Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 2


Fu Zhiyu was not at all surprised at his own death. It was only a matter of time. Instead of blaming Xie Ke, it would be better to blame himself. It was the retribution for his failure to judge people well.

Now he was just a little worried about Qiu Rong, the silly palace maid who accompanied him in his last days. He didn't know what would happen to her in the future. Maybe she would be bullied, but as a dead man, he really couldn't do anything about it.

But...is this what happens when people die

This was Fu Zhiyu’s first time dying, and he had no experience, so he didn’t know if the situation before him was normal.

He was in a black space, with countless fluorescent star-like dots illuminating the space. In addition to these, there was a book floating in front of him.

It was indeed a book, and it was very thick. Fu Zhiyu looked around and confirmed that the book was indeed the only thing left in this place. He took two tentative steps forward and looked at the book carefully.

This book was different from the one he had in mind. It had a very special cover. He didn't know what kind of paper it was made of, but it felt very good and delicately made. The gold-stamped cover was also very beautiful, with a few big words printed on it, which was probably the name of the book - "Leave a Name in History".

Fu Zhiyu looked at these words carefully. He felt a little strange. These words were different from the ones he was used to. They seemed to be simplified. However, he recognized them without any obstacles. He stared at them for a few seconds, then turned the page and saw a preface, which was probably the introduction of the book.

-- "A Name Left in History" was serialized online in Jinjiang in 2014. It took three years to complete and the total number of online hits reached 200 million, which aroused great response from readers. This novel has an imaginary background and describes the protagonist from the time when he was a bastard in a general's mansion until he unified the country and became a generation of emperor. The novel integrates military affairs, history, power and love, with a grand scale and strong and distinctive character creation. It is a rare masterpiece of online literature.

Fu Zhiyu read this passage with a frown on his face. Although he could recognize these simplified characters without any instruction, he did not know why, but he did not quite understand their meaning.

What's going on

He continued reading, skipping over a bunch of weird things like "Author's Notes" and "Comments from Famous Readers" that he couldn't understand either, and finally got to the first chapter.

Although Fu Zhiyu didn't understand the meaning of the above things, he knew the central idea: this is a novel, in other words, a storybook.

However, Fu Zhiyu never had the time to read such idle books as vernacular novels. Now that he was dead, he had nothing to do, so he just read some.

Fu Zhiyu simply sat down cross-legged with the book in his hands, lowered his head, and looked at the contents of the first chapter with full of doubts.

This storybook is also unlike the ones Fu Zhiyu has read before. It is written in plain language and is easy to understand.

The story in the first chapter is very simple. A twelve-year-old boy just returned from his apprenticeship. Because he was born out of wedlock and had not been home for a long time, he was looked down upon by the servants. However, the boy remained neither humble nor arrogant. With a little trick, he punished the evil servant who bullied his master.

Fu Zhiyu still doesn’t understand the basic operation of “face-slapping” in Shuangwen novels. He finished reading a chapter in a daze, with only one question in his mind.

Why is the protagonist of this story named Xie Ke

Although he was already dead, Fu Zhiyu still couldn't help but shudder in his heart. Apart from the emotional entanglements in his life, he knew very well how he died. The Prince of Heshun's mansion was guarded by Xie Ke's personal soldiers at the time, and it was very close to the imperial palace. He was resting in the garden in the center of the mansion at that time. In broad daylight, except for Xie Ke, no one could have the ability and the mind to kill him, a deposed emperor, right

Fu Zhiyu once again clearly realized that he had underestimated Xie Ke's cruelty. His physical condition at that time meant that he was just hanging on to his life, and he might not live for more than half a year. Xie Ke really could not tolerate him at all and insisted on killing him, and he chose to do so the next day after he had slept with him. He was very convinced.

Fu Zhiyu, who deeply felt that he was blind to fall in love with a scumbag, looked up at the sky speechlessly. Xie Ke's personality was really much more suitable for being an emperor than him.

However, there are too many things in this book that are close to reality.

The first chapter introduces the protagonist named Xie Ke. He was born to a concubine who died of illness when the protagonist was just born. When the protagonist was three years old, he was spotted by a wandering master and taken as an apprentice. This was the first time he returned home after practicing martial arts outside for nine years.

The home Xie Ke returned to was the residence of the Loyal and Brave General. His father's name was Xie Lin, and he was a first-class general in the court with 800,000 soldiers under his command and with outstanding military achievements. The mistress of the family, Mrs. Xu, seemed gentle and amiable, but in fact she was very wary of Xie Ke, a bastard who had returned from studying abroad and had great martial arts skills. The evil servant was deliberately sent by Mrs. Xu to test the bastard's strengths.

The first few chapters start from the loyal and brave general's mansion, and many characters appear, including Xie Lin's concubines with ulterior motives and the protagonist's half brothers and sisters. Although the protagonist is only twelve years old, he is calm by nature. The protagonist's ability to strategize has already begun in the first few chapters, and the good show has just begun.

But for Fu Zhiyu, the plot is secondary. How come the background and characters are exactly the same as the real ones

Although he is dead, he has not forgotten any of his memories of his lifetime. When Xie Ke was twelve years old, Fu Zhiyu was almost ten years old and could already remember things. He was smart at that time and could write a complete political commentary independently. He was also very familiar with the affairs of the court. The first-rank minister Xie Lin was in power. What was the situation of his Loyal and Brave General's Mansion at that time? Although many years have passed, Fu Zhiyu still remembers it clearly, and it is exactly the same as what is written in this book.

Is this a history book

Fu Zhiyu frowned and rejected this idea. The narrative method and angle of this book are too different from those of history books. Even if it is a folk history, it will not focus on one person as the protagonist, let alone describe the dialogue and psychological activities in detail. Narrating historical events requires rigor and objectivity. Even if the heart is not objective, it at least has a neutral appearance. Moreover, folk history will not spend so much space to write about these secrets of the back house. It is really not presentable.

Fu Zhiyu continued reading with great doubt.

The twelve-year-old Xie Ke's behavior was really unlike that of a teenager. He was very mature and steady. After only a month of coming back, he had already defeated all the temptations of his stepmother and even turned the tables, which won Xie Lin's favor.

Xie Lin began to pay attention to this illegitimate son who had been away from home for a long time. He even tested his schoolwork. Seeing that Xie Ke did have a solid foundation in martial arts, he took Xie Ke to the horse riding arena.

Military generals rely on their strength to convince others, and do not care much about the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children. It was there that Xie Ke truly stepped out of the rear house and got to know and meet young men of his same generation in the capital. Later, he became the leader of this group of young people and was the most popular for a while.

These descriptions match all of Fu Zhiyu's memories.

What on earth is this

Confused, he turned the page again and saw his name at the back.

-- Fu Zhiyu is the ninth son of Emperor Qingyuan, and his mother is Concubine Yun. There are many royal heirs, and in terms of his mother's family background, he is not outstanding, but in terms of appearance, there is no one better than him in the whole palace. Although he is still young, he has already shown signs of being unparalleled.

I understand this paragraph. It's a compliment to me.

Fu Zhiyu touched his face and finally found a trace of comfort in the book full of Xie Ke. He turned a page, but the evaluation took a sharp turn for the worse.

--The Ninth Prince looks like a fairy boy, but his mind is extremely vicious. He is also born with precocious wisdom and is quite thoughtful.

When he was eight years old, a newly favored noble lady in the palace took advantage of her pregnancy and acted arrogantly, offending him. Fu Zhiyu deliberately set up a plan to make the noble lady fall on the gravel road in the imperial garden, and the baby in her belly was not saved. She also fell out of favor. The emperor investigated for several days but found no clues, so he let the case go. The appearance of a god but the heart of a devil, probably refers to this kind of person.

Fu Zhiyu: "What nonsense are you talking about???"

I'm not, I didn't, I didn't do it.

What kind of crappy book is this? He once again questioned himself, where did this rumor come from

When he was eight years old, there was indeed a noble lady in the palace who had a miscarriage due to slipping. She had a bad temper before and had some minor frictions with him, but he was only eight years old at that time and didn't take it to heart after a night's sleep, let alone harming a woman and her unborn child. He was not a lunatic!

This book is so ridiculous. I don't know how many times Xie Ke, a man who cheated on me in the end, was praised as a handsome man with courage and strategy. But when it comes to me, I am the one who is blamed and scolded for having a vicious heart

What kind of rubbish book is this?!