Bu Tian Gang

Chapter 89


He subconsciously wanted to turn his head, but found that he couldn't move at all, and had to realize again the fact that he had no body.

Yamamoto Kiyoshi's blood-red eyes rolled and landed on Hong Rui and Dong Qiaolan.

"A body they found for me? The woman is too fat, but the man is just fine. Use the man for me!"

Hong Rui's body was shocked, he forcibly held back his fear, kept silent, and lowered his body, not daring to move.

Then he heard Song En's gentle voice say, "You almost lost your mind. The problem is not your body. With your body, you can't be like normal people. Don't beat their minds."

Hong Rui breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, and his body almost collapsed.

He doesn't care that the word "useful" is an insult to him, and the most important thing at this moment is to narrowly escape.

No one knows better than him the powerful methods of Song En, and he does not want these methods to be used on himself one day.

It was purely by chance that he met this head descendant. At that time, he and his business rival Lin Ji were competing for a piece of land in the south. In terms of connections and financial resources, the Lin family in Lingnan overwhelmed him. Hong Rui had been preparing for the land for a long time, but in vain He was unwilling to give it to the Lin family. At this time, Dong Qiaolan introduced Master Song En to him. The other party claimed to be able to make the Lin family quit automatically. Hong Rui was dubious, but it didn't take long for him to hear that Lin Jisheng was born. Seriously ill, the Lin family was exhausted, searching for a cure for Lin Ji everywhere. The competition for the land naturally ended without a problem. Hong Rui successfully won the land and his career took a higher level.

Since that time, he has paid homage to Song En, as a god, and after that, whenever he asks for anything, Song En will also take action, ensuring that his wishes will come true.

A local friend in Thailand once told Hong Rui that head-dropping is very popular in Southeast Asia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. He is ruthless, skilled in sorcery, and has all kinds of head-turning techniques at his fingertips. Not to mention ordinary people, even other head-turning masters are reluctant to offend him easily. This made Hong Rui more and more in awe of Song En and did not dare to offend.

Song En told Hong Rui and Dong Qiaolan that he was also a servant of Lord Popeye. Lord Popeye woke up from his slumber and needed a suitable body. He asked them if they would like to run for the Lord, and if they were willing to do their best to help, When the adults are completely resurrected, they will also be able to obtain the supreme power bestowed by the adults.

The fame above ten thousand people, or the innumerable wealth, will be something they can easily get at that time.

As a businessman who pursues profit by nature, Hong Rui is not very happy to agree to this illusory request for a fulfillment date, but he does not dare to disobey the grace. In contrast, Dong Qiaolan is much more devout than him. After returning, she really chose the "container" for Lord Popeye, and she picked Han Qi.

As Han Qi's former agent, Dong Qiaolan owns all of Han Qi's private information. She sent these information to Song En, and Song En was really satisfied, so without Han Qi's knowledge, a tailor-made one was specially made for her. The conspiracy was born.

Dong Qiaolan first brought Han Qi, who was troubled by the infant spirit, to Song En. Song En saw it in person, helped her expel the infant spirit, locked it into a jade card, and gave her a bright future. After returning, With the secret support of Hong Rui, Han Qi's career really improved step by step, until he met Hong Rui who was considerate and affectionate towards her, Han Qi began to trust Song En, and gradually became convinced. After that, Hong Rui also brought her to Song En, and Song En did his own way to inject a ray of magic into Han Qi, and told Han Qi that her child was a blessed child, and she would be rich and rich in the future. It is immeasurable, let her be well protected.

Han Qixin thought it was true, and he was really looking forward to the fetus in his womb, but there was an accident at this time.

Her expectations for the child affected the infant spirit whose soul was locked in the jade card. The infant spirit was the child she had shed in the past. Seeing that her mother used herself as a tool, but she loved the child now, she couldn't help but be full of resentment. Finally broke through the restraint of the jade card, which led to the accident on the plane, and also led to a series of subsequent events.

Naturally, Hong Rui didn't know that on the Winter Solstice, they unintentionally destroyed Song En's arrangement on Han Qi. He only knew that Song En was a vicious and vicious person, and he would repay him. Punishment, from the moment he came in, he has been on the verge of fear and frightened.

But Song En ignored him and was still talking to the head.

"I told you a long time ago that there are many talented people in China. You can't easily provoke them. You still don't listen to the advice and go there to kill people. This time, I just teach you a lesson." Song En said.

"I could have brought back the souls of several practitioners for the adults, but I didn't expect to be broken by one person. When I find the body, I will find him and smash it into ten thousand pieces!"

Dong Qiaolan's heart shuddered at Yamamoto Kiyoshi's sinister and twisted expression, and she hurriedly lowered her body and did not dare to look around.

Song En: "What's that person's name?"

Yamamoto said word by word: "It's a Chinese named Dong, Solstice!"

The puppet avatar technique is actually a combination of the onmyoji technique and the head descending technique.

At the beginning, although Yamamoto was lucky to escape from the sword of the Winter Solstice, his body was already dead, and at the critical moment, he could only reluctantly come to steal the dragon and turn the phoenix to save the current head.

All cultivation bases have been destroyed, and now I don't even know if I can find a suitable body and come back to life. Yamamoto can only live in this dark little house every day, so it is no wonder that he will collapse and go crazy.

Song En's expression moved slightly: "I remember, you had an accident in Lucheng, China?"

He turned to Hong Rui: "Where is Han Qi these days, do you know?"

Dong Qiaolan looked dazed.

Hong Rui thought back carefully, and said cautiously, "Before I went abroad, I seemed to have heard and heard that she was filming in Lucheng."

Song En looked at Yamamoto and smiled calmly: "It seems that this is not a coincidence, I did not expect it wrong. However, you don't have to be angry. I think your revenge will be avenged soon."

Yamamoto was very irritable: "I want to know more now when I can find my body!"

Song En reassured him: "Don't worry, even if you can't find a suitable body, when the adult is resurrected, he will definitely reshape your body for you."

As soon as the words were finished, Song En's expression suddenly froze, his eyes looked straight ahead, but he was out of focus, as if he was looking at something in the distance through Yamamoto.

After a while, his body relaxed obviously, he let out a sigh of relief, and said to Hong Rui, "My lord wants to see you."

Hong Rui couldn't believe his ears, he thought he heard it wrong.

"Yes, is that adult?"

He didn't even dare to say his name, not out of respect, but out of fear.

Fear emanating from the bones.

Song En didn't hesitate to say that name, and smiled gently at him: "Yes, it's Lord Popeye, you are honored."

Hong Rui didn't feel honored, he only felt scared, but he didn't dare to disobey Song En. He began to deeply regret that he should not have listened to Dong Qiaolan's bewitching and set foot on this thief ship, but now the ship has sailed Into the vast sea, if he wanted to get off the boat, he could only drown.

He felt that it was not a good thing for Lord Popeye to summon him. This intuition came from the animal instinct that humans have hunted and hunted for millions of years. However, Hong Rui knew that he could not back down. The subtle hope that the grown-up would change his mind in the next moment could not help but secretly turn back to look at Dong Qiaolan, hoping that the other party would suddenly make some noise so that he would not have to go to see him.

Song En was half-smiling, watching all his little movements, not only did not interrupt him, but watched with great interest.

A cold snort made Hong Rui jump in surprise. He raised his head and saw the human head was staring at him, showing a kind of malicious look. Behind Sonny.

Another aisle.

In fact, the surrounding scenery is not bad, green mountains and green waters, banana leaves swaying gently in the wind, white clouds drifting overhead, revealing the blue sky behind.

But Hong Rui was in a cold sweat, and he didn't have the heart to see any scene at all. He only thought about how to deal with it later.

He travels in the world of politics and business, and he has seen so many great people, but what he is about to face, has surpassed the human species, has a mysterious and unpredictable power, can lift him to the sky, and instantly beat him. In hell, let him live rather than die.

"Song, Master Songen, later..." Hong Rui couldn't help but ask.

"Shh." Song En made a gesture, and Hong Rui immediately fell silent, not daring to say any more.

They have reached their destination.

The entire room in front of him, which was tightly covered by black veils, was the place where the spirits of the demons were nurtured.

Hong Rui thought wildly, this place is located on the border and belongs to no one cares, surrounded by dense jungles that cover the sky and the sun, come here, don't mention the street sign village number, if there is no local people to lead the way, you will definitely lose your way. , and finally died here, even satellite positioning may not be able to find this forgotten corner, but this place is not completely isolated from the world, what resources are needed, you can go outside through Song En and his servants at any time The mobilization of the prosperous world, perhaps it is because of this, that this great man will choose to be reborn here

There was only a moment of distraction. When Song En lifted a corner of the black veil and bent over to enter, Hong Rui immediately retracted his attention, imitating Song En's appearance, and cautiously entered the room from the uncovered corner.

Fragrant, overwhelming aroma.

The light in the room was very dim, and a few candles were flickering, but the aroma was a hundred times stronger than when he first entered the stockade. All the organs that communicated with the outside world penetrated into Hong Rui's internal organs, choking him out of breath. , After trying to control the cough, the whole person was dizzy and his hands and feet were weak.

There are a lot of miscellaneous things placed here, including glass jars containing snakes, scorpions, insects, rats and other animals, but more, Hong Rui can't name them, and he doesn't know what they are used for. He just thinks everything is very strange. Entering this stockade, all the furnishings are strange, and the world of the head descendant is completely different from that of ordinary people.

On one side, there is a jar, which is a little smaller than the jar, but larger than the average jar. Next to the jar, there is a middle-aged man. In the dark, you can vaguely see the typical Southeast Asian appearance, that is, the cheekbones are relatively high, and the eyes are wide. Some are concave, but his whole person is in a stupid state, not knowing whether he is dead or alive.

Then Song En knelt down towards the jar, with his forehead pressed against the floor, and said something in a strange tone that Hong Rui couldn't understand.

Hong Rui didn't dare to look any further, so he followed Song En and knelt on the ground following his example.

A series of long and fast words burst out from Song En's mouth, Hong Rui was at a loss, but he suddenly felt a little movement in front of him, and he couldn't hold back his curiosity. He quietly raised his head, glanced over from the corner of his eyes, and saw a faint rise in the jar. The black mist, more and more, more and more thick, finally all jumped into the nostrils of the man next to him.

The man's body trembled slightly.

In the dim light, his expression seemed to be distorted, the whites of his eyes rolled upwards, but a cold arc was drawn from the corners of his mouth.

He heard an unfamiliar voice, hoarse like a sharp object sharpening on the sand.

"Tell me what's going on outside."

Hong Rui could actually understand, the sound hit his heart heavily, shaking his body, a pain in his heart, a hot current in his throat, and he was about to spurt blood. He felt dizzy and couldn't help covering his mouth. I'm afraid there will be blood coming out.

He felt the scorching gaze falling on him, like a hunter looking at the prey at his fingertips,

Sonny lowered his body even lower.

"Lord Popeye, your devout servant Song Enshawang sincerely reports to you that according to the news that Yamamoto brought back, the demon is dead."


The peculiar tone had an echo, as if it came from the sitting man's mouth, or as if it penetrated the eardrum directly into his mind, Hong Rui felt his head even more dizzy, and he didn't know if it was because of inhaling too much aroma.

Song En said respectfully: "Yes, without the commander of the demons, all the sneaky yakshas seem to have disappeared overnight. Although I can still perceive the existence of the residual demonic energy of the demons, at least it must be in the human world. It will take more than a hundred years for it to re-condense and form."

"So, what about Earth Demon?"

Song En: "In the East, there has been a lot of movement recently. It is said that they have clues to the stone tablet in their hands, and Yamamoto said that several groups of Japanese want to attack the stone tablet, so I think that Old Demon may have also awakened. "

"The human demon is too useless, you don't need to count on it. Since the old demon is heading for the stone tablet, at the right time, he can provide him with clues to the stone tablet, but you know what to do." The man's mouth opened and closed, conveying that he came from the end of the abyss the magic sound.

Song En became more and more respectful: "Yes, please rest assured, I will never reveal the location of Lord Bo Beiye, I am the most loyal servant of the Lord, and I only want to bring you back to life as soon as possible. Object."

The man laughed, and the laughter was cold and bone-chilling, enough to make any strong person chill from the bottom of his heart.

Song En involuntarily trembled slightly.

The man said slowly: "You're speaking lightly now, what if you knew that Old Demon was looking for the stone tablet for a greater goal?"

Song En is so powerful in front of Hong Rui and Dong Qiaolan, but he can only shake like chaff in front of men.

"Servants, servants are stupid and don't understand the meaning of adults..."

The man said: "When the magic power is abundant, it spews out from the cracks in the ground, the red magic moon descends on the world, and the gate of the abyss opens again, the old devil will not be willing to be driven by me, what he wants to surrender is—"

He suddenly read a series of very strange characters, but Hong Rui didn't understand it. He quietly raised his head and glanced at Song En, guessing that the other party might not understand either.

Although there is a lot of information here, Hong Rui is getting more and more confused.

He knew that this adult was the legendary demon. After hearing about it from Song En last time, he went back to check the information and found that the demon was the demon king in Indian Buddhism, known as Bo Xun and Popeye. From ancient times to the present, They are all extremely powerful monsters. It is rumored that there have been many natural and man-made disasters in history, and there are shadows of monsters behind them.

In the past, Hong Rui must have sneered at these mystical legends, but after he met Song En and saw with his own eyes the bizarre scene that could not be described in words, he couldn't help but believe it.

It was only after listening to the conversation between this lord and Song En that he realized that in addition to the demons, there are also demons and demons in the world.

The human demon is already dead, and the old demon seems to be looking for some stone tablet. This adult wants to be resurrected as soon as possible. Although they are also demons, it seems that they are not going all the way.

Song En lowered his body, and his low words echoed in the space filled with strange fragrance.

"No matter how the world changes, no one can match my devotion to you. I will always be loyal to you alone!"

Hong Rui didn't dare to pretend to be dead, so he quickly followed after hearing the words: "Me, me too, I'm willing to give everything for the adults!"

The man seemed to notice him.

The whites of the dead fish trembled, and his head turned slightly, staring at Hong Rui.

Song En seemed to be aware of it, and said hurriedly: "This is the person you want to meet. His name is Hong Rui, a Chinese businessman."

The man said slowly: "You said just now that you are willing to give everything for me?"

Hong Rui was sweating like rain and stammered: "Yes, yes, I am fairly successful in business, if you need money..."

"I don't want money." The man slowly raised his right hand and pointed at him, "your body, yes, this, I'm tired of using it, lend me your body."

Hong Rui was shaking his teeth, how could he not know this loan, in fact, there is a loan but no repayment!

"Sir! Please let me find a better body for you! Stronger and better looking than me, I can find anything you want!"

The man said sadly: "I don't want them, I just want you."

Hong Rui didn't say a word, got up, turned his head and ran out, but just as he ran to the door, he suddenly felt a cramping abdominal pain, and he couldn't move any more.

"Master Song En! Help me! I don't want to die, please help me to plead with the adults! I can do anything for you!"

He grabbed Song En's trousers, snot and tears streaming down his face, he didn't have the demeanor of a successful person at all, more like a stray dog wagging his tail and begging for his life.

Song En squatted down and shook his head sympathetically: "Do you still remember the water you drank on the way over? At that time, you had already been bowed, and I was not going to let you leave, because if you go back, you will definitely be If you are caught, those who have discovered Han Qi will find the clues of the adults from you, I can't let you expose the adults."

He touched Hong Rui's face, almost gentle, but Hong Rui trembled even more.

"I've done a lot for grown-ups... please..."

Hong Rui found himself unable to move, and could only let Song En's slender hand touch his abdomen, as softly as he was stroking his own child.

The next moment, he felt severe pain in his abdomen, Song En actually tore his shirt, split the flesh with his hands, and caught a long white worm from the three-meter field.

Hong Rui opened his eyes wide in horror, watching the long worm creeping slowly on the floor after it came out. He felt nauseated, and when he turned his head, he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood on the ground.

"Sleep, if you fall asleep, you won't know anything." Hong Rui's last memory was Song En putting his hands on his eyes.

He wanted to struggle and escape, but all his actions were beyond his own power in the eyes of others.

Hong Rui heard Song En ask: "Do you want to use his body to go out and see the outside world?"

The man said: "No, I just want to change to a more comfortable body, my current strength is not strong enough..."

Hong Rui's consciousness gradually became chaotic and blurred. He tilted his head and fell softly to the ground, never waking up again.

The man couldn't help showing a happy smile as he watched him completely lose consciousness.

"When the moment of revelry comes, and these ant-like human beings crawl under our feet, we will have countless food and servants. Song En, as my most loyal servant, I will allow you to accompany me to enjoy all of these."

The black energy slowly flowed out of the man's seven orifices, condensed and sank in the air, and gradually penetrated into Hong Rui's hair, skin, and internal organs.

The man who had lost his black energy was slumped on the chair as if his bones were taken away, while Hong Rui slowly opened his blood-red eyes.

"Yes, thank you for your gift." Song En fell to his knees and kissed his feet.

Dong Qiaolan waited outside, from when the sun was still in the center of her head, until the sunset, and did not wait for Hong Rui and Song En to return.

An ominous premonition gradually rose in her heart, her palms were sweating, and she was anxious.

He wanted to run away, but he didn't dare, because Song En's apprentice was staring at him coldly.

Seeing the sun set a little bit, the originally dim room lost its last bit of natural light.

The head on the table suddenly sneered: "You want to run?"

Dong Qiaolan trembled slightly, and hurriedly pulled out a forced smile: "No, I dare not..."

Yamamoto Jie Jie smiled strangely: "Your companion can't come back. I don't know if you can survive tonight."

Dong Qiaolan's face turned pale, she threw herself to the ground, and pleaded bitterly to Yamamoto and Songen's apprentice: "Two masters, I have always been loyal to my master, and I have also helped him introduce many guests, without credit or hard work. , I, I will help the master to do more things in the future!"

Yamamoto said coldly: "The surnamed Dong is from the Special Administration Bureau. They found Han Qi, and sooner or later they will find you. If you go back, you will be thrown into the net!"

Dong Qiaolan said, "I will be very careful, I can change my name..."

Yamamoto said with a smile: "Why so troublesome, it's better to just stay, I guess, Song En wouldn't mind having an extra container for you to practice the head-dropping technique, are you right, Song En?"

He said to the person behind Dong Qiaolan, Dong Qiaolan looked back subconsciously, but her head turned around and her body fell directly to the ground.

Sonny stepped in from the outside.

"My lord said that Hong Rui's body is easier to use than the original one."

Yamamoto Kiyoshi rolled his eyes, and now he only has his head left, and his body vision is also limited, which is very unaccustomed.

"Where's my body, when will you be ready for me!"

Song En said lightly: "Your soul is seriously damaged, even if you have a body now, it's useless, you should rest here well, maybe you can return to normal in three years."

Yamamoto said irritably: "Three years! I have to wait three years! If it wasn't for that Dong, how could I be like this now! I want him to die! He died a hundred times worse than me! No, I want his Body, let him be my new body!"

"What's the use of you yelling at me?" No matter how violent he was, Song En remained calm and instructed his disciple, "Zabigan, send this woman to me, my ghost descend is just one last item away. "

The obedient disciple nodded slightly, got up and dragged Dong Qiaolan away.

The woman who weighed more than 300 kilograms was dragged away by his hand without any effort.

Heron City.

Another good day.

When most of the northern part of the country has already started to snow, the sea breeze still brings a slight warmth here, the fallen leaves may not be all withered and yellow, and the branches are full of green, which makes people suspect that it is not winter, but spring.

Without the dry dust and smog, there was only the fragrance of flowers and the faint smell of the sea. Winter Solstice and Liu Qingbo yawned at the same time, trying their best to curb the drowsiness caused by the afternoon sun.

It's just that one person is lying down, and one person is still sitting in front of the computer typing a report.

Liu Qingbo couldn't help but took a blank look at the Winter Solstice: "It's really comfortable for you to be a leader, you don't have to do anything!"

Winter Solstice yawned again and pulled the thin blanket up a little bit.

"Who said I don't have to do anything, can we change the office so quickly without me?"

Volume 5 love is a silent song