estimated that they are afraid of revealing the details. Zhang Wei glanced at them, and had already classified the Winter Solstice and the others into the ranks of swindling and cheating under the banner of Feng Shui.

Luo Nanfang also shook his head secretly. It is precisely because there are liars among them that the good and bad are mixed in this industry.

In fact, what Boss Zhao values most is Chen Guoliang, who came late. Seeing that the other party has not spoken, he politely said: "Master Chen, I wonder what you have in mind?"

Chen Guoliang glanced at them and said amazingly: "There is a problem with the house, not only with the house, but also with people. It is people who affect the house."

Boss Zhao was taken aback for a moment: "This house is no longer inhabited, it is now a tourist attraction..."

Chen Guoliang said: "It's not the original owner of the house, but the current crew. Are all your people here?"

Boss Zhao hurriedly said: "Everything is here, except..."

The staff next to him added: "Several people were injured and hospitalized, including the male lead. There is also the female lead, Miss Han, and the second male lead has not come yet!"

Chen Guoliang waved his hand in a very unequivocal manner: "Then go to the hospital first!"

Luo Nanfang and Zhang Wei also saw that although Boss Zhao invited them over, among the three, they believed in Chen Guoliang the most. As soon as Chen Guoliang said it, they immediately asked someone to prepare a car to go to the hospital, but Boss Zhao did not neglect Luo Nanfang and others. Politely ask if they can come and see it together.

Neither Zhang Wei nor Luo Nanfang had any objections.

To be honest, they heard Boss Zhao talking about it in a hurry before, saying that there were accidents one after another in the crew, one wave after another, and it never stopped at all. They couldn't help but think in strange directions, but after they came, they found that everything was normal here. , There is no problem with the house, and there is no problem with the people. Of course, everyone in the crew is a little nervous, which also shows that Boss Zhao did not exaggerate before.

Although they didn't get along well with Chen Guoliang, and there were two "liars" on the side, Luo Nanfang and Zhang Wei also wanted to figure out what was going on.

The Winter Solstice said: "Let's go to the hotel where the actor lives first, and we won't go to the hospital."

This is because Hui Yiguang said before that she suspects that the problem may lie with Han Qi, so they are now going to find Han Qi.

Zhang Wei teased: "What are the two children in a hurry, go to the hospital first, then go to the hotel, is it possible that the two of you are in a hurry and want to go first?"

Liu Qingbo turned him into an army: "You can go to the hotel with us first, and then we can go to the hospital with you?"

Although Boss Zhao also felt that the Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo had little skills, he didn't show it on his face, and smiled to smooth things out: "Well, go to the hospital first, then go to the hotel, how about it? Just a few of them will definitely not be able to go back today. , I have reserved a room for you at the hotel."

Winter Solstice: "We just live in this city and don't need to go to a hotel. I heard from Miss Hui that yesterday Miss Han watched the hero fall down the stairs and was almost hit, and then her own assistant also had an accident. , Maybe Miss Han finds something, so I think it's better to go to the hotel and ask Miss Han first."

As soon as Boss Zhao heard it was reasonable, he looked at Chen Guoliang.

Chen Guoliang put his hands behind his back and said displeasedly, "Who has the final say here? Lao Zhao, you invited me over just to let me listen to the nonsense of two people of unknown origin? Did you invite me or them? If they are, I will be forgiven."

He raised his foot to leave, but Boss Zhao quickly stopped him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Master Chen, I didn't think about it carefully, do whatever you say!"

Liu Qingbo sneered: "I'm afraid that there is someone else who is talking nonsense! Chen Guoliang, Master Chen, dare to ask you which school you teach, and dare to say that our origins are unknown?"

Zhang Wei and Luo Nanfang had a good time. They didn't like Chen Guoliang or Liu Qingbo during the winter solstice, but they didn't have much to do, but the two sides started to make trouble first, so they just waited and watched the show.

Chen Guoliang snorted and didn't bother to talk to him at all, and the assistant next to him scolded with a heavy face: "You dare to talk to the master like this, the master didn't expose you, let you continue to stay here, it's already a face for you, you still dare to make trouble ?!"

The master was very arrogant, and he brought bodyguards when he came. At this moment, the assistant recruited the bodyguards and was about to take the two away.

The two bodyguards were tall and tall, wearing suits and sunglasses. At first glance, they looked like that, but before they put their hands on Liu Qingbo's shoulders, everyone's eyes were blurred, and they didn't know what Liu Qingbo had done. The two bodyguards had already Lying on the ground, clutching his arms and screaming.

This is of course not because the bodyguards are too weak. Chen Guoliang is very clear that these bodyguards are usually good players with one against two. Now they are facing two long and thin young people, and they were brought down with one move. It is not that they are too weak. , but the opponent is too strong.

His face changed slightly, but he didn't expect that after walking outside for many years, he would be misunderstood when he was at home. These two guys were clearly pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

Chen Guoliang calmed down: "Why are the young people so angry? If you have something to say, you might as well say it."

Liu Qingbo shook his phone: "Master Chen, I checked your information on the Internet, and it said that you studied under Guo Yushan, a famous overseas kanyu master in your early years. It's unfortunate that Mr. Guo is a family friend of our family, and I asked Mr. Guo through my father. Sir, he said that he did not accept a disciple named Chen Guoliang. Tell me, is the information published on the Internet written wrong, or Mr. Guo is so old that he doesn't even remember his disciples?"

Chen Guoliang forced a smile: "The information on the Internet is wrong."

Liu Qingbo snorted coldly: "Then may I ask which famous master Mr. Chen learned from? Can you tell me so that I can learn from it?"

From just now, he and the Winter Solstice, after seeing Chen Guoliang appear, felt that this person was a bit strange. To put it bluntly, he was more like a successful boss than a hidden master. In contrast, Luo Nanfang and Zhang Long are more genuine.

Unexpectedly, they didn't provoke each other, and the other party actually came to provoke them.

Boss Zhao felt a headache. Now he has begun to regret that he should not forget that he should be jealous of each other. He invited three people in one breath, and he could not help but secretly complain about Hui Yiguang. How did he find such two people? Over the years, he has wandered among the major wealthy families because of fortune-telling and feng shui, and has connected a complete network of people in Xiangjiang. Boss Zhao and Chen Guoliang are connected, not only to ask him to solve the current problems, but also to facilitate business in the future.

As a result, if he does this now, the other party will definitely take anger at him.

Thinking of this, Boss Zhao couldn't help but glared at Hui Yiguang.

But Hui Yiguang looked calm and did not seem to be disturbed because the person he invited offended Chen Guoliang.

Boss Zhao is indeed a smart businessman. Seeing her like this, his heart moved, and he felt that Hui Yiguang was relying on him. He thought that he would find a chance to ask clearly later. Thinking of this, he was not as angry as before.

So he hurriedly said before the situation could not be cleaned up: "Well, several actors are still in the hotel, I remember that Master Chen also likes to watch Miss Han's plays, why don't we go to the hotel first, just to chat with Miss Han, how? ?"

Chen Guoliang's face was not very good-looking, but he still went down the steps: "Alright."

Liu Qingbo wanted to say more, but was held down by the Winter Solstice.

"Do the business first, this person won't run." Dongzhi whispered.

Liu Qingbo was quite obedient this time, mainly because he felt that these two bodyguards were too weak, so Chen Guoliang was probably also a man of the world by his lip service. Not challenging.

Chen Guoliang had his own car, and Boss Zhao specially called Hui Yiguang to sit with him. On the winter solstice, they joined Luo Nanfang and Zhang Long, and the three cars drove towards the hotel not far away.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to be in the same car, Boss Zhao asked Hui Yiguang, "What is the origin of the two people you invited?"

Hui Yiguang smiled: "Don't ask, without their consent, I can't talk nonsense, but to say it, it's really big, I can only say that Master Chen is also good, Luo Master or master, when they come to Lucheng, they all have to be managed by Mr. Dong."

The difference between her and Boss Zhao is that she has dealt with the Special Administration Bureau and is also friends with Chi Banxia. She has some knowledge of the Special Administration Bureau and knows that these people have dual identities as practitioners and law enforcement officers, although ordinary people I don't necessarily know, but the actual power is very large, let alone Boss Zhao, even if there are people richer than Boss Zhao, they may not be able to invite these people to go out.

This sentence has a lot of room for imagination. Boss Zhao is a lively mind, and he immediately developed a rich imagination. Hui Yiguang didn't say more, so he could guess there.

When he got off the bus at the destination, Boss Zhao's attitude towards Hui Yiguang was obviously a lot closer, and he took a small sip, just like his own junior.

He also regretted that he was not very enthusiastic about the Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo just now.

The author has something to say:

The dispute between Daoism in Longhu Mountain is real. One is in Jiangxi and the other is in Taiwan. There are historical factors and other contents are fictitious. It is inconvenient to write too much here. Interested friends can search the Internet for themselves~~